Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 382: Break 3 levels

Chapter 71: Breaking Three Levels

The day before Fenghou's moment, in the East Palace, a female officer used Li Xing's unlined clothing to prepare belts, jade plates, swords, war boots, etc., all of which must be worn one by one. Not only that, but also eyebrows and beards, which made Li Xing quite uncomfortable and kept frowning.

The lady officer who served him had a beautiful appearance. When she was dressing for Li Xing, she found Tianchen Longpei tied around his waist. The jade pendant looked ordinary, but the dragon-shaped mark on it was different. At first sight, the female officer's face changed.

Li Xing felt that the movement of the female officer suddenly stopped. He couldn't help asking: "Is there anything wrong?" After looking in the mirror, he will face all the princes and all the ministers of tomorrow. The instrument must be taken seriously.

The woman officer suddenly yelled, "You back down."

As a result, everyone except her retreated, leaving only Li Xing in the room. He was very puzzled. What the **** did the female officer do?

The lady officer suddenly bowed down to Li Xing and whispered, "Domestic slave Han Yan, see the master!"

Li Xing's eyes flashed, and he said lightly, "I think you recognize the wrong person."

The woman did not dare to look up, and said, "Domestic slaves will not admit mistakes. The image of Chen Longpei that day is unique in the world and there will be no mistakes."

Li Xing believed in her and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect someone who would bump into Youlong. You get up and talk." At his moment, he revealed the temperament of the leader.

The female officer stood up and said, "Domestic slaves have only entered the organization in recent years. On the first day of entry, they were told that if they saw Tianchen Longpei one day, they must recognize him as the master and inform their superiors."

Li Xing didn't know much about the Youlong organization. He only heard of Bei Chenluo and told him how to contact Youlong. Today, I accidentally met someone in Youlong and was called to break my identity.

At this moment, he couldn't help asking: "You know, how many people and how much power do you have now?"

The female officer shook her head: "Domestic slaves do not know. They only know that their superiors have tasks and they are all ordered by their superiors to be completed by domestic servants."

Li Xing nodded. It seems that this Youlong organization is completely single-line connected and operates vertically. Such an organization form is very confidential, it is difficult for people to break into it, and it is easy to control.

Knowing that he couldn't ask anything, he didn't ask, only said: "You don't need to tell anyone for the time being when you see my news. I will contact your superiors when the time comes."

The female officer's face showed a terrified expression, and she knelt down and said, "If the master is open, if the slave doesn't report, the superior will surely not spare."

Li Xing frowned: "I have Long Pei, the leader of the entire Youlong organization. If he dares to embarrass you, just look for me!"

The female officer did not dare to speak, but the expression on her face was very difficult.

Li Xing shook his head and said, "It's OK to tell your superiors, but you will see him after I attend the ceremony." He knew that the dragon was well-organized, and the subordinates absolutely obeyed the superiors, plus morning or night with the dragon It didn't make much difference, so the decision was made.

The female officer smiled and said, "Thank you, master!"

Next, the female officer served even more attentively, and soon dressed Li Xing as Yushu, with a noble temperament, completely without the previous sloppy breath.

The next day, a grand canonization ceremony was held in Tianchen Palace as scheduled. In the meantime, Li Xing wore a purple gold robe, a jade crown on his head, a purple vest on his shoulders, and a hand holding Yu Gui, accompanied by 18 battle guards, slowly stepped up the steps and headed towards the Heavenly Temple.

In front of the Tiangan Hall, there is a huge square. At this moment, the square is full of people. Tianchen Kingdom is a superpower. There are eight hundred princes. When these princes have orders, everyone who can arrive in time will come overnight.

So, overnight, more than 300 of the 800 princes of the country arrived. These princes had different grades and stood in order, they whispered.

In the forefront, there is a nineteen-step jade platform, above which stands the emperor Tianchen. He was holding a scepter and a crown above his head, and his magnificence was extraordinary.

"This Li Xing, a non-ten surname, is not old, why did he seal Fang Hou? This is how it happened. Ben Hou first made a great contribution and sealed a town. Now, is Fang Xiu worthless? A town murmured dissatisfied.

"I heard that this Li Xing is not simple. He used to kill hundreds of thousands of enemies in the army, and even dozens of gods died in his hands. His Majesty named him Fanghou, and it makes sense."

"Shit!" Retorted another prince, "Most of the 800 princes of our kingdom are hereditary. Imagine that at the time, the emperor emperor was in the world, and there were three thousand people who followed him. It was passed down at that time. After the emperor emperor, there were very few princes. Even if this Li Xing had some credit, it was not enough to become a prince. "

"Since everyone disagrees, we will make it difficult for him to let him know when the 'discussion of merit' will be held." A prince suggested.

It turned out that when the princes were sealed, other princes could stand up and ask for credit, named "On Gong". If the sealed person does not answer well, it may become ugly, or even continue to accept the seal without face.

