Chapter 48: Not Bad

Eight people took a breath, a drop of ten Xuanjing? It's black, it's black!

However, this wine is really good wine, just smell the aroma, already. So the eight of them were all bitter. You look at me, I look at you, and finally endure the intense pain and promise to come down.

"Okay! Let's do it!"

Which of these people who dare to participate in the misty rate sword is not entangled? Xuan Jing on his body, there are 800,000 per one million, buy a few pounds, it doesn't matter.

A drop of ten mysterious crystals, about one pound of wine, sells twenty thousand mysterious crystals. At first glance, it is not very expensive. After all, Baiyang Liquor is the only one in the world. It has no semicolon, missed the opportunity, and could n’t buy it.

These days, Li Xingji saved hundreds of gourds. One gourd can hold five pounds, which is 100,000 mysterious crystals. After a while, all this gourd was shot, and 10 million mysterious crystals were obtained, all stored in the space weapon.

Seeing that Li Xing made so much at once, even Bei Shibing was stunned, sighing: "I didn't expect that you would make money like this."

Li Xing blinked: "I've lost money at a loss, otherwise, it's ten times more expensive."

The eight people, after buying the wine, sat down near Li Xing and tasted it beautifully.

"Brother Li, what is this wine?" One asked, drinking.

"Baiyang wine is made from Baiyang spirit fruit. It is rare in the world and not much on me."

"What? It's actually made from Baiyang Lingguo. One gourd is 100,000 yuan. It's not expensive!" Someone was surprised and said that it wasn't worth the drink. Put a cork and prepare to taste later.

While talking, Ye Kai in Founder Shuangyingzhong and Qin Bo in Yuding Sanjie all came to Li Xing.

Ye Kailan said with a cold face, "You break my nose, should you give me some wine to drink?"

Qin Bo also said, "You blackmailed me for twelve patches, shouldn't you also give me some drinks?"

Li Xing stunned, then laughed: "Of course it should." He generously took out two gourds, one for each person, and said, "I'm all done."

Although Ye Kai's nose was not bleeding, it was still swollen and looked terrible. He sniffed the scent of the wine with a broken nose and sighed, "If you can drink such wine, even if your nose is beaten like this, it's worth it!"

Then began to taste carefully, aftertaste the endless look.

Qin Bo sighed and said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, thank you for being merciful and not killing me. I have a mage sitting in the town of Yuding. He is good at making mage charms and loves wine. If you let me take A few gourds went back, maybe he was happy and gave me some more patches. "

Li Xing's eyes flashed, without saying a word, he took out ten gourds and handed them to Qin Bo, and laughed: "Brother Qin, there is work."

Qin Bo's eyes brightened and he put away the wine gourd with a smile. The mage in his Yuding school is addicted to drinking, so if he sends the ten gourds, he will be very happy and give a lot of rewards.

"Okay! Brother Li is bold, and we will be friends in the future. You can rest assured that within one month, I will send at least thirty patches to Qiyun Pie."

Li Xing smiled.

At this moment, Qin Bo's expression suddenly condensed: "Brother Li is kind, if you meet Aowu Shuang tomorrow, you must not be careless, you must kill him!"

One of Yu Ding's three heroes was pinched to death by Pride, Qin Bo was naturally full of hatred towards him, hoping that Li Xing would strike him like that.

How Li Xing didn't know his thoughts, just smiled slightly and didn't express it. Qin Bo laughed dryly and said, "This man is proud of Wu Shuang, and he has a black heart and a hot hand. He has a ninth-level flying sword on his body. He hasn't put it on display yet, and Li Li will be careful."

Li Xingdao: "Thanks for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Qin Bo, in his opinion, is not a good bird, he is the kind of arrogant. The reason why he came, one was to ask for wine, and the other was to provoke Li Xing to be proud. Li Xing looked at the score, so he only wanted to get a patch to deal with it.

Next, Li Xing stopped talking, Qin Bo and Ye Kai closed their mouths and closed their wine tasting. They do not need to participate in the fifth round of the comprehension, they are very relaxed and spend all night enjoying themselves.

Soon, the day was dawning, and the twelve chairs were filled with the misty twelve masters. The hallowed temple owner sat with the house Lord. The main hall of Forgetfulness: "Forgetfulness, what is the purpose of letting you die out?"

"Kill." Forgetting, "The man named Li Xing has old feelings with Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, and he cannot stay."

The Fanchen Hall said: "Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are indeed talents. Cultivate them well, they must be the elite of my misty palace. However, if you kill this person, she will be afraid to hate you forever.

The Lord of Forgetfulness said coldly: "Sooner or later they will understand that I do this for their benefit."

The Lord of the Dust Palace no longer spoke, only saying: "The test is about to begin. I just hope that the killing will kill him, and then not endure endless suffering."

"He's already dead." Forgotten Temple said, apparently she had great confidence in destruction. A divine infant series, a triple divine person, easy to judge.

The fifth round of competition, officially started, there are only four people, two competitions, Li Xing played in the second round.

