Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 392: 1 palm weight

Chapter 81: The Weight of One Hand

Watching the three women go, Li Xing twisted his right fingers with five fingers and murmured: "It feels good." Then he shook his head, "Without even patience, how can such a person be the chief executive of this hou? "

While talking, Li Hu hurried over twice: "Master, another scholar came outside."

Li Xing's eyes widened: "Another one?"

"She seems to be Murong Jiaojiao." Li Hu blinked and said.

Li Xing said nothing, strode to welcome, and cried out in his heart, "Why did I forget! No one is more suitable than Murong Jiaojiao's position as the chief manager! She is a military division of Murong's family and a person who knows everything. "

The Murong family was able to grow up in Pingguo at first, and Murong Jiaojiao contributed a lot. Li Xing knew this very well. And in the process of interacting with this woman, she also constantly found out that she is a very intelligent woman who is good at controlling the way and freely.

As soon as Murong Jiaojiao entered Hou's house, she saw Li Xing hurriedly and yelled at her with a happy expression: "Miss Murong, you are finally here!"

Murong Jiaojiao, dressed as a scholar, has slightly upturned jade lips and beautiful neck. At this moment, she shook her folding fan, she was very personable, she didn't have any charm, she smiled softly: "The younger see Zhen Wuhou, Hou Ye Wanan."

The sweet voice made Li Xing's heart tickle. "Hey" smiled and said, "You're just kidding me." Busy invited her to the living room to sit, and offered tea and talked.

A few words of greeting, Murong Jiaojiao said, "My Murong family has now moved to your fiefdom, and I am finally at ease, so I come to Hou's house. This is a beautiful place to go, I don't know if I can Will you stay here for a few days? "

In her words, there seemed to be no meaning. Li Xing blinked and said immediately: "If you like, you can live as long as you like."

Murong Jiaojiao's heart trembled, what does this guy mean? Is he ready to accept himself?

She was originally from the misty palace, and naturally she heard that Li Xing took Chen Xue and Chen Shuang away. After learning about this, she couldn't help but feel sorry that she wished that she was the protagonist of the day. This was something she had longed for.

But it doesn't matter, she is a smart woman, knowing that there are still many opportunities, anyway, in this life, she has fixed the man in front of her!

Li Xing smiled and continued: "Now I'm too busy to turn around and need an assistant. Thinking about it, who can compare to Miss Yu Rong, whose wisdom and beauty are equal to ours?" Then hehe smiled: "That's right. I wonder if you would help me? "

When she heard that Li Xing was helping her, Murong Jiaojiao felt a little disappointed in her heart, and she felt fun with his smooth tongue. She couldn't help laughing, and said, "If I do something for him, the chance of contact will naturally increase. To make him like me completely! "

The woman thought about it, but she looked embarrassed on the surface, and sighed, "Well ... your fiefdom has 16 counties, and tens of thousands of people, but it is difficult to manage. I am a little girl, How can there be so much patience? Moreover, to take over this matter, I must delay my practice, Miss Ben absolutely does not do it. "

Li Xing was anxious, and finally managed to catch one. How could I let her run away, and she was immediately accompanied by a smiley face. She showed her last trick and said with a stern expression: "Jiaojiao, are you a friend?"

This "Jiaojiao" sounded Murong Jiaojiao's heartfelt joy, but still stiffened and said, "Well, be it."

Li Xing immediately said: "Since you are friends, how can you be patient and not help me? This is not justified."

Murong Jiaojiao smiled and asked, "Is it good to help you? Is it good?"

Li Xing immediately said: "Of course the benefits! Do you forget that I am a Dan teacher? You do n’t have to worry about spiritual matters. I promise to help you step into the realm of gods and men within three years, how?"

Where does Murong Jiaojiao need any benefits, but she deliberately makes things difficult so that Li Xing will try her best to retain her so that she will cherish her in the future. But she never expected to have this unexpected delight. Since Li Xing dare to say that within three years, let her become a god-man, it must not be a grandiose, but a well-informed.

She couldn't help but be curious, and couldn't help asking: "Can you make Shendan?" Only Shendan can make her cultivate soaring and enter the realm of God and man steadily.

Li Xing nodded with a smile: "Not only will I be able to refine the body in the future, I now have some in my hand."

"Okay, I promise." Murong Jiaojiao immediately agreed, smiling like a flower.

Li Xing was overjoyed: "Okay! Good! I can rest assured with your help." He was so proud that he could not help pulling up Murong Jiaojiao's soft pancreas.

Although this was Li Xingchun's natural move, she also made Murong Jiao's heart tremble. She flew Li Xing with a wink: "Look at you, please trust me like that?"

Li Xing laughed: "I do n’t believe who you believe in?" He came from another world, and the way of expressing his feelings was quite open, so he put his mouth close to Murong Jiaojiao ’s little hand and kissed "Biao", "I am cute you are dead . "

Murong Jiao Jiao's jade cheeks suddenly turned red, and she ate, "You ..."

