Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 391: Beauty chief

Chapter 80: Beauty Manager

The two bookboys smiled at each other and said, "Sister treats us as serval cats." Even so, the two girls were not idle and kept stuffing their mouths.

"Well, in the teacher's gate, I took the elixir every day. This time I finally ate a big fish and meat. Xiaoying, eat more, but there is no chance next time." Said a girl.

"It's not necessarily like that, Xiaohui, if you think about it, if the sister really enters Zhenwuhou Mansion, we are not the same big fish and big meat, hehe, maybe it's better than this table."

The girl dressed as a scholar, Liu Mei Fengyan, looks like a peach blossom, is a full beauty. At this time he was dressed as a scholar, don't have a style, even more fascinating. After listening to the conversation between the two Shutongs, she smiled, "Don't you say it's a cat? Now you're thinking about the next meal."

Xiaohui suddenly asked: "Sister Bingbing, our Jade Girl Gate has always been undisputed with the world. Why should we draw the princes this time?"

A girl dressed as a scholar named Lan Ruobing is a core disciple of Yunvmen. She was ordered by the teacher to go out and make princes.

After listening to Xiaohui's question, Lan Ruobing laughed: "The heavens and kingdoms are chaotic. This is a rare opportunity for a thousand years. If the Jade Girl Gate does not take the opportunity to expand its power, it will be left behind by other martial arts, and it may even be destroyed. . Although the Jade Girl Gate has no dispute with the world, it still exists in the world after all. If it is not strong enough, it can easily be annexed by other forces. "

Xiaoying nodded again and again: "Sister said, but why so many princes do not choose, you have to choose Zhen Wuhou? He is not just a prince, the power is not great."

Lan Ruobing smiled bitterly: "This is also no way out. The response of our Jade Girl Gate is too slow. Now, all the princes with a little weather have been drawn to the other martial arts. Almost every prince and family is standing behind them. One or even a few forces. The rest are too weak to exist, which will not help us.

"Counting and counting, only this Zhenwu Hou is a bit interesting. His fiefdoms, tens of thousands of miles, can catch up with a small country. Moreover, I heard that this person is also the commander of the Star Guard of the Star Gate, and his strength is not weak.

Xiaohui swaggered: "Isn't that man the three-practice God? Isn't he better than my little Hui?"

Lan Ruobing sighed: "Although his strength is a little worse, he is much stronger than those young princes. In comparison, it is still cost-effective to choose him."

It was getting late, and Li Xinggang had finished the chores at hand. Li Hu hurried forward and said, "Master, there is a scholar outside to ask for advice."

"No," Li Xing refused directly.

Every day, there are so many idle people come to visit. At first, Li Xing also met. But when I saw him a lot, I became bored, and because he was busy every day, he would not receive such people.

Li Huzei said bluntly: "Master, the three of them are all very tall, and they are all dressed as men."

Women dressed as men? Li Xing became interested and thought for a while, and said, "Take them to the living room, and I will come later."

Li Hu retreated, and Li Xing trembled: "Strangely, there are people who look like men and women come to me. Is there any trick in the green house?"

In the living room, Lan Ruobing sat down, Xiaohui and Xiaoying stood behind her, looking like a professional book boy.

Li Xing strode out from behind, and when he saw the three masters and servants, he laughed, "Three have been waiting a long time."

Lan Ruobing stood up, with a frost on his face, and said lightly, "I haven't waited long, I am Lan Ruobing. You must have seen it, I am dressed as a man."

Li Xing nodded and continued to listen to her.

"I'm here to find a messenger in Houye House." Lan Ruobing said the purpose directly.

Li Xing was curious, and the little girl did not go out to find a job, so she asked, "What position does the girl want?"

"Beside Houye, if I haven't taken charge of the overall situation, I can take on the responsibility." Lan Ruobing said it out loud, making people feel that she was totally unsophisticated.

Listening to the other person's tone so loud, Li Xing couldn't help laughing: "It seems that the girl may really be a senior, but unfortunately I have never met the girl. Why should I believe you?"

Lan Ruoqi sneered and started to show her "strategies" that she had long thought about, saying: "If I said, I can kill you at any time, Hou Ye believe it or not? If I have no ambition and harms Hou Ye, why not kill you?"

Lan Ruobing is the sixth practice of practicing the gods. Moreover, she searched with the knowledge of God before. No one in the entire Hou government could surpass her. Therefore, she dared to say these words, using threats to prove that she was not malicious.

Except for Lan Ruobing's accident, Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "I don't believe it."

Lan Ruobing's face was cold, and I thought I had to give you some color. Suddenly she turned into a light cigarette and forced it towards Li Xing. Lan Ruobing's footwork is called Lingyan Step, Heavenly Order.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared, no breath, no shadow. Lan Ruobing's heart sank suddenly, realizing that he encountered a powerful opponent.

At the moment of vigilance, she suddenly felt a pain in the buttocks, and was stunned by someone, and at the same time heard a sneer.

"You want to kill me, too?" It was Li Xing's mocking voice.

