Chapter 60: Halfway Intercept

Li Xing listened for a while and was speechless. The two uncles really did nothing evil, what a prostitute. Wife and daughter, seize property, rob people of their homes, kill on the street, set fire in the middle of the night, all kinds of evil things, and did countless things.

The two said that the closer the relationship was, it didn't take long for Liuhui to go back and forth with Gu Xuan, and they did not know whether it was true or not. However, looking at the two, there is indeed some friendship between them. It is just that there is no righteousness in the uncle's generation. Once a conflict of interest is encountered, this friendship disappears.

After talking about the glorious history for a while, Liuhui turned to the topic and laughed: "Brother Gu, listen to what the messenger you sent said what is diamond corundum, what is it? Brother has never heard of it."

Gu Xuan said: "Let you pretend, call my grandpa in a while!"

He laughed and said, "Brother Liu, this pistol jade dew pill is a panacea given to me by Mr. Li. You know, I like to play with women, but I'm so indulgent, it's easy to hurt my body and vitality. So he refined it. Diamond corundum dew pills. Taking this elixir, my brother and I show great strength. No matter what kind of woman, I am not an adversary. In addition, when I am happy, I can strengthen my strength and make it faster than working hard. "

Liuhui also heard of these situations, but at this moment heard it in person, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he quickly saluted to Li Xing: "I heard that Mr. Li is a great master of Dan Dao.

Just now, he didn't even look at Li Xing. He heard that Li Xing was the one who practiced alchemy, and he admired him immediately.

Li Xing smiled and said, "General Liu and General Gu are from the same age, are of similar ages, have similar preferences, and have been friends since childhood. If the two generals can join forces to carry out a career, they will surely be good for each other. "

Liu Hui's heart moved, silent, Gu Xuan smiled and waited for Li Xing.

"Now, Tianchen is chaotic, the three surnames are rebellious, and the princes are united. Wanfamen, Taixumen, and other forces have intervened and wanted to profit from it. Therefore, the chaos is difficult to break. Gujia and Liuguang belong to the ten names. , There must be their own plans. "

"The era of the future is an era where heroes come together. General Liu and General Gu are both temporary talents. If they can be united together and work together, they will be able to make a career. In this way, even if the world is chaotic in the future The two generals also accumulated military merits and fame at this time. When they returned, they returned to the clan and were both big men and even leaders of one clan. "

With these words, the radiance was boiling. Like Gu Xuan, this streamer also has a status in the Liu family. His father is a person with heavy power in the clan, otherwise Liuhui would not be a general.

However, Liu Hui is too unconvinced, and cannot be repaired. In this regard, Liu Hui and Gu Xuan have a similar mentality, and both want to make a big splash and let the people see him differently.

Gaining insight into this person's psychology, Li Xing's words and words all spoke to his heart, which was extremely shocking.

Gu Xuan also expressed at this moment that he raised his glass and said with emotion: "Liuhui, you and I were brothers at the beginning, I hope they are still brothers now."

Liuhui was also touched. She took a look at Liuhui, raised the cup, and said in a deep voice: "Gu Xuan, there is no need to mention the previous things. In the future, our brothers will work for a career!"


The two clink and drink. What does Li Xing think and feel? As if there are two evils, he is vowing to harm the world.

"Ah, the two generals will meet the enemy soon. At this time, you should discuss the war." Li Xing suggested, "About King Kong Yulu Wan, two subordinates will be refined in the future, and the other will be dedicated to General Liu."

Liuhui is overjoyed. The biggest purpose of his trip is to stop using diamond corundum, saying "Yes, it's time to negotiate." It's as if he had come for the business.

Gu Xuan called Jiu Lixiong, and Liu Hui also called the next player, Sima Zhan. Sima Zhan is a general sent by Liu family to Liu Hui. The means of warfare is not under Jiulixiong, but he is also a five-character who practiced God.

After a night of discussion, the two sides agreed on a battle plan, and Li Xing was involved.

From the next day, the gods and men who were recruited from the subsidiary countries came to the army one after another and reported to Li Xing. As he expected, most of these god-men are practicing the gods one or two. Rarely there are a few who practice the gods four or five. Their strength is also average.

Two days later, all one hundred god-mans arrived. These people, from a small country, used to think that being able to be a god-man is an amazing thing, so all eyes are high.

However, when they gradually understood the power of Tianchen's army and gathered hundreds of gods here, they were silent and no longer so high-spirited.

Beyond the camp, one hundred and ninety gods stood in front of Li Xing and, like soldiers, lined up squarely, waiting for Li Xing's order.

Among the one hundred and ninety gods, four are seven heavy gods, thirteen are six heavy gods, and the rest are one to five heavy gods. Of these people, Li Xing can only look after them, and there are only 17 people, six or more gods.

"Everyone, even if you are god-men, but you enter the army, you are a soldier. From now on, there are those who don't obey the command, and there is no pardon!"