However, Li Xing thought of something, saying: "I will call everyone in Hou government and announce the appointment of you as the chief executive. Everyone must listen to your orders so that you will be magnificent, hehe ..."

Next, the message from the outside director, Li Hu, the inside director, and Xiaoxiu and others were called to the lobby. Li Xing announced on the spot that Murong Jiaojiao will later be the chief executive of Hou House, in charge of everything. Regardless of military, political affairs, financial personnel, will be handled by her.

After doing this, Li Xing felt suddenly relieved of a heavy burden and immediately relaxed.

Murong Jiaojiao is a strange woman, who has the wisdom and means that a man can't. After taking over the position of chief executive, she immediately took care of everything. The major events reported by the counties, she was able to decide at the fingertips, much more wise than the prince Li Xing.

Murong Jiaojiao is also interested in helping Li Xing, and she is extremely serious in everything she does. However, Li Xing's fiefdom was vast and far-reaching, far wider than the country in which he lived in his previous life.

Murong Jiaojiao knows that she can't take care of everything by herself. So from the first day of her appointment, she started to train talents and prepare for the future.

Li Xing, who was given free time, went to the barracks on this day to do something big.

Jiu Lixiong's 100,000 troops occupied a boundary of three hundred miles in a circle, daily routine drills, and the spirit of iron and blood went straight to Jiuxiao. Li Xing arrived at the barracks. Jiu Lixiong was training soldiers. When he saw Li Xing coming, he did not even say hello and continued training.

There are three or four hundred soldiers undergoing training, all of whom are highly trained. They are the elite in the 100,000 army.

Li Xing was not in a hurry. He stood by and waited while observing the training. Before long, Jiu Lixiong ordered the sergeants to train themselves and invited Li Xing to the camp.

Li Xing talked to him a few words and suddenly asked, "Big brother believe me?"

Jiulixiong's face changed, and he said loudly, "Where is the brother here! If I don't believe you, I would have gone to the Gu family, why would I come to you?"

"Brother, don't be angry. Brothers have a big business discussion today, so make it clear. From ancient times to the present, there are many good brothers who smashed and fell apart because of conflicts of interest. It's a pity. So, our brothers settled their accounts today. Make it clear. "

Jiulixiong's face was a little hesitant, and he slowly said, "Brother, you and I are not outsiders. I have something to say. Everyone has selfishness. I came to vote for you. One is my brother. Two, I know you have a bright future. I think there must be a good future with you. "

Li Xing nodded: "Big brother lifted me up. Brothers have no ambition and dominate the world. What I want in my heart is to allow me to stay in the world between heaven and earth. But in this world, power and strength are close. Intertwined, if I do not seek a kingship and domination, I am afraid I will not even have the opportunity to cultivate. "

Jiuliong stared at Li Xing: "Brother's meaning, you just want to find a strong backer, and then practice with peace of mind?"

"It can also be said that if a person can't even guarantee life, how can he cultivate? If he can make a career, whether it is the cultivation resources or personal safety, he will be guaranteed. If a person walks alone in the world, there can be no Great achievement. "

These remarks were actually told by Li Xing, Emperor Tianxie, and they are now spoken by him.

Jiulixiong thought deeply and nodded again and again: "Yes, like the peerless powers from ancient times to the present, all of them have had the performance of dominating the world. It is because they have occupied the world ’s spiritual resources and can run the world, so they have reached such a brilliant state. . "

Li Xingdao: "So, the big thing I said today is the issue of the distribution of power between you and my brother. All military power is under the control of the elder brother, and the brothers will not be jealous. The brother and I remain the princes and manage the finances. The common goal of you and me is to cultivate a strength. This strength will make the elder brother achieve great merits, and I can also get what I need. "

Jiulixiong nodded slowly: "Brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ In a word, I believe you! No matter what your decision is, Brother fully supports it!"

Li Xing laughed: "Okay, I hope that my brother's 100,000 troops will all join the Qiyun faction. If there is no war, these people will rest assured to practice in the Qiyun faction. If there is a war, the big brother is the highest military commander and leads them Sweep the enemy. "

Jiu Lixiong said suddenly, "The original thing that the brother said was actually this." He thought for a while, "It's nothing, but there is a teacher in the Qi Yunpai. What should I do if I conflict with him?" Who's listening? "

Li Xing smiled: "Brother, rest assured, palmistry is not a person who is greedy for power. He once gave up the position of palmistorship to me. I don't think there will be any conflict between you. Besides, you will each have your own power. Teaching only teaches the growth of the disciples and strengthens them. You also only need to train the soldiers, and the soldiers face the enemy. Where can there be conflict? "

"Okay, I agree." Jiulixiong laughed, "haha", "Brother, after today, we will always be brothers!"


Two big hands fought each other in the air and made an agreement.

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