Lan Ruobing's cheeky face suddenly turned red, suddenly losing his senses, and angrily: "Shameless thief! Even if punished by the teacher, I will kill you today!"

Tiger's buttocks can't be touched, in fact, the big girl's buttocks can't be touched anymore. Li Xing angered Lan Ruobing at once, causing her to kill. When she saw a flash of light all over her, Jiao yelled: "Smoke smash!"

Suddenly, in the entire living room, the smoke was filled with smoke, killing everywhere. This blue Ruo Bing actually performed great magic to kill Li Xing.

Xiaohui and Xiaoying were both stupid. One said, "What should I do? Sister wants to kill Zhenwuhou."

Another eats authentically: "I seem to see ... seeing he touched sister's ass."

"Ah! Then he is dead. Sister hates men most to touch her. Brother 8 accidentally touched her hair with his hands and was chased away day and night! Well, this man is so bold, why did he want to Touching sister's ass? "

The two girls grew up in the Jade Girl's Gate from an early age, and had a simple mind. They did not immediately understand such a "complex" issue.

It's a great mysticism to be obsessed with smoke, and Li Xing blocked it. Lan Ruobing, however, was like a light smoke, constantly patrolling. When she found Li Xing, she would send a terrible blow.

However, Li Xing seemed to disappear.

Since Zhen Wu ’s killing path was completed, his non-phase step has reached a point where there is no self and phase. Unless a mage deliberately observes with the magic eye, he can never find his signs.

"Your strength is not weak, but unfortunately not my enemy." Li Xing's voice seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to determine his position.

Lan Ruobing's anger was slightly reduced, and a trace of clarity was restored, and he was shocked: "This man actually realized the true meaning of martial arts, and is a great master of martial arts! Even if he is a triple master, I can't fight him."

After all, she was an outstanding disciple of Jade Girl, and she calmed down immediately.

Unexpectedly, she had just calmed down, and suddenly felt a tightness in her chest, and was gently grasped by a large hand. As if a current passed through his body, Lan Ruobing was furious again.

"I must kill you today!"

The thunder rolls, and the power of the lore of smoke is soaring again.

Li Xing simmered oil twice in a row, just to anger the woman. A six-fold god-man, and a woman, Baba rushed to Hou's house, and opened the mouth to be the chief manager. How can Li Xing believe in such things? He had to figure out what the woman had come from and what the purpose was.

When a person is calm, it is not easy to reveal flaws. However, if you become angry and mad, it is hard to say. Therefore, he touched Lan Ruobing's chest and buttocks severely, and the purpose was to irritate each other.

However, Li Xing never imagined that this woman's temper was so great that she seemed to touch her twice, which was more serious than killing her.

"Hey, touch you twice, don't you be so desperate? Haven't you been touched?" Li Xing said with a smile.

Lan Ruobing didn't say a word, he urged the great divine art with all his strength, and he tried to kill Li Xing.

Great divine magic, extraordinary power, amazing power. Li Xing hid in it, and felt great pressure. He said, "It seems that this woman has never been touched by a man before, so she is so angry."

"Let's say, who are you and what is the purpose here?" Li Xing asked coldly.

Xiaohui saw things getting worse and worse, for fear that Lan Ruobing really killed Li Xing, or Li Xing killed Lan Ruobing, both results were very bad. She could not help but cried, "We are from Yunmen, and we are not hostile, we just want to ally with Zhenwu Hou."

Li Xing remembered that there was indeed a jade girl gate in Tianyuan. Although it was not a super school, its strength was not weak, and there were masters with master levels. Such a martial art can be called a big martial art.

Knowing the other party's intentions, he stopped teasing Lan Ruobing, "hehe" laughed: "If you don't stop, I will take off your clothes. You are so beautiful and you must be very good."

Lan Ruobing was taken aback ~ www.readwn.com ~ calmed down again: "No! This evil thief is clever, he ... he dare to take off my clothes if he can't make it."

This Lan Ruobing, practicing Bingqing's magic from a young age, has always disliked being close to men. Today, he was teased by Li Xing repeatedly and has lost his mind. If you get undressed again, you don't have to live. Therefore, she immediately stopped her hand wisely and received the Great Divine Art.

The living room was quiet again, and Li Xing's figure appeared in the corner of the hall. He said lightly: "It was only a misunderstanding of the friend of Yumen Gate."

Lan Ruo Bingqi crooked her nose, misunderstanding? Misunderstanding can touch others' place? In her eyes, still murderous flickering, but held back, no more action. Because she understands, she can figure out her hand, and she can't kill the abominable guy in front of her.

"You are sent by the Jade Maiden, and I don't know how to cooperate?" Li Xingshu returned to the true story and asked.

Lan Ruobing said coldly: "Cooperation is cancelled!" She rose into the air and flew into a magical light. Xiaohui and Xiaoying glanced at each other blankly, and hurriedly told Li Xing, "Houye, leave." They followed closely.

Xiaoying and Xiaohui are not very old, but they are all four figures who practice God, and the speed of Fei is not slow.

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