Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 354: Misty cliff

Chapter 42: Ethereal Cliff

Upon hearing the mysterious sword, Murong Jiaojiao felt a little lost. She knew that Li Xing must be here for Chen Shuang and Chen Xue. The two sisters were the first to know Li Xing, and they had a relationship.

However, she also knew that a character like Li Xing could never have only one woman. On Tianyuanzhou, all successful men are three wives and four concubines, and she is quite acceptable.

"With the misty order, you can wait on the misty cliff the day before the sword, and someone will answer it."

"Why does Xiaomiao Palace do this?"

Murong Jiaojiao: "The real strength of the misty palace is not how many gods but its connection with the outside world. You know that many of the disciples of the superpowers have married the girl disciples of the misty palace? If there is something in the misty palace, these martial arts will surely help. This is the effect of the misty sword. "

"In twelve years, there will be hundreds of people participating in the sword, competing for the women of the misty palace. This has become a fashion, and many family members are proud to marry the misty female disciples."

Li Xing sneered: "So, it's not the female disciples who talk about swords, but the family members who come here?"

"Yes, whoever has the strongest force will take a female disciple. The specific situation changes from year to year." She paused. "I heard about Chen Shuang and Chen Xue. . Now they have all entered the weight of God and man, and are disciples of forgetting the temple. "

"So you don't have to worry that they will be selected, because the female disciples in the Temple of Forgetfulness will not participate in such things. All they have to do is to practice hardships and serve as the top of the misty palace in the future."

As she said, Li Xing frowned instead: "I originally wanted to borrow them from the ethereal sword and take them away. In this way, it can't be so simple."

Murong Jiaojiao's eyes turned: "There is another way, if you can defeat all those who hold the Ethereal Order, you can make a request to the Ethereal Palace. Because of this existence, the future is very promising, and the Ethereal Palace will try its best to stop of."

Li Xing's eyes flickered, and he smiled: "Are you better than everyone? I don't know. Of those people, what is the most powerful one?"

"Every time, the participants of the mysterious sword, most of them practiced the sixth or more of God. Occasionally, six or seven people appeared, but very few." Murong Jiaojiao sighed, "Unfortunately, I had fantasies, You will go to the misty palace and take me away. Now it seems that there is no chance. "She reached out and slaped Li Xing's waist with a hate expression," Chen Chen and Chen Xue cheaper. "

Li Xing laughed "hehe", feeling sweet inside. He thought, "I don't know, Jiao Jiao knew about Xueling and Shuiyue, would he bit me to death?" Thinking of this, he fought a cold war.

Li Xing stayed at Murong's house for a while. Xiang Lanxiu is fast, and at this moment he has condensed the Yuan tire and become a half-step god-man. Because of taking Xiaobai Yangdan left by Li Xing last time, Murong Jiaojiao's cultivation has also made a breakthrough.

One day, Murong Jiaojiao suddenly said to Li Xing: "My father wants to see you."

Li Xing smiled: "He knows about us?"

Murong Jiaojiao blushed and smashed Li Xing with a fist: "What do you say?"

Li Xing smiled "Hey", he was not afraid of Murong Tianxing, the future Taishan, and said, "OK, I'll see him."

This is a small living room, elegantly decorated, and Murong is sitting in the sitting room waiting for Li Xing. At the moment, his mood is complicated. He already knew about Murong Jiaojiao, and he also knew about Li Xing's killing of the misty messenger.

He has a headache now, although he doesn't want his daughter to marry the prince, but he also doesn't want to offend the misty palace. Fortunately, there is still a glimmer of hope. That Li Xing is actually the Tianchen Guoyuhou.

Pingguo is just a small country with a big fart, and development here has really made little progress. If you can enter Tianchen Kingdom and make a career, then you are worthy of your ancestors.

Therefore, when Murong Tianxing had a headache, he was also very excited. He saw the hope of the Murong family to grow.

At this time, Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao walked into the small living room.

"Father, I brought Li Xing." Murong Jiaojiao said with a smile.

Li Xing met the future father-in-law, but nodded slightly: "I've met Yuhou."

Murong Tianxing's eyes looked at Li Xing. He was tenacious in training, and could not see Li Xingxiu's depth. Li Xing looked at each other. After a while, Murong asked: "Are you really the Tianchen Kingdom?"

Li Xingdao: "Yes."

"You are young, how do you do the upper position?"

Li Xingdao: "I assisted General Gu Xuan, killed 100,000 enemies, killed 20 gods, and contributed. General Gu asked me for me in the presence of Emperor Tianchen, so he was named Fanghou.

"What? Gu Xuan? Gu Xuan's Gu Xuan?" Murong Tianxing was surprised.

"Exactly." Li Xing said lightly.

Murong Tianxing took a breath and nodded: "So, you are from the Gu family."

Li Xing smiled: "I'm not from the Gu family, I'm me. If I have to get involved, I and the Gu family currently have an alliance."


