Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 356: Chen Xue and Chen Shuang

Chapter 44: Chen Xue and Chen Shuang

It only feels that the other person ’s thoughts are as deep as the sea, which is unfathomable and scary. He immediately retracted his eyes and smiled to one of the masters of the Fanchen Temple, but said in his heart: "It will not be difficult for me to defeat this person until I become a **** child."

The Lord of the Celestial Palace was also in the middle of time, feeling the tenacity of Li Xing's tenacity and amazement.

"What's the origin of this son? His **** is strong, not weaker than the master of fetuses, and very strong!"

Thinking of this, he took a deep look at Li Xing, and also reported a smile.

When they arrived at the Temple of All Dust, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. I saw a huge hall up to 100 meters high. In front of the hall, nine hundred and eighty-one huge stone pillars were erected and inserted into the sky.

Before the Giant Hall, everyone had a tiny feeling like an ant.

The gate is also very high, and even if everyone is side by side, they can still pass easily.

It's too late to be sighed and has entered the hall. The arrangement in that hall is simple and solemn. In the temple, many giant pillars also stood, extremely empty. In the center, a stone platform was built.

The stone platform is ten meters high and thirty meters away.

Opposite Shitai, twelve top chairs were placed, obviously that was reserved for judgment. Shitai, on the other hand, is the place where the sword is discussed.

The Lord of the Dust Palace turned around and exclaimed: "Tomorrow, at dawn, there will be a sword discussion here. During the introduction, my disciple palace male disciples will also participate, and you will stay here for one night. In the meantime, please do not feel free Walk around and stay in the temple. "

After that, the Lord of the Dust Palace immediately left, leaving everyone behind.

Li Xing came along as he met, and found a place to sit down. Gu Yu, Li Jie, and Bei Shibing, who dressed as men's clothes, were near him. For Bei Shibing, ancient jade is known. When he saw Bei Shibing, he looked very surprised and rejoicing.

However, Bei Shibing didn't seem to have much impression on him, and only spoke to Li Xing, which made Gu Yu sigh, dropped his head in despair, and finally closed his eyes.

At the same time, the misty twelve halls of Forgotten Hall.

In the empty hall, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were sitting face to face at the moment. Their beautiful looks are almost the same as when they were separated from Li Xing, but they are a little more mature and stable.

Chen Shuang raised his beautiful chin with a bright wrist, and said lazily, "Sister, we are all practicing God now, don't know what happened to Li Xing? His cultivation must be higher than us."

"Do you miss him?" Chen Xue glanced at her sister.

Chen Shuang's nose wrinkled and extremely cute.

"Huh! I don't think of him. This unconscientious person has been here for several years, and it has been more than five years. I haven't seen him come to visit us. If I had hit him, I must have ..." Powder Boxing.

Chen Xue smiled slightly: "Where is the Ethereal Palace? He wanted to come here? Unless, he is strong enough. Moreover, how do people know that he is not trying hard to cultivate now and will come to us someday? "

Chen Shuang sighed again: "I also know in my heart, I just ... just really miss him. It's boring and annoying to stay in this ghost place. Fortunately, there is an elder sister to accompany me. Forget love, how can people forget love? "

In Chen Xue's eyes, he also expressed his anxiety: "When you enter the Temple of Forgetfulness, it is not a worldly person. We may really not be able to go out, and stay in the misty palace forever."

"No! He will definitely come to us, just like the legendary Lan Gusheng and Shui Rourou, sister, don't you?" Chen Shuang's tone was unshakable.

Speaking of Lan Gusheng and Shui Rourou, both people's eyes appeared with expectant expressions. Which woman doesn't envy the hero? I hope that one day, the man in his heart will fall from the sky, like a man in heaven, to save her in suffering.

This kind of story has been interpreted countless times, and it is undoubtedly the classic and dream of women.

"I heard that tomorrow is the day of the misty sword." Chen Shuang blinked. "Whoever wins the sword, you can choose a misty palace girl disciple."

Chen Xue looked at her: "Do you think Li Xing will appear? However, we are disciples in Forgotten Temple, and it is impossible to participate."

Chen Shuang's eyes flashed and he laughed: "But I still hope he can come."

"What do you want to do?" Chen Xue's eyes widened, she knew the sister too well.

Chen Shuang sighed: "I don't want to do anything, just want to see if there is Li Xing among the people coming. If not, one day we will go out, we must teach the bad guy fiercely."

Chen Xue smiled bitterly, and she looked around: "Every month, we can only leave the Temple of Forgetful Love three times, tomorrow is not the time to leave."

"It doesn't matter, you can go quietly. The master of the palace seems to be busy recently and hasn't appeared for a few months. Moreover, we are now gods and core disciples. Who dares to stop them?" Chen Shuang persuaded Chen Xue.

Chen Xue bit her lip, why didn't she want to go out? But her character is much more conservative and stable than Chen Shuang.

After a long thought, she bit her teeth and whispered, "Okay, let's go out!"

