Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 351: Divine Seed

Chapter 39: Divine Seeds

The instant step and the tearing of the **** fist were all extraordinary skills that Li Xing had learned in Tianwutu Middle School. They were performed at once, and the power was so great that the five-man **** man couldn't even hide.


With a muffled sound, the god-man was torn by a fist of Li Xing, and his death was terrible.

With a move by Li Xing, all the space instruments on this god-man were collected.

What happened here immediately shocked a lot of god-men. Suddenly, there were several god-men of the fetal stage, came over and stared at Li Xing coldly.

At this moment, a divine light descended, and Feng Wang Sun stood in front of Li Xing.

Practicing God is tenfold, wherever he goes, it is a horrible existence. Therefore, these people avoided it with interest, and did not put one more.

Feng Wang Sun surprised a few people, looked at Li Xing with a smile, and asked, "What's the harvest?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Luck is pretty good, Mr. Feng?"

Feng Wang Sun shook his head: "Except for a few gadgets, I didn't get anything."

Li Xing trembled in his heart and secretly said, "Did other people not encounter anything like Tian Wu Tu, Witch Puppet?" With this in mind, he secretly tried to find out the five-man **** who had just been killed. Get the space implement.

The things stored in the magical instruments really only have some mysterious crystals and magical instruments, nothing strange. If you think about it, even if the owner of the tomb is rich, it is not possible to randomly place things like Tianwutu in more than one hundred roads.

This can only be said that Li Xing had good luck and happened to go that way. Of course, if Li Xing had sufficient strength and means, he would not have been able to walk this road alive and not be able to reach the ground hall.

Said, Feng Wang Sun looked forward: "This time, there are very many people who came to the tomb, and the demons couldn't suppress it. I looked at it, and there were as many as six people alone. "

"So many people came here to gather here, why didn't they act?" Li Xing asked strangely.

"Look at that idol, it is the core of the tomb. To enter the tomb, you must pass this idol. However, we just looked at it. Among the idols, there is a very strong prohibition. No one dares to enter casually . "

After listening, Li Xing laughed and said, "So, isn't it here this time?"

"It's not necessarily that, the ten deities and gods have a lot of history, and they will be able to come up with a solution." Feng Wang Sun said.

Looking at Li Xing, in the hall of the earth, a very high idol stood. The idol, dressed in golden armor, with horns and horns, had a momentum that radiated from heaven and earth.

Seeing this portrait, Li Xing's eyes widened. Because this idol is exactly the same as that of the Wuhun in the Tianwu picture, even the armor he wears is the same.

What's the connection between the two? Li Xing secretly thought.

The two of them came near the statue and stood outside. Under the idol, five deities of great standing stood among them. They seemed to know each other and discussed with each other. On the contrary, the demons were all crowded out, looking sad and angry.

They finally opened the protective cover, but they did not expect to facilitate others, but they did not fall into their own hands. This kind of humiliation was really uncomfortable. But there is no other way. The situation is stronger than human beings. The five demon gods can't arouse the demons.

The current demonism is no longer strong.

One of the five god-men said: "This idol is a teleportation circle. Among them, it must have been manipulated, and once it enters it, life and death are unpredictable."

Don't be a **** of humanity: "Yes, if you don't reach the level of a mage, enter it, and die for a lifetime." He said, putting a light of God on the statue. Suddenly, the idol released a wave of mana.

As soon as this wave appeared, Li Xing felt that the sky martial arts in the space implement suddenly vibrated and seemed to be inductive to the gods.

Li Xing didn't move, and secretly entered a look into Tian Wu Tu. In this picture, an unpredictable force was immediately output back into Li Xing's body. Once this power entered the body, a sudden change in his eyes, he directly saw the situation in the idol.

Li Xing froze, rubbing his eyes, he could really see the idol. Behind the idol, there is a layer of overlapping space. Behind the space, there is a casket of gods. Around the coffin, there are seventy-two bright spheres of light. The spheres of light are formed by the intricate complex runes.

"Divine Seeds!" Li Xing's heart jumped wildly.

He now realized that the martial arts day must be the key to enter the idol teleportation array, but why did the owner of the tomb do this? What's the purpose?

The gods and men want to enter the idol, each with their own minds, and everyone is calculating. But they never imagined that Li Xing had already seen the situation inside.

Li Xing's mind turned sharply and he thought of all kinds of possibilities. He had a premonition that with the Wutian map, he could safely enter the teleportation array and enter the place where the coffin was located. But how can I get in without being noticed by others?

This is a difficult problem, and it is almost impossible for the gods and men to serve you.

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Xing'an conveyed to Phoenix King Sun: "Mr. Feng, I want to enter this idol, can you do anything?"

