Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 369: Dragon King

Chapter 57: Heavenly Dragon King

The two talked and sang, they both wanted to see Li Xing's shocked look, and then politely came to apologize. However, they were all disappointed. Li Xing only showed a thoughtful expression, and he was too lazy to cast his eyes.

A Yaotong's face sank, and he said coldly, "Isn't it a lord, even Wanfamen doesn't know, there are such ignorant people in the world?"

Another drug boy said: "The two of us are Tianlong Shenjun's old drugboy, don't he even know Tianlong Shenjun?"

People who practice the **** level are called **** men, but some masters who practice the **** level have exceptional strength and arrogance, so strong that they can compete with low-level mages. Such **** men have a great chance of achieving mages. And once they become a mage, they are all great men.

This type of person, even the mage, dare not despise, they are respected as gods, emperors among gods and men. There are not many such characters, even fewer than the number of mages.

The name of Tianlong Shenjun, Li Xing has naturally heard that this person is the one who has the best chance to become a mage among the 10,000 Famens. It is rumored that within ten years, he will enter the level of law and heaven and become a mage.

The difference between a mage and a god-man is similar to the difference between a god-man and a kingdom man. Therefore, a god-man who can compete with the mage must have very powerful means, and Fang deserves the title of "monarch".

The two drug boys deliberately revealed the name of Tianlong Shenjun, and said that this time you should be afraid. None of them could see through Li Xing's practice. Otherwise, they would have killed people with flying swords. This is the temper of Wanfamen.

Unfortunately, Li Xing's look remained unchanged and he still ignored. These two drug boys will soon break through and become gods and humans, and their hearts are proud and tight. How can they swallow this breath?

The two exchanged a look, one of them voiced fiercely: "I'm so mad! He thought he was a great man, and killed him!"

Another was a fierce generation, saying: "He thinks he is a god-man, but I don't know that we have the white tiger rune from the god!"

The difference between runes and magic signs is that runes are extraordinary human beings. They seal certain magical spells in specially-made magic signs. It can also be said that the rune is a modified and upgraded version of the magic rune, and its power is naturally not weak.

Runes released by runes are often greater than those performed by the god-man himself, because the runes are blessed by the laws of the runes. There are a few runes on the two medicine boys, and suddenly they are trying to kill Li Xing.

These two people, no matter where they walked, heard the sound of patting their horses, respecting the words, which seemed so indifferent as Li Xing, seemed to look down on them at all. Immediately unbearable inside, then murderous.

In fact, just when the two revealed the name of Tianlong Shenjun, Li Xing secretly released the invisible demon and sneaked into the consciousness of the two. Their conversation was perceived by them.

"Huh! Because of such trivial matters, they are going to kill people, and they are really arrogant!" In Li Xing's eyes, the killer emerged, his thoughts moved, and the invisible demon exploded. The two drug boys struggled a little and their souls were hanged.

Whatever thoughts of killing, the fact that they are gods and medicine boys, have turned into clouds, because they have lost their consciousness and become walking dead.

Li Xing walked over and searched and found two pieces of ninth-order instruments. This is a good thing. With his current strength, the use of the 9th-order magic weapon is stronger than the power of casting no phase.

That day, Dragon God Jun was really a powerful figure, and even Yaotong had nine-stage magic instruments.

That's all, Li Xing found two runes from the two corpses, which are four runes and four runes. Once these eight runes are displayed, they are equivalent to a mage's blow.

"Fortunately, I took the shot in time, or I was really shown by them, and I will be seriously injured if I don't die!" Li Xing secretly sighed, a drug boy of all kinds of methods was so arrogant, this martial art was really overbearing.

In addition to these, there are some elixir and several small implements on both of them, which did not get into Li Xingfa's eyes, but they are better than nothing, and they are collected.

Finally, he took the bodies of two drug boys, separated the pond, and entered an underwater stone cave. After crossing a stone path, I entered an underground palace. Here, it is the treasure house of the Dark Devils.

But he said that Li Xing entered the water of the lake, nearby, a large stone, suddenly changed for a while, and turned into an old man. The old man had white hair and eyebrows, was short and thin, and his eyes were foxes.

He smiled, "Hey, what is the origin of the boy, so cruel, even the people of Wanfamen dare to kill. However, it also helped my old man a favor. I will report to the Cangshan Medical Immortal if I have a chance in the future. To him, give him some benefits. "

He whispered to himself for a while, turned into a light, and left.

There aren't many things that can excite Li Xing in the treasury of the Dark Devils. It is nothing more than some elixir, elixir, low-order magic instruments, magic symbols and so on. Although these things are inconspicuous, they are all good things for the disciples when they are returned to Qi Yunpai.

Yao Xing's body was thrown directly into the treasure house by Li Xing, and then all returned to Qi Yunpai like everyone else.

