Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 359: Qiaoying

Chapter 47: Overpowering the Heroes

The devastating appearance seemed to have a cold wind in the field. Everyone fought a cold war, and Li Xing frowned, because he saw that this man was a master of the infant child!

What is a baby child? The product of the evolution of the Yuanshen has all kinds of incredible power. Compared with the fetus master, the little witch sees the big witch.

"It's over, Li Xing has no hope." Bei Shibing said authentically, she yanked Li Xing's sleeves. "After three rounds, don't fight."

Li Xing looked stubborn, saying only briefly: "Continue to fight."

As soon as the Founder had fallen out of mold, it was Yuding's turn. Yu Ding San Jie died one, the remaining two, continue to participate in the test, the second appearance.

This outstanding core disciple of Yuding School took three steps after taking office, and with each step, he felt the horror pressure from the extermination body. On the forehead, cold sweat really flowed, he sighed, and suddenly dropped the misty order, saying: "I abstain!"

Before the match is played, those who participate in the test can abstain if they find that their strengths are very different.

The Lord of the Dust Palace nodded: "Allow to abstain and continue to the next round."

The next stage is the performance of the Sixfold God-Man, which can be described as wonderful. In the next seven games, there were injuries in each of them, and even one was a loss to both. No one took advantage.

Among them, Li Xing found two powerful enemies, one was haughty and the other was devastating. The former is proficient in great divine arts and has arrogance. The latter is a divine-level god-man, with amazing means, which are not easy to deal with.

The third round, which took less than three hours, was over, followed by the fourth round. In the fourth round, only eight people participated, so only four rounds were held. Li Xing's misty order shows that he is the second appearance.

The first one to play was Ao Jianxue, and his opponent was a male disciple in the misty palace. Although this male disciple is full of femininity, he is really strong.

Not much nonsense, go straight. When proudly seeing snow hit the sky, he showed off his covering hands, his violent divine power, condensed into a big hand, and seized it fiercely.

The misty palace male disciples exhibited a wonderful set of misty steps, left and right, actually under the big hand, with ease and no harm.

Seeing the opponent's misty steps, Li Xing's Zhenwu killing array suddenly turned on its own and calculated the mystery. In his eyes, different colors seemed to find something interesting.

This is the level of the master of martial arts. Any martial arts can see the truth in his eyes. That misty step is also a kind of heavenly order, which is performed with the help of misty magic.

Of course, this magic skill, even a core disciple, cannot be passed down lightly. There are less than five disciples who can do magic work in the 12 Palaces of Misty. This is one of them.

Just by looking at it, most people naturally can't see the mystery of misty magic. But Li Xing is different. He practiced a lot of martial arts. Under the operation of Zhenwu's killing, he actually calculated the magical methods of misty magic.

"So it is, this misty magical work has many similarities with Wuxianggong, especially the misty power, which is similar to that of Wuxianggong. Otherwise, I won't calculate it so quickly." Li Xing secretly.

The fighting between the two continued, and they could not attack for a long time. Ao Wushuang was impatient and shouted, "Go to death!" Suddenly, two giant hands covering the sky were released, and they grabbed pressure.

At this moment, the misty disciple immediately felt struggling, and his body shape also changed. The whole person turned into a lingering divine light. Actually, he also exhibited a kind of great divinity, which is the mistlessness that evolved from misty power.

Li Xing nodded secretly, and through this great divine skill, he realized a further level of understanding of the ethereal magic. He didn't want to learn this skill secretly. Tianxie searched for the world's exercises at that time. He knew that there were many Heavenly Order exercises, and he could also pass him on casually.

Watching now is just a natural move, and you need to increase your martial arts knowledge.

After seeing the misty magical powers, he went to see the covering hands. This magical work of covering the sky is different from the misty magical work.

Li Xing couldn't help telling the evil: "Master, this covering the gods' power is suitable for the disciples to exert and directly suppress it." His divine power is amazing, and this power is the most powerful.

Emperor Tianxie said: "This practice is not easy. How can you have time? I think it's better to wait for the party and kill this person! Taking his divine fetus, he can be used to cultivate the seeds of divine magic for your cultivation use."

Li Xing's heart moved, and then he smiled, "It depends on the chance."

Disciple Palace disciples and Ao Wushuang fought fiercely in this battle. In the end, Ao Wushuang won the game and captured the disciple, but he did not dare to kill. After all, this is the misty palace. He killed the disciple of the misty palace, and he doesn't have to leave alive.

"Assign." Ao Wushuang dropped the man and walked down Shitai.

The second round began and it was Li Xing's turn to play. His opponent is the third of Yu Ding San Jie, and the one who originally spoke to Li Xing on the misty cliff.

Li Xing passed the check all the way, this person has no daring to look down on him, and once he met, he reported himself to the door: "Yu Dingmen, Qin Bo. Please!"

"Qi Yun faction, Li Xing, please." Li Xing said lightly.

