Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 397: Liba Mountain

Chapter 86: Li Ba Shan Xi Qi

Li Xing's Yuanshen rushed from the top, condensing into a giant. This Yuanshen giant is 300 meters high, and his waist is thicker than the mountain peaks. Each strand of the air that makes up the Yuanshen contains the supreme chaotic will.

This deity is a trivial matter. When it condensed back then, it merged Xuanjie Qi, Xuanjie Yuantai, Xuanjie Divine Source. Today, the martial arts supremacy has condensed, even if it is said to be the strongest primordial **** in the world, that is not an exaggeration.

The image of Yuanshen is the same as that of Li Xing. His body is shaken, his hands are embracing the mountain peaks, he exhales, and yells, "Break!" Using the Tian Bing martial arts, he gave out a huge collapse.

When I saw the mountain peak "click", it really broke from the middle. A peak of more than 200 meters long was held in his hands, like a stone gun.

"I can still pull up such a small mountain peak. If I change it to a bigger one, I can't help it. However, when I gather the **** babies, I will be very powerful at that time, shaking the peak of the kilometer, it's nothing!"

With a peak in hand, Li Xing flew up, raised a half-cut mountain peak, and flew to the battlefield with great majesty. This mountain weighed several billion kilograms, but Li Xingyuan was able to fly in the air carrying it, which proves that his strength has reached the level of billions of kilograms, which is thousands of Beijing.

One bucket has 3.6 kilograms, and one Beijing has 3.6 million kilos.

According to legend, the **** and man in history has one of the strongest records, with the power of thousands of people. Although he didn't reach this level at the moment, he was not far off. When he gathered the babies, he would have the opportunity to surpass the so-called strongest man in history.

The two armies fought fiercely. Suddenly, under the circumstances that Jiulixiong got the advantage, Ming Jin resigned. This move made Pingjiang Hou strange and happy. Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This is all right, you can keep your strength." Immediately, the army was ordered to stand by and not catch up.

The army of Jiulixiong withdrew more than a hundred miles away and kept on urging the soldiers to leave. The soldiers were wondering. What the **** did the Marshal do? Breaking their heads, they don't understand.

Suddenly, the sky was dark, and a huge primordial **** appeared. He seemed to be more solid than the infant child, exuding supreme power. He was three hundred meters long.

Yuan Shen raised a half of the mountain in his hands, flying into the air, murderous and fierce. Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths and closed up for a long time.

"God! He actually pulls the mountain and flies away, how much strength does that have?"

The image of Yuanshen is Li Xing, a sergeant on the side of Jiulixiong. When he sees the giant in front, he recognizes that he is Zhenwu Hou. There is a thunderous thunder, and his morale is raised.

Pingjiang Hou also saw this scene, his face was so white, he asked Jin Rui, who was also in a daze around him, "General Jin, you have gathered the babies, may you break the mountain?"

Jin Rui's hand was trembling, he slowly shook his head: "Unless it reaches the tenth level of training, this power can be achieved. This mountain, which weighs billions of kilograms, requires the power of thousands of capitals. I can't shake it at all!"

The eyes of a godsman at Kuangjianmen straightened and murmured: "Impossible! Such a shocking move can only be done by a tenfold godsman. How can he do that? Billions of pounds!"

The enemy soldiers stiffened their bodies, stifled their souls, and became frightened.

Li Xing heard the cheering sound below, which was quite useful. I wanted to stick to it for a while, shake it for a while, and let people know that he was the majesty of the martial artist. It's a pity that this stuff is too heavy, his primordial **** can't support it, and now it's broken up a bit.

Seeing that he could no longer perform, Li Xing immediately screamed loudly, "Pingjiang Hou! You commit my border, burn and plunder, and the crime is extremely serious. Now accept the punishment!"

Suddenly he lifted the mountain peak and flew high, flying higher and higher. That huge mountain peak almost turned into a small spot. Then, Li Xing's Yuanshen held the palm of his hand fiercely, yelling, "Give me a shot!"


The mountain peak broke through the air and made a thunderous sound, and everyone changed its color.

Although he had escaped for more than a hundred miles, Jiuliong still waved the command flag and said loudly: "Retreat! Give me back at full speed!" His expression was as if a thousand evil tigers were chasing after him.

Pingjiang Hou also saw what Li Xing was going to do, this **** guy! He actually wanted to hit his army with the mountain peaks, and he yelled, "Retreat, retreat!"

Jin Rui also yelled: "Retreat right away!

Unfortunately, the soldiers were frightened and rammed all around, but instead tangled into a mess and couldn't spread. Over the sky, the thunder was getting louder and louder, and the mountain peaks were getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it carried unmatched power and crashed down.

Think about what a terrible consequence a mountain peak, weighing billions of pounds, would fall from high altitude?

Ping Jianghou waited for the four gods and retreated without saying a word. The mountain is too heavy, and they ca n’t catch it. If they do, they will be killed. Moreover, this kind of mountain falls from a high altitude, and the deity cannot be stopped!

No one can stop it except the illegal division!

go! Go now!


As if the sky was falling apart, an indescribable loud noise was emitted, the ground cracked, and a huge earthquake shock wave rushed in all directions, and people turned on their backs. The central position is even more terrifying and destructive. Everyone is turned into flesh, and they can't die anymore.

Jiu Lixiong retreated with all his strength and led the soldiers out of the hundreds of miles in one breath, but was still affected. A violent squall swept through, blowing everyone down. The shock on the ground caused many warriors to fall down and suffer minor injuries.

