Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 363: Kill the baby

Chapter 51: Killing the Infant

"Where did Li Xing go? Why is there only one devastating person?" Tie Fei called a disciple of disciple Palace and asked sharply. The disciple pointed at the stand, with a shocked expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "He is still on the stage, but he has performed a very powerful method, and he can't even find him destructive."

"I knew it!" Chen Shuang jumped with joy and hugged Chen Xue. "Sister, I knew he would be fine!"

Chen Xue also smiled, nodded hard, and the two women ignored the iron concubine, and set their sights on the stage.

Although the action is basically controlled by the invisible devil, Li Xing's thinking is still very clear. He is like a bystander, observing the invisible devil and the destructive battle. In particular, the invisible slash magic performed by the invisible demon enlightened him greatly.

At this moment, the magic performed by the invisible demon head is called "invisible hermit", which is also a kind of magic.

Although the essence of magic is different from the magic, Li Xing also benefits a lot. If he does not perform any further steps in the future, he will become even more mysterious. Because he is also a half martial arts master, his eyes can see all the essence of martial arts.

Regardless of magic, magic or martial arts, in his opinion, they can be integrated into martial arts.

On the destructive static stand, the consciousness is fully open. As soon as the wind blows, he will launch an attack and kill his opponent!

He didn't stay too long, and suddenly, a translucent phantom appeared in front of him, killing him. With a humorous cry, Shenying's big hand grabbed it, and the big hand can cover half a table.

In the palm of his hand, the ten-handed misty flying knife is cut vertically and horizontally. As long as it is caught by it, Li Xing can hardly escape.


The phantom was caught and immediately disappeared. It turned out that it was an invisible phantom released by the invisible demon, not the body. At the moment when the baby shook his hand, Li Xing really appeared behind him.

Extermination Knife, holding in your hand, with the Extermination Knife, an invisible cut, severely killed.

Destructive but motionless, many people in the Twelve Halls also laughed.

"How can ordinary weapons hurt Yuan Shen? Why is this person so naive ..."

But only half of the words were spoken, and Roar gave a roar, extinguished the sword, sent out a black sword, and cut off half of the head of the baby. How do they know that Li Xing's extinct knife, also known as fierce sword, is one of the nine ancient swords, which is extremely fierce, let alone a sacred infant. Of course, the premise is that Li Xing is arrogant enough to exert its power.

In fact, although Li Xing now got the extinction knife, he did not develop the power of this knife, it seems that it is still sleeping. This kind of magic weapon is a level of existence with the relic. If you want to exert its power, you need to have a process of awakening.

Under the destructive effect, he suffered a great loss, the baby was severely damaged, and his body was shaking. The baby was transformed into a god's light and was taken into his body.

"What?" The Lord of the Twelve Palaces stood up in shock, and they realized that the seemingly ordinary knife in Li Xing's hand was not ordinary!

With a single trick, Li Xing was ignorant and shouted, "Kill!"

Suddenly, the spirit in his body moved to a horrible level, with each breath exceeding nine thousand weeks. At such horror speeds, if it were not for the protection of the good clothes, Li Xing would explode even if he was not bad.

Even so, his body and meridians were instantly hugely created. However, after all, the show came out, and at the same time, all the sixty-four types of seven-level heavenly swordsmanship were shown.

With his strength, he is far from practicing the eight-level Heavenly Sword. However, he instantly exhibited all the Heavenly Sword Techniques, and his lethality soared immediately. It turned out that the sixty-four type of heavenly killing knife method had induction between each two types, which made each move more powerful.

Sixty-four knife lights have a tendency to merge into thirty-two styles. If they are merged, it is the eight-level heavenly sword!

Although there is no integration at present, there is only one trend, but this is enough to make regretful.


Such a violent blow seemed to trigger the fierceness of the extermination knife. At this moment, it released the supreme fierce air, mixed with Li Xing's power, and beheaded.

This sword is unprecedented, issued by Li Xing. The devastating infantile was chopped, the spirit was almost dissipated, and there was no time to escape. Even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't escape, and could only watch the sword light fall.

Every day, everything is killed!

Just before Li Xing was about to kill and kill the destructiveness, a magic light suddenly flew out from the stage, and the divine light was extremely rapid. Li Xing's knife became empty.

The next moment, he took the extinction knife and withdrew from the state of unity between gods and demons. At this moment, his body was devastated, and the meridians were severely damaged. A burst of blood rushed up, but was forcibly swallowed into the abdomen.

The shock of him disappeared, and he looked on to the stage, the rescuer who had lost the devastating forgotten temple.

The twelve masters of the Hidden Palace are not very good-looking. Destructiveness is the best disciple in the misty palace. He was hit hard. He was beheaded and cannot be recovered without three or five years.

What's more, this person won the first place and will definitely propose conditions to take away Chen Shuang and Chen Xue.

Li Xing drew his knife and asked coldly, "This is the Ethereal Sword? People in the Ethereal Palace can intervene?"

