Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 380: 8 heavy gods. Rooftop right

Chapter 69: Yae Shenren. Rooftop Power

Being pulled by Beichen Jiela, Li Xing secretly sighed. His original intention was to meet the Emperor secretly, so he went to see the Emperor, and with the wisdom of Tianchen Emperor, he would surely be able to guess his motive, so he en route: It is not appropriate for the subordinates to participate in this, waiting for His Royal Highness in the East Palace. "

Bei Chenji was only excited for a moment, then stopped and thought for a moment, and nodded, "Okay, you drink tea in the East Palace, I'll come and go."

In the Temple of Heaven, the emperor had just arrived, and Bei Chenji hurried over. He was not anxious to say anything, and followed the emperor in stead.

The emperor said lightly, "Jill, what are you doing here?"

Bei Chenji whispered: "Children have something to talk to the father and the emperor."

The emperor waved his hand, and his followers retreated. He asked, "What is it, you say?"

Bei Chenji looked at the emperor: "Father emperor, the other six surnames, do you want to rebel?"

Emperor Tianchen blinked: "Where did you hear?"

Bei Chenji did not say Li Xing, saying: "As long as it is not blind, I'm afraid I can see it. The six surnames plus the power of the posterity are so powerful, but they have never been able to defeat the rebels. Of course there is a problem."

The Emperor Tianchen was silent for a moment, and said, "Jill, it was a mistake for me to establish the kingdom of Tianchen and the King of the Eighth Jianfeng. It was the seed of the rebellion, so I found the most suitable time for my father to prepare to slay. Seizure of power. Unfortunately, there are still three against it. "

"Three homes are the opposite, like a barrel of gunpowder, with Mars, it will cause an explosion. This is the general trend, and no one can reverse it." Emperor Tianchen said, "At the moment, only early preparations may be made, maybe my Beichen surname, There is still a foothold. "

Bei Chenji stunned and murmured, "Is it so serious?" He always thought that Tianchen's country, the mountains and the mountains, would be calm even if there was a rebellion. He is good at internal fighting, but not good at external affairs.

"Yes, soon. Jill, you are the great prince, and you have the power to be arbitrary. You must prepare in advance." Emperor Tianchen said with deep meaning.

Bei Chenji no longer asked much, and immediately retreated. When he returned to the East Palace, the first sentence he said to Li Xing was: "Li Xing, would you like to do it with me?"

Of course, Li Xing did not hesitate to say, "Li Xing is willing to do his best for His Highness!"

"Okay!" Beichen Jimu shimmered. "Since the surnames rebelled, you don't need to be polite. I will let the Bloody Guards fight!"

Li Xingxin said you kill it. When I take away the treasure, it doesn't matter how much you love to toss.

"You have won the battle in the army, and you are also the commander of Jin Yiwei. The rich experience will be a great help to me. There is a vacancy in the East Palace. Since you are willing to do something for me, you will take this position concurrently. . "

Donghou, equivalent to the Great Housekeeper of the Prince of the East Palace, seized military and political power. Bei Chenji trusted Li Xing so much because he could not find it, and Li Xing was not good for him.

Instead, Li Xing just helped him out of a crisis and decided to vote. The loyalty of a Jin Yiwei commander was not so easy to obtain, so he immediately took on the task.

In this post of Donghou, there are already two candidates in Beichenji's heart. However, they were incomparable with Li Xing, which made him take over.

Li Xing became the prince, and could not help but express his thanks immediately: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your Highness, and you will do your best!"

Bei Chenji issued an appointment and immediately said: "Li Xing, you first gave me the old dog who is angry at the rooftop! You dare to count the prince, it is a sin that you should die and never forgive!"

Had it not been for Li Xing to ventilate in advance, once the matter of Tiantai anger reached the emperor, there would inevitably be troublesome upper body, so Bei Chenji felt very hated of Tiantai anger, and wanted to kill and then quickly.

Li Xingdao: "His Highness rest assured that the rooftop anger is not long alive."

This post of Dong Hou is a part-time job, and Li Xing's main task is to be a commander of the military. Therefore, the place where he works is still in Jinyi Sanwei. After bidding farewell to Bei Chenji, he returned to Sanwei and began to plan a counterattack against Tiantai Fury.

Coincidentally, His Majesty the Emperor also issued a secret order that day, and ordered the three guards to make every effort: to scout everything in Beijing, and to discuss any rebellious party!

This secret order came, Li Xing just had an excuse to order the Twelve Warriors to attack the heroic Houfu palace unexpectedly that night.

Among the heroic palaces, Tiantai Nu is meeting with a mysterious visitor. The visitor sat on the upper seat and said, "The Tiantai Nu, the homeowner has been properly arranged. When the time comes, you will respond immediately. After the incident, the homeowner An important position will be arranged for you. "

Tiantai said angrily: "This day is finally here. Quan'er has been prepared for a long time. He already controls half of the gang of the imperial capital. When they order it, they will gather to respond."

"Very good! The Emperor Tianchen was very jealous. I thought that when you came here to trust, you would not only be reused, but you would also be restrained everywhere. Follow him, and you will never have a day of anger on the rooftop. Now only for the family. In the early days. Although you and your family had some conflicts at that time, the owner has no blame in the past, allowing you to be in the upper ranks of the family. "

The rooftop anger said: "The rooftop anger is loyal to the family! Please tell the owner, no matter what the order, the rooftop anger will do everything!"