This move of Li Xing is too fierce and too fierce, it is simply a household plan. Thirty miles away, a huge sinkhole appeared, and the ground was directly penetrated, and the turbid water and the smoke, sulfur, and fire from the ground also burned up.

Fifteen thousand horses, who survived this blow, have no one but escaped Pingjianghou! In one blow, 150,000 troops were completely exterminated.

"Cruel! It's cruel!" Jiulixiong saw a huge mushroom cloud rising from the ground and rushing several kilometers high. In his heart, he could not calm for a long time, and his eyes showed a look of fear.

Li Xing had already collected the Yuan Shen, and stood high in the air, watching this scene happen. Although Tsz does not take charge, he killed 150,000 people in one shot, and his heart was inevitably dull.

However, on the battlefield, either you die or I live, there is no second way to choose. Ping Jianghou chose war, so he and his subordinates had to pay the price of blood, and Li Xing was not wrong.

This loud noise shocked Jian Xingtian and Yousha who were fighting hundreds of miles away. When they saw a distant place, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and they all changed color.

They couldn't think of killing them. Someone mentioned a mountain peak and smashed it to a 150,000 army.

The two fought for a long time, regardless of the outcome. Jian Xingtian's Xingtian sword method is sharp and sharp; Yousha's stealth technique is also a must, and he is well versed in all kinds of assassinations. So for a moment, there was nothing they could do about them.

At this moment, when something big happened, they gave up and continued fighting, and rushed to the scene. When the two flew into the air, they saw a huge pit and the burnt bones and rotten bones.

Yousha's life and countless murders, frowning at seeing this scene. He had already seen that someone had dropped the mountain peak and killed the 150,000 troops.

Jian Xie raised his eyebrows and secretly said, "There is actually a force to pull the mountain, is there another master?" He glanced at Yousha.

Yousha seemed to understand his thoughts, shook his head, and expressed ignorance. This change made both of his war intentions disappear. Immediately, the sword penalty Tian immediately went to find two colleagues, and Yousha returned directly to Tiancheng City.

At this point, the fighting did not need to continue, and Jiuliong led the army back.

In the camp, Li Xing didn't have the joy of victory on his face. Anyone who killed 150,000 people at once would inevitably be entangled in his heart.

Jiulixiong looked the same, and laughed: "Brother, you are absolutely terrific! I didn't expect that your strength is so strong that you can pull off the mountain, it is amazing!"

Li Xing smiled. In fact, he also knew that if he did not hit the enemy with a single blow. Then continue to fight, the army of Pingjianghou will also be wiped out. And in the process, our own army will also suffer losses.

From a rational perspective, his approach is absolutely correct. The battle is fierce, killing the opponent to the maximum is the ultimate goal. But from the perspective of human heart, Li Xing is undoubtedly a killing demon in the eyes of many people.

After the war ended, the 200,000 army returned to the Qiyun faction, and Li Xing also returned to Hou's government. He decided to refine a batch of elixir and cultivate more talents in addition to cultivation. However, within a few days, he discovered something extremely strange.

After the victory, the people of the fiefdom were all happy, they didn't care how Li Xing destroyed the enemies in all cruel ways, they only knew that the enemies were the demons who hurt them, and Zhen Wuhou Li Xing was the great savior. Therefore, every household gave Li Xingli a longevity tablet and worshipped every morning, night and evening.

In this way, Li Xing felt that there was a strange power that had never been seen in the meditation, and he blessed it on his primitive god. Now, if he releases Yuanshen, he will find that there is a white aperture behind them. There is a strange power in the aperture that can bless his divine power.

At the first sight of the aperture, Li Xing was very surprised and hurriedly asked Tian Xie.

Emperor Tianxie laughed: "It's nothing. Your people worship you, and their gratitude to you has reached the height of the power of faith. The power of these beliefs, when they come together, affects your god. "

"Ordinary people don't feel the power of faith. Only gods and humans can communicate with the air and air between heaven and earth. The power of faith is also a type of air and air." Someone, by virtue of these beliefs, has become a peerless powerhouse. "

Li Xing was able to touch the bypass, and immediately asked: "If someone curses me, will it also affect the Yuanshen?"

"That's natural. By then ~ www.readwn.com ~ After your primal god, there will be a black aperture. But rest assured, the black aperture will also only bless your power and will not affect you negatively. . "

"However, no matter how you practice with the power of faith or the power of resentment and curse. You know, the final destination of our cultivation is to break the void and reach the sky for nine days. At that time, there was more power Or the power of the curse, at the last moment, must be wiped out by the scourge of the sky. After all, it is not its own power, and it ends up empty. "

Since Li Xing understood what was going on, he just asked the aperture, and he practiced alchemy and planted grass every day. Of course, he is also preparing for the second re-break of King Kong's magic.

Nine lives and nine destroys Vajrayana is not bad, but it is not only a kind of exercise, but also a kind of magic. To be sure, it is a fusion of Gongfa and Danshu. At present, only Li Xing is acquainted with and is practicing this abnormal magic.

The first priority of this work is already complete. Next, he wants to break through the second. Divine power is the second most important thing, and it requires not bad Tianyi and Bliss medicine.

Among them, not bad Tianyi, play a blessing role. The required elixir plays the role of strengthening the physical body, and this elixir must be a magical elixir with refining effect. Li Xing had at hand exactly one **** elixir.

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