Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 384: Alter ego

Chapter 73: Heaven and Man

Li Xing immediately understood that someone had murdered him, and his Zhenwu killing array was extremely sensitive to murder. As long as someone nearby kills Li Xing, the killing array will immediately sense and issue a warning.

The speed of Shenguang's flight slowed down. At the same time, Li Xing swept the divine thoughts in search of the enemy. Soon, he found Tian Bozhi and Bai Liuxiang hidden in the sky.

"Bai Liuxiang! I knew you had a bad heart, and I was guessed. You must be here today to kill me, right?" Li Xing said in a divine voice, questioning.

Bai Liuxiang smiled "Hehe": "Li Xing, I blame you for being too ambitious. If you really want to be the leader of the Jinyiwei, you can't help it because of your cultivation! This leader will send you on the road today."

Tian Bozhi said coldly: "What nonsense, start!"

One white and one blue, two strange lights, respectively turned into swords and giant swords, beheaded towards Li Xing. Two true-looking masters, who are united in spirit and flesh, are powerful and domineering. This is true, and Li Xing will have to be seriously injured if he does not die.

"I can only fight it once today." Li Xing sighed, ready to meet the enemy with all his strength. The worst plan is to hide in Baiyang Jingtian, but that way, his secret will be exposed.

As Li Xing was preparing to resist two nine-man gods, two purple lights suddenly flew from below, and the power was still above Bai Liuxiang. The emergence of these two brilliance, the thunder exploded, and shocked Li Xing's ears.

Two purple lights, respectively, confronted Qingguang and Baiguang, who beheaded Li Xing, and were hanged together. Two voices sounded in Li Xing's mind: "The master quickly leaves, we deal with these two."

As soon as Li Xing's eyes brightened, he heard that the speaker was the outer and inner director of You Long. It turned out that although Li Xing hasn't turned on the Dragon for a while, the inside and outside directors of the Grand Chancellor secretly protect Li Xing.

It was also Bai Liuxiang and Tianbo Zhi's bad luck. When they shot, they met two strong men, and they struggled with each other.

Li Xing "haha" smiled: "There are two workers." He urged Shenguang to fly through the air.

After flying for more than a day, the land was in sight. When people are in the air, looking down, I see a large area of ​​Liangtian, all kinds of switches are very spectacular. Occasionally, you will encounter a green hill, several large rivers, several lakes, and a beautiful scenery.

"It's beautiful!" Xiaoxiu rejoiced. "Master, will we live here in the future?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I am a prince here, and here is home."

Li Hu said: "So big, where is the best place to live? The young master also made us an official. Any county governor can do it."

The messenger immediately said, "I'll give you a village chief. I see fit."

Li Hu shouted, "What? The village chief, you also look down upon me Li Hu. With my ability, being a county guard is more than enough."

Li Xing heard that Li Hu was blowing the air there, saying, "The princes are not so good, there are many things to deal with. You are my class, everyone has things to do. However, I will only use them if I can. Tiger, the news is right, just be a village head. "

Li Hu screamed deliberately, "Master, don't bring such a bully!"

Everyone laughed.

Xiaoxiu sighed: "Unfortunately, they can't see the scenery of the young master today, otherwise they are just as happy." She said "they" refers to the hundreds of warriors who came to Tianchen together.

Those people, without Xiaoxiu's luck, could no longer see anyone because of the persecution of the Flying Sword Gang, dead dead, missing disappearance.

Li Xingdao: "In the future, no one can oppress you any more."

After a short flight, the group was thinking of where to land, and more than ten magical lights rose from below. The comer held down the **** light and stared at Li Xing one by one. The one man in the official uniform stepped forward and asked: "Is the comer really a martial art?"

Li Xingliang issued a letter and said, "Exactly, who are you?"

The man quickly bowed down: "Xiaguan Xin'an County keeps Zhao Zhijing, and welcomes the arrival of Zhen Wuhou!" The people behind him also reported to their own homes that they were all county guards. Obviously, the news of his taking office came long ago. The sixteen county guards have negotiated and greeted here.

"You are all welcome." A few words of greeting, Li Xing followed the sixteen counties and landed on the ground. The place where he landed was the site managed by Zhao Zhijing, Xin'an County.

This is a large-scale garden, in which a large number of mansion houses are built. Outside the mansion, an archway is built, and the four characters "Zhenwuhou Mansion" are written.

At first sight, Li Xing was quite surprised. Hearing Zhao Zhijing explained: "This place was originally a palace built by the emperor's majesty, and was later rewarded to the grand prince. The grand prince passed a hand-pump and ordered me to place Houye here."

Talking, the people walked around the house, then entered the hall and sat down. After a few words of graciousness, Li Xing said, "Because I came here early, I still need your guidance."

"Where and where, Hou Ye is the body of Jinyu, with a distinguished status, and I am honored to be here. In the future, Hou Ye will be our top peak officer. If you have any questions or requirements, we can do the same." Shou said very politely.

