Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 365: Fighting Talisman No. 8

Chapter 53: Eighth Prohibition of Fighting Talismans

The first to come to send the patch was not Qin Bo, but the two evil cultists controlled by Li Xing. Both of them have become his puppets, saying everything and acting according to Li Xing's command line.

As soon as the person arrived, he handed nineteen patches to Li Xing. Each of the nineteen repairing symbols has eleven heavy laws and is extremely precious. It is a big martial art of the neighboring sea, a treasure of the Nanyang faction, which was stolen by this person.

After paying the patch, the person could not go back anymore. Li Xing called a disciple to lead him into the tower. Since then, he has been a disciple of Qi Yunpai. Since the patch had been stolen, it would no longer be possible to return to the Nanyang faction, otherwise the Nanyang faction could trace it and find Li Xing.

If this person is kept in the Qi Yun faction, it is difficult to be noticed because the two factions are far apart.

Three days later, Qin Bo also came, and he immediately brought thirty-five patches. It turned out that he gave Baiyang wine to the mage in the martial arts. After the mage tasted the wine, he was very excited, praised him, and gave many good things.

Qin Bo took the opportunity to mention Li Xing and talk about the patch. The mage said nothing, and took out thirty-five patches of ten banned spells. However, he urged Qin Bo to make more Baiyang wine for him, because in a few months, he would meet with several wine friends, and if he could take out Baiyang wine, he would have to smash the group friends and reveal it A face.

Qin Bo naturally agreed with his mouth, and when he saw Li Xing, he laughed and said, "Brother Li, thirty-five patches, are you satisfied?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Thank Brother Brother Qin, but also thank the mage senior." He fetched sixty gourd Baiyang wine and said, "Greeting to the senior on my behalf and saying that he would like to drink in the future, come to me Li Xing . "

This sixty gourd wine was made by Li Xing to make Xueling step up and prepare for today.

Qin Bo was overjoyed. With these wines, he would definitely have a reward when he returned. He stayed in Qiyun for a few days, and then left in a hurry. Li Xing asked Gonyo to send him out of the border of Pingguo.

The Yu Ding faction is also a big faction. If you can make a fate, you will be able to talk when you meet in the future, and even provide help. Especially the drunkard mage, he is the core figure of the Yuding school.

After sending Qin Bo away, Li Xing decided to meet Beichen Lanhuang. He promised to do something for Emperor Tianchen at the beginning, and put forward a request for a patch.

As soon as the people arrived near the Qingxiao faction, the Qingxiao sent the disciples in the distance saw it, and immediately screamed, and hurried back to report it. Last time, Li Xing hurriedly ran to the Qingxiao faction, killing two gods in a row, and being overbearing, impressed the Qingxiao disciples.

Soon, the three magical lights landed. The first person was Murong Qianjun, who taught Li Xing, and said angrily, "Li Xing, what are you doing here?"

He was angry on the surface, but was shocked inside. When he came back, Li Xing still practiced God. How can he know that meeting him again?

Li Xing smiled, and arched his hand: "Murong teaches, here I am, to see Princess Beichen."

Murong Qianjun held back the anger. The man in front of him was so fierce when he was a heavy man. Now is it more difficult for a triple man to deal with it? He didn't want to fight with Li Xing's face, and Shen said, "Princess Beichen is negotiating matters, I'm afraid I can't see you all."

Li Xing looked cold and sneered: "Murong Qianjun, I say hello to you, to send a face to Qing Xiao. If you say so, don't break it down."


Murong Qianjun wanted to be angry, but was stopped by the wind pines beside him. This man was also a **** man, and he was much smoother. He laughed, "Teach me, since Brother Li is looking for a princess, let me report it."

"Huh!" Murong Qianjun sneered again and again, but did not stop. If Li Xing really breaks in, he can't stop it if he feels it, and then he will lose face.

Feng Song didn't go long before turning back, saying: "The princess has invited."

Li Xing smiled: "Thank you very much." Then he entered arrogantly. Murong Qianjun behind him flashed murderous eyes in his eyes, but did not dare to do anything. No way, Li Xing has become the climate, he can't kill if he wants to kill.

Beichen Lantian is indeed negotiating with Tian Bojing, but Tian Bojing has retreated at this moment, and she is waiting for Li Xing alone. The two met, Li Xing opened his eyes and laughed, "Princess, I don't know if the next patch is up?"

Beichen sank his face in blue: "Li Xing, your emperor attaches great importance to you, thinking that you are a talent. However, it is too much to seek rewards without doing anything."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I have to pay a deposit when selling something. What's wrong with it? I will repair it and sell it to the emperor's house. Of course, I have to raise the conditions, otherwise I'm a fool."

When Beichen Lantian didn't hear it, he continued: "The emperor allows you to reward you with sixty patches, and all of them are above the ninefold law. But before that, you must do one thing."

Li Xing frowned: "What do you want me to do?"