Feng Wang Sun is also studying the idols, and he was surprised when Li Xing said this: "What? You want to enter?"

"Yes, I'm going to enter the legal array and find out." Li Xing said.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Feng Wangsun asked.

"If you don't enter the tiger's hole, you won the tiger? These people, just looking at it, will never get a chance." He didn't tell the matter of Tian Wutu. The divine seed is very important, he will not tell anyone, even if it is Phoenix King Sun.

Feng Wang Sun thought for a while and smiled bitterly: "I have the courage, but once you go in, I can't protect you."

Li Xing said lightly: "I naturally know this."

Feng Wang Sun took a deep look at Li Xing, stopped saying anything, and suddenly said loudly: "When you talk like this, when do you come up with a solution?"

As soon as he spoke, the five gods who practiced God were all watching. One person said: "Do you have a solution?"

The top ten gods and human beings are all masters, and in Tianyuanzhou, they often know each other. Therefore, all five gods and men knew Phoenix King Sun, and they also knew them.

Feng Wang Sun said: "Since there is a magic circle behind the idol, why not send a few people in to see the results?"

Upon hearing this method, several gods and men looked at each other, then looked away. The rest of the gods and men were so frightened that they flew away and immediately retreated. Joke, the deities of God are afraid to go in, isn't it dead if they go in?

No one dares to enter, and no one wants to enter.

Feng Wangsun grabbed Li Xing suddenly. Li Xing shouted deliberately, "Feng Wangsun, what are you doing?" After that, he realized that he really had the potential for acting.

Feng Wang Sun sneered: "Of course I want you to visit Lu Xianfeng once, and let me in!" Throwing, Li Xing was like a shell, thrown by him to the idol.

As soon as the deity was stuck, Li Xing's body, the power from the Tianwu picture, merged with the deity, and suddenly pulled him into it.

Everyone saw that when Li Xing flashed on Li Xing, he disappeared.

The five gods who practiced the gods with the brightest eyes and each one caught each one. They all held one **** in their hands, and they threw them in the same way as the Phoenix King and Sun.

Unfortunately, when these people hit the idol, they all screamed, and a terrifying force on the image shook them into flesh, and there was no living one. You have to know that these captured gods and men are all five strong gods who practiced God. They were directly crushed, showing the terrible power.

The gods and men, all looking iron and green, looked at the Phoenix King and Sun.

"Feng Wangsun, what's going on? Why is he okay?"

Feng Wang Sun is also very strange. Naturally, he did not know that the idol could kill people, otherwise he would not throw Li Xing past. What's more, Li Xing has a sky figure, so he can't think clearly.

Although he didn't understand it, he knew that Li Xing must have used some means, so he smiled and said, "The only person is the body of Bai Yang. Perhaps only the body of Bai Yang can enter the idol."

This explanation is not convincing. However, Feng Wang and Sun are so strong that no one can force him to tell the truth. The five gods and men looked at each other and said, "I can't control so much. Let's enter a 'shuttle array' and go straight!"

"Okay!" Five top ten gods responded.

Feng Wang Sun sighed secretly, palpitating: "I don't know if this Li Xing can live out. Since he can live, once these five people enter, it is also very ferocious. I should prepare early."

He said that Li Xing was pulled into a distorted space by a force. In a blink of an eye, he experienced a very long flight and entered an odd space.

In this space, there was darkness all around, deadly, and it seemed to be a ghostly realm.

Directly in front of it is a huge coffin forest. Outside the coffin forest, seventy-two magical seeds surround it, like a satellite around the ground.

Seeing these divine seeds, Li Xing laughed and said, "There are really divine seeds! Just don't understand, why should the owner of the tomb put them here?"

Emperor Tianxie sneered: "Stupid boy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Haven't you seen that the owner of the tomb has no intention at all, he intentionally brought you here. If I guessed well, this person originally wanted Find a good hearth for your house. "

"As for these magical seeds, they are naturally prepared for himself. Under the sacrifice, he can immediately practice the magical skills and obtain great power."

"How does Master know?" Li Xing was surprised.

The Emperor Tianxie sighed: "Because at the time of the final step, I prepared for the teacher like this. This man's approach coincided with the original idea of ​​the teacher. However, for the sake of The teacher did not do it in the end, but the man did. "

Li Xing suddenly felt chills on his back, and looked at the expression of the **** coffin, full of fear.

Tian Xie smiled "Hey" and said, "You don't have to be afraid. In this coffin, his bones and Yuanshen must be contained. You collect the divine seeds first, and the rest teach you how to deal with it. "

Listening to Emperor Tianxie, his tone was full of confidence, Li Xing put down his heart and smiled: "Okay, first collect these 72 magical seeds!"

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