Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 349: King of Kings

Chapter 37: King of Martial Arts

"Give me something?" Li Xing opened his eyes.

"Yes, there are very few people who can gather Zhenwu to kill the formation. Once the will of Zhenwu is gathered, the **** array that will be opened in the future is even more amazing and can perform great divine magic, even ancient divine magic. It will never be the same. "

Feng Wangsun's palm was unfolded. In his palm, there was a ball of brilliance. In the brilliance, a very powerful and profound martial arts breath was transmitted. Guanghua, condensed into the shape of a book, writes four large characters "Wang Wu Wang Jing".

"The King of Thousands of Kings!" Li Xing yelled, surprised and happy.

Feng Wang Sun laughed: "It is true that it is not the true King of Kings. The true King of Kings is already psychic, and it can evolve all the martial arts recorded on it into warriors and attack the enemy."

"This Guanghua is just a ray of thoughts from the King of Kings, representing a kind of martial arts."

Even if it was just a ray of thought, Li Xing was very grateful. He took over Guanghua and incorporated it into the Shenwu Meridian and entered the Zhenwu killing array.

Even the Emperor Tianxie was shocked: "Is the King of Martial Art still appearing on the earth? Li Xing, we must ask clearly where this thing came from."

Don't ask Li Xing, Feng Wangsun already said.

"The idea of ​​this king's scripture was discovered by someone in the mysterious wilderness, and then fell into my hands. Since you have martial arts will, this thing is better for you."

When he heard that in the wilderness, Tian Xie was disappointed and said, "It's a pity, a pity! If he knows the position of the King of Martial Arts, he can take it and become the King of Kings!"

Li Xing only heard occasional mentions of the Wan Wu King Scriptures, only knowing that this King Scripture is very precious, and if he gets it, he can become the King of Wan Wu. As for how terrible he was, he didn't understand, so he took the opportunity to ask for advice.

"The King of Martial Arts is the most prosperous era of ancient martial arts. A great man found a fetish, made a sample of the king's scriptures, and then gathered the most powerful martial arts at the time. Each of these powerful men He has his own martial arts reason and is a great master. "

"Each great master has written his own martial arts into the King of Martial Arts. It is said that there are 800 kinds of martial arts recorded in it, and each of them is an absolute mastery. The King of Martial Arts is itself a god. And injecting 800 kinds of martial arts, it becomes even more incredible. "

"Not long after the birth of the Wang Jing, the world was in chaos, and it also lost its trace. It was only talked about occasionally. But it was also catching the wind, but never imagined that this Feng Wang Sun had the martial arts thoughts flowing down from the Wang Jing.

Emperor Tianxie was very excited: "Li Xing! Such martial arts ideas do not need too much, only three or five, you can achieve true martial arts consummation!"

Li Xing smiled bitterly. Feng Wang Sun was able to send him this martial arts idea. It was already a big love for him, and also a big luck for him. How can he find a second share? However, he was not discouraged and smiled: "Can you meet him? It depends on God's help."

It seems that the people of the demon ca n’t open up their protection for a short time. Li Xing just cultivated in place, and the ten-fold god-man, the Phoenix King and the Sun, protected him.

After that martial art idea merged into Zhenwu killing array, the killing array was suddenly full and perfect. Originally, if others wanted to digest this martial arts idea, they must learn this martial arts and give up what was originally cultivated.

Li Xing does not have to do this. His martial arts is chaotic martial arts, chaos is infinite, and it is all-inclusive. This is the true meaning of chaos. Therefore, this martial art idea was easily swallowed up and became Li Xing's own thing.

This strand of martial arts idea is named Wusheng Martial Art. What is lifeless? Without leaving a trace of vitality, it is for lifelessness, but the way to kill, is extremely sharp and powerful.

After spending more than a month, Li Xing's body was digested, and Li Xing's body revealed a temperament of inanimate killing, which was shocking.

When he finished his practice and opened his eyes, Feng Wang Sun Zheng looked at him with a smile, his expression was very surprised, and said, "You have mastered this martial art so soon, it's amazing. No wonder, even the demon emperor will look at you very much."

Demon Emperor? Li Xing was puzzled and wanted to ask, Feng Wang Sun said: "You just woke up. A moment ago, they just used the magic array to break the defensive cover, and we passed immediately."

With a wave of his sleeves, he brought up a divine light, wrapped in two, and flew towards the ancient tomb.

When I reached the tomb, I saw that most of the demons had already entered the tomb. Outside, only six god-men grasped it. Of these six god-men, the strongest is the five-strength of training God.

As soon as Feng Wang and Sun came, they were all surprised, and one came forward and yelled, "Who is coming?"

The Sun King of the phoenix did not hesitate, turned into a god's light, and rushed into the tomb. These people saw that Feng Wangsun was powerful, but they also had to intercept them. They sent out divine magic and attacked. These little divine spells have limited power. Feng Leng Sun Leng hummed, a wave of divine power burst out, and all the little divine spells instantly disintegrated.