"Okay!" The mysterious man smiled, but the smile suddenly disappeared. His face was cold, and his thoughts burst out. He was angry: "The rooftop is angry, you dare to rebel against the family!"

It turned out that this mysterious man was practicing God, and then released his thoughts. Looking around, he found that a large number of gods besieged the house of Shenyonghou, and thought that it was the design of the rooftop anger.

Tiantai Wrath is also a six-character who practiced God. He was shocked and rushed to investigate. It didn't matter that much, his face changed suddenly, explaining: "These people, I have nothing to do with it, must have leaked the news and caught Jin Yiwei's attention!"

This operation was jointly undertaken by the battle guards and the blood clothing guards, and the great prince Bei Chenji was present in person. The reason for this is to show that he has no interest relationship with the rooftop anger.

Twelve people from the Bloody Guards came. Like the battle guards, they were also practicing the Sixth God, and their strength was not weak. All of them were temporarily under the jurisdiction of the East Hou, Li Xing.

Twenty-four strong men who practiced six gods encircled Shentonghoufu, and even a fly never thought of flying out. Li Xingbu battled up and immediately rose into the air, sternly said: "God is furious, the rooftop is angry! The intention is to rebellion, the crime is so extreme, come out and die quickly!"

A **** of light rose into the air, and a figure of anger appeared on the rooftop. He had already seen that the people were Blood Yiwei and Jin Yiwei. He was shocked, knowing that it is difficult to be good today, and he asked, "This adult, how do I call him?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The commander of the battle guard made Li Xing come to take you. The rooftop is angry, and you still have a son. Even for his sake, you should give up resistance and cooperate with us, maybe you can save your life."

"Huh! Good breath, do you think you can stop us with this power?" A young voice sounded, and another god's light rose.

This is a young man in his twenties. It is Xiao Houye's rooftop right. He scornfully glances at everyone with a look of pride.

"It's actually the eighth training of the gods!" Li Xing narrowed his eyes and practiced the seventh training of the gods. And the training of God Yae, is that the babies are complete and able to change. At this step, whether it is divine art, martial arts, or divine power, they are far better than practicing the gods.

At this time, the infant child can go to heaven and enter the earth with unpredictable changes. No wonder the rooftop right is so arrogant that he does have arrogant capital.

As soon as this person came out, Li Xing immediately said: "Your Highness, please stay away!"

Once the Yae Shenren shot, although Li Xing had many people, he did not dare to guarantee his safety. Bei Chenji was also a wise man. He immediately stepped back and watched from a distance without saying a word.

Li Xing stepped forward, gazing at the rooftop right, saying coldly: "The rooftop right, even if you are a top ten master, you can't escape today! Honestly, you can save your life!"

Tiantaiquan swept Li Xing scornfully: "Little three-man gods are worthy of talking to me and get away!" He sang, and his thoughts smashed into each other. For an ordinary god-man, immediately Get ugly.

However, Li Xing has a strong foundation and stubbornness, but he is still, like a breeze blowing on his face. Instead, he takes a step forward and raises the extermination knife. He said lightly: "Tiantai right, if you are obsessed with it, you will die! "

Li Xing was moved. The thirty-two type of heavenly swordsmanship was continuously exhibited, and the power of heavenly death fell from the sky. In the Extermination Knife, there was also a murderous spirit that shook the audience.

As soon as he shot, Tiantai Quan was taken aback. He felt that Li Xing's swordsmanship was so mysterious that he couldn't even reach it! However, he was extremely confident, sneered, and punched out.

When Tiantai Quan punched out, a phantom appeared behind him. This phantom was a Tianhe. At the beginning, Tiantai Power used Tianhe to train the gods, and the cohesive divine infants naturally took Tianhe as the source of strength. Once it was exerted, it might be revealed.

The development of Tianhe was full of divine power, and the impact came, like a sea and a mountain, with great vigor. Li Xing's swords were stagnant, and he couldn't approach the other side.

"The training of the gods is horrible!" Li Xing secretly exclaimed, but he was not afraid. The whole body's energy quickly accelerated, and the sword was cut out.


A piercing sword-shaped mang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cut everything, break the barrier of divine power, and smash to the top of the rooftop right. He snorted coldly, grabbed his big hand, and a huge baby palm flew out, smashing the knife light directly, shocked Li Xing back and forth.

"You can die under my hands, you are proud of yourself!" Tiantai Quan said coldly, and behind him, he finally manifested the divine infant, up to 100 meters, with immense power.

Shenying squeezed his hands and shouted, "Yin and Yang kill!"

Suddenly, a strange light, surrounded by yin and yang, condensed the blade, like black and white, sharp and unparalleled, descended from above and strangled Li Xing. This divine spell is obviously a great divine spell. Because between heaven and earth, there is a force of yin and yang, blessing on that wonderful light.

Li Xing fully worked his body's energy and didn't evade. He had to see if the defense of the good clothing was not bad, how strong was it, and whether he could stop this powerful blow. Of course, even if he couldn't stop him, he still had confidence in himself and was injured at most.

"Si Lala!"

Yin Yangguanghua, constantly strangling, rubbing countless sparks on the clothing, harsh noise.

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