Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 361: Capture the cloak

Chapter 49: Taking the Cloak

Seeing that Li Xing had no fear, he even dared to grab his unbreakable cloak, and Ao Wu smirked angrily, and said arbitrarily, "It seems that you don't see the coffin without tears, okay! Let you know, I am the true strength of Ao Wushuang ! "

Ao Wushuang no longer performed divine magic, and his body suddenly rushed forward, using boxing to attack Li Xing. The immaculate nature of his body brought him to a horrible degree of defense, ignoring general attacks. In addition, his reaction speed has been greatly improved, moving like lightning, like a ghost.

When it comes to speaking, Ao Wushuang hits with a punch, Li Xing does not hide, uses his magic fist, and also makes a move. The fist and the fist collided, and a "shatter" sounded, and Shitai shook.

Ao Wushuang stepped back three steps without injury. At the time of the fight, his fists were covered with a layer of dark golden light, which was the blessing power that Tianyi gave him. Not only has a protective effect, but also enhances the power of this punch.

He was originally practicing the Sixth God, and he was higher than Li Xing. At this moment, there was a blessing from Tianyi, which immediately prevailed. Li Xing was suddenly taken back a dozen steps before he stood still.

However, with a hard punch, Li Xing also tried to achieve a good result. This day's clothing is really wonderful, the twinkling dark golden light and the body of Vajra have the same magic.

Defeating Li Xing once and proudly sneer: "With this coat of clothing, you can't hurt me at all, and I can kill you!"


He moved again, furious fists, hit Li Xing, fast, most of the gods in the audience could not even see clearly.

In the face of such a crazy attack, Li Xing looked indifferent, stepped without steps, turned into thousands of lights and shadows, flashed on and off the bucket platform, it was unpredictable. This steplessness, integrated into the true meaning of instant martial arts, can be said to have reached the level of true martial arts.

Martial arts is the most quintessential and essential existence, and it can be integrated into one move and one style. For example, in the moment of martial arts, regardless of Li Xing's punches or swords, he can fuse the true meaning of the moment.

Therefore, the integration of the instant way without phase steps suddenly became extremely mysterious, and the power increased several times. Even when confronted with the proud and unparalleled wearing a good day clothing, they are still very easy to use.

Ao Wushuang hit dozens of punches in a row, but they all hit the phantom. He couldn't see Li Xing's true body at all, and he was startled. The people under the stage were even more surprised. They saw that Li Xing was all over the stage, and there were hundreds or thousands of them.

"Oh my God, I have never seen such a mysterious footwork in my life, incarnate in thousands, how can I deal with this?"

"Do any of you know what kind of footwork this is? It is ten times and hundred times better than the ethereal step that appeared in the last round!"

"Awesome, really amazing! This Li Xing is unpredictable, we have all seen it, and his strength is definitely above the peerless. Being able to perform such steps can certainly comprehend martial arts!"

Li Xingman walked around the stage, playing Wu Xiang to the extreme. At the same time, his Zhenwu killing array is also operating rapidly, constantly perfecting and improving the steplessness, making it more powerful.

This is the advantage of the master of martial arts. Any kung fu in his hands can be further strengthened and improved, making it more suitable for his own performance and exerting the strongest combat power.

Now, he is incorporating the mystery of instantaneous martial arts into steplessness, bringing it to an incredible level of mystery.

So reciprocating, no phase step perfects quickly. The foundation of the Heavenly Order Gongfa without phase is the lack of phase power. And no phase power, including no phase step, no phase finger, no phase boxing and other moves.

This is the mystery of Wuxiang. Since "Huaixiang", you will not be obsessed with punches, swords, or knives. Regardless of the sword and fist, they are all phaseless. In this way, Fang Xian has no phase.

Li Xing walked faster and faster. Later, Ao Wushuang couldn't even touch his phantom. He couldn't help anger and yelled, "You dare to fight me?"

"Huh! Do you think there is such a coat of clothing that can run rampant?" Li Xing sneered, the phantom of Mantai disappeared, his true body appeared in front of Aowu's double-sided, ten meters away.

A joy in Ao Wushuang's heart, he was meant to provoke Li Xing hard. Otherwise, the opponent's footwork is too mysterious to play, so how can he play? At this moment, seeing his real appearance, he immediately said, "If you have a seed, show your true kung fu now and fight with me!"

With a smile, Li Xing stepped out, the strength of his whole body suddenly erupted, and the speed of his vitality reached the extreme.

"What you are relying on now is nothing more than the physical arrogance of Baoyi's blessing, isn't it?" Li Xing approached step by step, in his eyes, murderous. The magical seeds covering the heavenly hands, as well as the unbreakable treasure, triggered his murder.

Moreover, on the test bench, it ’s either you die or I die. He kills Wushuang, and no one can say anything. Even the forces behind Aoshuangshuang ca n’t bother him. When he dies, he dies in vain. This is an ethereal sword rule.