In Tianchen, according to the system, the county owner only pays taxes to the princes, and cannot have other contacts. In other words, the princes cannot participate in politics. However, with the weakening of the Tianchen regime's controlling power, this situation has changed for a long time.

Every vassal firmly holds the military and political power in their hands, and they must listen to any county and state herdsman. This is a common practice in various places. Therefore, these county guards are so polite, the following belong to themselves.

Li Xing nodded: "Ben Hou is a lazy person. I don't like to ask questions about politics. Everyone performs his or her duties. If there is no need, Ben Hou will not bother."

The crowd heard a joy, and said in their hearts that it was the best. In the past, there were no waiting places, and each of them had its own county guards, leisurely and leisurely. Now, Leng Buding emerged a Zhenwu Hou, these people are worried.

I was afraid that Li Xing would slowly take away the power in their hands. At this moment, when I heard this remark, I felt relieved. I was more polite to Li Xing, the new Houye.

Among the Hou Houses, Zhao Zhijing has arranged 800 maids and 500 male servants. The rest of the food and clothing are also fully prepared, only one Houye is living.

Li Xing expressed his gratitude, and hosted a banquet for everyone that evening.

The county guards were gone, and Li Xing arranged for the messenger to be the general manager of the Hou House and take charge of everything. Li Hu manages the male servant and Xiaoxiu manages the maid. The rest Zhang Jie and others also have their own functions, and everyone has arrangements.

That night, on the moon and mid-day, two of these lights were cast into Hou's house and appeared in the living room. Li Xing is waiting here, and the comer is naturally the dragon and the inside and outside director.

"What's the situation?" Li Xing asked. He had expected that the two would come to report the situation, so he was waiting here.

Chief Nei Pipeline: "Master, the strength of these two people is not under me. They can't be killed and let them go." The two of them fought with Bai Liuxiang and Tianbo Zhi for a day.

Li Xing nodded: "It's okay, these two will be my ghosts sooner or later." Then he said, "You still go back to where you are and handle the dragon affairs."

Chief Nei Pipeline: "The minions still stay and are responsible for the safety of the owner."

Li Xing waved his hand: "Don't worry about my safety. Even if you don't show up today, those two people won't kill me."

The second manager stopped talking, said goodbye to Li Xing, and left.

After entering Houfu, Li Xing lived for a few days, allowing the entire Houfu to run normally. Next, there will be a small banquet on the third day, and a large banquet on the fifth day to banquet officials from all over the place.

Although Li Xing did not like these things, he had to do them.

Finally settled down, Li Xing left the fiefdom and went to Pingguo that day. During his visit, one was to transfer the Murong family, and the other was to move Qi Yunpai to the fiefdom for easy management.

There is one more thing. Counting the time, the so-called "Heaven and Man's Reincarnation" is about to begin. He would like to see what the legendary "Heaven and Man Reincarnation Body" is.

Li Xing first arrived at the Qi Yun faction and talked about the relocation. You Yuxu and others knew that Li Xing had become the Tianchen Fanghou, and that they had a fiefdom, and they were naturally very happy and readily agreed. However, Qi Yun sent his family to a great cause, and the relocation can not be completed in one day or two days, it also takes at least three months.

After Qi Yunpai began to prepare, Li Xing met Murong Jiaojiao again. The Murong family has been preparing to move since more than half a year ago. As soon as Li Xing came, they immediately started to act. It seems that in less than a month, Murong's family will move to Tianchen.

Murong Jiaojiao met Li Xing, but she didn't have time to say more, because she was busy with the family migration.

These two things are just a greeting, Li Xing doesn't need to do anything by himself, so it is quite leisurely. He was going to see Beichen blue, but unfortunately the woman had left after Pingguo stabilized.

On the ninth day of arriving in Pingguo, Li Xing went to a mountain in Pingguo alone. During this time, there were mountains and poor mountains and rivers, and even living things were hard to see. According to Cang Lanjing's memory ~ www.readwn.com ~ This place is the place where heaven and man came to earth.

It was thought that few people knew about it. But when he arrived, he discovered that there were dozens of divine power fluctuations nearby. Obviously, these gods and men also came for this matter.

Heaven and man came into the world, it is no small matter, if we can bring the heaven and man into the martial arts. When the heavenly people grow up, they will be peerless characters, which will allow the martial arts to flourish.

However, Li Xing's purpose is not this.

"Li Xing, you must find the things that heaven and man have come to the world, and wait for you to step into the tenfold practice of God, you can refine it into a body."

The training of God is tenfold, and the degree of deification has reached a satisfactory level. In a few thoughts, you can incarnate a few. If an avatar can be separated, it is a body. Refining sub-masters is mainly to enhance combat effectiveness.

In the future, if he encounters danger and danger, the avatar can replace Li Xing's body and die, saving his life. Therefore, all the ten deities who have the conditions and strength are enough to make avatars.

"I don't know what the state was like when people came to the world that day," Li Xing said. "And so many people came out to snatch.

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