Qin waved his hands, one point of his hands, and issued a sharp sword, which is exactly the jade sword of Yuanding and jade sword. This sword technique is round and upright, although it is not a heavenly order, it is also very powerful.

With a smile, Li Xing was shocked, and the eight-pole swordsman hit out. His swordsmanship is obviously much better than the opponent. In particular, he knows the way of true martial arts. This sword technique can be used to show what others can't, and send what others can't.

Eight strands of sword light, strangling and strangling, coupled with the incomparable divine power, suddenly Qin Bo was out of breath.

After a few rounds of fighting like this, Qin Bo was obviously unsupported, Li Xing sighed, and suddenly grabbed with his hands. What was surprising was that he actually displayed his cover. The horror was condensed into a big hand, and it was severely suppressed.

"Ah! How could he cover the sky? Isn't this a peerless peerless study,"

"Does he have anything to do with Ao Wushuang?"

Under the stage, Ao Wushuang narrowed his eyes, and his heart was suddenly looming. He secretly said: "Uncovering the magic of the heavens, only my uncle and I will know. How does he know? Can he only show it once he sees it? Impossible! Unless he is a master of martial arts, he uses the real martial arts formation. "

Unpredictable, Ao Wushuang's heart is even more murderous: "Anyway, this son can't stay, he is so strong in training the triple of God. If he grows up, how can I have a place where Ao Wushuang can stand? In the future, I am Tianyuan The first strong man cannot let him be my stumbling block! "

This vicious thought flashed in his heart, he immediately sneered, looking at Li Xing's eyes on the stage, just like looking at a dead person.

But he said that Li Xing's big hand covering the sky suddenly shrouded, and the divine power was surging. Qin Bo yelled, hit a punch with all his strength, and banged on the giant hand. However, the giant hand only paused for a while and then landed.

With a roar, Qin Bo was caught in Li Xing's hands and gave up his struggle. He floated in the air and stared at Li Xing and said, "The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow, Li Xing, will you kill me?"

Li Xing laughed: "Although you were rude to me, I am not the one who killed."

Qin Bo relieved: "Then let me go."

"Let ’s go, you can," Li Xing said, his face down. "But you are not prepared to pay a price?"

Qin Bo smiled bitterly and asked, "What conditions do you have?"

Li Xing smiled: "In this way, within one month, you will send twelve patches with nine or more bans to the Qiyun School, how?"

Qin Bo's eyes widened: "That's all?"

Li Xing nodded: "That's all, don't you agree?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Qin Bo quickly said. The twelve patches are indeed precious, but as an important core disciple of Yu Dingmen, these things can still be obtained.

A big hand loosened, Qin Bo was put down. Li Xing shouted regret, he just thought of this idea, if you think of it early, you can blackmail more things.

The second time, Li Xingsheng, continued to stage exciting battles in the third round.

The third player to play was devastating, and his opponent was another disciple of the Founder. Like the Yuding faction, he also chose to abstain. So far, two people have abstained.

Offstage, Tianxie said, "Do you really decide to fight him?"

Li Xingdao: "Master has no confidence in me?"

Heavenly evil said: "The God-Man of the Divine Infant series is not easy to deal with unless he finds his weakness. What do you know about his weakness?"

Li Xing laughed: "If you don't find it, how dare the disciples take the shot? However, the risk is still great, but I must take the shot so that I can take away Chen Shuang and Chen Xue."

Tian Xie praised: "Okay! It's a kind of love, it's very similar to the year when I was a teacher!"

Li Xing: ...

The fourth round began, and the shots were from two masters of fetal fetuses. They were of equal strength and had toss for a long time before deciding on the winner. However, this person's strength is far worse than Wushuang, Li Xing doesn't care much.

The test was now over, and it was dark again, so the final selection was held the next day.

At night, the misty palace doesn't care about rice. Li Xing took out Baiyang wine and shared it with everyone. This wine is made from Baiyang Lingguo, and its effect is stronger than that of Lingdan. As soon as this wine came out, the fragrance filled the temple.

Everyone sniffed.

"Good wine! Good wine!" People who smell the aroma ~ www.readwn.com ~ Someone rubbing their hands in excitement, there is no lack of drunkards in the world, and among the gods, there are also drunks. Their wine bugs were all hooked out.

Gu Yu took a sip, her face suddenly changed, and she sat down hurriedly to digest the drink. After a short while, I felt that my limbs and bones were extremely comfortable, and the repair was gaining.

Bei Shibing was very curious and took a sip. She immediately became like Gu Yu and sat down to practice digestion. Then Li Jie.

Li Xing smiled and drank with a big mouthful.

"Good wine!" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

When Li Xing turned around, he saw that there were eight people who looked straight at him, staring at the wine gourd in his hands, as if they were about to **** immediately.

Li Xing smiled and asked, "Do you want to drink?"

"Think!" The eight nodded fiercely.

"It's easy to drink, get Xuanjing." Li Xing said with a stern face. "A drop of wine, ten Xuanjing!"

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