Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 357: Small scale chopper

Chapter 45: Small Test

At a glance, Li Xing saw that the woman was nothing but the triple of practicing the gods. At that time, he may feel that this person is unpredictable, but now, he does not look at the other person at all.

"You are so daring! What do you think of the Ethereal Palace? How dare you come to **** someone!" In the eyes of the woman, murderousness appeared.

Li Xing laughed: "Grab people? Isn't it a day of misty swords?"

The woman said: "Of course I know it is a mysterious sword, but Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are disciples of the Forgotten Temple, and do n’t participate in it. As soon as you enter the Forgotten Temple, you are still dead!"

For some reason, Li Xing always felt that the woman's words and deeds were full of vicious and mean attitude. It seemed that she liked to see others unfortunately.

He dragged Chen Xue and Chen Shuang with his left and right hands, and said lightly, "Yes? But the goal of my trip is to defeat all people. There is a rule in the ethereal sword. The first place, you can propose one to the ethereal palace Conditions. The conditions I put forward are to take away Chen Xue and Chen Shuang. "

The woman stared at Li Xing with a stingy look: "Don't make a fuss! It's up to you? There is no hope at all."

"There is no hope, I only know after trying, so you don't need to worry." Li Xing said coldly.

Chen Shuang also stood up and hated, "Tie Fei, we don't need to ask you questions!"

This iron concubine is also the person who forgets the palace, or the sister of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang.

"Well, you go out of the hall of forgetfulness privately, commit a commandment, and follow me immediately!"

Both Chen Xue and Chen Shuang showed anger and were about to refute, but Li Xing said, "Xue Er, Shuang Er, go back first, believe me, I will take you away."

The two sisters looked at Li Xing and nodded.

"Okay, we wait for your news."

Finally, they left with Tie Fei. After seeing this scene, Bei Shibing said with emotion: "It's exciting that the hero is saving the beauty."

Li Xing rolled his eyes and didn't have time to talk with this woman. He wants to use time to accumulate strength and prepare to fight.

The battle continues, and most of the gods and men involved are practicing God One to God Five, and not many practicing God Six. On the stone platform, a triple divine man was just stepped down by a quadruple divine man with divine magic.

Then, the next comparison bucket went up again. In each game, one person is injured and eliminated.

Unconsciously, the sword went to the 35th game. This time, the two gods who came to power, one was practicing the fivefold god, and the other was practicing the sixfold god. The god-man who practiced the six gods looked gaunt, looking up at his opponent.

"Kneeling down and scratching my head, I can spare you!" His tone, arrogant and confident, seemed to kill the other party at any time.

The Fivefold God is discolored. Although he knows that he can hardly meet his opponent, he is unwilling to admit defeat and yells: "You don't want to beat me, it's not easy!"

The sixfold god-man smiled faintly, grabbed his big hand, and rushed out of his palm. In this spirit, three little magic skills emerged at once, and they were performed simultaneously. There are three types of divine magic, namely, the golden cut, the cut jade cut, and the divine wind cut.

Among the divine light, the golden light flickered and was extremely sharp. Moreover, this man is so powerful that when he takes a shot, he suppresses the other side so that he has no chance to even dodge.

"Go to death!"

"Si Lingling!"

The fivefold **** man screamed, and when he was covered by the light of God, his body was divided into dozens of segments, and it was terrible that he could not die any more. The triumphant virtuous man, arrogant to the audience, said in a dark voice: "Opposite my murkyness, we must die!"

This man shot so fiercely that shocked the audience. They only realized that this ethereal sword is not a fun place, and it may be dead.

"Li Xing, can you beat this person?" Bei Shibing looked at the other party's brutality and asked with a fist. "If he can win, he will teach him well in a while!"

Li Xing smiled, and simply said, "OK."

Fang Zheng Shuangying, Yu Ding San Jie and others also appeared one after another. As Li Xing expected, these people passed easily. Soon, it was seventy-three rounds, and it was Li Xing's turn to play.

The misty order lighted up, Li Xing nodded to Li Jie and others, flew into a leap, fluttered up to Shitai. Alone on that stone platform.

The people on the stage are also the three masters of God training, and they are not masters. However, this man was obviously very confident in himself. He looked at Li Xing with a disdainful look and said coldly, "You can shoot."

Li Xing didn't say much, nodded and said, "OK." After that, the body moved, a phantom arrived, and his fists shot out. This is the martial art that Li Xing realized, and the infinite moves are all attributed to a simple punch.

But in this fist, there is the true meaning of martial arts, which is true martial arts.

With a single punch from Li Xing, his opponent's face changed. He felt that Li Xing's fists couldn't be avoided at all, just like the cows and horses on the sunny grassland under the sun, he couldn't avoid the sunlight.

This punch is that the sun shines on the ground, it is indestructible and can only be blocked.

This man roared, bursting out his full potential and punching out fiercely. The two fists ran into each other, but this was a competition of strength.

