Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 348: Step into Practicing God 3

Chapter 36: Three Steps into Training

Zhenwu killed 10%, Tianxie Emperor laughed: "Okay! Killed 10%, what you need to do next is to complete the battle. Every time you practice a kind of exercise, the battle will become a strong one. With a bit of insight, it's going to be strong until it's finally fulfilled. "

Li Xing opened his eyes, his spirits fluttered, and said, "Now, the strength of the disciples is enough to walk the world! In the cold desert, there is a treasure, it is time to search."

In the cold desert, the ancient tombs contain the seeds of divine magic. After Li Xing successfully killed Zhenwu, he would smash the quadruple of God and open the Shenzhen Meridian. By that time, it is time to practice divine magic.

If you get the divine seed, you can practice more divine. The more divine magic, the stronger the strength, how will Li Xing try this opportunity? Since the last time he got the news from Zhu Qingying's mouth, he has been thinking.

It was just that the strength at that time was far worse than now, and even if it went, there were not many opportunities. But now, he can try it.

"There are many powerful people going to the treasure hunt. Your trip is dangerous." Tianxie Emperor was very sorry. Now, Li Xing, consolidating Zhenwu's killing team, it takes a long time to complete this killing team, so in a short time, it is impossible to form a baby.

Li Xing didn't take it seriously, and smiled: "Master, have you forgotten Mr. Feng and Mrs. Phoenix? Both of them are very strong in training. I asked them to take a shot together."

"Well? In this way, the benefits are not occupied by these two people." Tianxiedao.

"In the tomb, no one knows how many things are hidden and how dangerous they are. Disciples naturally want to put everything in their pockets, but obviously this is impossible. Simply, I called the two kings and grandsons of the Phoenix and shot them together. Maybe you can pick up a piece of meat to eat. "

"Otherwise, even if I can guarantee my safety, I won't be able to rob precious things. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with the couple of Feng Wangsun and find opportunities. By then, once you enter the ancient tomb, you will have your luck and ability.

Tian Xie did not respond, but only said, "If you can trust the two kings of the Phoenix King and Sun, this method is a good strategy."

"I can trust these two."

After discussing with Tian Xie, Li Xing formulated a plan. On the same day, he said goodbye to Gu Xuan and Jiulixiong and set off for the Demon Forest. Gu Xuan did not want Li Xing to leave at this time, but he still chose to see off with a smile.

Before leaving, Li Xing temporarily handed over the powers of the deputy general to his agent. Gu Xuan has no objection to this, Jiuliong Xiong, who is his Majesty, is a person who can fight good wars, so it is appropriate to choose this way.

After practicing the triple play of God, Li Xing flew into the air, swiftly traveling for hundreds of miles, and extremely fast, so it took me a long time to arrive at the demon forest, and met the couple of Feng Wangsun.

It's been more than a year since the last separation. When he arrived, he heard a laugh, and a figure appeared and stopped in front: "Brother, you are here!"

The comer is a bad guy, but who is not Hu Ba? This Hu Bafang, because of Li Xing's face, was contained here, and became a person under the door of Feng Wang and Sun.

Li Xing smiled: "Brother Hu's style is still the same, and his cultivation is refined."

Hu Bafang took a look at Li Xing and sighed: "I still think I've practiced fast enough, but it's nothing compared with you. That's the same day, you are already a triple god, amazing!"

"The prize is over. I'm here to see Mr. Feng. I wonder if I can?"

"Yes, Mrs. Phoenix is ​​also here. These days, Mr. and Mrs. rarely go out." Talking about people, he led the way and introduced Li Xing to the Purple Palace.

Before coming, Li Xing summoned Xiaoxue. Xiao Xue was accompanied by Xue Ling in Baiyang Jingtian, and she was not lonely, but after she came out, she was still very happy.

Li Xing entered the hall, and the phoenix and grandson went out to greet him.

After hearing that, the phoenix king's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled: "You told the news, that you can trust me." He thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Li Xing was overjoyed, and was about to thank. Feng Wangsun's face suddenly showed a strange expression, and said to Li Xing, "Xiao Xue should go."

"What?" Li Xing was puzzled. But he immediately understood that four tall armored men suddenly appeared in the hall. The four armored men, all wearing black iron heavy armor, were as dark as ink, and their bodies were cold and murderous.

Their heights are all three meters away, and a pair of eyes contain the true meaning of death. Just one glance makes people feel cold. The four armored men, all of them are gods! That momentum is even more arbitrary than Feng Wangsun.

Xiao Xue in Li Xing's arms suddenly jumped up in anger. Little claws pointed at the four soldiers, and they seemed to scold them.

The four soldiers all bowed their heads and said, "Your Majesty has an order, please go back with us."

Xiao Xue was very reluctant and looked at Li Xing pitifully.

Li Xingwei smiled bitterly. He knew that the four soldiers should be from Xiaoxue's family. Xiao Xue's life experience is not completely clear, but what is certain is that it must be related to the demon emperor and has a very high status.