The Six Gods reacted, and Feng Wang Sun and Li Xing had entered the tomb.

"No! Go and report!" A demon **** sent a signal immediately to notify his companions who had penetrated the tomb.

When entering the tomb, first enter a burial chamber. This burial chamber is almost a palace. Although it is not as huge as the underground hall that Li Xing originally found in the area of ​​Bulin Gate, it is not small.

There is no god-man in the temple. Obviously, they have penetrated into it.

Feng Wang Sun looked at Li Xing, Li Xing also looked at Feng Wang Sun.

"Let's break up here, what we can get, each depends on luck." Feng Wang Sun Road.

Li Xingzheng has this intention. If two people are separated, the chance is greater, although there are some risks. They nodded, headed in one direction, and rushed forward.

Li Ren chose to go left and enter a passage. There are hundreds of passages in the tomb, and no one knows which passage will lead to it. Therefore, he has few opportunities to meet other people.

However, this does not mean safety, because God knows if there is any danger in the passage.

Just as Li Xing entered the tomb passage, outside the tomb, batches of gods and men descended. One of the six gods of the Goblins was slain by an extremely sharp sword in the face, and he would not die.

"This is an ancient tomb. There are a lot of treasures in it. Give me all you can to **** it!" A tenfold **** man, with a purple tantrum and a long shout, led a dozen **** men and rushed into the grave.

In this way, a total of more than a dozen people entered the ancient tomb. These people were all strong, and there were no shortage of cruel people. There were hundreds of gods and men, all of them rushed into the ancient tomb. They chose a passageway and rushed in.

Turned into a divine light, he walked quickly in the passage, and after a moment, he entered a small room. In the small room, there is a stone monument. On the stone monument, the book has the words "the trespasser is dead". On top of the stele, there seems to be a radiance of murder.

Li Xing sneered, without stopping, bypassing the stele and walking to a stone gate.

He was about to open the stone door, and suddenly there was the sound of God's light breaking through, and the three **** men landed. These three god-men, wearing black robes, were cold-looking middle-aged men.

As soon as they came in, they stared at Li Xing coldly, as if looking at a dead man.

Li Xing turned around and looked back at each other. He could see that among these three people, one **** man practiced the triple God, and two **** man practiced the God double. Three to two, he doesn't seem to have an advantage.

The triple-headed man laughed: "Someone came first."

A duo sneer sneered: "First come first die!"

Apparently, all three murdered Li Xing. Among the tombs, whoever is better is better than others.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing laughed suddenly and said to the three of them: "You are coming very well. In this ancient tomb, there are many dangers. I need someone to explore the way."

The three stared at Li Xing as if looking at a lunatic. However, the next moment, their faces changed, and Li Xing's head showed the image of a chaotic demon. As soon as this devil came out, the three gods all looked different, and in the roar, they shot at Li Xing.

Unfortunately, their own strength is far worse than Li Xing. Coupled with the attack of the Chaos Demon, it is even more vulnerable.

Almost for a moment, the three gods lost their selves and became confused. At this moment, the inspirational thought came in and broke into the three.

In Li Xing's eyes, the magic flickered and he said, "Forbidden!"

Suddenly, the three gods screamed, and the soul was completely controlled by the inspiration demon, becoming a puppet. At this moment, their eyes were dull, facing Li Xing, expressionless.

"Lead the way!" Li Xing gave an order, and Misaki really walked forward and opened the stone door. Li Xing, however, stood far behind him, knowing that there must be danger behind him.

A duo of gods shouted and slaps his palm on Shimen, only to hear a loud sound of "bang", and Shimen remains motionless. Moreover, his palm was stuck on the stone door at once.

Above the stone gate, countless black silk threads ~ www.readwn.com ~ burst into his body like worm silk. He didn't know the pain, he didn't yell, but backed up with all his strength and took his hand away.

Li Xing was taken aback. He stared at the thread with a stunned look. Silk thread is obviously a poisonous and extremely overbearing.

"Fortunately, I have a way to open the road, otherwise, I'm afraid I have to make a move!" Li Xing secretly fortunately, he issued an instruction, then the howl immediately screamed, his body was burning. This burning flame, called the Fire of the Primordial God, is a powerful fire at the cost of burning the Primordial God.

Sure enough, the black silk thread sizzled, and in a moment, it turned into black smoke and dissipated. Later, I shot it with a palm, and the stone door trembled, sliding away to the side, revealing a dark and faint entrance, I don't know where to go.

The lingering Yuanshen continued to burn, leading the way, and the flames illuminated the passageway. Li Xing found that the walls of the passageway were carved with weird murals. It is a story of ancient people's struggle with nature.

However, at this time, he had no time to observe these, and had to deal with unknown dangers.

After walking a few steps, the light appeared in front of him. Li Xing's divine thoughts wanted to explore the past, but only released ten meters away, he was restrained by a force and could not move forward.

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