Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 385: Gathering of Gods and Men

Chapter 74: Gathering of Gods and Men

The arrival of Li Xing naturally also attracted the attention of many gods and men. They all came to **** the descendants of heaven and earth. They are hostile to each other. Naturally, they have bad intentions and are full of poison.

Therefore, as soon as Li Xingcai landed, there were two divine lights flying over him, showing the tendency of horns to surround him.

Among the two god-men, one is the triple training of gods, and the other is the dual training of gods. They looked at Li Xing with bad intentions, and the triple gods knowingly asked, "Have you come here?

Li Xing sneered secretly. The two men definitely wanted to take the opportunity to rob. He can see that both of them are stronger than ordinary gods, and they have obviously taken the medicine for practicing shape or practiced special exercises.

Therefore, they are so confident that they dare to come to Li Xing for trouble. In their opinion, although Li Xing is also a triple player in the practice of God, it can never be their opponent.

Li Xing thought in his mind, calm on the surface, and said lightly: "Elders are sent under Qiyun, who are you?"

The two gods looked at each other, and the triple gods laughed: "It was Qi Yunpai, it couldn't be better." They winked at each other and suddenly shot.

Two gods, one boxing Li Xing. This punch hit, the wind and thunder rolled, and the power was very strong. It was a set of jade-level exercises, wind and thunder. This wind and thunder, as well as the effect of wind and thunder refining, so this god-man's physique is different from ordinary people.

The other god-man released a sword light, which was a sixth-order flying sword. The sixth-order magic weapon can cause fatal damage to the triple gods.

There was Jianguang on the top and fists on the bottom, and Li Xing seemed to have nowhere to dodge. Two gods flashed a pride in their eyes, thinking that Li Xing was dead.

At this moment, Li Xing moved, he sneered, and yelled, "The pearl of rice grains also shines?" Pushed forward with his left hand, a horrifying divine force suppressed the past and directly wrapped the triple god.

In the eyes of this god-man, there was a huge fear, and the whole body could not move. Immediately, the invisible magical thought strangled over, tearing his soul in an instant, and he was absolutely out of breath.

At the same time, Li Xing propped into the air with his right hand, and Jian Guang suddenly stagnated. He drank again, "Break!"

"Boom!" With a sound, these sixth-order instruments were crushed directly.

The remaining two gods were so frightened that they kicked the iron plate, screamed, and turned to flee. Unfortunately, how late can Li Xing let him go? Step out and cast an instant step to the back of him and punch directly.

This fist contained the true meaning of tearing, a cracking sound sounded, the other party was torn in half, and the blood flowed to the ground, and he died on the spot.

Killing two gods at once, Li Xing shook his head: "Killers, people always kill them."

"Unexpectedly, Pingguo still has such talents." A voice suddenly sounded.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a middle-aged man in white, with three strands of long beard hanging down, but a five-character figure who practiced God, looking coldly.

Li Xing sneered: "What's your enlightenment?"

"Nothing to suggest, except that the two people you just killed were the core disciples of my God's Fire Gate." Middle-aged humane.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said ruthlessly: "They killed me, I killed them. If you are not convinced, you can come and die."

The middle-aged man snorted: "Good breath, in peace, I haven't dared to speak to me about worry-free." .

This optical network is obviously a magic weapon, and it is a ninth-order magic weapon, which is very powerful. Li Wuwu speaks so confidently, it is precisely because of this thing.

The light net shrouded, Li Xing didn't dodge. He laughed, "It's ridiculous to catch me with a device!" He took three steps and hit three punches in succession. These three punches all contain chaotic fist meaning, which contains the supreme power.

"Boom boom!"

Three loud noises, and unmatched force hit them, and the optical net was shaken "humming" and seemed to be irresistible. This is not to be counted, he shot two more magical lights, condensed into one big hand.

With two big hands, Shenguang tore the light net to the left and to the other, he yelled, "Tear me!"

With a loud noise, the light net was torn apart by large hands, and several law arrays scattered down and scattered with the wind. As soon as the magical instrument was destroyed, Lishen Wushen was shocked and spit out blood. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was so strong!

His face changed drastically, and he turned away without saying a word.

"Want to go? Come back to me!" Li Xing took three steps, chased immediately, and behind him, stretched out his hand to shoulder Lili Wuyou. This seemingly ordinary ride, in fact, contains tearing kills.

Once you are on your shoulders, Liwuwu will be torn apart. This is the method of the master of martial arts. In ordinary actions, it can also contain horrific killing tricks.


Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, and a sharp divine idea descended, forcing Li Xing back directly.

Li Xing flickered and disappeared. He felt that the person who sent out God's thoughts was thousands of miles away, and he was very strong, and he should not touch it hard.

