Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 353: Killing the disciples of the misty palace

Chapter 41: Beheading the Disciples of the Ethereal Palace

Misty swords, once every twelve years, when the sword is discussed, outsiders can participate in the swords by virtue of the misty order. If you can defeat the misty female disciples, you can embrace the beauty. Li Xing has been wondering why the misty palace did this.

However, it doesn't matter if he can't figure it out, because he wants to participate in the ethereal sword, the scenery is beautiful, and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are married back. At the beginning, his strength was inadequate, and he kept watching. Chen Shuang and Chen Xue had to worship the misty palace in order to save him.

Now, he is a three-practice god, with overbearing strength, consolidating true martial arts, and the world is ready to go. He must use one skill to rescue the two women.

Li Xing's first stop was not the Misty Palace, but the Murong Family. Despite the misty order, he didn't know how to participate in the misty sword.

Murong Jiaojiao is also a member of the misty palace. Li Xing can easily participate in the sword through her.

When Li Xing arrived at Murong House, Murong Jiao Jiao never came out to greet him. Li Xing couldn't help but wonder, wasn't she at home?

At this moment, Murong Jiaojiao was really not at Murong's house. At this moment, she was sitting in a secret room. Two men stood opposite her. The two men have a feminine breath on their faces. If Li Xing saw them, they would think of the actor, the pseudo-mother, without a trace of masculinity.

"Murong Jiaojiao, you dare to disobey the order of the palace master, are you crazy?" Said a man with a sissy voice.

Murong Jiao said angrily: "In the beginning, the Lord of the Palace had a word first and never allowed me to really participate. Why do I suddenly change my mind now and let me marry the Grand Prince of Pingguo?"

"You're such a clever woman, can't you figure it out?" Another sissy smiled, "Hey," Pingguo today is a fragrant magpie, a demon wants it, a Tianchen country wants it, and an ethereal palace also I want to. Even if it is said to be too virtual, I want to step in here. "

Murong Jiaojiao was startled: "What? How could this be?"

The man said: "This is the highest secret. How do I know? However, the High Lord has given an order and you still do it obediently. Do you not know the fate of the misty palace girl disciples, you are just pawns of the misty palace, do you want freedom?

Murong Jiao angrily said, "You want me to obey, unless you kill me!"

"good very good!"

The man's face was so angry: "When I came, the Lord of the Celestial Palace said, if you don't, let me do it on my own." As they said, they all laughed darkly, with four eyes, in Murongjiao Jiao kept looking.

Murong Jiaojiao's face changed: "What do you want to do? Dare to touch my finger, I promise, you will die very hard!"

Although she was in a terrible tone, she was terrified in her heart. What can we rely on at this moment? There is only one person, but he is not here. How can he be saved?

Two misty palace male disciples, laughing at each other, said one by one: "She said we dare not? Are you afraid?"

Another person: "I'm afraid of a fart! The women we have worked with are not ten thousand or eight thousand. Damn, when have you been afraid? Besides, this is His Highness' order."

Murong Jiaojiao's tears shed indisputably, is this the result of this life? Are those dreams that are daring to think, but flashed through, all broken? Why are there so many bumps in life?

At this time, Li Xing was impatient and went straight inside, but ran into Xiang Lan. When Xiang Lan saw Li Xing, he immediately said, "Brother Li, sister Murong, was taken away by two men."

Li Xing said: "Don't panic, who took her away and where did she go?"

"I don't know, it seems to be related to the misty palace. Sister Murong didn't want to go at all. They were forcibly taken away. The two people were very powerful, as if they were gods." She looked scared.

God-man is simply invincible to the nation.

Li Xing's face sank, and he snorted coldly. Suddenly, his divine thoughts rushed out in all directions. The sky became volatile because of divine thought. People in the city, looking at the sky, thinking it was going to rain, hurried to their homes.

Li Xing's thoughts, like a huge palm, enveloped him. The grass, trees and people in the city couldn't escape his eyes.

Two misty palace male disciples were approaching Murong Jiaojiao step by step. Suddenly, an overwhelming divine thought suddenly landed, and the faces of the two changed, and they said, "Who?"

In Murong Jiaojiao's eyes, a flash of hope flashed, could it be him? But the next moment, he was disappointed again. How could it be so coincidental, this hope was too slim.

Li Xing's thoughts cleared the matter clearly. In his eyes, he shot Mori Han's murderous machine, making Xiang Lan also scared back, eating and eating: "Brother Li, you ... what happened to you."

Li Xing said indifferently, "Xiao Lan, I'll pick up your sister Murong back." Then he turned into a sharp light, rising into the sky. This divine light, showing the moment of martial arts, instantly reached the sky above Murong Jiaojiao's closet.

For another instant, he had broken into the door and stood in front of Murong Jiaojiao.

