Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 371: War is imminent

Chapter 59: Coming soon

One party covers an area of ​​more than ten acres, and the huge box account of the Quartet is very magnificent. It is the account of the Grand Marshal. At this moment, in the marshal's account, the six generals of the middle army, six deputy generals, and the Grand Marshal Tiantai Mingjing were all present.

It is the first time for Li Xing to participate in these core meetings and see so many high-level figures. The six generals are Gu Xuan of the Gu Family, Liu Hui of the Liu Family, Wu Fangming of the Wu Family, and Bei Chen Yi of the Bei Chen Family. The other two generals, although a large number of eight surnames, are also from a large family, one named Nan Houying and the other named Guan Ding.

Among them, Bei Chenyi, the son of Emperor Tianchen and 34 princes, belonged to Beichenji's dead party, and of course also represented Beichenji's power.

Li Xing and Gu Xuan stood together and surrounded the military sandbox. His face was strange, so the other five generals looked at him, and Li Xing nodded.

The Tiantai Mingjing did not introduce Li Xing. As soon as he came up, he told the military situation at the moment. He said, "The two forces on the left and the right came at the same time. The Qing family and the Nanshan family have already taken action. In their actions, their troops split into three lanes and marched towards us. "

On the rooftop Ming Jing, he took a few strokes on the sand table with a wooden stick, and continued, "Three-way men and horses, each with 400,000 troops, a total of 1.2 million. It seems that our army in the middle is superior in number, but it is not. "

The Grand Marshal's expression was dignified: "Ji Jia was supported by Wan Famen and delivered 200 gods to his army! According to reliable information, of these 200 gods, 30 people practiced six or more gods!"

Six generals, their faces have changed, what? Two Hundred Gods! How can we fight this battle?

Originally, the foundation of the Ji family, they all knew that if they put together a lot of things, there were hundreds of famous gods and men, comparable to them. Now there are more than two hundred god-man all at once, how can it be better?

Once the God-Man enters the battlefield, its combat power can be ten thousand blocks! With just one divine spell, hundreds of thousands of patriarchs can be killed and killed. Only by using God-Man to God-Man can he restrain himself.

The Tiantai Mingjing continued: "The number of gods and men in the army that I can find in the middle of the road is only one hundred and ninety, which is only half of the Jijia. Therefore, we have no advantage in some battles."

"Damn! Wan Famen actually turned around for the Ji family!" The thirty-fourth prince, Bei Chenyi patted the table.

"These two hundred gods are hard to resist once they come to your door! Immediately write to His Majesty the Emperor and mobilize Jin Yiwei to reinforce him! Jin Yiwei are all practicing the Sixth Level and above, and their combat power is amazing. Hundreds of Gods, there is no return! "Wu Fangming proposed.

"This is impossible! Jin Yiwei is the last line of defense of the Emperor Father. It is the cornerstone of the Tianchen family. You cannot move lightly. It is your Wu family. I heard that many dead men have been trained. The strength may not be lower than Jin Yiwei. Some come over? "Bei Chenyi said coldly, apparently there was no contradiction between the six generals.

Wu Fang was not angry, and said lightly: "His Royal Highness is joking. Hugh said that the Wu family had no deceased person, and even if there was, he would not be able to get into the Wu family. His Highness must understand that now we are desperate for your Beichen family."

"You!" Bei Chenyi's expression sank, and Wu Fangming's words were simply outrageous, but unfortunately no one and no one could deal with him. The chaos in the world right now is precisely when the people are employed, and they must not offend the Wu family.

The rooftop Ming Jing waved his hand and said solemnly: "Shut up!"

Bei Chenyi and Wu Fangming didn't dare to say any more.

"I have already informed Her Majesty about this matter. Her Majesty informed the heads of the clan, eight families in Tianchen, and sent ten gods and men to help out." A word from the rooftop scripture made everyone silent.

The so-called ten surnames and eight families can also be referred to as the eight surnames of Tianchen. In fact, Tianbo and Tiantai, Beishi and Beichen, were originally the same surname. For various reasons, the Tianbo family consists of the two surnames Tianbo and Tiantai. They are actually the same family, but they are controlled by two owners.

There are some exceptions for Bei Shi and Bei Chen. The ancestors of Bei Shi's family were formerly named Shenyuan and named Shenyuan Tianming. That God's original destiny, a generation of heroes, assisted the ancestors of Beichen's family as a master, and laid down the great mountains and mountains of Tianchen Kingdom.

Later, when Tianchen established the nation, the original God was changed to the North Division to show respect. For a long time, the North Division had been loyal to the Beichen family. However, in the recent rebellion of the three surnames, the minds of the Bei family have also moved.

In the past, the Bei Shi family and the Bei Chen family were regarded as one family, but now it is hard to say. Therefore, Tianchen's eight surnames, privately, have long been known as Tianchen ten surnames, or Tianchen nine surnames.

The rebellious Jijia, Qingjia, and Nanshan families, as well as the Tianbo family, Tiantai family, Beichen family, Beishi family, Liu family, Wu family, and Gu family are collectively referred to as Tianchen ten surnames. Tianchen's eight surnames are no longer appropriate.

"Seven families work together to gather 70 gods and 190 people on hand, but 270 gods are used by me. However, this power is still not centered against the Jijia gods."