"Xiao Xue, since your family called you, you go back. If you have time later, come out and look for me, OK?" Li Xingwen said in a loud voice. The four practising gods are extremely heavy, and they must never use force, otherwise they would not know how to die.

Xiao Xue was more attentive to Li Xing's words. She glanced at Li Xing quietly, jumped reluctantly, jumped over the shoulder of a soldier, and yelled at Li Xing a few times.

Li Xing laughed: "You can rest assured that if I have the opportunity, I will come to Mr. Feng and leave information here for easy contact."

Xiaoxue was satisfied and waved his paw.

The four soldiers flickered and disappeared.

Li Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The oppression brought by the Four Gods was terrible. He asked, "Who are they?"

"The four great Honghuang guards of Her Majesty the Emperor, each of them is above me, and it is very scary. If the four of them form a Honghuang killing team, even the mage must retreat." Feng Wang Sun Xiao said, "You can advise Xiaoxue goes home, it's fine, the demon emperor will thank you. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No matter how good my relationship with Xiaoxue is, can it be compared with her family? The demon emperor summoned, there must be something important, otherwise he would have taken him back."

Feng Wang Sun nodded: "Yes, the demon emperor gathered all the materials and prepared to shape Xiaoxue's human shape, which made her go back."

As soon as Li Xing stayed and shaped the human form, did Xiao Xue want to become human? In his mind, it was unclear whether he was happy or otherwise.

Feng Wangsun looked at Li Xing: "Li Xing, you must want to know Xiaoxue's life experience. However, I can't tell you this matter, let her tell you personally. But I can tell you that Xiaoxue is very kind to you OK, at the expense of Xuanjie Yuanzhang. "

Li Xing is very smart, and he has long speculated about this. Xuanjie Yuanzhang, what a precious thing, Xiao Xue easily gave up. The biggest possibility is that Wuji Yuanyuan is originally Xiao Xue's, otherwise where would she give away her power?

Li Xing really did not know how to return this kindness, and sighed, "I know, Xiaoxue is one of the closest people in the world to me."

Mr. Feng looked weird, wanted to say something, and seemed unwilling to say more. In the end, he laughed: "Li Xing, I have some things to do before I go to the Youhan Desert, about ten days. In these days, trouble Feng Yi refined some elixir. "

Alchemy was much easier for Li Xing at this time, and he agreed immediately. The elixir that Feng Wangsun needs is two kinds of top-grade elixir, which helps Li Feng consolidate and repair it.

Although Feng is young, she is already a practicing qi. Because of this, we need to lay a solid foundation and consolidate cultivation with elixir.

At the time of alchemy, Li Xing thought of the wind not speaking. The master, who was recognized halfway, has been traveling for many years and has not returned. I don't know where it is now. When he comes back, he will help him through King Kong ’s refining.

Feng Wangsun returned ten days later, and Li Xing also finished two kinds of elixir and gave it to Feng Wangsun.

In this way, another day was prepared, and the two set off on the next day to the cold desert. When flying, Feng Wang Sun swung his sleeve, Li Xing felt, and his body flew thousands of miles away.

Even within an hour, the two reached the sky above the cold desert. Looking ahead, there are invisible stretches of sand dunes, I don't know how far.

This vast cold desert is endless and hidden with danger. The vast majority of people who pass by here have to take a commercial route. Commercial roads are the safest and easiest to cross.

Levitating in the air, Li Xing said: "This desert is vast, and it is not easy to find an ancient tomb."

Feng Wang Sun said indifferently: "Well, wait for me to perform the ten-square search technique." This divine light, reddish, constantly tumbling, condensing into a mirror.

On this mirror, the shrinking cold desert is actually shown, as if someone is overlooking the sky from a very high altitude.

The mirror surface was slightly rippling, and suddenly a dozen points flashed on it. When the Phoenix King Sun was swept away, one of the points was immediately enlarged to show the scene in it.

Li Xing saw ~ www.readwn.com ~ a caravan who was walking in the desert, apparently not a man of demons. So, continue to find the second point. Searching one by one like this, finally, a pair of expected images appeared.

A group of demons and gods gathered together to form a large array, condensed into a giant axe, and bombarded the ground fiercely. A large earthquake shook the dust, and a huge shield appeared faintly above the ground to resist the attack of the axe.

"That's them!" Li Xing's eyes brightened.

Feng Wang Sun smiled slightly: "It seems that they have not yet broken through the defense, we are not in a hurry, wait here."

It is undoubtedly a better way to let the other party consume power to break the shield, Li Xing readily agreed. The two landed and talked about some spiritual matters.

At this time, Li Xingzheng successfully killed the martial arts, and most of the questions asked were questions about martial arts. The Phoenix King Sun was shocked when he heard that Li Xing actually wanted to gather Zhen Wu's will.

He looked at Li Xing and praised: "Li Xing, there must be a great person behind you! But I will never ask you more. Today, I want to make a good relationship with you and give you something!"

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