Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 347: Looking for martial arts

Chapter 35: Finding Martial Arts

The three gods laughed because they found something interesting. These people have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and the number of people killed has been innumerable. Even, they often kill gods and look down on the army.

Li Xing's dual training of gods is not a small person from Tianchen Kuangwei. He actually wanted to fight with them and sharpen martial arts. Isn't this looking for abuse? Fortunately, they have been idle for the past few months, and it is good to have fun with this little person.

Gu Xuan pointed to the three and laughed: "Sir, they are all in the Tianchen Kuangwei. Although they are the three with the weakest strength, even the sixfold gods cannot easily defeat them."

Li Xing stepped forward, Guanghua flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "Very good! Come together!"

"What? You want us to take a shot together?" The three god-men widened their eyes. In their opinion, even if there is only one person, Li Xing can easily be beaten to the north. And he dared to choose one by three, was he crazy?

"Sell with all your strength, otherwise, you will lose badly." Li Xing said again, without giving the other party a chance to think, he had already shot. As soon as he shot, the thunder blasted in the air, the wind rolled backwards, and the divine power surged. It seemed that the entire battlefield was already his world.

The faces of the three divine men finally calmed down, and they understood why this man was so arrogant that he had arrogant capital. So powerful! With this alone, the three of them are far away.

"OK! Interesting, let's go together!"

Up to now, the three gods are not talking nonsense anymore, they rushed together, each performed his best martial arts, and fought with Li Xing. I saw that the sky was full of boxing shadows, finger shadows, and palm shadows. The squalling winds caused by the fighting stirred up the dust, and outsiders couldn't see what was happening inside.

At the side of Gu Xuan, several god-man guards widened their eyes and showed horror. They found that the deputy general practiced qi twice, and after confronting the three quadruple gods, he did not fall in the slightest, and it seemed that there was still potential to be realized.

"What kind of boxing is this? It's so tough and powerful!"

"Ah! This **** seems to be similar to the broken empty finger, but it is more mysterious!"

"Look at him, he has performed dozens of martial arts. How much will he do? It seems that he is training his hands with Tianchen Kuangwei!"

The more you look at it, the more shocked the people of God are. The most shocking thing is the three Tianchen mad guards, and the more they struggle, the more they struggle. The power of Li Xing, like the tide of the sea, is getting stronger and stronger, never stop.

At first, the three were able to hold on, but the harder they got, the harder they felt. Later, Li Xing could often combine more than five kinds of martial arts in one move, and the fusion was perfect.

Finally, after Li Xing performed three hundred types of martial arts, the three god-men suddenly made a look and jumped out of the circle at the same time. They fisted Li Xing and said, "We are not our opponents, let us go!"

Li Xing nodded, his expression was a bit lost, all three of them did not unite the will to martial arts, and did not help him much.

Gu Xuan saw Li Xing's thoughts, and laughed: "Mr. Fei still need more capable people to hone? This matter is left to me, please wait for me!"

Therefore, in the second batch, three gods and five gods who practiced God were invited over to fight with Li Xing again. Naturally, they quickly lost.

In this way, batches of god-man came and went. In the process, Li Xing's force continued to increase. Finally, the first three six-fold gods appeared in front of Li Xing. This was the seventh day.

These three divine men have condensed the divine fetus, and their strength is far superior to those of the previous figures. As soon as they appeared, Li Xing felt clearly. On the bodies of the three god-men, there is a mysterious breath, which is the power of the divine fetus.

The three god-men did not dare to underestimate Li Xing. Because they know that in the past seven days, Li Xing has defeated fifteen gods and men in Tianchen Kuangwei.

From the three of them, Li Xing felt a slight will to martial arts, which shows that they also did not have the will to consolidate the will, but already had the opportunity to consolidate the will to martial arts. There are few people who can gather martial will. Such people are not much more than mages, and they are not easy to meet.


Without any nonsense, Li Xing shot. Of the three gods, only one stood up and fought with Li Xing. Sixfold God-Man has the dignity of the Sixfold God-Man, and they will not attack in groups.

The god-man who shot the shot performed a set of boxing methods, and each punch seemed to be able to cause the effect of sky-scrapping, the power of the earth was shaking, and the mines exploded one after another in the air. He was led to attack Li Xing by heaven and earth, in all directions, one after another.

This is still not performing magic, if not, this person's strength is even more terrifying. Li Xing felt tremendous pressure. It was very difficult to do everything. However, this pressure has also inspired his potential, and one hundred and eighty types of martial arts continue to merge to create new martial arts.

Everyone saw that Li Xing's martial arts were endless, and it seemed that they could never run out of patterns.

There is no sadness or joy on the face of the six gods who shot. They don't look down on Li Xing and don't look down on Li Xing. Unconsciously, after three days had passed, he found that Li Xing was sending fewer and fewer moves.

