Chapter 61: Heavenly God Formation

The master of the infant child was shocked inside. When Li Xing just shot, he was still sneering, thinking that he could kill Li Xing in one stroke. In his eyes, the triple gods are just **** goods. Who knew that this man was so sturdy, and directly carried his wild battles in all directions.

His wild battle was broken by Li Xing's Chaos Divine Fist, and four other masters of Divine Infant could be gathered up. You had a divine skill and a merit of martial arts, and this person had no fighting power.

Li Xing was unreasonable, and with the advantage of not bad Tianyi, he fought close-handedly, hitting Chaos Shenquan. Under the weight of the five parties, the god-man finally ran out of support, and was pounded in the chest by a punch from Li Xing.

Once injured, the situation suddenly turned down, and within ten breaths, he was hanged by five people and the corpse ran across the battlefield.

The four master babies who shot together were also shocked. Li Xing's arrogant strength showed that they all became numb. Eighty percent of the god-man who was beheaded was from all kinds of methods, and his "fighting in all directions" reminded him of his identity.

The most difficult one died, and the rest were left alone, and the situation of the war was developing side by side. You know, a six-strong **** man can run around the street with ten five-strong **** men, let alone thirteen.

"When the other party is attacked, there must be reinforcements. You follow me to reinforce the God-Man!" Li Xing ordered and led the remaining God-Man to fly along the way.

As expected from Li Xing, as soon as the attack was launched, Jijia's reinforcements rushed in, and there were a total of thirty gods, who were halfway up and collided with five of Li Xing. There is nothing to say, the two sides immediately started fighting.

Among the thirty god-man, there are three master infant masters, seven master fetus masters, and the rest are all five or below. This strength is not weaker than Li Xing's side, and both sides are evenly matched.

Among the other gods and gods, there was a master of the infant child, who stared at Li Xing at a glance. At this moment, Li Xing was performing the Chaos Divine Fist, hitting a duo directly into the blood mist, and the fist was strong, shocking the audience.

"What? There are such characters! Kill!"

The master of the infant child, without saying a word, released the infant child and suppressed it towards Li Xing. The baby's transfigured big hand, covering a ten-meter circle, locks his body and suppresses the soul.

At this moment, Li Xing is much more arrogant than when he was fighting extinct. Seeing people coming, he screamed with utter extinction with a knife.


The sharp blade of light came out like a fierce hurricane, and a "click" immediately cut off the infant child's large hand. At the next moment, his body disappeared, invisible, without knowing where he was.

"No! Be careful!"

In a big deal, the **** infant had suffered a big loss and immediately warned his subordinates. But it was useless. Suddenly, behind a triple man, the transparent figure flickered with a knife light, and then his head fell to the ground.

Invisible cut, invisible and shadowless, hide the breath.

The screams kept coming one after another, and the three masters of the babies went violently, all determined to kill Li Xing, but unfortunately they could not sense Li Xing's position, and they were angry.

The four monk babies who came with Li Xing were very happy. With the abnormal existence of Li Xing, they were much more convenient when fighting.

Because everyone was worried, a knife light suddenly appeared behind them, cutting off their heads. Therefore, these people are careful, they will change places after a while, for fear of being picked by Li Xing, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

While Li Xing's gang intercepted and assisted the soldiers, the slaughter of the 13 god-men was nearing completion. The remaining dozen or so gods were not opponents at all, and they were beheaded for a while. The remaining patriots were even more adversaries, shrouded in divine thoughts, and quickly reaping life, no one could escape.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and Li Xing suddenly yelled, "Retreat!"

80,000 enemy troops have been beheaded and killed, they have no need to stay, he immediately appeared in shape, beheaded the enemy. At this point, the other party has died of eight gods, but his side has not been damaged.

After receiving orders from Li Xing, the four godmen immediately retreated, leaving Li Xing behind to hinder the enemy.

"Kill him! Shoot together!" The three babies, who were roaring at the same time, all gave their strongest blows.

Three magical lights, evolution of the sword array, Si Lingling strangled Li Xing. However, when Shenguang came in contact with him, a layer of fire flew around him, and his powerful attack was blocked by the good clothing, but Li Xing's body was shocked and flew back.

"Haha ..."

Under the blow of the three gods, Li Xingsi was intact. He laughed and fled towards the camp.

"Go to heaven and hunt this man!" The enemy's god-man was crazy. Today, the reinforcement was not successful. Instead, he was sniped and lost eight god-men. This is a shame!

The three masters of Divine Infant are all from Wan Famen and have a very arrogant temperament. How could they suffer from this big loss, they immediately pursued Li Xing fiercely.

Li Xing turned into a rainbow and flew quickly. At the back, three rainbows followed closely. The rest of the gods and men were left behind and could not catch up.

Seeing the other party's immortality, Li Xing sneered and flew at full strength. He felt that an overwhelming divine thought kept pounding over, causing countless fine lightnings around him, "cracking".

