Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 370: witchcraft

Chapter 58: Witchcraft

The woman looked terrified and looked down.

Li Xing sneered, and immediately released the invisible demon, sneaking into her consciousness. This method is extremely fierce, no matter how treacherous the other party is, he can't hide what he wants.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the invisible devil contacted the other god, he was blocked by a strange power. Tightly, the woman suddenly raised her head, her face was covered with black tendons, her expression was fierce, and she made a weird cry.

Her eyes turned blue-grey, her eyes turned into two weird runes, her eyes locked on Li Xing. Seen by Li Yi, Li Xing's Yuan Shen is tight, as if suppressed by a wave.

"Huh? Witchcraft! Li Xing, slay this girl, draw memory!" The Emperor Tianxie sang suddenly.

Li Xingmu's eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "I don't know if I live or die!" Yuan Shen suddenly trembled, and shake off that power directly. His Yuan Shen, high quality, strong strength, incredible, is this woman able to control?

Breaking the shackles, Li Xing went to the woman in one step, and when he punched out, the martial arts revealed the power of the woman. But Li Xing's fist was too fast, and it came in an instant.


In the boxing of the woman's chest, she screamed bloodily. The invisible demon, when she took the opportunity to invade again, took control of the other party at once, and extracted all her memories in an instant.

She stripped away her memory, strangled her magical thoughts, and the woman suddenly lost her breath.

The guards reacted, but the woman was dead. Their faces changed dramatically, and they knelt down: "Damn it!"

Li Xing waved his hand: "Anyway, lift the body out and bury it." The woman's memory told him that this was an assassination plan.

The woman's name was Bi Chun, originally a little king and concubine, who later accidentally gained voodoo inheritance. After the small country was destroyed by the Ji family, Bichun invested in the family again and married Ji Daming, the eldest son of the Ji family.

Ji Daming used the news network to detect that Li Xing was the one who killed the 100,000 Jijia Army last time, so he wanted to assassinate Li Xing. Bi Chun joined the family at the beginning of her life. In order to gain trust, she was not willing to take risks, and she wanted to assassinate Li Xing.

In her life, she killed many gods with witchcraft and was extremely confident. Disguised as a masterpiece, and mixed into the barracks. Originally, she wanted to use the beauty to impress Li Xing, and then took the opportunity to kill.

I do n’t know, Li Xing is even more fierce than her and searches the soul directly with magical thoughts. This method is absolutely unacceptable to her, otherwise everything will be missed. So, at the moment Li Xing started, she also shot, concealing Li Xing.

Li Xing was powerful and unmoved, but killed Bichun instead.

"Ji's secretly counted on me, it must be some action." Li Xing trembled.

That night, Li Xing used Bichun's memory to sort out a set of witchcraft methods. Witchcraft is a product of ancient times. Today, it is almost extinct, and it has been replaced by the orthodox method of training blood and gas.

It is lucky that Bichun can be inherited.

At that time, the eighteen witches Li Xing obtained in the ancient tomb were made by witchcraft. Witchcraft is definitely not the same as the current traditional cultivation method. It uses special means to cultivate its own spirit and spirit with the help of heaven and earth.

This special method is the sorcery, using the spell to link the power of the heavens and the earth.

This set of witchcraft spells, named "Eight Wild Spells", is extremely vicious. Inside, there are seventy-two voodoo spells. Bichun practiced more than ten years before practicing three.

"Three cultivations, just so powerful, this witchcraft is really terrifying!" Li Xing was surprised.

"I wanted to see the mystery of witchcraft in the past as a teacher, but unfortunately I did n’t get the exercises. I got it today, and it is a fulfillment of this wish. The practice of witchcraft is also a kind of cultivation school. In ancient times, Unlike now, everyone is practicing blood and qi, and practicing the Yuanshen. At that time, there were many wonderful cultivation methods such as witch cultivation, but most of them were extinct. "

"Even if someone gets the inheritance, they only use it as a supplement to cultivation, not just cultivation."

Li Xingdao: "This witchcraft, as long as it has enough mental power, can be cultivated very quickly, but it is not urgent to repair it. It is better to complete the chaotic martial arts first."

Seeing that he was not too greedy, Tian Xie was very satisfied, saying, "The cultivation of martial arts requires both fighting and opportunity. Once the opportunity arrives, it may break through."

The day after Li Xing killed Bichun, a small school reported that the Grand Marshal Tiantai Mingjing came to examine. Li Xing was taken aback. Tai Ming Jing was a very powerful figure that day. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately called the sergeant of the military academy to meet him.

However, the rooftop scriptures came quickly. Li Xing and other talents were ready. As soon as the account was out, the rooftop scriptures arrived.

When he first saw the Ming dynasty on the rooftop, Li Xing felt that this man was very strong and had reached the realm of gods. The meaning of the gods is to be able to fight with the junior mages, such as the Dragon King.

The Ming Scriptures on the Tiantai are the top ten gods and men who practice God and reach the realm of God and King. The Grand Marshal, looking very young, in his thirties and under forty, looks burly and imposing.

He was wearing heavy armor, followed by four guards on the left and right, all of them were Jiuzhong gods and men, walking in front of Li Xing and others.

"Subordinates wait, join Grand Marshal, Grand Marshal Wan'an!" Li Xing led the worship.