The main fan of the Fanchen Hall coughed, stood up, and laughed: "Death is an outstanding disciple in my palace. You have no deep hatred, so why not kill it?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, Qianglong doesn't press the ground snake, I won't investigate this matter. I just ask, now, am I the No. 1 sword?"

No one can deny this, the Lord of the Dust Palace only said: "Your Excellency is indeed the first."

"First place, can you propose a condition to the misty palace?" Li Xingchai asked.

"Yes, however, the proposed conditions must not be too outrageous, and must be within the capabilities of the misty palace." Fanchen Hall said.

Li Xing nodded: "That's it, my conditions are very simple. Take Chen Xue and Chen Shuang from the Temple of Forgetfulness, I wonder if the misty palace allows it?"

He was standing on the stage like that. Although seriously injured, his face was still full of confidence. It seemed that no force could let him yield. This scene, seen in the eyes of the Lord of the Twelve Halls, is extremely familiar.

At first, there was also a man named Lan Gusheng who swept across the twelve halls of the misty and took away the water soft. Today, if this person is not allowed to take away Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, there will definitely be a second Lan Gusheng.

There were several masters of the palace who did not want to have trouble. Under the tree, Li Xing and other promising enemies were ready to answer. Unexpectedly, the Lord of Forgetfulness said coldly: "Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are my disciples. You have to take them away, you can. I'm afraid, you have the life to take them away, and you are dead with them."

With no expression, Li Xing asked, "How do you say this?"

"Chen Xue and Chen Shuang have been watched by a core disciple of Wan Famen, and they will come in a few days. If you take them away, you will irritate that person. Can you afford it?"

Speaking of Wan Famen, Bei Shibing, the audience, changed his face.

"Oops, Wan Famen is the first super school. The disciples in the door are all rampant and brutal. Wan Wanhan has offended!" Gu Yu sighed.

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were even paler. They didn't know about this, but they must not be fake, and the master of forgetfulness had no need to lie. They want to go with Li Xing again, and they are worried that he will be affected by this, and they have a dilemma.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, coldly: "Hugh talking about a core disciple, even if Wan Fa is in charge, he can't scare me!"

Twelve hall masters, their faces are all changed, so arrogant guy!

The Lord of the Celestial Palace Shen Shen said: "Okay, the misty palace, promise your request."

Li Xingfei stepped down and fell directly to Chen Xue and Chen Shuang. The iron princess looked vicious, she stared at Li Xing, sneered, and turned to leave.

The two women, both happy and worried, helped Li Xing sit down. They could see that he was injured and was very serious.

"Does it hurt?" Chen Shuang asked stupidly.

Li Xing grinned: "It's okay, let's go." He walked over and said goodbye to Gu Yu, Bei Shibing, and others, not willing to stay here for a long time.

Because of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, he had resentment with the misty palace, and it would be useless to stay more.

Upon hearing that Li Xing was leaving, Bei Shibing jumped up and said, "Let's go together."

Li Jie and Gu Yu glanced at each other, saying: "We also have to participate in the sword of the scholar."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, see you later." I didn't say much. I took the three women out of the hall.

The twelve masters of the palace watched Li Xing leave, but they couldn't stop it. Everyone knows about the Misty Sword. If they do it, if they spread it, everyone would say that Misty Palace is unfair. Who would be willing to participate in the Misty Sword?

"When this person goes, it is equivalent to letting the tiger return to the mountain." Said one of the temple's masters. "Forget love, you should not let the destructive shot, he could have been an ally of the misty palace."

The Lord of Forgetfulness said indifferently: "This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say anything. If this person is to be the enemy of the misty palace in the future, I will be responsible for removing it."

The crowd nodded and said nothing more. Inside the misty palace, the swordsman-level discussion continued, and Li Xing and others had been led away from the misty palace.

"Well, who can imagine that the three masters of God training can defeat the masters of seven masters of God training?" Bei Shibing stared at Li Xing along the way, as if looking at a monster.

Although Li Xing was injured ~ www.readwn.com ~, he did not affect his flight. He wrapped a group of gods and surrounded four people. The flight seemed to be electric. It didn't take long before a vast forest appeared in front, but it was the monster forest.

Li Xing decided to go to Mr. Feng to heal his wounds and explain to him the last trip to the tomb.

Sisters Chen Xue and Bei Shibing were naturally the first time to come to Ziwu Temple, and their hearts were full of curiosity. As soon as a few people reached the sky, they were spotted by Red and White Shuangsha and greeted by flying.

"Well? Brother, aren't you dead?" Apparently, Shuangsha learned from Feng Wang Sun that Li Xing had disappeared.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Is Mr. Feng in?"

"Here, I'm meeting an old friend." As he said, he led Li Xing into the hall.

In the hall, Feng Wangsun and Huang Xiaoyu are talking with an old man with white beard. The old man, with a red face, Tong Yanhe made a black wooden walking stick, and his face was revealed from time to time.

As soon as I saw Li Xing, Feng Wang Sun laughed and said, "I know you're all right. Come, let me introduce you. This is Nanshanweng."

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