The first one to play was Destructive and the man named Zhonglou. As before, Chonglou also chose to abstain, knowing that he won't let him die? At this point, there have been three consecutive games. Someone chose to give up before the destruction, which shows how strong his strength is.

"This destructiveness is really abnormal, and all the babies are masters, and they even ran out to fight with us." Someone sighed.

"Yeah, the god-man of the infantile series, with one finger, we pinched us to death, and it was impossible to beat him!"

"Looking at Ao Wushuang and that Li Xing, Li Xing has no hope. He may not even be able to fight Ao Wushuang. Ao Wushuang, who can master the magic, may fight against destruction, but the chance of success is not great. "

"Don't say it, look, Ao Wushuang and Li Xing are on the field!"

Suddenly, the audience was silent, and Ao Wushuang and Li Xing stood on the stage. The two looked at each other. The person had not moved, and the divine thought had moved. In the air around them, there were countless fine lightnings, which crackled.

A terrible pressure enveloped the audience, everyone could feel it.

The Twelve Halls argued.

"Both of them are Wizards who have never been in a century. If you join my misty palace, it will be a great honour. If Li Xing is killed, he can let the absurd abstain and give the first place to impermanence."

"It's true that such a talent must be drawn in. This man's uncle is proud to see Xue. It is said that proud of Xue is now practicing the gods, and the divine power can compete with me and cannot be underestimated."

"This Li Xing is actually pretty good too, unfortunately, he and the disciples in the Temple of Forgetful Feelings have been contaminated and can only be removed." Someone regretted.

After a moment of confrontation, Ao Wuchang sneered: "You are too confident, but unfortunately, when you meet me, there is only a dead end!"

"You are going to kill me?" Li Xing seemed surprised.

"Your strength is very strong, and your qualifications are very high. If you let you grow, I am really uneasy." Ao Wuchang coldly said, "So you must die. If you choose to give up resistance now, I will let you Die comfortably. "

Li Xing sighed: "It seems that I can only kill you, because I will not kill you, you will kill me, right?"

"Huh! It's useless to talk, Li Xing, let's die!" He suddenly cast his hand to cover the sky, grabbed Li Xing fiercely, the huge force shrouded it, and penetrated every inch of space.

Li Xing's body flickered, but with supernatural power, he forcibly broke the shackles, and when he struck, he flashed behind him and hit the tearing fist.

Whether it is an instant step or a torn divine fist, it is fundamentally different from the Heavenly Order Gongfa and Great Divine Art. At this moment, Shenquan is a kind of Tao, one of ten thousand martial arts. It is a lot of martial arts, countless wisdom, and agglomeration.

Martial arts is higher than a certain skill, the existence of a certain type of divine magic is something comparable to that of magic, or even the existence of transcendence. Tao is the natural way of teaching, and the way of law and heaven.

Therefore, the moment of martial arts came out, and immediately avoided the cover of the sky. When the tortured martial arts was exhibited, there was also a terrifying power that directly killed Ao Wushuang.

Ao Wushuang suddenly disappeared Li Xing's shadow, and immediately knew it was not good. He roared and yelled, "Kill!" Behind him, a huge shield suddenly condensed, and the rune flashed on it.

This shield is actually a great divine magic, called "Mind Shield". Shield of mind, born of random thoughts, can save one's life at a critical moment.

"This impermanence must have had an adventure, otherwise how could I learn two Heavenly Order exercises? I kill him and I will get his secret!"

Li Xing's torn **** fist continued to bombard and hit the center shield.

Just hearing a loud noise, the shield exploded, and Li Xing was blown up. Although Ao Wushuang's body did not move, his face changed. From this blow, he felt that the power of Li Xing was above him!

With a punch, Li Xing immediately changed his style, holding an extinction knife, and displayed the twelve-type non-phase cutting. At this moment, he is showing no phase, and no longer clings to one move and one style, each move carries the true meaning of phaseless. If there is no such trick, Fang said there is no phase.

The sword light is full-faced ~ ~ The sword light is permeated. Facing the shield of the mind and covering the sky, Li Xing did not drop at all, and was fighting with Aowushuang. He was not in a hurry and didn't want to kill Ao Wushuang all at once.

He has advantages over patience and strength.

The impermanence is sinking more and more. How can he exhaust his energy here in the next fight? In a flash of thought, he gave a loud sigh, and the whole body suddenly flashed with golden light. Everyone saw that there seemed to be a layer of dark golden clothes on his body, and it disappeared.

This scene spread to the consciousness of heavenly evil. He said "um", and said, "It is not bad for heavenly clothes! Fabulous! Fabulous! Li Xing, grab it immediately and use it to cultivate the second ninth life. Nine destroyers don't do bad magic! "

Li Xing does not know the origin of Tianyi, but seeing Tian Xie being so excited, he must be a baby, his eyes narrowed.

Proud and impermanence, the momentum of the whole body suddenly hurricane, he smiled coldly, staring at Li Xing: "Li Xing, you do not know what kind of adventure I have had, I do not know how powerful I am! Terrible! "

Li Xing smiled and said, "Less talk of nonsense, your clothes belong to me."

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