The moment his fists collided, fear appeared on his face. He felt that Li Xing's fist meaning was like the sea, and several horrible fist meanings were superimposed, swift, killing, and a tearing meaning.


His body was thrown high and blood squirted wildly. After landing, he had lost his combat power.

Li Xing stood quietly opposite, never seeming to move.

"Thank you very much." The man gave Li Xing a gift, but he knew that if it was not for the mercy of his opponent, he would have died. With that surging divine power and unpredictable fist, he was not an opponent at all.

The same is the triple practice of God. Why is the gap so large? In this man's mind, there was a huge question. How did he know that Li Xingzheng was marching step by step towards the master of martial arts. From the beginning, the two are very different. One heaven and one underground, there is no comparability.

Li Xing's defeat to the enemy surprised many people.

"Who is this person? He didn't seem to have that punch just now. Why did he defeat the **** of the same level?"

"It is because your eyesight is not good. This person's boxing methods have been simplified to efficiently use his lethality. Moreover, his power must be extremely strong, and he still has reservations. Otherwise, he would have been punched by him.

"This person's boxing skills have reached the realm of transformation. Does it mean that he has realized the mystery of Zhenwu?"

"Impossible! Those who understand Zhenwu uprightness are all peerless geniuses, and there are no more than mages. How come here?"

In the voice of everyone talking, Li Xing stepped down from Shitai. The misty order in his hand flashed, and the number above became "one or two". This shows that in the next round, he played in the twelfth round.

As soon as he returned, Bei Shibing didn't raise his thumb and laughed: "Great!"

Gu Yu also said, "Congratulations."

Li Jie sighed: "I have already imagined the deputy head teacher very well, but if I really see you, let me."

Li Xing smiled slightly and didn't speak, sitting down and carrying his spirits.

The first round of testing is over and the day has passed. The second round of testing will have to wait until tomorrow.

At night, in the Hall of Forgetfulness, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang both kneeled on the slab. A woman stood in front of them, without a trace of human emotion in her eyes, and asked gently: "Why are you out?"

Chen Shuang suddenly raised his head, and said fearlessly: "Dear Lord, my sister and me, leave the Temple of Forgetfulness! Leave the Ethereal Palace!"

"Oh?" The woman's mood fluctuated.

The iron concubine was also on the side, and said loudly: "The lord of the palace, the two of them, are going to see a man named Li Xing. That Li Xing is participating in the Ethereal Sword, and also arrogantly becoming the first, taking Chen Xue away Chen Shuang. "

The Lord of Forgetfulness was silent for a long time, and said, "Don't forget about it, and don't rejoice, I will help you to be relieved." She turned and called, "Extinction, you come out."

A young man, expressionless, walked out. At first glance at the person, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, their faces changed color. This destructiveness is the strongest disciple in the Temple of Forgetfulness, who unites the **** baby!

As soon as a baby child comes out, the world turns upside down. Who can stop it?

"What did the Lord of the Temple tell me?" He said indifferently.

"You go to the ethereal sword, and kill the man named Li Xing. After returning, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are yours."

On the faces of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, huge colors of fear appeared, and their bodies were cold.

It was soon dawning and the second round of trials began. This time, Li Xing no longer stopped to practice, but stood among the crowd and observed the battle. According to the rules of the misty theory sword, the gods and men who can be promoted to the top sixty can choose one misty palace girl disciple.

Of course, the higher the ranking, the more priority there is to choose. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher her cultivation.

I don't know if it was intentional or coincidental. In the first round of the second round, one of Ao Wushuang and Yu Ding Sanjie came to power. The core disciple of the Xia Yuding faction who came to power was Ji Guang.

Ji Guang was a sharp-sounding person. When he came to power, he launched an attack without saying a word. The god-man who practiced the six gods has merged all the gods together into a rune ~ www.readwn.com ~ into the fetus.

In the future, the baby infant will break out, and the rune will be the core fighting power of the baby infant. Of course, the power of the divine magic issued by the **** babies will be increased tenfold, and there will be power over the mountains.

Rune is 10% faster and more powerful. At this time, there are seven kinds of little magic skills practiced on his body, which is rare. At this moment, three small magical arts were issued by him at the same time.

Suddenly, the sky was full of fire and rain, ice skates, howling wind, sword light, and knife air. He seemed to be iron hearted to kill Ao Wushuang in the shortest time.

Ao Wushuang laughed a long time: "Ji Guang, how can you do that?" He grabbed his hand, rolled up the sky, and all the little magic skills disappeared.

Anyone with eyesight in the audience exclaimed: "Covering the sky, great magic!"

Covering the sky is a magical technique that evolved from the power of covering the sky. It is powerful and many people know it.

This time, we can see the difference between big divine magic and small divine magic. Great divine magic, more than ten times the power of small divine magic. Little divinity is simply weak compared to it. Ji Guang's seven small magic skills were suddenly broken by Ao Wushuang.

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