Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 394: Force Battle 3

Chapter 83: Fighting the Three Divine Babies

The defender said angrily, "What are you doing? Reverse! You are all reverse! Come on, throw arrows!"

Li Xing snorted, grabbed his hands, and the guards and soldiers flew up, screaming loudly. The rest of the garrison quickly hurled arrows, and tens of thousands of arrow feathers fired at Li Xing, but none of them could approach him and landed ten meters away.

"I'm Zhenwu Hou, open the city gates!" Li Xing drank, while showing Hou Yin at the same time.

The guardian's face changed, and he quickly said, "The villain doesn't know Hou Ye, Hou Ye forgive me!" Anxious people opened the gate and let people get started.

Ten thousand volunteers were overjoyed and shouted, "Long live Houhou! Long live Houhou!"

Seeing this man from the sky, the triple-minded man, who is extraordinary, is Zhenwu Hou, and hurried forward to see: "Little people Tengqingshan, see Hou Ye."

Li Xing looked at him with satisfaction and said, "You are good. It is commendable to organize such a resistance team." Then he said, "Bring yours, and follow me to the county guard."

The gate of Junshoufu suddenly burst open with a blast, and sawdust flew. After listening to his voice, Yu Zhenggan was furious and asked his subordinates: "Go and see what happened!"

"No need to watch it." Li Xing turned around and entered the room.

Yu Zhenggan naturally knew Zhen Wuhou. When Li Xing first arrived, he greeted him personally. At the sight of Li Xing's arrival, he was taken aback and hurried to see him: "Sir, why are you here?"

Li Xing said coldly, "I don't want to come here. Isn't this Beiyue County going to be taken up by the enemy?"

Yu Zhenggan's look remained unchanged, saying: "Xiaguan has been organizing military-civilian resistance. However, the enemy is strong and unable to hold on, and he has been taken by eight states."

Li Xing waved impatiently: "Needless to say, you surrender the official seal, the position of county guard, temporarily Teng Qingshan agent."

Yu Zheng froze, first shocked, then angry, and said loudly: "Houye has no right to remove the post!"

Li Xing was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, shot it with one palm, and blasted out with great power. Yu Zhenggan is also a heavy **** and man, and his strength is not weak, but in the face of the blow from the master of martial arts, he was completely unavoidable.


Yu Zhenggan's body exploded and turned into blood mist. The Tengqing Mountain that came afterwards was surprised, and stunned, so dignified, so dead?

Li Xing turned around and said lightly: "You are the county guard, don't let Ben Ho be disappointed."

Teng Qingshan first paid homage to Li Xing, and then condensed, "Little people will do their best!"

Li Xing nodded, he killed Yu Zhenggan just to make Teng Qingshan up. In unusual times, Kitakakura-gun needs a courageous and valiant county guard. In the face of enemy attacks, Teng Qingshan was able to spontaneously organize tens of thousands of resistance teams, which shows that he has a very strong organizational ability and can be of great use.

The county guard was killed, and the county guards were at a loss. They killed the county guard, but the official Zhenwu was bigger. How could this be better?

Li Xing glanced at the guards and said in a deep voice: "You must obey the Teng Qingshan transfer. If you do not follow, kill without amnesty!"

Everyone was shivering and immediately said, "Yes! I'll wait for my life!"

Teng Qingshan was indeed a personal talent. He quickly became familiar with the duties and powers of the county guards, and was ready to defend. And Li Xing left immediately, he must try to kill the enemy god-man before the army of Jiulixiong arrived.

As the war progresses, the most worrying thing is the god-man. God and man are the biggest variables in war. Sometimes, a few arrogant gods can change the outcome of a war.

If the consideration of God-man is ignored, Jiuliong can win stably. But if a god-man joins, the outcome is hard to predict.

Beiyue County has a large area of ​​more than 3,000 miles. However, for gods such as Li Xing, he could fly around in a moment, so he soon reached the core area where the enemy controlled.

A military barracks was meeting ahead. Based on experience, Li Xing estimated that there were at least 3,000 sergeants. His eyes flashed murderous, and he immediately speeded up and rushed towards the enemy camp.

When he flew over the enemy camp, he suddenly screamed, "Kill!"


Three giant infant palms suddenly appeared in the air, suppressed at the same time towards Li Xing, locked up fiercely, and cut off vitality. Three masters of the infant child, attacking at the same time, powerful, can be imagined. All retreats were completely blocked, and Li Xing seemed to have no way to escape.

"Zhenwuhou, could we have been waiting for you, right?" It was Jin Rui who spoke, and he laughed wildly.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he said coldly, "Childish! Can you still leave me?" With a big hand up, the Chaos God Fist was put on display, and there was a supreme martial will.

There is no birth, tear, moment, and sky fall. The four martial arts will melt into one furnace and burst into an instant. No one can describe the horror of this fist, as if it were falling apart, crushing the stars and destroying everything.

"Chaos God Fist, break me!"


The three babies were smashed into a huge palm. Suddenly, Li Xing's body disappeared, without a trace, no one knew where he had gone. But all three knew that Li must be hiding somewhere and launched a fatal blow at any time.

