Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 399: Baiyang Shendan

Chapter 88: Bai Yang Divine Pill

Among the five people who became half-steps, there was a person familiar with Li Xing, Liu Yiyi. This Liu Yiyi was originally a core disciple of the Qi Yun faction.

Later, a series of drastic changes took place in the Qi Yunpai, and the standards of core disciples were elevated to the level of gods and humans. Liu Yiyi gradually faded out of people's sight. This time, she succeeded in hitting the half-step god-man in one fell swoop and became the focus again.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Li Xing and Liu Yiyi is a bit ambiguous. Just because Yu Yuxu had always thought that Li Xing was interested in this woman, he forcibly cancelled the marriage contract between You Bikong and Liu Yiyi.

In this regard, You Bikong was furious and always wanted to get revenge on Li Xing. However, after Li Xing was promoted to deputy commander, stepped into the level of God-man, became an officer, and so on, You Bikong completely lost his heart.

For him, Li Xing is already unattainable, and the two are not in the same grade at all. If Li Xing is a nine-footed dragon, then You Bikong is just a reptile on the ground. If the reptile wants to be bad for Shenlong, it is a joke.

As the deputy commander and the de facto ruler of the Qi Yun faction, Li Xing now met with seven god-men and five half-step god-men, one by one, and awarded items.

The seven gods and men are all characters from the original 3,000 patriots, Li Xing's old men, and the evil cultists.

When Li Xing met the Seven Gods, he took out seven pieces of seventh-order magic instruments and each gave one. There are flying swords, flying knives, spears, and so on. They are all different. For a heavy god, such a magic weapon can be used properly.

"You are the first core disciples of the Qiyun faction. You must take responsibility and practice hard. At the same time, you will fully protect the interests of the Qiyun faction and be faithful! Of course, we will not only talk about obligations and not rights! As long as you perform well , Qi Yunpai will provide a lot of cultivation resources to help you improve your strength. "

The seven god-man disciples knew from the heart that they could become god-men with credit to Li Xing. That little Baiyang Dan, they all swallowed a lot, tempered the flesh and raised their qualifications, otherwise, it would never have been so smooth to become a god-man.

These people were very grateful to Li Xing and naturally agreed.

"Yes!" Seven people worshiped Li Xing and retreated.

Having met the god-man and given the magic weapon, Li Xing summoned five new half-step god-man who broke through. In addition to Liu Yiyi, these five half-step gods and men were also from the 3,000 kingdoms. When they saw Li Xing, they all called "the leader".

Liu Yiyi glanced at Li Xing and whispered, "Hou Ye." Li Xing's status is too high for her. There is a deep gap between the two, which cannot be crossed.

Li Xing nodded and said in Jia Mian's tone: "Yu Yiyi, your qualifications are good, you can easily become a god-man in the future, and continue to work hard." Immediately, he each gave a fifth-order magic instrument, Xiao Baiyang Dan each Three hundred.

After receiving the reward, Liu Yiyi's head trembled, and his heart trembled: "Zhang Jia was right in saying that his future is unlimited. Unfortunately, he has already had Shuiyue, and I ... I can't get close to him." So she looked sad.

Where did Li Xing know what this woman was thinking, and laughed: "You step back. If you have any questions, you can tell the palm teacher, or you can tell me, the martial arts will try to meet your requirements."

The five of them retreated, and when Liu Yiyi came out of Qiyun Tower, one person greeted him. He hurriedly asked, "Yiyi, what did the surname Li say to you?"

This person, not others, is Yu Bikong. For this person, Li Xing has not been very impressed, and even has murder. However, because of Yu Yuxu's relationship, he finally did not touch this person.

Liu Yiyi treated You Bikong, not as indifferent as before, and said: "Nothing, reward something." Then he looked at You Bikong and sighed, "Brother, you have to work hard."

You Bikong frowned, and murmured, "I've worked very hard, but ... but it's really hard to shock a half-step god." He gritted his teeth. "I want to ask for a few pills, you say the last name Will Lee give it? "

Liu Yiyi smiled: "Do you think Zhen Wuhou is such a stingy person? How did you treat him in the first place? Has he troubled you?"

You Bikong breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I have eyes and no eyes. I shouldn't have guilty of him at first, but he didn't bother me, which means that he no longer remembers to hate me. Originally, I wanted to ask my uncle, but my uncle let I asked for it myself, and it seemed like my uncle was right. "

Having said that, he untied his whole shirt and headed into Qiyun Tower to meet Li Xing.

Li Xing is preparing for alchemy, and there is a pass from his disciples: "Hou Ye, You Bikong."

He smiled slightly and said, "Let him in."

You Bikong's head was lifted down immediately after entering the Dan room, and she walked to Li Xing and worshiped: "Houye forgive me!"

He has such a low profile that it is rare to think about it. This tour blue sky is very proud. Li Xing couldn't help feeling, and said lightly, "Get up, I just heard what you said to Liu Yiyi just now."

