Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 366: 4 in gold

Chapter 54: Four Guards in Gold

Li Xing nodded, and he was still laughing: "Since you are not convinced, let's fight!" He said, and everyone moved, and saw thousands of phantoms, full of the hall, and went to twelve Yi Wei, launch an attack at the same time!

Twelve Jinyiwei, with a mocking expression on his face. This person is almost beyond his control. As long as one person is twelve in gold, the triple **** can be pinched to death. And this guy, dare to challenge them at the same time.

There was a sound of wind breaking, and the twelve gold robes moved at the same time, forming a killing battle against Li Xing.

Li Xing stepped on the non-phase step, in the non-phase step, gradually integrated into the invisible step. The invisible step was realized by Li Xing when the invisible demon was first deployed. Everyone saw that the hundreds of thousands of phantoms were getting weaker and lighter, and in the end they all disappeared.

There is no image and no sound. The twelve Jin Yiweis are all in the heart, and they dare not to underestimate Li Xing, but they are all alert.

Twelve gold guards, the formation of this killing team, named sweeping killing team, is very powerful. The twelve people cooperated in unison to maximize the power of killing.

Once the battlefield is up and running, it can sweep through all rivals and is difficult to resist. In addition, they are six-fold gods and men, with powerful strength and even more powerful.

Suddenly, Li Xing appeared behind a Jin Yiwei and punched relentlessly. This fist contains the true meaning of the moment, it is inevitable, and even the speed of the killing array is too late to stop.


A Jin Yiwei was blown away with a punch, shaking his blood and tumbling, and then backed down more than a dozen steps. When one person flies, the killing array is broken. An invisible phantom refers to the east and the west.

The instant martial arts, inanimate martial arts, and torn magic martial arts, the three martial arts complement each other, and each move has an unpredictable mystery and supreme power, showing the martial arts master's arrogance.

The fighting did not last long. After half an hour, the twelve Jinyiwei had already lay down three. Fighting again, the fool also saw that Li Xing would defeat them one by one.

Suddenly, a Jin Yiwei yelled, "Stop!"

The twelve Jin Yiweis all stopped and looked at Li Xing. Li Xing also stopped and looked back calmly at the twelve people and asked, "Do you agree?"

The twelve people looked at each other, and said in unison: "The command makes the magic work invincible, we serve!"

In fact, they were convinced when Li Xing broke through the battle with a punch. Even if the infant child master is not necessarily able to break through the battlefield so easily, Li Xing can do it, proving that he is extremely powerful.

Beichen Lanlan was very happy and laughed: "Very good, Commander Li, you should be familiar with it. Three days later, I will have a task for you." Then she stepped back.

In the empty hall, only Li Xing and others were left.

Li Xing Weiwei said, "The first time I meet, I invite you to drink."

Upon hearing the drink, the twelve people disagreed. As the Jin Yiwei, what good wine has never been drunk? Presumably the commander will entertain them with some bad wine.

However, when they smelled the strong fragrance of Baiyang wine, their noses twitched fiercely, and their eyes lit up.

"Good wine!" Everyone cried in unison.

Li Xing smiled, took the wine glass to distribute it, and then the thought moved, and twelve wine lines flew out of the altar to fill everyone with Baiyang wine. He raised his glass and said, "Get a glass from my brothers! "

Everyone drank it, and praised the wine.

Li Xing was full again, and said, "I hope we can drink a lot in the future. Brother and I have also worked in the Tianchen Army for a few days as a vice general, and Jin Yiwei is also considered a military establishment, not an outsider. Today, Let's meet first. "

Twelve Jinyiwei, seeing that Li Xing had no shelf, was kind, and offered wine and hospitality to them. They all had a good feeling in their hearts, so they introduced each one by themselves.

Li Xing also introduced himself, and then you and I chatted with each other. During the chat, Li Xing learned more about Jin Yiwei.

The number of Jin Yiwei is only 50, including one person for each of the commander and the deputy. Among them, the chief and deputy commanders are the strongest of the nine-strength and ten-strength. However, the orthodox leader was beheaded and killed not long ago, so the current Jin Yiwei has no leader, and the deputy leader temporarily assumes his post.

Under the command of the chief and deputy, there are forty-eight people in Jin Yiwei, divided into four guards, namely, the sky guard, the ground guard, the battle guard, and the imperial guard. The twelve men in front of Li Xing belong to one of the four guards.

Among the four guards in Jinyi, the sky guard and the ground guard are the strongest. All of the characters are masters of the infantile series, which are the core strength of the emperor and easily move. In fact, the Celestial Guard and the Earth Guard were directly assigned to the Emperor, and they would not even question them, even if they were commanders and deputies.

In addition, the battle guards and imperial guards are all six-man gods. The Chinese Communist Party Guards are responsible for external operations, the Royal Guards are responsible for the daily guard of the Royal Palace, and they lead the Guards. The four guards are led by a commander.