In the hall of all dust, everyone found a place, waiting quietly, waiting for the sword of tomorrow.

One night passed quickly, when a line of red sunlight fell from the top of the temple, the Lord of the Dust Palace and a group of people in the misty palace appeared. The twelve gods and men were all tenfold, and each sat in twelve chairs.

Behind them, a group of male disciples stood in the misty palace. Each of these male disciples has rouge on his body and has no masculinity, just like human drama. However, there is no shortage of six-fold gods and human beings.

The twelve gods on the chair are the masters of the twelve palaces in the misty palace. This mysterious sword was held only once every twelve years, and it was very grand. The twelve masters actually came together as a judge.

Among the twelve halls, the Lord of the Dust Hall is still the person in charge. He stood up at this moment and exclaimed: "This time, there are 567 people participating in the sword. Among them, 317 are national scholars. , Two hundred and sixty. "

"According to the old example, the first discussion of the sword of the gods and men, and the order of appearance have been marked on their respective misty orders. When it comes to swords, regardless of life and death, below, the misty palace's twelve-year swords conference, now it begins!"

Suddenly, among the people under the scene, the misty order in the hands of two gods lit up. This misty order is a magic weapon, which can be controlled by others, which is convenient for the ranking of swords.

The two gods immediately flew to Shitai. These two people are both practicing God and have the same strength. God and man have a heavy emphasis on opening the meridian of the divine power. Therefore, both of them are amazing in divine power. You punch, I kick, and you ca n’t fight each other.

However, these moves look to Li Xing, a master of martial arts, like pediatrics, not worth mentioning. Seeing him shaking his head, is this also martial arts? It's just a fight between children, it's unsightly!

He glanced at the misty order in his hand, and the number "July Three" appeared on the misty order, which shows that he was the one who played in the 73rd group. Waiting a long time.

Is preparing to leave, find a place to practice with peace of mind, suddenly, he saw two Qianying. A flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and Li Xing froze.

Chen Xue! Chen Shuang!

Thinking he was dazzled, he quickly rubbed his eyes, yes, indeed, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang. The two women, cautiously, drilled through the crowd. They look like they used to be, with four pairs of wonderful eyes, chaosing in the crowd, seemingly looking for something.

"Well? Sister, why isn't Li Xing? Didn't he come here for this bastard?" Chen Shuangqi whispered.

Chen Xue was also a little panicked and looked around, but there were too many people, and she couldn't find them all at once, and she didn't dare to release the search of divine thought. She smiled bitterly: "Perhaps, he didn't come."

Li Xing stepped without a step, like a light smoke, all of a sudden behind the second woman, he was carrying his hands, and said with a smile: "What are the two beautiful women looking for?"

There seemed to be a thunder, the two women were still, then slowly, turned their heads, they immediately saw Li Xing. This guy, with a bad smile on his face, seems to be saying, are you looking for me?

"You ..." only said the word "you". Chen Shuang only felt that there was infinite grievance in her heart, and she wanted to be released at this moment. She didn't care about the crowd here, and she didn't care about the twelve hall masters on it, and forgot One year, he flew directly into Li Xing's arms.

Wen Xiang nephrite, with a full embrace, Li Xing sighed, holding the chick, and said in her ear, "Did you miss me for so many years?"

"No!" The chick replied.

Li Xing smiled bitterly. Her gentle eyes crossed Chen Shuang's shoulders and fell on Chen Xue. This woman smiled softly and tenderly, she was much more subtle than Chen Shuang, but the feeling of love was tied to Li Xing.

They hugged so much that everyone looked around. Fortunately, the attention of the masters of the twelve halls is fighting on the stage. As long as there is no movement in the audience, no one will pay attention to this place.

"Are you Chen Xue and Chen Shuang?" Bei Shibing jumped out, staring at the sisters, looking curious.

When Chen Shuang saw the young girl, she immediately turned her face and asked, "Who are you?"

Bei Shibing smiled "hee hee": "I'm Li Xing's friend ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know all about you. Li Xing came here to take you away."

Li Xing quickly said: "Yes, she is a friend I know, come here together." Then shifted the topic and asked, "How can you come here? Are you not in the Temple of Forgetfulness?"

Chen Xuedao: "We secretly came out and wondered if you would participate in the Ethereal Sword, and you did come." She laughed, her smile very sweet.

Li Xing firmly said, "You can rest assured that I will defeat everyone, so that I can make a request, and my request is to take you two away."

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang showed happy faces, and were about to speak. Suddenly, a woman walked by. She was like snow, her appearance was ordinary, her face was cold and frosty, and she said coldly, "You are the Li Xing?"

Hearing this voice, Li Xing suddenly remembered that when he took Chen Xue and Chen Shuang away, it was this person. This voice, he had a deep memory.

"It's you!" Li Xing sneered, "I once said, Shiba, don't look at it for three days. Today, I just want to take Chen Shuang and Chen Xue away!"

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