Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 350: Tian Wu Tu

Chapter 38: Repairing Heavenly Martial Art. Ninety-nine Martial Arts

"Dabu Tianmu?" Li Xing blinked. "Is it possible to repair the Tianwu figure?

"Dabu Tianmu can repair everything, regardless of the damage of magical instruments, magic weapons, cultivation, sacred objects, and even human flesh. It can be repaired with it, naturally." May return Tian Wutu to its original appearance. "

Li Xing picked up the Dabu Tianmu and entered a spirit, and immediately, the amulet became bright. He gave a loud sigh and took it directly into Yuanshen. At the same time, Wu Tu was thrown into the Zhen Wu Shen array that day.

The martial arts map on this day is a sacred object, which contains a lot of martial arts, which is extremely strange. As soon as it entered the Zhenwu sky array, it was immediately brightened.

After thinking about it, Li Xing put Dabu Tianfu into Tianwu's picture at once. Suddenly, in this martial arts picture, bursts of explosions were issued, and a force of martial arts was released from it.

Li Xing felt that there were ninety-nine types of martial arts in this true martial art! Every two types of martial arts are by no means identical, each with its own mystery.

The Heavenly Martial Art figure keeps rotating and gradually turns into ninety-nine mysterious runes, which surround each other. The center of the ninety-nine intricate runes is wrapped with a rune that is hard to see, full of mystery.

"What is that?" Li Xing was taken aback. His chaotic martial arts could absorb all martial arts, but he could not see through the power of the central government.

"Tian Wu Tu has been opened. With the help of Zhen Wu Tian Zhen, you can gradually take these martial arts as your own and complete your chaotic martial arts." It's an idea. "

"Overriding martial arts?" Li Xing was startled. "What is that?"

"It is the Tao." Tianxie Tao, "Only after Fa Tian is enlightened, can he understand the Tao. After martial arts are just paths, Tian Tao is the avenue. When you have no attachment to the martial arts, then you call the Tao."

Li Xing only felt that Tian Xie's words contained the mystery of Tao, but he couldn't comprehend for a moment, and nodded: "The apprentice took note."

After using Dabu Tianfu, Li Xing began to notice two other relics. Beichen Yide has a phantom spear in his hand, and Beichen Hao has a seven-color parachute and a mace-like thing, which is called the Savage King Mallet.

Bei Chenhao couldn't even cast this barbarian hammer, because his power was insufficient. At this moment, Li Xing stretched out his hand and took a quick breath: "Good guy! This mallet is heavier than the mountains!"

Now, Li Xing has several good treasures in his hands, such as the bad clothes, heavy gold bricks, brutal mallet, seven-color sky umbrella, phantom spear, and King Kong sword. Unfortunately, these artifacts and holy goods cannot be easily sacrificed.

"There is a baby in the air, but it can't be used." Li Xing shook his head. "It's a pity."

"It's not impossible." Tianxie Dadao said, "You have already learned the star power and can devour the star-killing star power. The star power, above the mana, should be able to sacrifice the holy things. However, the star power in your body Too weak to absorb more star power. "

"Easy to talk about, star power is scarce, I'm afraid I can't practice it to a deep level for a hundred years." Li Xing shook his head. "Let ’s keep these things for the time being, and I will concentrate on practicing the magic."

Speaking of divine art, Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, three thousand divine arts, I have difficulty seeing it."

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey," "It's naturally difficult! However, for you, it's easy and easy to say. When your little divine practice reaches 300, you can use the Zhenwu Tian array to merge it into one furnace. , To find the root cause. By that time, the essence of many divine magics had penetrated into each other and turned into one, and three hundred small divine magics could immediately be transformed into one thousand small divine magics. "

"Is there such a thing?" Li Xing Yixi, so to speak, he only needs to find three hundred kinds of divine magic.

"It's not that easy. This requires the cooperation of Da Luo Gong." Tian Xiedao said, "So you must practice Da Luo Jing Tian Gong before."

"It's okay, wait for me to gather three hundred little magic skills, and immediately practice this skill." Li Xingdao.

The real martial sky array is constantly operating. Three martial art runes on the sky martial art map quickly merge into the sky array, and they represent the instant martial art, the ripped martial art, and the void martial art.

The three martial arts were already enlightened by Li Xing, so they were immediately available to him. The addition of three runes made Li Xing's understanding of the three martial arts even higher.

However, the remaining ninety-six martial arts are stubbornly surrounded by the mysterious rune in the center, which is not easy to be refined. Li Xing felt that without months of tempering, he could not obtain the fourth martial art rune.

As for martial arts, Li Xing is not in a hurry. Tian Wu Tu is in the sky array, and sooner or later he will be enlightened. However, the source of the god-man extracted from Beichenhao contains three great magical techniques.

Therefore, Li Xing gradually deduced with the help of ancient gods. Three great magic skills have been reversed to introduce three great magic skills, and the three great magic skills have derived four great magic skills. At this point, Li Xing's great divine magic has reached 36 types.

At the beginning, there were 36 types of great divine magic in the Emperor Tianxie. Today, Li Xing has surpassed the original Tianxie.

Cultivation of three magical powers consumed five ancient gods. There are forty ancient gods in the hand, and Li Xing got the idea of ​​ancient gods. He obtained 28 ancient divine seeds from Beichen Yiren.