At present, Pingguo has basically stabilized, and all forces outside the Qi Yun faction have entered the palace, and they have begun an open fight. The Qi Yun faction has also become a martial art rewarded by the Tianchen Kingdom, and its status has improved.

With this result, Li Xing was quite satisfied. As long as this continued, at the speed of development of the Qi Yun faction, it would not take long for it to completely suppress the remaining factions and thus lead Pingguo.

As for who is the emperor, the factions are fighting each other, and Li Xing is too lazy to control it. Now he wants to see Beichen Blue, ask for 60 patches, and discuss his plans in the future. Did he enter the palace directly and serve as Jin Yiwei, or still return to Gu Xuan.

Beichen is blue, and Li Xing was met in the palace hall.

"I'm ready for the patch." Beichen turned blue and gave a jade box to Li Xing.

Li Xing took the jade box, opened it, and found that out of the sixty patches, there were ten banned ten, ten banned ten, ten banned ten, and twelve banned. Of the nine, thirteen are prohibited by law.

One was enough. The ninth ban on fighting treasures had not been opened, and a patch of 13 bans was sent. Of the 60 bans, there was one, and Li Xing was very happy.

Dou Zhan Bao Fu opened the Nineth Level, enough for him to cultivate for a long time!

Seeing Li Xing's joyful color, Beichen said bluely: "You can also see that Her Majesty is very serious about you, and I hope you will not let down His Majesty's expectations."

Li Xing put away the jade box, and said lightly, "If I didn't have this idea, I wouldn't be here anymore. The princess doesn't know any suggestions for where to go next day? Should she enter Jin Yiwei or still return to Gu Xuan? "

This matter was no longer something he could decide. Presumably, the Emperor Tianchen had made arrangements.

Beichen Lanlang: "You still return to Gu Xuan to help him build military merit, and find a way to help him take over and control the Gu family. This is a test. If you can do it, your Majesty will fully trust you."

"In addition, your position as commander of the battle guard is still reserved, and you may become the leader of the Jin Yiwei when you return from victory."

Li Xing's thoughts flowed and he said, "Yes, his subordinates obey."

"Li Xing, you are a smart person. Now the troubled times are the opportunity for talents like you to make a contribution. Don't go the wrong way." Bei Chen is blue, and he warns deeply.

"Subordinates understand."

Li Xing stepped back, Emperor Tianxie sneered: "This Emperor Tianchen is really stupid. If I were him, I would keep you by my side and cultivate it deliberately, instead of developing outside."

Li Xingdao: "He wanted to use my hand to control the Gu family. Although he didn't have much hope, it was also a move. Master, my own martial will, has not yet fully condensed successfully, and must go through infinite killings. . At this moment, I just entered the army and cultivated with all my heart, and everything else was set aside. "

"That's right! Although you realize the three meanings of martial arts, including lifelessness, instantaneousness, and tearing, but it is not your own. The true master of martial arts must create his own martial arts! The chaotic martial arts you create, It's not perfect, and once it's perfect, you succeed. "

"Oh! This chaotic martial arts also feels magical to the teacher. Once it is complete, it must be the supreme martial arts! The true meaning of chaos is to accommodate everything, regardless of martial arts, it can be used by me. These realms are very mysterious! "

Li Xing nodded: "Next, we must continue to absorb and integrate various martial arts, and continue to experience actual combat. One day, I will succeed!"

Back at the Qi Yun faction, Li Xing collected everything from the Heijiao. Except for the elixir, he handed it to You Yuxu for processing, and then left it for a few days to deal with unfinished things. Refined some elixir, and distributed some magic instruments.

On this day, Li Xing was going to leave for Tianchen Kingdom. Before leaving, Bei Shibing said that he had to follow along, and had to go to the army to play once.

Li Xing wanted to refuse, but seeing her eager expression, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she took her with her.

After a few days of flight ~ www.readwn.com ~ it was Tianchen. After he left for a while, the rebellious Jijia hadn't moved at all, and the sergeants felt that they were free from birds.

However, Gu Xuan was extremely happy to see Li Xing, very simple, because he has become a half-step god. This result, as long as Li Xing expected, laughed: "The general, after half a step, the **** and man will be punished. These days, good cultivation, I will refine a few flavors of elixir for the general, General Bao Da survived the peace. "

Gu Xuan was overjoyed, but felt that when he met Li Xing, he had the greatest luck in his life, thanked him, and worked hard to cultivate. Events in the military are naturally presided over by Li Xing, a vice general.

Few days later, Li Xing just opened the battle amulet and opened the ninth heavy legal ban, and soldiers reported: "Master Li, you have caught the fine work of a rebel, and please handle it."

Li Xing's eyes flickered and his life was: "Bring it up!"

Within a short while, a petite sergeant was brought into the army account. Li Xing saw it at a glance. Although this man was wearing men's clothing, he was a woman, and his appearance was so beautiful that he did not lose to Chen Xue and Chen Shuang.

"Who are you? Where does the spy come from?" Li Xing scolded.

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