Unfortunately, the commander of the battle guard and the leader of Jin Yiwei were killed together. At the moment, no one is managing it, which is cheaper for Li Xing.

However, even if Li Xing became the leader of the Jin Yiwei in the future, he would only be in charge of the battle guards and the imperial guards. As for the second guard of the heavens and the earth, he was not qualified to question. When he thought of the twenty-four masters of babies, Li Xing became scalp. Tianchen Kingdom was indeed a superpower and he had so many experts.

Now, the twelve of the battle guards in the Jin Yiwei are under the control of Li Xing, who is the commander of the battle guards. Compared to the commander of the Imperial Guard, the ruthless generation who practiced the God of God and condensed the true shape of the **** babies could not help but feel a little weak.

However, Li Xing didn't care much. He believed that it wouldn't be long before he could challenge Jiuzhong and even tenfold god-man to become the first person under the mage!

Those who can enter the Jin Yiwei are absolutely loyal to the emperor, their identity is innocent, and there is no implication between the major forces. In fact, Jin Yiwei, a Tianchen royal family, had accumulated many generations and formed a powerful force.

Even if the throne is not guaranteed, the Emperor Tianchen can take this power and build a force that can stand on the shoulders. Its overall strength is far above the generalists such as the Yuding faction and the Founder faction.

Li Xing talked with the people for a day. The next day, it took two days for Beichen Lan to return to Qi Yun to arrange some private affairs. Beichen Lan agreed.

During his visit, he wanted to settle Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, and also introduced Ling Xue and Shui Yue to the second daughter. At this point, he will have to pass it sooner or later and cannot escape.

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang have been in the Qiyun faction for some time, and they have been familiar with the people in the faction. Everyone knows that her sisters are all Li Xing's women, so everyone is very respectful.

On the eleventh floor of the Qiyun Tower, Li Xing distributed the elixir to the Three Thousand Kingdoms, and ordered them to integrate into the Qiyun faction in the future, obeying the order of the palm teacher Yu Yuxu. Since then, these scholars have gained a lot of benefits, and feel that it is much easier than the original cultivation, so they are willing to stay.

Li Xing's death, naturally obedience.

After doing this, Li Xing called Chen Xue and Chen Shuang into the Dan room, and for a long time, he could not speak.

Chen Shuang and Chen Xue, looking at him differently, asked, "What happened to you?"

Li Xinggan laughed, and then smiled bitterly. For a moment, the expression on his face changed a little, and Chen Shuang frowned, asking, "What's wrong?"

Li Xing hardened his scalp, grabbed his big hand, and took the two women into Baiyang Jingtian. In Jingtian, Xueling and Shuiyue have been informed by Li Xing, and they are waiting for the second daughter Li to appear in her heart.

In theory, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang first knew Li Xing, and they had the appointment of Baishou. Shuiyue can be counted as three bedrooms, while Xueling is four bedrooms.

The four women looked at each other, one side was puzzled and the other side worried.

Li Xing also entered the sky, hardened his scalp, and said the matter in one breath. After speaking, he was ready for a storm of scolding and scolding, at least Chen Shuang made a noise.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, if nothing happened, seemed not angry at all.

Li Xing was so strange, he asked cautiously, "Shuanger, aren't you angry with me?"

Chen Shuang said lightly, "Are you angry?"

He turned his head and asked Chen Xue: "Xer, don't you anger me?"

Chen Xue sighed: "So far, what's the use of qi?"

Li Xing paused, what's going on? Women in this world are so good at talking? But think about it and understand again. In the society in which he lived in the previous life, the concept of monogamy, one man and one woman, was deeply rooted.

But in this world, monogamy with multiple daughters is extremely common. Moreover, a man with status, if there is only one wife, will be laughed at by people around him.

After thinking about this festival, Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was too concerned about it. The world was so beautiful!

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was obviously too early for him to be happy. Chen Shuang said at the moment: "What's more, Li Xingzi married a few women, what is it to do with our sisters? We dare not ask questions."

Li Xing jumped in his heart, and yelled secretly, this little girl is going to explode!

Sure enough, Chen Shuang sneered repeatedly, saying he wanted to leave here. Chen Xue also bowed her head, wondering what she was thinking. The love between men and women is selfish after all, regardless of whether they are polygamous or monogamous, women have the same idea.

No one will look at them and push their men out, unless their head is abnormal, or they are pretending to be pretentious.

Therefore, when the soft grinding and hard foaming, hand and mouth combined, half a day's work, first cleared Chen Shuang.

The most embarrassing thing is Chen Xue, and Li Xing is so bright in the sun that he and Chen Shuang are all there.

"Shuanger, forgive me. As long as I like you, how many women are different?" Li Xing asked softly.

"If you don't forgive, don't forgive ..." Chen Shuang said, biting his lips.

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