Murong Jiaojiao, looking at the familiar back in front of her, could not help crying and crying. This woman, known as Leng Yan, could not control her emotions at the moment.

My heart is so happy, why cry?

Li Xing turned around, and gave her a gentle look and a flick of her sleeve, and the restraint on her body was lifted. She asked softly, "Are you all right?"

Murong Jiaojiao nodded vigorously: "I'm fine."

Li Xing turned around, flashing his gaze, and shot at two misty palace male disciples, saying arbitrarily, "You all deserve to die!"

The two misty palace male disciples are both duo of God. When they saw Li Xing appeared, they were startled and dreaded. Because they are only practicing the duality of God, not as high as Li Xingxiu.

However, on the surface, the two were still very proud.

"Boy, do you know who we are?"

Li Xing said lightly: "In my eyes, you are just two shit."

No matter how good-tempered the two were, they couldn't stand the insult, and one yelled, "Fight with him. The two of us may not be able to kill him!"

Li Xing shook his head and waved his big hand to make a sword. Eight pole swordsmanship, sharp and unparalleled. Since this sword technique was deduced by Zhen Wu killing array, the power has been even stronger. After hearing only the sound of Siling Ling, the two guards' breaths were cut open.

Then two screams, both were beheaded, and their heads were different.

Li Xing's strength can fight against the gods at the fetal level. These two are not enough to kill him. Moreover, his sword, which contains instant martial arts, is incredibly fast.

When the two died, Li Xing suddenly felt a pair of soft arms, hugging himself tightly from behind. He can feel a pair of soft things on his back.

His body froze suddenly, at a loss.

"Thank you, thank you for being there in time." The woman seemed to be slanging, holding her tight, not willing to let go.

Li Xinggan laughed: "You ... what happened to you?"

Murong Jiaojiao suddenly took Li Xing's body severely, then hugged him tightly again, and then put on a pair of red lips. No shyness, just fire-like emotions.

A beautiful woman, taking the initiative to embrace and give a kiss, how many men in the world can refuse? Li Xing can't either.

Lips are soft and sweet, Li Xingru drinks fine wine, and some are reluctant to part. Until Murong Jiaojiao was almost out of breath, she had to let go. Her face was flushed, but she looked bravely at Li Xing's eyes.

Li Xing also looked at her. For a long time, he smiled "Hey," "How do you bite?" His lips were bitten by a deep tooth mark.

Murong Jiaofei flew his eyes and bit his lip and asked, "You don't like it?"

Li Xing sent his face up again and said, "Bite one more."

That day, Murong Jiaojiao and Li Xing returned to Murong's house. Li Xing then asked what had happened.

It turns out that there are twelve palaces in the misty palace, and she is a person in the palace of the earth. Fanchen Hall is mainly responsible for collecting news abroad and handling foreign-related matters. Recently, His Highness Fanchen ordered her to find a way to marry the great prince.

It seems that the misty palace is optimistic about the big prince, thinking that he can control the power of peace.

Hearing this, Li Xing was puzzled. Why did the misty palace do it? A great prince has no value at all, and the entire Ping State is almost controlled by the Dark Sect.

"I don't want to, the Lord of the Palace sent him two to threaten. You know the rest," she sighed. "Kill them both, I can't go back to the misty palace."

Seeing her expression of worry, Li Xing asked the reason.

"The misty palace, strict regulations. I am now betraying the door of the division, they will not let go. Even, they will send people to revenge Murong family."

Li Xing thought about it, and asked, "How many gods and people are there in the misty palace?

Murong Jiaojiao thought for a while: "All I know is that the masters of the twelve palaces are all at the level of **** infants. As for the elders above, I don't know."

Li Xing thought for a moment, took out too false orders from his arms, and handed them to Murong Jiaojiao: "With this order, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and pays attention to Taixuanmen."

Murong Jiaojiao was startled: "Too deceptive! How could you have it?"

With a smile, Li Xing said, "It is a gift from Princess Yu Rui." He said the whole story.

"It's so precious that you don't keep it for yourself." Murong Jiaojiao shook her head.

However, Li Xing still put too much false orders in her hands, saying: "With this order, the Ethereal Palace should not dare to strike against you. In addition, your family can move to Tianchen Kingdom. Pingguo is chaotic and it is better to give up."

Murong Jiaoqiao widened his eyes: "Go to Tianchen?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You may not know, I am the Tianchen Kingdom Hou, the land is huge, and Hugh said that a Murong family, even if it is a peaceful country, can still hold it."

Murong was overjoyed, she felt more and more that the man in front of me was mysterious. Fanghou, who became a superpower Tianchen Kingdom, couldn't believe her ears.

"When I looked for it, I wanted to ask about the Ethereal Sword. How do you know how to participate?" Li Xing suddenly said.

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