Next, Li Xing divided these people into three categories. The first category is the six-fold god-man and the seven-fold god-man, led by him directly, responsible for assaulting the enemy.

The second category consists of one hundred and twenty-eight one-to-five godheads, each of whom has two killing groups. Sixty-four people were killed in each battle.

On this day, the sword-killing method was mysterious and unpredictable. At first, Li Xing split out thirty-two knives at once, and his power instantly doubled. He used this principle to use Zhenwu to kill the array, and calculated the God of God.

There are more or fewer people in the main array of Goddess. The number of people can be 2048, the number of people can be 64, 32, 16 and so on. Corresponds to the killing method.

Li Xing taught these 128 people to use the Six-level Assassination Sword Technique. There are a total of sixty-four styles. Each of them can form a magical battlefield with infinite power.

Two Goddess arrays are mainly responsible for barracks defense.

The third category consists of ninety-five dragons and forty-five battles. The power of Xuanlong's killing is also very strong, but it is limited by the number of people, so Li Xing has not adopted it on a large scale this time. These forty-five people, while learning the Xuanlong killing array, also learned the sword of heavenly killing, and used it as a supplement when they were short of manpower.

This type of god-man is maneuvering and waiting at any time.

After assigning tasks, Li Xing began to teach the sixty-four types of six-level killing swords, and the spin of dragons. God and man's learning ability is very tyrannical. After half a day of drills, they are already familiar.

See if it's ready and it's time to meet. Six generals, divided into three lanes, respectively greeted the three army of Jijia. The god-man camp led by Li Xing also defended. At the same time, a group of eighteen people thought that they were forwards and spied.

Among the eighteen gods, except Li Xing, they are all six or seven, and they are very strong. Although they are not as good as the defenders, they should not be underestimated. They flew all the way three thousand miles before they saw the enemy camp.

After observing for a while, Li Xing did not move. He knew that before the war, the other party would send forwards to investigate the military situation. At that time, Fang was doing it.

Sure enough, the Jijia rebels set up camp, and for three days there was no movement. In the meantime, Li Xing released the invisible demon and swam the whole camp, and found that there were more than 300 god-man in the enemy camp.

Among them, there are twelve gods and men of seven or more, and six gods and more. Once such a mighty force rushes in, it will definitely not take advantage and even cause heavy losses.

After waiting for three days, the Jijia Army finally had some movement. At night, it sent forward all the way forward troops, thinking it was a forward. There are about 80,000 people on this pass, and 20 gods and men follow.

These twenty god-men are led by a master infant master, and there are four master masters. In this way, it is not easy for another person to want to kill halfway.

However, Li Xing was quite confident. He took the Seventeen Gods, lurking to follow, ready to find a chance to start. Of the twenty god-men, he hasn't seen them yet, because in his hand, there are four master infant masters and thirteen master fetus masters. The advantages are obvious.

The 80,000 former troops walked fast, traveled thousands of miles a day, and traveled eight hundred nights, and soon walked out of a thousand miles.

The commander of the former army was a middle-aged man with a wide-bodied flat mouth and a triple-man. After walking day and night, he ordered the sergeants to stop and yelled, "All rest!"

Suddenly, 80,000 horses stopped and set up camp in situ, ready to rest for half a day. At this moment, it is Li Xing's opportunity to start.

"Ready!" When the enemy settled down, Li Xing ordered, "Kill!"

Suddenly, eighteen powerful thoughts swept wildly. In particular, Li Xing's invisible demon head was extremely powerful, killing people like mowing grasses, and falling to the ground one by one, they were all shattered.

The other seventeen spiritual thoughts are also very strong, directly turning people into idiots and losing their fighting power.

Twenty god-man roared, and immediately released God's thoughts to fight. However, the strength of the two sides is obviously not in the same level. People like Li Xing are elites in the army, and the most powerful gods are here.

As soon as he shot ~ ~ Li Xing took a look and, with the other four master infant masters, directly locked the enemy's Seventh God. Five to one, great disparity in strength. However, God babies are **** babies, but they are not so easy to be killed.

"Fighting in all directions!"

The god-man snarled and released the god-baby from the top. The god-baby was a hundred meters high and mighty. He suddenly performed a jade-step divine magic and fought in all directions. This divine spell is exhibited by Divine Infant, increasing the power of monks.

I saw countless fists and shadows coming over, forcing the four god-men to approach.

However, Li Xing screamed loudly and waved his fist up. He displayed chaotic martial arts. In one punch, there were three types of martial arts: instant, inanimate, and torn.

These days, the daily battle body of the battle fighting treasures tempers the body, already reaching the body of the quadruple battle. In addition, there is no bad clothes on the body, there is no fear at all.

"Boom boom!"

The two sides blasted dozens of punches in an instant, Li Xing backed back and forth, shaking his arms numbly, feeling the arrogance of the infantile. However, the boxing shadow of the enemy infantile master disappeared and was trapped.

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