"Be careful all around! This man's martial arts are terrible!" Jin Rui warned his companion loudly, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a slight distraction, Li Xing, lurking behind him, shot.

"Tian Beng Shen Quan, broken!"

A horrible fist, shrouded over it, showing it in an instant, too fast, Jin Rui could not escape. He could only use his whole body to fight hard, and shouted, "I gather the **** babies, and I'm not my opponent!"

A surging force greeted Li Xing's fist. The two collided and made a loud noise. Li Xing quickly retreated, and halfway through, his figure disappeared again. He was like a ghost, elusive, and frightening.

On the other hand, Jin Rui was directly dispelled by the fist, and turned into a rolling spirit, and returned to his body. He was obviously badly wounded, at least three months before he could recover.

"What? He's so strong!" The other two babies masters were shocked. They are different from Jin Rui's. Jin Rui is a Ping Jianghou, but they are the gatekeepers of Kuangjianmen. To assist Pingjianghou in this way is to obtain the best interests for Kuangjianmen.

Jin Rui was seriously injured, shocked and hated, knowing that if Li Xing was not won again, I'm afraid I would plant here today, and immediately shouted, "Two are going to shoot!"

At this time, Li Xing appeared twice, and the position was just behind the two. He was holding an extermination knife, and the word "kill" burst into his mouth. In the midst of it, there seemed to be a terror killing coming down and blessing him. , Sweeping across the sky.

The extinction of the Big Ten style shots, implying instantaneous martial arts, the speed is extremely fast, and there is no phase, the convergent shape hides. This knife can be described as wonderful and perfect.


Lengman flashed, two gods, one retreated, one was chopped off an arm, and roared. However, after all, they were both masters of the infant child. At the last moment, they also punched each other and hit Li Xing's chest.

Not bad, Tianyi Jinguang flashed, and began to guide the opponent's two punches to collide. Originally, Li Xing could not use Tianyi so perfectly, but after he practiced the traction skill, he was able to use power to reach a very high level.

This time, it is equivalent to the two gods bombing each other with a punch. Li Xing only used his strength to show his magic.

With one punch, the two gods trembled with numbness in their arms and were shocked inside. Especially the man with a broken arm was even more complex. With a broken arm, he lost at least a third of his repairs and wanted to make up for it, which took a long time.

When they shot, they hurt two people. Li Xinghao was so angry that Chang Xiao shouted, and the extinct sword chopped again and again, splitting hundreds of swords in an instant, and chopped to the three gods.

"This person is great, retreat!"

The broken arm showed fear, and the first one retreated. After leaving one, his consent was unwilling to leave the adventure, and left immediately, yelling at Jin Rui: "General Jin retreats quickly, this is dangerous!"

Jin Rui stomped his feet straight, leaving him alone, but Li Xing couldn't fight it anymore, he could only retreat resentfully.

Li Xing was not chasing either, his body flickered, and he became invisible. I wondered where he was hiding.

The three masters of Divine Infant all suffered great losses under the hands of Zhenwu Hou, and Jin Rui was so shocked that he couldn't add more. He realized that this attack on Zhenwu Hou's land would not benefit him. You know that the three of them are the strongest three around Pingjianghou. Pingjiang Hou himself is just the sixth person to practice the gods.

Therefore, after retreating, the three gods returned directly to Pingjiang Houfu.

They didn't know that Li Xing had been secretly following. In the battle with the three **** babies, he gained an advantage and had a more accurate judgment on his own strength. When he meets a general seven-fold divine infant, he can fight a battle and take advantage.

If he encounters Yae Divine Infant, and the Divine Infant reaches a successful figure, he can also fight, but it is not easy to gain an advantage. Because after the baby is complete, the induction is extremely sharp, and his sneak attack is not easy to succeed.

Next, Li Xing made a lap around the entire Beiyue County. Whenever he encountered an enemy, he would beheaded. His instantaneous steps were ten miles away, and it was no easier to hunt down enemies. After 30,000 sergeants, the enemy was scattered everywhere, and the troops remaining in Beiyue County were running out.

Jiuliong was a veteran on the battlefield, commanding men and women, and splitting airstrikes. It took only two days to recover the lost land in eight states. The people of Beiyue County all cheered and took Zhenwu Hou as a savior.

At the same time, in the face of repeated looting by the enemy, the people are well aware of the principle of protecting their homeland and defending the country, and many people have taken the initiative to join the army. These people, including warriors and warriors, have gathered more than 10,000 people one after another.

Coupled with the more than 10,000 people gathered by Teng Qingshan, Jiulixiong immediately collected nearly 30,000 horses and expanded the team. After that, he selected talented people from the scholars to form a patrol guard, a group of ten people, patrolling the border continuously.

At the same time, the army was stationed outside the Pingjianghou site and was ready to attack.

With a large account at the barracks, Li Xing turned his face to death.

"Pingjiang Hou must have ordered an army, and will soon launch an attack." Jiuli Xiongdao said, "We are waiting closely and give him a good look!"

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