The fierce light in Li Xing's eyes made Ao Wushuang's heart tremble. He said, "What's going on, how can I be afraid? He just relies on a set of footwork, and I don't have to worry about it at all. Next , I will exert all my strength to kill this person in one shot! "

He was ruthless in his heart, and Ao Wushuang followed closely. With the help of Tianyi, he went all out. Li Xing also moved, no longer dodging, but fighting head-to-head. He is the body of King Kong, the body of Bai Yang, and the body of fighting. What are they afraid of?

No matter how bad Baoyi is, it ’s just a blessing, but he is a real nine-nine-year-old and nine-killing King Kong that is not bad!


Fist bump, this time, Li Xing did not step back, Ao Wushuang was shocked slightly arm numbness. Then when Li Xing turned around, he got behind him and hit a second punch. He never imagined that the opponent would punch so fast!

The second fist of Li Xing is quite trivial. Among the Wuxiang Shenquan, there are instant martial arts, Wusheng Wushu, tear martial arts, and three types of sturdy martial arts, which make Wuxi Shenquan's power reach an incredible level.


This punch seemed to shatter the void and hit the proud back. Not bad Bao Yi, issued a strong Jin Mang, completely blocked this overbearing blow.

Next, Li Xing stepped on the non-phase step and hit the non-phase **** fist, making Ao Wushuang even have no chance to fight back. However, that treasure suit, he protected him every time and was not injured.

"Too strong! This Li Xing is really too strong!" The people in the audience were shocked, their mouths were closed together, and Li Xing's performance greatly exceeded their expectations.

However, there are also concerns about Li Xing.

"Li Xing's strength is absolutely above Pride, but unfortunately, that baoyi is so powerful that he can't hurt him at all." Gu Yu sighed.

Li Jie thinks so, too, showing anxiety.

Bei Shibing glared on the stage and said, "There must be a flaw in that baoyi. As long as a flaw is found, Li Xing will win steadily. You see, Ao Wushuang has no confidence at all and he has been frightened by Li Xing."

Bei Shibing was right. Ao Wushuang was really scared. Li Xing's fist and Li Xing's strength made him frightened. He then knew that the other side had been hiding its strength before, and at this moment it was the most terrifying force that broke out.

Had it not been for bad Baoyi, he would have been wounded by his punch and then killed. However, now that he has a Baoyi bodyguard, he is not worried. No matter how powerful Li Xing is, there will always be a time when he runs out of energy. By then, he will have a chance to win.

Li Xing is not a fool. He knows that he can't be hurt, and he must attack madly because he has a plan in mind.

"Li Xing, the weakness of not bad Tianyi is that it can't defend against the attack of God's mind and protect the Yuanshen. You attack him with the invisible God of Demon. However, this man has become a fetus. God and demon are united ', you and the invisible demon are shooting at the same time, and you're all in one battle! "

"Of course, this move has certain risks. At the moment of unity, you will be disturbed by the magical thoughts, and may even become enchanted." Tianxiedao, "but there is a guardian for the teacher, don't worry about this."

Tian Xie's remarks are the reason Li Xing is constantly attacking at this moment. He wants to make the other party afraid, regret and relax in his will, and then send the strongest blow to defeat him completely!

Finally, after a series of brutal attacks, Li Xing left an invincible impression in the heart of Ao Wushuang. He is now completely psychologically dependent on the good weather.

Li Xing also felt that the time was ripe. His Yuanshen, in the position of Qi Hai, was instantly united with the invisible demon. The so-called unity of gods and demons is the fusion of Yuanshen and Demon, so as to soar combat effectiveness.

Fusion is an instantaneous thing. Li Xing feels that his consciousness is a bit vague, and he can only control the spiritual thoughts simply. Ao Wushuang felt that Li Xing suddenly became extremely terrible, a strange magic idea entangled.

"Gods and gods are united! Gods and gods kill!"

There was a roar and violent divine thoughts in Li Xing's heart, which were released at once, but invisible and intangible, strangely penetrated into his divine fetus. Suddenly, his fetus was tightly wrapped and unable to move.

The terrible divine thoughts, repeated strangling, and arrogant consciousness gradually blurred, and eventually lost completely! This means that he has been controlled by Li Xing.

Once he controlled him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing, with only a trace of spirituality, quickly withdrew from the state of demonization, and the Yuanshen and the demon head separated. However, the invisible demon has controlled Ao Wushuang, making it a scum-like existence.

Everyone saw that Ao Wu's eyes were blank, and he stretched out his hand and tore it off, took off a transparent thin gold thin coat from his body, and handed it to Li Xing. Then he shuddered, his consciousness was violated by the inspiration demon, and he became a walking dead.

Li Xing Shen chanted: "Pride Wushuang, if you kill me, I will kill you!" The extinction knife flickered, and a cross-section was made. Grab it.

This divine light is very agile and contains great power. It seems that many of the runes are presented, and it is the unparalleled divine fetus that was taken out by Li Xing.

Everyone was stunned, stupid, and crazy.

A sixfold god-man was just beheaded?

When the invisible demon attacked, it was invisible and qualityless, so no one could see clearly what happened. Only the Lord of the Twelve Halls on the stage, faintly aware that he had used means such as mental attack.

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