However, he was arrogant and could block as much as possible without affecting flight at all.

"Brother Boye, this man has three strengths in training God, and he has such strength. We don't have such talents in Wanfamen, so we must kill him, otherwise, this man will be a confidant in the future!" During the flight, a man of God said .

"That's right! The fist he played seems to contain the true meaning of martial arts, which can contend with our divine magic. Wan Famen will enter the kingdom of heaven, and if such a person cannot use it for me, he must not stay in the world!"

The three babies masters screamed and screamed, and pursued with all their strength, but unfortunately they could not approach Li Xing. In terms of flying speed, Li Xing is no slower than them, and can even speed up. This is because the energy in his body can reach more than 3,000 days in a breath, and his power is amazing.

Gu Xuan also knew about Li Xing's sniping with the Shenren camp. The left army camp, at this moment he was anxiously waiting for news. Finally, the thirteen god-men returned first. They slaughtered 80,000 enemy troops, and they were exhausted. At this moment they were exhausted.

Gu Xuan quickly asked, "Why didn't Li Tongling come back?"

"The Lord is responsible for attacking the enemy reinforcements, and has not yet returned." Ichiman answered.

Gu Xuan frowned and listened to Liu Hui saying: "Brother Gu needn't worry. The last time Mr. Li returned triumphantly, this time will be no exception."

Gu Xuan nodded: "Mr. Li's move is too risky, and five people dare to attack the enemy." He shook his head again.

It didn't take long for four more gods to return, but Li Xing was not seen. This made Gu Xuan's heart tight. Did something happen?

Fortunately, the Four Gods returned, and Li Xing intercepted the enemy in the back with no accident. They didn't have time to tell Gu Xuanduo that, at the order of Li Xing, they immediately organized the god-man, killed the gods, and waited for the enemy to come.

After dozens of breaths, there was a divine light first, landed in the barracks, and then three more powerful divine light came down. The former one is naturally Li Xing, and the latter three are chasing after all.

"Move me!" The god-man in charge of killing the array screamed.

Suddenly, 64 people followed the drill and shot at the same time. Sixty-four magical swordsmanships rose into the sky, forming a horror killing array, beheading the enemy.

Wherever the knife gas went, the air blew, the wind raged, and the force of heavenly killing was brought to lock in the people.

The three gods chasing Li Xing were directly shrouded in them, and the dilemma changed dramatically.

The landing of Li Xing, Lu Qiguang, he knew the power of the God of God array, 64 gods shot at the same time, the power can be imagined! These three infantile masters are very strong, otherwise he would not be hunted down to this point.

When he meets the Seventh God, he may win one-on-one, but one-on-three, there is no hope, and he can only run.

Ten% of the **** array was terrifying, terrifying and terrifying, shrouding the wild, radiating in all directions, even the rooftop Ming Jing was alarmed, and sent a **** man to inquire. As soon as the god-man arrived, he saw sixty swordsmanships, strangled him vertically and horizontally, and trapped three seven-man gods.

He swallowed in shock and hurried back to the newspaper.

The Tianjing Mingjing who got the news was also taken aback. What formation was so powerful that the Seventh God and the man were trapped? He immediately sent six six-man gods to reinforcements.

Among the three divine men trapped in the divine circle, one by one was furious, and they thought that there would be no danger in killing one in and seven out in the enemy camp. After all, what great people can there be in a barracks? As long as they are not mages, they can come and go as they please, without restraint.

But it never occurred to me that there was such a perverted killing here, and the three of them were trapped.

At this moment, there is a connection between the two blades of gas, which seems to be one. There is another connection between each of the four blades of gas. This connection overlaps repeatedly, which makes the power of killing arrays. Strangely large, it is difficult to break through.

"Go on like this ~ ~ will be killed here! Prepare to take Kuangfadan, let's rush out of here!" The man named Bo Yi sent a message to his companion.

To this day, there is no other way. The three knew that taking madfadam was harmful, but they had to take out a blue dandan pill at the same time. This dan, named Kuangfa Dan, has a similar effect to Rangdan, and after taking it, its magic power has soared several times.

The elixir enters the abdomen, and suddenly, the divine light from the three swells wildly. On top of his head, three **** babies rushed out, and with one hand, he opened the huge net woven by the sword and was about to escape.

Li Xing looked in his eyes, and screamed, "Want to leave? It wasn't so easy!" He even took a knife and flew into the sky. This sword contains inanimate truth, and the strength of Cyclonus, the speed of vitality in the body reaches 9,000 times per breath!


Thirty-two knife qis were split out instantly, forming thirty-two knife qis, which appeared in suspension, and each ray of knife qi was shocking. These many knife spirits formed a killing line by themselves.

The gods and people below were stunned. They saw that Li Xing formed a heavenly killing power with his own strength! Thirty-two knives split in an instant, what kind of terror might this require?

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