Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 396: Master Showdown

Chapter 85: Master Showdown

You Sha is a very motivated person, otherwise he will not become the leader of the Bloody Gard, trusted by Bei Chenji. Although there was murder in his heart, he did not immediately take action, but showed his stature, and said: "Zhen Wuhou's means are well deserved, and he is indeed a character who embodies the will of Zhen Wu."

Li Xing's figure also appeared, and said lightly: "If you win the prize, Yousha is the master. Otherwise, you won't come here for a long time."

This sentence made Yousha quite useful and palpitated: even if this person has the will to martial arts, after all, he is still practicing the triple God, which is seven levels worse than me, and it is difficult to surpass me. "

The two flew quickly and arrived in Beiyue County the next day. Above the barracks, two bright divine lights descended, and Jiulixiong greeted him. When he saw Yousha, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, but then disappeared, and he greeted with a smile.

Li Xing introduced to him: "This is the first master of Master Shaomen. The Bloody Guard is in charge of Yousha. He came to help us kill the strong enemy."

"Jiu Wen's name, such as Lei Yan's ears, the young man has seen the leader." Jiuliong was very polite.

In fact, Xueyiwei is only a private organization established by Beichenji. It has been developing in secret and has not been exposed. Yousha therefore has no official position, and Jiuliong does not need to be polite to him. However, his behavior today is not like that of the past.

You Sha nodded slightly to Jiuliong and said, "The master said, someone is bringing a 200,000 army to vote for Zhenwuhou, presumably it is you, Jiuliong?"

Jiuliong's face remained unchanged, and he nodded, "It's the young man."

You Sha frowned, and seemed to think of something: "Tianchen Kingdom, there was a master named Jiulikong. What is your relationship with him?"

Jiuli Xiong shook his head: "The teenager doesn't know Jiuli Kong, nor does he know who he is."

Yousha faintly said, "Is Jiu Likong, who was the most powerful figure of God training, but I have been beheaded."

Ji Lixiong said "Oh" and said: "It seems that this person is really unwise, and he is actually against the commander."

Yousha ignored him and said to Li Xing, "You know, what is the identity of the god-man?"

"It's unknown, but the opponent's swordsmanship is so good. When he launched it, he should be able to practice heaven and earth murder," Li Xing recalled.

Yousha dismissed it and said coldly, "No matter who he is, as long as he is not a mage, he is dead!" His tone was extremely proud.

Li Xing quickly said: "Exactly, he must not lead the opponent." But he thought, "That man's swordsmanship is very strong, this wicked man can never kill the opponent, and it is best to lose both."

You Sha is not idle. When he came to the barracks, he kept walking around to observe the soldiers' training. For training soldiers, Jiuliong is very good at it. All his soldiers are extremely loyal and heroic.

The core of a unit is the general. One soldier, one raging nest. The soldiers brought out by the generals often have a special temperament, and that temperament is called the army soul.

Undoubtedly, the soldiers of Jiuli Xiong also possess this kind of army soul.

The more you look at you, the more shocked and trembled: Although Zhen Wuhou is a subordinate of his master, he has now begun to develop his strength. Looking at this trend, it won't be long before his men will have a strong soldier and can't belittle it.

After rectification measures such as recruiting troops and recruiting rebels, Jiuliong had 250,000 soldiers. Among them, 20,000 scholars, including 4,000 scholarships. More than 180,000 warriors, including ten heavy warriors 8,000. The remaining 60,000 ordinary soldiers also have their own strengths and are mainly responsible for logistics supplies.

The 250,000 army has its own division of labor. Soldiers of the same strength level are all grouped together to perform corresponding combat tasks. Jiuli Xiong fought, always using good steel to the blade, exerting the greatest lethality.

Moreover, the soldiers practiced by themselves during peace and received military training on a regular basis, and their lives were very leisurely. Once in the war, he immediately became a brave fighter, so that he could practice both operations and improve his overall strength at all times.

For example, at that time, there may be someone breaking through at any time, becoming a half-step god-man, and then a god-man. The eight hundred and ten heavy warriors may also break through at any time.

Of course, Li Xing, a Dan teacher, is already preparing a large number of elixir to help those who are qualified to break through. As long as he is willing, there will be more national scholars and god-man.

After two days, Li Xing, who inspected the border, finally found the enemy. He immediately notified the army to prepare for the battle. Yousha was nearby, just hiding his body and saying, "I feel it, he's ahead."

Li Xingdao: "Everything has a labor leader, and a strong person like the other party can only be countered by a leader."

"Leave this to me!" Yousha's tone, a bloodthirsty warfare, flew away.

Ping Jianghou, carrying 150,000 troops, marched towards Beiyue County in a mighty manner. With the help of Jian Xingtian, he believes that this battle will win because Li Xing cannot fight Jian Xingtian. As soon as Li Xing died, he would order several god-men to take action and kill the enemy generals. In this way, victory is in sight.

