Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 358: Majestic

Chapter 46: Prestige

As soon as the seven small magical arts were arrested, Ji Guang felt a tremendous pressure and suppressed it. Ao Wushuang issued a divine light, condensed into a huge palm. On that palm, there were many runes of civilizations dying, and he was photographed repeatedly.

The giant palm covered the sky, unstoppable, and directly grasped Ji Guang. Ji Guang was so tight that he was wrapped in a horrible force and couldn't move at all. He showed horror and shouted, "Awesome, you dare to move me, Yudingmen will never spare you!"

Ao Wushuang smiled coldly: "Yu Dingmen is nothing in my eyes, Ji Guang, let's die!"

With a loud bang, the giant hand tightened fiercely, and Ji Guang was immediately squeezed into meat. There was a sound of air-conditioning from the stage. This proud and unparalleled person is also a ruthless person!

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, saying to Bei Shibing: "In terms of this pride, you have to call him brother, you are relatives."

Bei Shibing looked disgusted: "Who has a relative with this kind of person."

Gu Yudao: "Brother Li meets this person for a while, so be careful. The power of covering the sky is too strong, it is indeed a great magic."

Li Xing nodded: "I know." I thought to myself that the seventy-two types he obtained were ancient magic. If the 72 ancient gods are successfully cultivated, what is the power? Moreover, what kind of terror are the seventy-two ancient divine magics condensing into runes, and then stepping into the realm of divine fetuses and infants?

Thinking of this, he began to shake his head and sigh. Others think that he is uneasy to deal with, and how can he know what he cultivates after sorrow. Seventy-two types of ancient divine magic must be extremely difficult to practice.

However, on the stage, Guang Yi died at that time and continued the second round. Off the stage, the other two gods among Yu Ding San Jie were shocked and angry. They could not have expected that Ao Wu Shou practiced great magic!

Great divine magic, but all evolved from Heavenly Order Gongfa, rarely occurs. The heavenly power of Ao Wushuang's practice must be obtained from Ao Jianxue. However, it is too late to think about this now, and the two regret it.

Fighting down, Li Xing's turn soon. His luck was really good, and this time he met was actually a duo, and he was easily passed away. As a matter of fact, this duo is so powerful that he is more aggressive than the triple deo that Li Xing encountered last time, otherwise he cannot enter the second round.

It's a pity that Li Xing's strength is too abnormal. He simply has no chance to go out directly. With two consecutive wins, Li Xing is 100% ready to enter the top 60. As for the final ranking, it depends on the situation behind.

The second round continued for a day. This round is much more exciting than the first round. Most of the people who shot were masters. There are several powerful characters who are proficient in great divine magic, showing their true strength.

When the second round ends, there are only forty people remaining and they will enter the third round. In the third round, the number displayed on Li Xing's misty order is "one", and he will be the first to play.

At night, the hall was quiet. The disciples of the misty palace clean up the blood and corpses on the stone platform. The injured were also sent directly out of the hall, allowing them to heal themselves.

After two rounds, hundreds of people were injured, and more than a dozen people were killed on the spot. Compared with those ruthless characters, Li Xing is kind-hearted and soft-hearted.

Several people know that Li Xing will be the first to play tomorrow, and they are worried about him. Gu Yu said: "The people who can enter the third round are all powerful people. It is very difficult to win."

Bei Shibing's grinning expression also disappeared, sighing: "It turns out that this ethereal sword is not fun, or it's going to kill you."

"I will win." Li Xingdan said indifferently, no one knows where his confidence comes from.

Overnight, the blink of an eye passed. And after this night, many people gave up thinking and then continued to participate in the third round of fighting. By daybreak, there were only 18 people who were still preparing to take part in the test.

All of the 18 people, except Li Xing, are all practitioners who practiced God above six. This is also the reason why other people withdraw. The fetal masters are too horrible. They can't beat them, and they may even lose their lives. Who dares to take this risk?

It was dawn, and the third round of the test began.

Among the crowd, some people regret it.

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect the misty swords this time. There were so many masters, and we were out of luck."

"It's also good. We have entered the top sixty and can take away a female disciple in the misty palace. Although it is left over by others, it is better than nothing."

"However, it's not in vain. This time, you can see what it takes to train the six-man God-Man battle, which will be very helpful to our future practice."

The Lord of the Dust Palace appeared on the stage again, and he exclaimed: "In the third round, eighteen people will participate in the competition, and now it will begin."

The misty order lit up, and Li Xingfei stepped onto the stage. People were shocked when they saw him playing.

"Is this person crazy?" Someone exclaimed.

"Even if it's not crazy, it must be a fool." Someone sneered.