Stopping without worry, the fear on his face disappeared, and looking at the East, he seemed to be waiting for someone. It didn't take long for a **** of light to fly at an extremely fast speed, leaving a middle-aged man with an English biography, asking, "Where is that person away from the elder?"

Li Youwu laughed: "Seeing snow, your divine thoughts have taken him away. This person is really amazing. If you don't rescue each other in time, I must be seriously injured. I am forbidden to the nine-stage instrument The net, which has been cherished all the time, was actually destroyed by him at once. Such terrible means, I thought that only a strong man like you can do it, and he can do it even with a triple god. "

This person is the first master who left the country to see the snow proudly, practicing the Heavenly Order of Gongfa to cover the Heavenly Gong, and the strength is overbearing. With the divine thought alone, he was shocked by Li Xing and he was saved.

He listened to Liwuwu's narrative, disapproving: "Anyway, if you meet this person, you will be beheaded." His tone was very indifferent.

Li Wuyou said: "That's good, that heavenly man, I must get the fire door, and train a genius." Naturally, the other genius referred to in his mouth is the pride in front of him.

"I have detected the magic spirit, and the old antiques of the religion must also come, not careless. The celestial beings of the world can only fight for it as much as possible, and I have no absolute confidence." Seeing Xuedao proudly.

However, he said that after Li Xing retreated, he immediately performed an invisible step, hiding his breath, and couldn't find him, and finally dived into a valley.

"That person is very strong, and I can't beat him directly." Li Xingdao said, although his current strength, even if he can kill a leap, that is only limited to the training of the Seventh God. Moreover, one-on-one with the master of the infant child, it is not cheap.

As for the encounter with Yae, he had to retreat. Especially proud to see Xue is the strongest among the Yae gods, the strength is not weaker than Bai Liuxiang, and it is even more difficult to deal with. It is wise for Li Xing to choose to retreat.

"A group of ants." Tian Xie the emperor was very disdainful. "Wait for you to martial arts, practice all the ancient divinity to perfection, like him, you can chase and beat him to shit."

Li Xing smiled "Hehe": "But that's what happened in the future. It's even harder for someone to participate in the fight now.

Even so, he actually hoped. At first, he entered the tomb together with Feng Wangsun. His strength was not the strongest, but he eventually collected 70 seeds of ancient divine magic, and obtained the **** coffin, which has been suppressed in Jingtian to this day.

When the master and apprentice spoke, they were in all directions, and there were eleven light rays nearby, all of them were demons. Among the eleven god-man, there are ten deity-man, and there are two of them.

The rest of the gods and human beings are at least the six-fold practice of God. This time, the devil sent all the elite.

The two deities are leaders, and when they landed, Shen said, "The success of Lord Mozun will rest on us! This heavenly man, we must grab it!"

Another ten-strong **** man, sweeping the domineering thoughts around, frowned, "There are many people here, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"Anyway, no matter how many people, all will be beheaded!" The demon leader said coldly.

The forces from all sides came one after another, and in a small area, there were actually hundreds of gods and men, which was unprecedented. Li Xing wasn't worried at all. The more people there are, the more complicated the situation will be.

In the past few days, he has been hiding in the dark. The invisible steps have been exhibited, and no one can detect his existence.

On the seventh day, Tianren has not yet been born, Li Xing is still inquiring about the news and observing the forces of all parties. He found that among the more than one hundred people, there were more than ten masters who practiced God.

Therefore, he is even more afraid to act with care. However, even if he is cautious, he may have bad luck.

At this moment, Li Xingxing was on top of a mountain, and suddenly he heard several people talking.

Just listen to one person: "Don't fight, I will eat the meat on my butt."

Another yelled, "Boss, why do you talk so badly? The meat on the buttocks is the most fragrant, so you have to eat it for the boss. The boss doesn't eat, and it's not your turn, it's my brother."

The third child is also angry ~ www.readwn.com ~ loudly: "Nonsense! How is the meat on the buttocks the most fragrant? You always love to eat human heads, you should say that the meat on human heads is the most fragrant. Boss eat. "

After hearing these words, Li Xing was suddenly creepy. Good guys, this is a group of cannibalism. Is it a monster like Shuangsha?

He approached quietly, and saw seven strange-looking people sitting in a circle, with a fat, middle-aged man tied in the middle of them. The middle-aged man is actually a figure who is trained to be a god. He is frowning at the moment and looks like the end of the world.

However, the seven people sitting around were even more incredible. Everyone was practicing the God of God, and Li Xing was shocked, and the atmosphere did not dare to show up.

"Hell! Why are there so many masters suddenly!"

I saw these seven people, all of them looked strange, some had sharp heads and large ears; some had small mouths and large teeth, and their faces were full of pockmarks; some had nostrils facing the sky and large blood bowls; Cattle.

In short, none of the seven people is normal, but they are all practicing the God of Nine Levels, condensing the powerful figures of the true shape of the infant.

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