Each punch is plausible, containing unheard of power and unseen techniques, which shows that he is creating new boxing skills and is marching towards the master of martial arts.

For another three days, the god-man suddenly shouted, his boxing changed, and he became extremely fierce and suppressed everywhere. Li Xing also made a long whistle and played some boxing techniques that were not like martial arts at all. Each move was simple and straightforward.

If it is clumsy, the simplest boxing method is the most effective boxing method. In one punch, he contained a martial arts will that he realized. This will, which has no fixed direction and no margin, can be called infinite.

This power appeared a little, and the message left by the Promise of Li Xing in Li Xing's Yuanshen was immediately activated, making this idea stronger and growing up.

What is Promise? Promise is chaos, confusing, it is the ultimate state of Tao, the initial state of all things. In the chaos, there are countless kinds of avenues that can be born out of nothing. Because of chaos, everything is contained, everything is contained, and everything is integrated.

As soon as this idea came into being, Li Xing's fist meaning was mixed with chaos, making it hard for people to figure out. Suddenly, the god-man who had fought with him for a long time suddenly closed his hand and said lightly, "I lost."

As soon as Li Xing's fist came out, he knew that he was going to lose. This is not desperate, he does not perform divine magic, so he has no chance to win.

At this moment, Li Xing bowed his hand to the god-man: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The god-man smiled slightly and left with the other two god-men.

Li Xingdao: "General, I want to retreat for a while."

Gu Xuan felt a joy in his heart. He saw that Li Xing was about to break through, and he was busy: "Okay, you can cultivate by yourself, everything is arranged by me."

Li Xing is indeed about to break through. Martial arts ideas have sprung up, and he can shock the threefold practice of God and consolidate the true martial arts. The vast majority of the triple gods, the so-called Zhenwu killings, simply do not live up to their name. But he has to consolidate the true martial arts formation, and this step of martial arts will form the basis of the true martial arts formation.

However, the will of martial arts is also divided into strength and weakness. What he condensed now is only the most basic state, and even if he is not careful, he may fall and lose this state.

Therefore, you must strike the iron while you are hot, and consolidate the real martial arts. After the martial arts are condensed, you can make the martial arts will more condensed and eventually complete by not killing the formation. By that time, Li Xing had truly reached the "real realm of martial arts" and could be called a master of martial arts.

Although the master of martial arts is not as rare as the master of dandao, it is also extremely rare and rare in the world. If he succeeds, his future achievements will be unlimited, and he can practice his strength to the maximum extent.

"With supreme will, consolidate the fist of chaos, break everything! Break me!"

After nine days and nights of retreat, Li Xing suddenly yelled, and his whole body rose up with an indomitable will, tenacious spirit, and clear reason. As soon as this will appeared, Yuanshen trembled and suddenly opened up a new world, Shenwu Meridian!

Shenwu meridian is the third most important part of deified meridian. When this meridian is 10% complete, Li Xing feels that his strength and spirit have been qualitatively improved and his strength has been greatly improved. With 10% of the Shenwu Meridian, the chakra in the sea suddenly landed and melted into the Shenwu Meridian. Li Xing put all his martial arts will and martial art experience into the free throw. Suddenly, the moment plate oscillated and strange changes occurred.

The chaotic will of martial arts instantly turned the square into a killing array. This killing array is not yet complete, waiting for Li Xing to add and perfect it, until the true essence of true martial arts is born from it.

Zhenwu killed 10%, and Li Xing practiced 1080 types of martial arts, looming among them, one by one phantom villain. He has practiced the Heavenly Sword, Wuxiang Sword, Eight-pole Sword, and the Nine Lives and Nine Killing King Kong not bad magic ~ www.readwn.com ~ also appeared in it.

Now, with the thought of him, he can calculate a certain martial arts perfection. The Tianlei Sutra that had been cultivated had only the upper part. At this moment, when the Zhenwu Killing Array was in operation, the middle and lower parts of the Tianlei Suder appeared all by themselves.

These numerous martial arts are no longer independent. They are all nutrition of Li Xing's chaotic martial arts. They will all become part of Li Xing's martial arts will, showing their might.

In fact, although Li Xing practices more than a thousand kinds of martial arts. But he did not practice deeply. Otherwise, he would not be able to practice all his life in those days. This kind of cultivation is just a contact, comprehending the essence of each martial art.

Emperor Tianxie originally used this method to look at the martial arts in the world to gather the true martial arts. Now, applying this method to Li Xing has really worked.

Others are absolutely not as lucky as Li Xing, even super-disciples. It is also impossible to acquire more than one thousand techniques of martial arts at once, and then observe the same.

Even with this condition, they did not have Li Xing's method of imagination. They could not quickly learn a lot of martial arts. Instead, they were too greedy and difficult to digest. Eventually, time and energy were wasted, but nothing was achieved.

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