"Now the situation in Pingguo is undecided, and His Majesty the Emperor is very unhappy. If you can help me calm Pingguo, these patches are yours." Beichen Lan said the conditions.

Li Xing sneered: "The princess is not kidding? Is this the mess in Pingguo that I should have decided by myself?"

Beichen Lan laughed: "You have no confidence in yourself?"

"It's not that you're not confident, but you're talking about things. The power of the black demon religion is very strong, and the masters of the demon religion are involved. Tianchen Kingdom currently restrains them at most, and cannot be defeated." Li Xing's mind is very clear, clear, and naturally not in this situation .

Beichen said in blue: "You didn't listen to what I said. The princess let you help me calm down, not let you go alone. Her Majesty wanted to control Pingguo as soon as possible and use the power of Pingguo. So he sent a gold suit. Come back. "

"Huh?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow, and Jin Yiwei came!

"The emperor allowed you to join Jin Yiwei now as a small leader, and calm down the chaos in Pingguo. Of course, the Anti-Magic Alliance will fully cooperate with you. How? After success, you can get a repair party and you can still Received a reward and became the leader of Jin Yiwei. "

Li Xing thought for a moment, then suddenly nodded: "Okay."

Beichen was blessed with a blue sky, and Li Xing's misty discussion of the sword, he already knew. Even infantiles can be defeated, and their strength has reached the realm of terror. If it is used for its own purposes, it must be a big killing tool, which is very beneficial to the peace of Pingding.

After hearing his answer, Beichen smiled bluely: "You wait here for seven days. After seven days, Jin Yiwei can arrive."

Seven days, not long or short. Li Xing was housed in a small room, and he used these days to repair the fighting spells.

Qin Bo brought thirty-five patched spells, but I still don't know which of the heavy bans he can use to repair the fighting spells. At this moment, the fighting tactics have been banned from triple law, and even Li Xing also possesses the body of triple fighting.

After taking out the Talisman of Fighting, Li Xing inserted a tenfold patch of forbidden law into it. Suddenly, the Doubao Talisman flashed, and a heavy legal ban was opened again, reaching a quadruple legal ban.

The opening of the fourfold ban, a lot of fighting spirit, flooded the space, a lot of intensity. This fighting spirit is golden and can not only temper the physical body but also enhance the combat effectiveness. If this golden light is integrated into Yuanshen, Shenguang will be even less sharp and powerful.

The second and third patches were successively entered. When eleven patches were consumed, the fifth ban was opened.

Li Xing continued to break into the patch. However, when the thirty-five patches had been used up, the sixth ban of Baofu was still not open.

"It seems that we have to use the nineteen elaborate banned spells." Li Xing said, do it, and continue to repair the spell.

Just hitting a patch of eleven bans, the sixth ban was opened. After ten more shots, the eighth reopen. At this point, the fighting treasure rune, opened eight bans.

Li Xing did not continue to consume the patch, because he found that to open the sevenfold law ban, it would take about one elevenfold law banned patch, to open the eighth screen would require ten, and to open the nineth screen, it would require one hundred.

Therefore, it is impossible to open the ninth heavy law ban with the remaining eight cards on hand, so just keep it. In the future, if he wants to continue to open the Talisman, he will need to consume a lot of patches.

For the ninth level of law prohibition alone, hundreds or thousands of patches of ten or more law prohibition patches are needed. I am afraid that only so many superpowers can provide them.

"It seems that it can only be repaired until the Eightfold Law is banned. In the future, we will wait for a large number of repair symbols." Li Xing reluctantly thought that he would soon fight the battle amulet and put it into Yuanshen.

Among the primitive gods, Baofu issued a circle of golden light, constantly releasing the fighting force, and tempering Li Xing's body and Yuanshen, so that his physique continued to improve. He is now the body of a triple fight, and it takes a long time to reach the eighth fight.

Of course, after reaching the eighth level of fighting, Li Xing's physical body will reach a horrible level, which complements King Kong's indestructible body.

Repairing the Baomu, unknowingly, seven days passed, and Jin Yiwei also came as promised.

Inside the hall on Qingxiao Peak ~ www.readwn.com ~ a group of twelve gods and men, all wearing gold tights, standing neatly in the hall, they are a group of Jin Yiwei.

When Li Xing saw the twelve, Beichen Lan was training.

"Jin Yiwei is the guard of the emperor. You are here to cooperate with the Anti-Magic Alliance and get rid of the Dark Demon. In the meantime, your chief will be the commander of Li Xing." Then, she looked at Li Xing.

Twelve members of Jin Yiwei also looked at Li Xing. But they obviously don't take Li Xing very seriously. The twelve Jin Yiweis are all practicing the Sixfold God. How can the triple Godhead be considered?

With a smile, Li Xing walked slowly to the twelve. Beichen retreated, and she knew that whether she could surrender to these people would depend on Li Xing.

Looking around the people, Li Xing said indifferently: "It seems that you are not convinced with me? If you are not convinced, stand up!"


Twelve people, taking a step forward neatly, didn't even agree.

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