Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 352: Suppressing the Divine Coffin

Chapter 40: Suppression of the God Coffin

With seventy-two magical seeds, Li Xing grabbed it with a large hand and shrouded his majestic spirit. He wrapped all the seeds in it and put it into his body.

However, as soon as the divine seeds entered the body, they set up a divine array, blocking Li Xing's spirit from the outside. It seems that these divine seeds are already conscious.

Emperor Tianxie cried, "Okay! These 72 magical seeds are actually ancient magics, Li Xing, don't suppress them, just seal them in Yuan Shen!"

On this day, the evil emperor, who is not easily excited, yells at this moment, which shows that the seeds of ancient magic are indeed precious.

Li Xing's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help asking: "Master, what kind of divinity do these 72 divine seeds contain?"

Tianxie shook his head: "The ancient divine magic is not well known to the teacher. I only listen to old legends. The ancient divine magic is the most powerful divine magic. The general great divine magic cannot be compared with it at all. Therefore, you will It is also extremely difficult to practice ancient magic, even ten times more dangerous than when you condensed Xuanjie Yuantai. "

Li Xing smiled: "I will tell you later." He looked at the coffin. "It's a ghost, and I don't know what's in it. Master, what's the method you said?"

"It's very simple. If you directly ingest it into Baiyang Jingtian, the large array left by Chunyang Laoer will naturally come out to suppress it. On the day of the teacher, together with Tianxiezhu, it was suppressed together. Coffins. "Tian Xie's laughter was very dark.

Li Xing immediately thought of that towering sky, such arrogance, was also suppressed by the large array, and eventually consciousness was refined. Presumably, the existence in this coffin cannot be stronger than Tongtianmu.

He thought, and said, "Okay!" A divine power was sent over the coffin.

The **** coffin suddenly radiated hundreds of millions of black light, and suddenly opened up Li Xing's consciousness. Then, the entire coffin made a strange howl and suddenly rushed towards Li Xing.

"Good job, come in for me!"

Li Xing's hands seemed to be embracing, and he hit his divine power again. This method of taking pictures actually uses the power of Baiyang Jingtian, so it is very powerful, and people who are several levels stronger than him can take it in as long as the means are appropriate.

This **** coffin, apparently without any wisdom, slammed into it directly, in the middle of Li Xing's arms. He turned on the power of ingestion with all his power and immediately closed the coffin of the gods.


As soon as the **** coffin entered the sky, there was a sudden earthquake that triggered a ban. Like Tongtianmu of the day, countless auras condensed, and a large array condensed, and the **** coffin was severely suppressed.

After receiving the coffin, Li Xing couldn't beat his heart, and wasn't panting. He said, "Master, the disciples are well developed! However, it is not easy to go out. I am afraid that the five great gods outside are trying to get in."

Emperor Tianxie said: "What's the hurry? In this ancient tomb, there are countless divine coffins and divine seeds, which have been obtained now and are simply hidden away."

Li Xing smiled "Hey," he was thinking of it. Quite early, in the ancient tomb of Gulingmen, he was hiding in Baiyang Jingtian, and no one could find it, and it was absolutely incomparable.

"Okay, the disciples are here, and they have been practicing for a year and a half. I don't believe they have been here." Immediately, he flickered into the sky of Baiyang.

However, the outside world said that the five masters who practiced the gods had formed a shuttle array and ran for seven days and nights. A small hole appeared in the space. Five gods and men shouted at the same time, turned into five streamers and entered them.

Seven days after Li Xing took the coffin, the Five Gods appeared in the position where he was standing. Unfortunately, there is nothing here. And I don't see Li Xing.

"How can this be? What is it? Not a legend, there are divine seeds here?" A **** man growled angrily.

"Also, the kid who came in is gone. Is he running away with something?"

"Impossible! We are always outside, how could he leave? Unless, he is a division, and just leave the air, how is this possible?"

Everyone couldn't figure out what to think, and they were puzzled. However, the place did not even have root hairs. It was a waste of energy to enter, and the gods had to return empty-handed.

Beyond the idol, when the phoenix king saw five people coming out, he immediately asked, "Do you see the person who entered?"

Yi Shenren said angrily, "I saw a fart! There isn't even a human hair. Damn, it's a wicked door!"

Feng Wang Sun looked strange. Where did Li Xing go?

This gigantic tomb expedition is over. On the way into the ground hall, many gods were injured, but did not get any good. In particular, the deities and gods of the cult have the most foundations, but the least gains. Everyone is angry.

After confirming that there were no treasures in the tomb, the gods left one after another. Feng Wang Sun also left after one month. This ancient tomb has once again been deserted.

In the sky of Bai Yang, Li Xing was at ease every day.

Baiyang Jingtian has begun to take shape, and is taken care of by Li Xing, like a small country. Baiyang spirit fruit on Baiyang spirit wood was picked by Xueling and Shuiyue to make fine wine.

This wine is very good, sweet and sweet, nourishing qi, and the effect is still on that little Baiyangdan. Second daughter, named Baiyang Liquor for this wine.

Now, Li Xingzheng is drinking, and there are two beauties, Xueling and Shuiyue.

