Chapter 72: You Dragon

Li Xing's performance left the princes speechless. He successfully passed the "discussion" and stood in front of Tianchen Emperor. Emperor Tianchen, looking at Li Xing with a smile, exclaimed: "Li Xing, you have fought for the Quartet, and you have made great achievements; you have gathered the true martial arts, and you are powerful.

When speaking, he handed over a large seal to Li Xing. This was Hou Yin, and it was also Li Xing's status symbol.

"Xie Xie Your Majesty!" Li Xing took the big seal with both hands, only to know that this big seal is actually a sixth-order magic weapon, and he praised Tianchen Guo for his wealth.

Then the princes came one by one and congratulated him. Although most of these people do not smile, Li Xing still treats himself with courtesy.

The ceremony lasted for half a day, and at the end of the afternoon, Li Xing put on a lottery and was embraced by a ceremonial officer into a palace in the palace. As usual, Li Xing must stay here for the next three days to accept the visits of Tianchen Baiguan.

That night, Li Xingku felt bored in the room and decided to cultivate for a while. At that moment, the female officer suddenly visited him, and behind him he followed a man dressed as a palace man. That man's temperament is introverted and he is a man of great name.

When they entered the hall, they all bowed down to Li Xing: "Domestic slaves have seen the master, master Wanan!"

Li Xing motioned to the two to get up and asked the man: "Are you alone?"

The man replied humbly: "Back to the host, the news of the host's return has been passed on. Tonight, the villain will take the host to the chief helm, and let you go to the peak to admire the master's power."

Li Xing nodded and ordered the man to lead the way. So the two flew out of the palace in a god's light, headed eastward, landed somewhere in the imperial capital, and entered a compound.

When he walked to a house, the man opened a secret road, and then took Li Xing into it. The secret road is long, and at the end, it shows a lot of space to build it magnificently.

Here, it was arranged like a conference hall, full of hundreds of people, gathered here, waiting for the arrival of Li Xing.

When the footsteps sounded, everyone stood up and hundreds of eyes focused on the entrance. Soon, Li Xing appeared, with Long Pei hanging from his waist. These people bowed down and said in unison: "Do you see the master!"

You Long is a private organization of Beichenluo. All the people in the organization are his private slaves, and they all call themselves "domestic slaves". Li Xing now holds Long Pei, which means that he replaced Bei Chenluo, and everyone should worship him.

Li Xing nodded, then was embraced and seated on the main seat. He smiled and said, "Please sit down."

On the surface, he was calm, but in his heart, it was a rough sea. Because there were one hundred and thirty gods at the scene, and there were three people who practiced nine gods!

"This Yulong is really strong. I don't know if these people are all members of the dragon. I'll ask later." Li Xing secretly thought.

The people sat down, and three nine-strong gods came to Li Xing and worshiped again.

"Yi Fei, the chief of the slave dragon, is easy to hate."

"Huang Longxing, the head of the slave dragon."

"Ming Xiaofeng, the general manager of Youlong Youlong."

"See Master!"

The three self-reported names and positions, Li Xing thought to himself, these three directors are about the highest-level character besides him. He nodded, got up in person, and raised the three.

"Please, over the years, the three directors have tried their best to maintain the dragon, and they have made great contributions. Thanks here."

"This is what the minions should do." Chief Executive Yi Feihe quickly said.

These people do not know who Bei Chenluo is, so no one doubts Li Xing's identity. Because when the Dragon was established, Beichen Luo appointed the most effective subordinates to conduct it secretly.

Later, the subordinate died, leaving only Long Pei and handing it over to Beichen Luo. Beichen Luo wanted to use this power to make a comeback, but he never found an opportunity. Now that the surnames are rebelling, the opportunity is here, but unfortunately he is dead.

The first time Li Xing came into contact, what Li Xing had to do was to become familiar with the organization, so when he was most, he was asking questions.

Unconsciously, the sky was about to dawn, and one night passed, and he finally had some understanding of Youlong.

Youlong is a huge intelligence organization that mainly communicates on a single line. It also has assassination, spying, and trade. Even if the chief executive wants to see a certain subordinate, he must rely on the superior of that subordinate to see it.

In the meantime, the general manager gave a roster to Li Xing. This roster contains all the information about members and positions held by Youlong, which is extremely important.

The moment he took the roster, it represented Li Xing as the true owner of the organization, but he felt incredible. It should be understood that these three nine-strong gods can stand on their own and become the masters of the Youlong, but they have waited until today to be based on Lixing.

"It seems that the person who created Youlong at the beginning must be very smart and strong." Li Xing made a judgment in his heart.

As soon as dawn broke, Li Xing was about to leave. President Dao said: "Since the owner returns, the Dragon Organization will be officially opened."