Between God and man's thoughts, we can see that there are hundreds of miles in the circle, and the content of the conversation between the two can not be concealed from Li Xing.

You Bikong was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. He originally wanted to admit his mistakes before asking for elixir, but Li Xing knew it, so there is no need to say it.

Li Xing said: "You get up first."

You Bikong stood up, dejected like a junior who made a mistake.

Li Xingdao: "There is indeed a contradiction between you and me. You even counted me. At that time, I also tried to kill you. However, after all these years, I will never consider you again. Moreover, you are The nephew in charge of teaching, I will also sell his face. If you can come today, it will prove that my heart is gone, and I will not care about you. "

He took out a jade box and said, "There are three hundred Xiaobaiyangdan in it. After taking it, it should be able to condense the unborn baby."

You Bikong was overjoyed, took the jade box, thanked again and again. Although Li Xing ignored him, he did not like the person and waved his hand: "You go down."

At the same time, the Pingguo Palace. Simon was the only one to show his success. He just passed through the punishment.

"Haha ... I finally became a man of God!" He laughed loudly, then his expression was cold, "Li Xing! One day, I will surpass you and kill you!"

In the beginning, Li Xing could have moved his fingers to pinch his existence, but now he has also broken through and wants to avenge him.

However, Li Xing didn't know all of this. After the reward, he had started to practice alchemy. Prior to this, he had a plan in mind, first to refine a batch of elixir, including Xiaobaiyangdan and Baiyangdan.

Xiaobaiyangdan is an elixir made directly from Baiyang Reiki; Baiyangdan is made from Baiyang Linggu and several kinds of elixir. Ordinary people will be able to obtain the body of Bai Yang if they wear it.

Of course, this Baiyang body is the first-level Baiyang body. Compared with Li Xing's nine-body Baiyang body, the sky is far away and there is no comparability.

Bai Yangdan already belongs to the level of Shen Dan. According to the truth, he cannot yet refine Shen Dan. However, he owns the body of the ninefold Baiyang, and he knows the properties of Baiyang aura very well, so he can make Baiyang Shendan with ease.

Alchemy began, and a large amount of Baiyang Reiki turned into a tumultuous medicine.

With the continuous improvement of Li Xing's cultivation, his big furnace Ding Dan method has reached the point where the fire is in full swing, and the refining of Xiaobaiyang Dan can be achieved instantly. He is now just a production line for producing Xiaobaiyangdan, which is very fast. It only took one month before and after this time, three million Xiaobaiyangdan were refined this time.

If other Dan divisions knew this, they would be scared to death immediately.

The reason why Li Xing's alchemy is so rapid is that his Baiyang aura is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. No matter how many small Baiyangdans are refined, there is no shortage of materials. The second reason is that he has achieved a high level of accomplishment in his own furnace, and has cultivated Bai Yanggong himself. He has unique insights on the grasp of Reiki.

After finishing the little Baiyangdan, it took another three months to make eighty Baiyangdan. The Baiyang Dan refined at this moment is different from the Baiyang Dan that was originally made to save the water month.

At that time, Li Xing's level was limited, and the refined Baiyang Dan could only be regarded as a semi-finished product. If it could not reach the level of Shen Dan, it could only be regarded as a top grade jade. However, that elixir is enough to expel Shuiyue's chill.

But now, Li Xingdan has achieved great success and his strength has risen. Bai Yangdan, one of the refined ones, looks like a baby, has five features, and even changes his expression. This shows that what he has refined is God's Pill. The effect of Shen Dan is thousands of times stronger than the original semi-finished elixir. The two are totally different.

It took nearly five months before and after Li Xing had finished refining the required elixir. He took out two million small white yangdans and fifty white yangdans and gave them to Yu Yuxu to give them qualifications or credit. Disciple.

In these five months, Li Xing is not just alchemy. His fighting body also broke from the sixth to the seventh. In addition, Tian Wutu is drawing a lot of Baiyang aura ~ www.readwn.com ~ wake up a martial spirit, calling the void, but Li Xing has not had time to subdue it.

Now, after refining the alchemy, Li Xing finally has time, and he enters Tianwu Tu again. The martial arts picture this day is just as holy as the good clothing. He walked to Tianwu Tu and stared at it. Instantly, his Yuanshen was taken in by Tian Wu Tu.

Like last time, there is still a thick fog in the sky. In the fog, a warrior emerged, exactly like the former Wuhun and tearing Wuhun, but the word "Void" was written in the eyebrow book.

In fact, martial arts soul is just an existence condensed by martial arts will. There is no self-consciousness. Each martial arts soul represents a kind of martial arts. You can obtain such martial arts by defeating it.

As soon as Wu Hun appeared, he flicked a fist and hit him. Li Xing didn't dare to neglect and immediately fought back. However, when the two fists collided, Li Xing felt that he was struggling to hit the air.

He quickly gathered his fist, but the opponent's fist was out of nothing. Suddenly, a big car ran over, and suddenly Li Xingzhen flew.

Li Xing wasn't surprised, and shouted, "Okay! This is the Void Martial Art.

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