The army was still marching. Suddenly, the cold mist covered the sky for three hundred miles. Suddenly, the soldier's heart felt a cold, wet, and fearful feeling. It seemed that a poisonous snake had coiled his neck, and bite them at any time.

In the team, Jian Xingtian, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were radiant. He said coldly: "Good job!" He turned himself into a bright sword, full of emotions. Straight into the sky.

Heavy fog, twisted by the sword gas, showed signs of collapse.

Li Xing watched the battle from afar, and saw a grown up sword light, sharp and sharp, up to ten miles long, cut vertically and horizontally. And in the fog, there is also a huge shadow, constantly flickering, dealing with the sword light.

The shadow does not hurt the soldiers, it just surrounds Jianguang and fights with it.

"The strength of these two people is half a catty, and in a short period of time, it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat." Li Xing had a judgment in his heart.

Suddenly, Jian Guang was shocked and flew away. Obviously, Jian Xingtian didn't want to accidentally hurt his soldiers, so he chose to fight again. The fog was also shocked, and followed closely. In a moment, the two peerless masters went far.

Li Xing immediately informed Jiu Lixiong with a divine mind, sent him to send troops, then flashed in shape, and rushed towards the army.

There is no sword torture, and no one is his opponent here. He wants to kill him!

As soon as Jian Xingtian left, Jin Rui knew that it was not good. He had never seen Zhen Wuhou. Where is this abnormal? Will it be nearby?

The tragic sound of the barracks confirmed his speculation that Li Xing shot, and the demon head of inspiration and invisible demon head were released and kept attacking. Moreover, he released the sharp light, the octopus divine sword, and the vertical and horizontal cutting.

That sword light, brilliantly bright, ten miles long, sharp and unparalleled. Jian Guang was everywhere, and the broken arm and stump were scattered all over the sky.

However, after all, Li Xing faces an army of 150,000. Although the soldiers and soldiers in the army did not panic, they immediately formed a large array under the command of the general. At this time, it was no better than attacking the battalion at night. The soldiers were resting and unable to make an effective counterattack.

Fighting one after another, the violent blood power of the warriors became one, swept across the sky, and actually forced Li Xing's sword light away. The blood of one hundred thousand warriors is united, and the degree of terror is incredible.

Immediately afterwards, the scholars also united with Qi, approached twice, and Li Xing and the two demon heads were directly forced to retreat. The murderous spirit, the fighting spirit Lingyun, this is the battlefield, if there is no peerless fighting power, it is extremely difficult to achieve results with one person and one force. These battle formations must be broken with the same formation.

Li Xing didn't attack. He retreated and disappeared instantly. No one knows where he went.

At the very center of the army, Pingjiang Hou was vigilant, and focused with Jin Rui and two other mad sword gate gods, waiting for the arrival of Li Xing.

It is strange that Li Xing has not appeared for a long time.

Half an hour later, Jiulixiong's 250,000 army appeared. The four thousand nations had the most powerful scholars, and they rushed forward as forward camps. Both wings are guarded by 12,000 knights. In the rear, there are 8,000 ten heavy warriors as the backbone, leading more than 100,000 troops behind, violently rushing over to kill.

In this battle, Jin Rui only took a look, his face changed, and shouted, "How is that possible! Lord, at least three thousand strong scholars, we are not opponents!"

You know, under the hands of Pingjiang Hou, there are only more than 200 people in the top ten states. There were originally eight gods and men, but unfortunately they were assassinated by Li Xing, and they are no longer available. How can such a disparate strength be played against others?

Jiuliong's army, like a sharp knife, slammed into the opponent. These battles cannot be cracked.

Thirty thousand soldiers, the overwhelming true power was united, and overwhelmed. Pingjiang Hou's soldiers, mainly warriors, couldn't stop such a crazy attack, and they collapsed in an instant.

"Si Lingling!"

The forward camp has trained the top ten scholars ~ www.readwn.com ~ for every 256 people, forming a three-level battle. Everyone, practicing one stroke killing method, two hundred and sixty-six stroke killing methods, combined, have unexpected lethality.

All sixteen three-level assassination formations combined the combat power of 4,000 knights.

Since then, there have been spin-on dragons to assist the offensive, leaving no respite. If someone looks at it from above, they can see it. The vitality and authenticity sent by the armies of the two sides are united into one, full of iron spirit. This kind of breath, collectively called war spirit, can only appear on the battlefield.

The fighting spirit of the Pingjiang Hou front army was scattered and scattered, like a shield that was not too strong, and the light was dim, as if it would collapse at any time. On the other hand, the fighting spirit of Jiuli's army was highly cohesive and constantly oscillating, like a spear that pierced the enemy.

As the battle progressed, Li Xingfei flew near a mountain a hundred miles away. This mountain, more than 500 meters high, is sharp and thin, like a long thorn.

He flew around the mountain peak and murmured, "Everyone said that God can pull the mountain, I don't know if I can do it!"

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