Today, he has a hundred ancient divine seeds, but he has not cultivated the same, and can't help but feel itching.

The idea was immediately perceived by the Emperor Tianxie, saying, "Li Xing, you are not suitable for practicing ancient divinity."

Li Xing was splashed with cold water, and could not help asking: "Why does Master say so?"

"Ancient divine magic is not a trivial matter. After practicing, you can directly enter the heavenly path." Tianxie Dadao said, "Your chaotic martial arts has not yet been completed. You will practice Da Luo's amazing skills in the future, and gather a thousand small divinations. , A thousand great divine magic, it is not too late to practice ancient divine magic at that time. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly. It seemed that he would have to wait for a long time to practice ancient magic.

"Forty ancient gods can at least allow you to practice fifty great gods or more than two hundred minor gods. This is a god-given opportunity. You go out immediately, plunder the source of the god-man, practice three hundred little gods, and go all out. Ascension to Ascension! "Emperor Tianxie almost roared. He was looking forward to Li Xing's next ascension.

Therefore, Li Xing finally left after three months of Qi Yun faction. In the past three months, his cultivation has made rapid progress, and his strength has been arrogant enough to go around the world.

Li Xing's first stop was going to meet Wu Xiaogong for a while. This little boy from Wu was the first person to be killed in the name of "Thunderstorm".

Li Xing's cultivation is extremely profound, and he has transformed the light of God, with the power of thunder, and screamed all the way. God and man must avoid it when they see it from afar, thinking that it is a mage passing by.

The flight was extremely fast, and when he reached a mountain range, he suddenly stopped. Because he found that there was actually Bi Xue Men. The blood nine blood and blood seventeen blood of Bi Xue Men have conflicted with him.

It is rumored that the Blood God of the Blood Blood Gate has successfully practiced the Blood God and has reached the eighth level of training.

Now that he was passing by, Li Xing was prepared to pass by for a while, and his divine thoughts swept across the entire Blood Gate arrogantly. Nowadays, he doesn't put Bi Xue Men in his eyes at all. This is no doubt a deliberate provocation.

Who knows, this sweep doesn't matter, Li Xing found that a large number of ordinary people were detained in the cave inside the Bi Xue Men. These people are constantly pulled out and used for cultivation.

During the practice, the gods of Bi Xue Men directly inserted their palms into the chests of these people, and then drew strength. It turned out that the cultivation of this blood power requires drawing the essence of blood from the body, which is called blood element.

Human beings are also the spiritual life born in heaven and earth, and the essence of heaven and earth is naturally contained in the body. The blood element is the manifestation of the essence of heaven and earth, which can naturally be used for cultivation.

Li Xing ’s temples “jumped” all the way, killing his heart. Although he is high, he never poisons others. And this thing that Bi Xuemen does, is not much stronger than Wudumen, it is harming one's self, and God is angry.

"Who is it?" Angrily, he heard from below, and then there were more than a dozen thoughts that shot Li Xing.

Li Xing sneered: "A group of wild beasts, all of them are here!" With a wave of his right hand, the great poisonous technique was exhibited.

This great poisonous technique is extremely domineering because it inherits the power of the Wandu spirit fetus. Once it is completed in the future, the power is still above ancient magic. However, even though it is not yet complete, it is still quite powerful.

The sky full of poisonous light swept across the Bloodline Gate, and the Bloodline Godheads bear the brunt of it. Most of them are practicing one- and two-fold Gods. How can they withstand such overbearing divine magic? Immovable on the spot, Ren Li Xing slaughtered.

There is only one **** light, which rises into the sky. It is the Blood God, whose divine power barely excludes the poison light, and sternly said, "Which Supreme Master did I offend?"

"Hmm! You offended God, I am doing it for Heaven today!" Li Xing sneered, and his big hand cracked down. The thirty-six types of great divine magic and the forty types of small divine magic can directly suffocate the **** gods, let alone resist them.

He just felt that his eyes were dark and a horror shrouded.

"Nine Blood Changes!"

The **** **** shouted violently, and his body continued to bend, changing nine times in a row. He actually took out the power of Li Xing and shrouded it ~ www.readwn.com ~, turned into a ray of gods, and darted outward.

This method is the green blood **** of the green blood god, at the cost of burning blood, so very strange, just a flash, there is no breath, I do not know where to go.

Li Xing secretly resentful, but helpless, grabbed another big hand, and held 14 blood gods in Bi Xue Men, all in their hands. The Yuanshen shocked, and the origin of these gods and men was continuously drawn by Li Xing, sending out miserable one by one.

"Huh! You used to take the essence of others, now I'm taking your roots. This is the retribution!" Li Xing said coldly, more quickly.

At the same time, inside the Bixuemen, those scholars and fierce disciples kneeled on the ground for mercy.

Li Xingli said, "Although you have evil, but God has good virtues, I will give you a way to live today. Within three days, go to Qi Yunpai. If anyone does not comply, I immediately know that I will immediately go to the kill!"

Everyone promised again and again, which dare not follow?

With a large wave of Li Xing's large hand, many inspirational magical thoughts descended. In the body of thousands of people, the inspirational magical thoughts were planted.

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