The steps are long, there are three hundred steps, and after every hundred steps, a platform will be extended. When Li Xing walked a hundred steps, he reached Shitai. A Fang Hou stood there long ago.

This prince, who has big ears and a very powerful face, is known to everyone that he is a mighty martial artist with outstanding warfare, Long Wei.

Seeing Li Xing approaching, Long Wei suddenly drank, "Well! You little commander, what kind of ability is there to dare to be in the position of Fang?"

Li Xing did not panic and calmly said, "Before the rebels, I first led a hundred god-men, beheaded 200,000 enemies, and killed more than ten god-men. During World War II, I led nine god-men and killed There are 80,000 enemies, and a number of gods are cut. Recently, the heroic hero rebelled, and my war fighters cooperated with the killing of the great prince. These three credits are enough? "

That Long Wei, although a member of the generals, but killed his enemies in his life, but more than one hundred thousand, not as good as Li Xing, he was weak and let it go.

Li Xing continued to walk, and soon reached the second stone platform, and another prince stood there. This person's leopard collar eyes, with a sturdy face, is also a Fang Hou, named Yuan Hua, and asked, "Li Xing, how can you deserve to be in the top position?"

This question asks Li Xing's ability to protect the territory and loyal to the emperor. Even if there are military achievements, that is the past and does not represent the future.

Li Xing exclaimed: "In the next day, our Hou Li Xing will be the first person under the mage to guard Tianchen with all his strength, that's all!"

"Good breath!" Yuan Hua sneered. "The first person under the mage? I think you're just a triple-man. This sentence is just too loud."

Li Xing didn't speak, and suddenly punched out. In this punch, there was chaotic will and mystery. As soon as this punch came out, which of the princes present was not an expert? Suddenly shocked.

"Ah! Will of martial arts! How is this possible? In the past thirty years, only one person who united martial arts has been born in Tianchen Kingdom, but this Li Xing can also do it! Sure enough, the future is great. Hou, deserve it! "

"Yeah! Those who have martial arts will be masters of martial arts, and their cultivation will increase rapidly in the future. In particular, after condensing the true form of the infant, they have the ability to fight and fight, it is said that they can be pursued by the mage. Escape. "

"It's hard to say whether you can escape the mage's chase and kill, but this person is bound to be a hero in the future! Just like the proud sword of that year, it has become one of the three princes of Tianchen Kingdom."

Yuan Hua felt the will of martial arts, his face changed, and he frowned. It goes without saying that Li Xing's strength is the best response.

Then, when he reached the third stone step, it was Jin Yiwei's deputy commander Bai Liuxiang who stood out. He asked with a clear voice: "Li Xing, I have nothing to say, and if I want to be a prince, I must have the ability to pick me up! "

Everyone showed a weird look. This Bai Liuxiang, but Jiuzhong Shenren, condensed a true form of terror. How was Li Xing his opponent? Even if martial arts will be condensed!

The great prince frowned. He didn't seem to expect that Bai Liuxiang would embarrass Li Xing.

However, Li Xing thought very clearly. Beichen Lanlan once said that the emperor intended him to be the leader of the Jinyiwei. Presumably, this Bai Liuxiang heard the news, so he was afraid. You know, Bai Liuxiang is now the leader of the generation, how do you allow outsiders to step in?

Li Xing was shocked, without fear, and said coldly, "Please!"

Bai Liuxiang stepped forward and made a punch. Simple step, simple punch. But the power contained in this punch is extremely horrible, even if the master of the infant child, it cannot be blocked!

Li Xing is the master of martial arts, and at a glance, he can see that the opponent's fist contains a great collapse. Whenever you hit your fist, you will be knocked down.

He is now accepting the canon. If he is blown away, where is his face left? This Bai Liuxiang has a vicious mind and a bad mind.

With a sneer, Li Xing lost his energy and went into the good clothes. This is not bad, and a node has been opened, and it is more desirable to control it. Moreover, he found a magical use, not bad days, can change the direction of power.


At the time of the punch, there seemed to be an infinite number of thunders blasting around, and howling winds swept through, and the power was amazing.


This punch ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hang Zhong Li Xing's chest, it is not bad that the outbreak of golden Qimang broke out. This horizontal force suddenly became a vertical force from top to bottom. It's like having a sledgehammer on it.

Shitai shattered instantly, and the dust was flying. Half of Li Xing's body fell into stone dust, but he did not take a step back.

Although the bad clothing changed the direction of the force, it did not change the strength of the force, so he was still injured. The meridian around the body collapsed in several places, and the bones were broken into pieces. Blood was bleeding from the seven holes.

"Good punch!" Li Xing said lightly.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and without looking at Bai Liuxiang, he continued to walk forward until he reached the emperor Tianchen.

Everyone was surprised, including Emperor Tianchen. Nine heavy man, it is impossible to touch a triple high man, this is incredible!

A flash of cold light flashed in Bai Liuxiang's eyes. He had done his best with one punch and actually only injured him. It seems that the baoyi is really extraordinary, we must get it!

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