The so-called opening is to break the state of single-line communication between members, turn from darkness to light, and exert the full power of this organization. Until then, the Dragon Group can run at full speed and serve Li Xing.

Li Xing pondered for a moment and said, "Now, although I am the true emperor of Tianchen, but my position is unstable, you should not open the dragon. You can bear with it temporarily until the day of the chaos of the surnames. Then you can touch the fish in the muddy water, and you can Grow quickly. "

Before sunrise, Li Xing returned to the palace and continued to accept visits from ministers and nobles. The dignitaries came one by one and went one by one. In the conversation with them, Li Xing had a deeper understanding of the entire Tianchen Kingdom.

Tianchen Kingdom is not as powerful as it appears. There is a struggle between officials and vassals. The biggest hidden danger is the vassals.

In fact, for a long time, the real scourge of Tianchen Kingdom was covered by the light of the eight surnames. Tianchen has eight hundred princes, all of which dominate the party and are the masters of one party. These princes are more or less attached to the major surnames.

The surnames rebelled, and by that time the 800 soldiers were bound to start. Of course, some of these princes certainly support the emperor or surnames, but more will stand on their own as kings.

So even if there were no eight surnames, the princes would rebel. Tianchen Kingdom should have perished long ago. The four superpowers all once built a powerful empire, and at that time no supermartial arts appeared.

But then, the other three super empires were overthrown by the princes. The last choice in history is to let a number of superpowers dominate a country.

Li Xing judged that in the future, Tianchen Kingdom will appear, with the surnames controlling the large land and the princes dividing the small land. Tianchen Royal will also be one of them, and it should not be underestimated.

Where to go, in his heart, he had an accurate judgment. Before the wings were full, he had to rely on the power of the royal family to gradually grow. When he is strong enough, he will fight for hegemony with the princes.

During the three days, being constantly visited was not a bad thing for Li Xing, at least letting him know more about the country. Three days later, he hung the Hou Yin and headed to the fiefdom.

Li Xing's fiefdom, located on the side of the thunder mountain, has a radius of thousands of miles. Here, the fields are fertile, the population is large, and it is a rich place. There are 16 counties, hundreds and thousands of counties.

Tianchen Kingdom is divided into four levels: county, state, county, and city. Dozens or dozens of cities constitute a county; several counties constitute a state; and several states become a county.

Now that Li Xing has obtained this fiefdom, officials of Shiliu County, in addition to obeying the emperor's orders, must listen to the Zhenwu Hou. Moreover, his orders were more useful than those of the emperor. It was the so-called serving or not, and the princes were the emperors.

On the day of taking office, Li Xing brought Xiaoxiu and others. Compared to Jin Yiwei, Fengdi is more suitable for this group of people.

Originally, this time he took office, he had to play hard and lively all the way. However, in order to reduce the itinerary and arrive early, Li Xing did not bring any extra people, drove the Shenguang directly, and flew to the fief.

During the flight, Xiaoxiu and others looked excited.

"Master, I will call you Hou Ye in the future." Xiao Xiu said with a smile.

Li Hu walked up to Li Xing, and worshiped: "The villain sees Hou Ye, Hou Ye Wanan!" Everyone laughed.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "Come here, pull me down Li Hu."

Li Hu stayed, then screamed, "Master, don't bring such damage!"

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin came forward with smirk, restrained Li Hu, and said in succession, "Good Houye, let's hit him now."

Li Hu smiled bitterly, complaining again and again, the two talents let him go. These people have followed Li Xing from the beginning. They have a close relationship, so sometimes they can be big or small.

At this moment, ~ ~, there is a group of divine light in the sky, hidden behind the dark clouds. In that divine light, two god-men were wrapped. One of them was Bai Liuxiang, and the other was a figure of nine gods.

"Tian Bozhi, why do you want to kill Li Xing?" Bai Liuxiang asked.

The man named Tian Bozhi, in his thirties, was thin and thin, but very powerful. He said coldly: "This person has great potential, and growing up must be a great help for the emperor. Except, wait for him to become stronger? "

Bai Liuxiang smiled slightly: "Yes, this Li Xing has martial arts will, but it has not been completed. Once you grow up, you and I are not his rivals. Great master of martial arts, even the master may not be able to reach the realm. , There is a treasure, it seems to be a sacred thing, I must take it. "

"You can rest assured that I am here to kill only the holy things," Tian Bozhi said.

"Okay, the junior is right below, let's take a shot together, be sure to kill in one shot!" Bai Liuxiang's eyes were full of murderousness, authentic.

When Li Xing was flying, he suddenly felt that Zhenwu was shaking slightly. His eyes flickered and he slowed down.

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