The Tiantai Mingjing raised Li Xing with a smile, his eyes were full of admiration, and he said, "Are you Li Xing? Lieutenant Gu Xuan?"

"The subordinate is here. The Grand Marshal came and had a long-distance welcome. Please ask the Grand Marshal to forgive him." Li Xing was not humble, nor did he show his flattering appearance, nor did he show too ordinary.

Tiantai Mingjing nodded with satisfaction: "Ha Xuan's credit is half of what you have. Talent like you is hard to come by. When Gu Xuan asked me to mobilize hundreds of gods, I knew it wasn't his idea. There is a superior to help but I don't want to. Is his lieutenant. "

He "haha" smiled, leaning on Li Xing's shoulders, and entered the camp together. The military schools also entered the account together.

On the rooftop Ming Jing, sit on the main seat, Li Xing sat side by side. He also admired the Ming dynasty on the rooftop. This man not only cultivated high, but was also good at leading wars. Tianchen Guo would have been in trouble if he had not had such a general.

Therefore, he deliberately took out the three-cucurbit Baiyang wine and entertained the Ming Dynasty on the rooftop.

Alcohol is not banned in the army, because everyone is a cultivator and is not afraid to get drunk. Seeing Li Xing holding the wine, the Tiantai Mingjing didn't pay much attention to it, but when he smelled the wine, his eyes widened, he took a breath, and said loudly, "Good wine!"

Li Xing smiled: "His subordinates have always wanted to meet the Grand Marshal. Unfortunately, the Marshal is busy with military affairs. How dare you bother? I can see you today. My subordinates are fortunate to bring out the best wines from the hospitality."

Then, he personally filled the rooftop Ming Jing.

Tiantai Mingjing swallowed his saliva and drank it boldly. He pursed his mouth, inhaled and exhaled, apparently trying to taste wine. It was a long time before he sighed, "I have lived for decades, but for the first time I have tasted such a wonderful wine, why is this wine?"

The rooftop scriptures asked Li Xing.

Li Xingdao: "This is Baiyang Brew, which is prepared from Baiyang Lingguo.It is not only a good wine, but also a great help for cultivation."

The Tiantai Mingjing said in surprise: "Is Baiyang Linggu? No wonder, I feel that the wine is in my belly, and I immediately train the whole body and bones, and I get a lot of benefits, wonderful! However, your wine is gold and you are willing to give up."

With a smile, Li Xing filled him again: "The wine is good with the hero, the Grand Marshal deserves it."

The rooftop Mingjing laughed, and Li Xing's flattering made him comfortable and drank it again.

As Jiuyao's ears became hot, Mingtian Jingtai suddenly said, "Li Xing, you are Lieutenant General Gu Xuan, and you also count my Majesty's senior management. What do you think of the Jijia rebels?"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Jiu Jing must have a big move, and the Ji family has been calm for so long. I am afraid that there will be a big move. The Grand Marshal's strategy must have seen through."

Tiantai Mingjing nodded: "Yes, I have received a spy report. The Ji family is brewing the strongest blow. The three-way army, we have the most pressure on this road, and have the heavy responsibility of guarding the Beijing division. They are not sloppy. Gu Xuanfeng commanded you as the god-man without the consent of the coach. However, today I officially appoint you as the grand commander of the god-man camp and allocate ninety god-men. "

Li Xing didn't mean to be happy. Tiantai Mingjing did this, that was to give him a task. He got up and thanked him, and waited for the following.

Sure enough, Tiantai Mingjing said: "I came here to inspect the camps and to see you Li Xing. You may not know that Her Majesty mentioned in the scriptures that you were mentioned in particular, saying that you were a useful resource. Let me promote. "

With a move in Li Xing's heart, the Emperor Tianchen began to train him. It won't be long before there will be more rewards. Immediately, he said, "Xie emperor Xie Long's grace."

Tiantai Mingjing: "The boss also knows that you are a talent, and the credit for the last stand is proof. So, you are appointed as the leader of the god-man camp. This god-man camp is newly established. You are responsible for the ninety god-man who are from the army. Pick it out. "

"The purpose of setting up the God-Man Camp ~ www.readwn.com ~ is to establish a mobile and effective forward team that will always disrupt the layout of the enemy and also be responsible for the security of the military camp. The last thing can't happen again."

Last time, more than a hundred people from the Jijia rebels suddenly attacked, causing heavy losses to the army on the Middle Road. The Emperor Tiantai Mingjing was reprimanded by the emperor.

Li Xing was ordered to accept the post under the command of the god-man and formally took command.

When the Tiantai Mingjing was leaving, don't forget to put a bare gourd Baiyang wine on the waist. With a vision, Li Xing took out six gourds and gave them to the guards of the Ming Dynasty Classics for the Tiantai Mingjing.

On the same day, ninety gods and men came to report with Li Xing. Most of the ninety gods and men were the people who worked with Li Xing last time, and everyone is familiar with them. They admire Li Xing. Li Xing led them to great achievements, and everyone was rewarded.

Although the gods and men are rare, the kingdom of heaven is a superpower, and there are many gods and men. Therefore, it is not easy to become a god-man. For example, Jiu Lixiong, if it was not Li Xing's secret assistance, he would not have been promoted for life.

Huten ten days passed, and Ming Tiantian ordered that the chief and deputy officers of each army go to the meeting. Li Xing knew that there was some movement in Ji Family!

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