Murong Tianxing raised an eyebrow: "So, you are in Tianchen Kingdom, and you have opened the mountain door?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You can say so."

Murong Tianxing stopped talking, a character who dared to stand on his own in Tianchen Kingdom was unimaginable. After a long time, after pondering deeply, he groaned, "You have a bright future. I'm relieved to give you Jiao Jiao."

Li Xing smiled: "Thank you very much. If Yu Hou is going to go to Tianchen, it is best to prepare immediately."

Murong Tianxing nodded: "My Murong family, a big family, even if the transfer, it will take half a year, and it must be carried out in secret."

"No matter, I will enter the fiefdom in advance and take care of everything." Li Xingdao.

The conversation between the two parties, which only said the key points, was simple and straightforward, and soon ended. Finally, Murong Tianxing laughed and said, "Li Xing, today, I made the biggest decision of my life. I hope I'm right."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "You made the most correct decision."

When they left the small hall, the two walked on the road, and Murong Jiaojiao suddenly “smelled” and laughed. Li Xing turned around, looked at her strangely, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Murong Jiao gave Li Xing a white look: "I'm laughing at my father."

"Why laugh at him?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"I've never seen my father be so nervous. What kind of person has never been in his life? He will be nervous before you."

Li Xing froze, Murong Tianxing was nervous? This is strange. Often, it is the son-in-law who is nervous in front of his father-in-law. How can this be reversed?

"When my father is nervous, he always twists his fingers. When he talks to you, he always twists his fingers. He must be very nervous." She thought about it and sighed, "If I am, I will be nervous, after all This is about the fate of the Murong family. "

At Murong's house, Li Xing stayed for more than ten days, and it was time for the misty sword. On this day, he bid farewell to Murong Jiaojiao and headed for the misty cliff.

The misty cliff, located in the mountains, is a wide mountain flat with a large area. After he arrived, he found that there were already hundreds of people on the floor. Among these people, there are people who practice qi and some gods.

Murong Jiaojiao said that in the misty discussion of the sword, the scholars and the gods separated. Guoshi, can choose a misty palace female disciple who is practicing. The god-man can choose a misty palace girl disciple who is practicing God.

He took a gaze and found that among these many people, they actually knew it. That man is the ancient jade of Xuan Bingmen. Gu Yu also saw Li Xing and came over on her own initiative.

"Is it you?" Gu Yu was surprised.

Li Xing smiled: "I can't come?"

"Of course you can, but as soon as you come, someone will be unlucky." Gu Yu laughed. He is still practicing vigorously and has not broken through the realm of God and Man. Perhaps he will never break through in his life.

Li Xing also laughed: "I didn't expect you to be a romantic person."

"Aren't you the same?" Gu Yudao said.

With a smile, Li Xing looked away, and there was an acquaintance there, who was walking towards him.

This person, not others, is Li Jie. At first, this Li Jie could be said to be Li Xing's enemies, but now he has changed. The people of the Li family are almost dead. Apart from Li Xing and Li Jie, there is no one else.

Li Jie walked in front of Li Xing and said deeply, "Deputy commander." He was sincerely respectful. Li Xing's achievements were beyond his reach. He couldn't even produce jealousy. He only looked up.

Li Xingwei nodded and asked, "Where do you get the misty order?"

Li Jie said: "When Ximen was alone, he sent me a misty order."

"Ximen alone show?" Li Xing glanced, and sure enough, he saw Simon alone. At this moment, he was alone and did not find Li Xing.

"He said at the time that he wanted to participate in the Ethereal Sword, and hoped that I would also participate in it, to help him at that time."

Li Xing smiled coldly and said nothing. For Simon Duxiu, he does not look at him, just a ant.

The crowd waited, and nothing happened, and many gods and scholars gathered to discuss current affairs. Suddenly, in the sky, there was a divine light, and on top of that divine light, three god-men stood. These three gods are so powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ All of them are strong men who practice six vitality and gather together.

All three are dressed up as family sons, and their looks are extremely handsome, but they have nostrils and are extremely proud. The man in the middle had the spirit of killing, and said arbitrarily, "All of you, immediately roll off the misty cliff, otherwise, all die!"

Everyone's complexion changed with the dark words and the threat of redness.

"Huh! Who am I so arrogant, it turns out to be Yuding Sanjie!" Someone in the crowd sneered.

Yu Ding San Jie, six eyes, looked at the speaker, their faces changed: "Awesome!"

Speaking of Wushuang, the faces of the gods are all changed. Proud and unparalleled, his nephew who left the country to see Xue is said to be as amazing as his uncle, and he is also a master at practicing the Sixth God.

Awesome, standing there casually, wearing a purple robe, swinging in the wind, with the intention of floating. He smiled coldly, "I was beaten once, and it really remembers me."

Yuding Sanjie showed an angry face and said to one person on the left: "Awesome, you don't think we are afraid of you! Today, we will decide the winner!"

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