The two women, who have been practicing the Heavenly Order exercises taught by Emperor Tianxie recently, have made great progress. You know, the body of Jiuyin is also a strange body.

At this moment, the two women are preparing to condense the elementary child and impact the god-man.

"Xing brother, this Baiyang Jingtian is full of elixir, but it's still a bit cold and you should catch some animals to keep it." Xueling said.

Li Xing's eyes lit up: "Good idea, you can't remember it if you don't say it. I will catch some rare birds and animals and send them here when I have a chance."

Upon hearing this, a rich roar roared in the distance, and the fart ran over, his tail shaking. Obviously, it hopes so, so that it can have prey to kill.

In this way, Li Xing was in Baiyang Jingtian and stayed for half a year. Most of the time, he is practicing, and he will fully absorb the three wills of martial arts: inanimate martial arts, instant martial arts, and torn martial arts.

In addition, more than a thousand kinds of martial arts have also become more proficient and complete. In this half year, he has made great progress.

In addition, every day, I can cultivate with Xue Ling, Bai Yang has made great progress, and finally broke through the eighth weight, refining a taste of Bai Yang Reiki. This aura is even more sublime, and Li Xing's body is always tempered.

At this moment, Li Xingduan was sitting and practicing, a white spirit and aura, filled with his limbs and bones. He was dignified and dignified, with noble temperament.

"Bai Yanggong has finally grown up, and after a period of practice, you can impact the body of Chiyang." Li Xing muttered. He stood up, his limbs extended, his bones crackled and the air "buzzed" and shook. Demonstrate the power of tyranny.

"I don't know, how much divine power I have now, can I lift the mountain and lift the lake?"

The arrogant god-man can pull up the mountain, it is the real force to pull the mountain. Of course, most of the people who can do this are the tyrannical presence of the **** babies. However, Li Xing is a demon-like character, and there is a great possibility to do this. However, he is not sure yet.

At this point, Suiyue suddenly came, and said anxiously, "Xing brother, that corpse is moving."

The body mentioned by Shuiyue is exactly the body of Xiang Longsheng, who harbored the Jiulongyu. Upon hearing, Li Xing rushed over.

Xiang Longsheng's body was placed in a remote place, otherwise Xueling and Shuiyue often saw it, and it certainly felt uncomfortable. Xianglong Sheng, who has died for hundreds of years, is still lifelike, like alive.

However, he was out of vitality.

Ever since the corpse entered Baiyang Realm, it has been devouring Baiyang aura frantically. Naturally, this Baiyang aura was devoured by the magic weapon Jiulong Mirror in the body. Jiulong Mirror was damaged on the day of Xianglong's ascension. This is self-repair.

Magic weapons are self-conscious, possessing wisdom like people, and Jiulong Jing is no exception.

At this moment, just above the corpse, the treasure flow turned, and what seemed to happen.

At a glance, Li Xing knew that the magical Kowloon mirror was about to break through the body. He screamed, grabbed his hands, suppressed by an overwhelming force, and his spirit rushed directly into the body.

Li Xing's demeanor really touched the Jiulongyu. In the late tenth period, the dead man, like the magic weapon of space, can hold a lot of space. The Jiulong Mirror is hidden in one of the spaces.

Li Xing grabbed his hand and quickly found the Jiulongpi, winding it up with energy. His divine power is extremely powerful, but the magical power released by that magic weapon is even more horrible. When the shock strikes, his spirit will be blown away.

Li Xing groaned, a little blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, and his face was shocked. His nine lives and nine destructions of the King Kong did not damage the magic, shook the ancient Shuo Jin, but he couldn't stop the magic weapon from hitting at will.

"You know how powerful magic weapon is now? Before you gather the babies, you better not think about it." Emperor Tianxie appeared side by side and said leisurely.

Li Xing smiled and sighed, "That seems to be the case." He thought about it, took out the martial arts that day, and said, "Master, the martial arts of this day, since entering the Baiyang Jingtian, have also devoured the aura. The Wuhun in it has awoken a lot. "

"Do you want to continue to practice with the help of Wuhun?" Tian Xie asked the emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes, as long as I fight a few more games, my Zhenwu killing team will have a great chance to be successful. "

Emperor Tianxie said: "Don't worry, the master of martial arts is not that easy. Besides, I have already seen that in this martial arts map, there is currently no new martial art awakening, but it is coming soon."

"It's been six months now, but you can go out and see if those people have gone." Tianxiedao.

Li Xing thought about it, and felt that it had been half a year since those people didn't have to stay here, so they broke out of Baiyangjingtian.

As soon as he came out, he went straight to the ground hall. It turned out that the idol was not an ordinary thing and was actually moved away. The space inside naturally disappeared, and Li Xing went to the ground hall.

Divine thoughts were fired everywhere, and the tomb was empty and clean. He shook his head. Those god-men were even more greedy than him.

"It's almost time for the misty sword, Xueer and Shuanger are in the misty palace, I'm going to see them." Suddenly, Li Xing had a strong desire in his heart and saw Chen Shuang and Chen Xue immediately.

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