At this moment, the Tiantai Mingjing looked to Li Xing: "So, the special order Li Xingfang Hou was in charge of the god-man camp and was in charge of everything. Soon, my affiliate countries of Tianchen, Pingguo, Britain, South Korea, Jukuk, Hunguk, There will be about a hundred god-men to help out. "

Li Xing was secretly surprised. When did Tianchen Kingdom start this operation? Actually mobilized the gods and men of the various countries to come, but the fighting power of those gods and men was really not good. Even if they came, they could only serve as cannon fodder.

The six generals had their hearts settled and said in succession, "The Marshal has long had a plan, and everything has been resolved. The next step is to give a hard lesson to Jijia."

Li Xing secretly sighed. In fact, if these companies could work together, the three surnames would have been destroyed. The complex relationship between the various surnames determines the chaos, which will not end soon, and will even evolve towards a more chaotic situation.

"Gu Xuan, Liu Hui, you two will join forces to meet the left side of Jijia! Bei Chenyi, Wu Fangming, you two will join forces to meet the middle of Jijia! South Houying, Guan Ding, you two Combine your troops to meet the right side of Jijia! The coach will lead the remaining 600,000 troops and adapt to the situation. "

Then he ordered Li Xing: "Leader Li, people from all quarters will come, based on your original ninety gods, and give you one hundred gods sent by all countries to defend and attack the enemy! The remaining two hundred Famous people, led by Lieutenant Lieutenant, guarding the army. "

The task was assigned, and the Ming Jing on the rooftop explained the military situation in detail and let everyone prepare for it. Li Xing and Gu Xuan resigned from the camp.

As soon as he got out of the camp, Gu Xuan said resentfully: "Actually, this beast and Liu Hui are all the way, this person is an idiot and he will not cooperate."

Gu Xuan was about to attack the god-man, but when he had to fight, he had to stop. Originally, he was full of joy, hoping that this war would be able to make military achievements and let the tribe look again and again.

I don't want to, but they are joining forces with Liuhui. The Liuhui had always been at odds with him, and looked down on each other. He felt that this battle could not be fought.

With a move in Li Xing's mind, he had an idea and laughed: "General, tonight you feast Liu Hui, I have made him obedient!"

Gu Xuan Yiyi: "You have a way? This kid is very arrogant, unless he comes hard. However, his influence is not worse than my Gu family, I am afraid it is not easy."

Li Xing smiled: "Leave everything to the subordinates, the general will be relieved."

"Okay! I listen to you." Gu Xuan said to Li Xing that he had extreme trust and immediately agreed to it. In the evening, he feasted on Liu Hui.

That night, Liu Hui was about to get into the bed and enjoy the beautiful young girl who had just come from the people. Suddenly, the messenger of Gu Xuan came. Liu Hui was very surprised. Gu Xuanke never talked to him. Was it for fighting?

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and he murmured, "Good boy, I'm asking for it now? Huh! See how I can treat you!" Immediately, he saw the messenger.

The messenger stepped forward to meet and said, "General General Gu invited General Liu to go and drink."

Liu Hui sneered: "Eat? This general hasn't eaten any wine and has no time to go!"

The messenger got Li Xing to teach Ji Yi, and he said without hesitation: "The general said that he had prepared diamond corundum dew pills to share with General Liu. The general did not go, and the villain resigned."

"What?" Liu Hui's eyes suddenly widened, Emery Dew Maru! Good guy!

Liu Hui and Gu Xuan were originally all the way. However, Gu Xuan met Li Xing, a blessing star, and even served a treasure gun and diamond corundum dew pills. There was a faint impact on the god-man, and not long ago, he gathered a half-step god-man.

Liuhui also has ten vitality trainings, low qualifications, and immersed in wine, it is difficult to grow. Therefore, in his heart, he very much hoped that like Gu Xuan, he would be able to become a god-man and raise his eyebrows and exhale among the people.

King Kong Yulu Pill's famous name, he had heard that Gu Xuan had become a half-step god-man with the help of this elixir. Now I heard that Gu Xuan actually wanted to entertain with this elixir.

In fact, for him, becoming a god-man is next, that diamond corundum dew pills, it is said that can make women want to die, for ten nights in a row, this is the most wonderful thing he wants. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Unsurprisingly, Li Xing not only came, but also came quickly. Liu Hui's trip brought two guards of the gods to dinner. As soon as he met Gu Xuan, the two falsely called his brother and brother.

"Ah, Brother Liu, you are here. Please sit down, come here, and drink!" Gu Xuan was extremely enthusiastic.

Liu Hui also laughed with a smile on his face: "I should have been invited by your younger brother, Brother Gu is polite."

The two sides politely sat down and talked about their past. At the beginning, the two were a pair of gamers who dominated the Tianchen Kingdom. At this moment they chatted and felt a sense of boasting.

"Well, you and I used to gamble to visit the green house, killing and setting fire, how comfortable it is. Well, now that we are all old, we must share some family affairs, and we have no time to play." Liu Hui reluctantly said.

Gu Xuan also sighed: "Yeah, I remember, then you and I named Tianchen Shuangba, your Liu family was in the south, it was Nanba days, my Gu family was in the north, and I was Beiba days. One day, Let ’s break into a house. Alas, I did n’t expect that the owner of the house had seven beautiful daughters and eight beautiful girls. The two of you and my brother, fifteen mother and daughter, returned in three days. Always want to come, really happy! "

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