"He is the three-practice god. Although he is very strong, he cannot be the opponent of the god-level fetus. He is not in the same grade at all. Just like a brave goat, he can't beat it.

Even if the first appearance, there is no choice, the opponents are all six-man. This time, Li Xing's opponent was one of the Founder Shuangying. The man walked out slowly, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Xing.

This smile is like thinking of a cold, cruel smile before eating a goat.

Li Xing was also laughing, his smile was easy-going, the extinction knife was held in his hand, and he gave a simple starting gesture.

"It seems that there are still people in the world who are not afraid of death." One of the Founder Shuangying laughed, and he introduced himself, "Let you die, I'm Ye Kai, Founder."

Li Xing said lightly: "Li Xing."

Ye Kai shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, you shouldn't have died."

Li Xing frowned: "You have a lot of nonsense, you can shoot."

Ye Kailian chilled: "Boy, I was going to save you a life, but you are so rude, you blame me for being ruthless!" He pointed at Li Xing, Shenguang lasing, a straight sword, Li Xing beheaded.

This divine spell is a jade-step divine spell in a small divine spell, called a thunderbolt sword. This magic can emit a sword light, as fast as a thunderbolt, killing the enemy.

Jian Guang's mighty billowing, screaming, before Jian Guang arrived, there was a huge force to lock in Li Xing.

Many people in the audience have begun to tolerate it. They expected that Li Xing would die. Because such a powerful divine magic, it is really not easy to dodge, nor can it be bumped.

Li Xing is in absolute calm at the moment. He is not lacking in strength, but he is not willing to waste energy. The whole body was shocked, and the terrifying strength directly broke the shackled force, stepped out, and flickered away.

This step, called the step of the moment, is a means of understanding from the moment of martial arts. The truth of the moment is fast.

Everyone saw that Li Xing's body flickered and disappeared. When he looked again, he had already appeared behind Ye Kai, extinct the sword, and severely chopped off.

No one can describe the sharpness of this knife, no one can tell the mystery of this knife. As soon as the blade came out, the chaotic will, the pervasive magical thoughts, and the invisible demon attacked at the same time.

Outsiders couldn't see it, Ye Kai felt deep. The chaos of the demon made him a little unstable, but after all he was a fetal master and immediately stabilized. But then, there seemed to be an evil thought that stained his soul.

When he was wondering, there was an invisible magic that restrained his divine fetus. His face changed drastically, and his whole body was running at full force.


The invisible demon was smashed by him. However, Li Xing's non-phase cutting has already been issued, and the blade is near the top of his head. This style is the twelfth style without phase cutting. The power is incredible.

At the critical moment, Ye Kaikai was too late to dodge, his eyes were wide open, and he shouted, "Guardianship!"


The air jet radiated, and there was a layer of air hood about 30 cm away from his body. This air hood is an evolution of the great protection of magical powers. When attacked by external forces, the strength of the whole body will be concentrated to a point, which will produce a defensive force that cannot be broken.

However, Li Xing's incomparable chop has reached the point of being supernatural. This knife came down, as if there were countless swords cut off at the same time, sending out countless force points on the protective cover.

As a result, the shield is at a loss and cannot concentrate all its strength to protect it in one place.

As soon as the blade of light flashed, he heard a "click" and the armor broke.

Ye Kai's eyes showed the color of fear. Then, he saw Li Xing's fist and heard Li Xing's voice: "Heaven has good virtues. I have no resentment against you. There is no good in killing you. Give me today A lesson, I hope you will become celestial in the future, and don't pretend to kill you. "


Li Xing's fist is a combination of instant boxing and a method of tearing boxing. Wu Kaigang has been broken and has always been content with divine magic. Under the turmoil of his heart, he can't escape at all.

I just felt the pain ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing was flying in front of the stars.

The stage was quiet, quiet enough to hear the sound of fine needles falling to the ground. It's so shocking that a triple **** man can actually defeat a sixth **** man. This undoubtedly tells everyone that goats have beaten tigers, and tigers are very painful.

Ye Kai's nose was crooked and blood flowed. However, not only was he not angry, but his face was relaxed. It is humiliating to be broken, but it is much better than being killed.

He stood up and stared at Li Xing. "You don't kill me today. See you in the future. I will find where I am today." He paused. "Break your nose as well."

Ye Kai said so, Li Xing smiled, he knew that the other party was not revenge, it was just difficult to step down. If he wanted revenge, it wouldn't be as simple as breaking his nose, but just killing people just like he did.

"I'm waiting." Li Xingdan said lightly.

The first round was over. In the second round, Xing Xing saw a person who had never appeared before. This man looked numb and had no human expression. After he came to power, he only spit out two words coldly: "Destructive."

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