Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 400: Ancient writings

Chapter 89: Ancient Words

Next, the two sides fought with each other, and it was difficult to win or lose. Although Li Xing has united the will of martial arts, it is not easy to overcome the void martial spirit. In this way, he fought with him for three days and nights before finally subduing him and gaining vanity martial arts.

Suddenly, an empty will blessed Li Xing. Zhenwu killing arrays are continuously deduced, and martial arts such as Void God Fist, Void Finger, Void God Palm, and so on.

At this point, Li Xing has fully grasped the five martial arts of inanimate, instant, tear, sky fall, and void. After the deduction of Zhenwu's battle formation, five martial arts can evolve various magical skills such as fists, fingers, palms, legs, and so on.

These five martial arts have strengthened Li Xing's own martial arts and the power of chaotic martial arts. In the future, the more he knows martial arts, the stronger the power of chaos martial arts. Any kind of martial art can be used as the nourishment of chaotic martial arts for its growth and development.

At this moment, Li Xing can punch with one punch, and he can perform the immortal fist, the instant fist, the tearing fist, the sky falling fist, the void fist, or any combination of fists. His strength, There has been a significant increase again.

After surrendering the martial arts spirit, Li Xing immediately met with the three leaders of Murong Jiaojiao, You Yuxu and Jiulixiong, and held a meeting. Before he leaves, he tells the next things to avoid any trouble.

"I left Fengdi today, and I would first go to Tiancheng to give up my duties, and then go out to collect medicines and look for thunder apes and dragon turtles. This lasted for one year and two years," said Li Xing.

Jiuli Xiongxiong said: "Brothers only have to do big things, the army has me, and there will never be problems."

Murong Jiaojiao gave Li Xing a glance, and her eyes were a little bit resentful, saying: "You don't have to worry about Hou's affairs, I will take care of it."

You Yuxu smiled: "With the help of the general manager and the general marshal, I have no problem here."

Li Xing nodded: "Although it is in a troubled time, the strength of the Beichen family is still very strong, and we are not likely to be violated. Even if it is, the 200,000 army can resist for a while. You do n’t have to expand your forces. You need to immerse yourself in developing your own strength and build up your strength. In this way, you can protect yourself when the war is burning. "

Everyone took it for granted.

After explaining everything, Li Xing left Fengdi and went to Tiancheng City the next day. His commander of the Star Guardian is really not very competent, and he has been away from everything for half a year. Fortunately, Star Guardian is still functioning normally and nothing happens.

The scope of Tianxingwei's responsibility is to be responsible for the safety of Tiancheng City and the outer periphery of Tianxingmen. No one has infringed recently, and the star guards are naturally very relaxed and have nothing to do.

After Li Xing returned, he went to Tianxingwei for a circle, and then went to see Beichenji. Today, he appears to be Bei Chenji's man, and he must be respected. Most importantly, he has no backing in the Star Gate, and currently only Bei Chenji can rely on. Before the fledgling, he furthered the relationship with this person and benefited from it.

When Li Xing called on Bei Chenji, Bei Chenji was in the recruiting hall and met several newcomers. In the Tianyuan continent, every big family, princes and courts, often recruited guests to serve them.

Zhaoxian Pavilion is the place where Beichenji used to solicit talents from all over the world. All who have the skills can come to trust. Zhaoxian Pavilion has been established for a long time, and now has 30,000 visitors. Among these people are gods, nationals, and warriors, even ordinary people.

According to their ability, the gatekeepers can finally obtain different positions, and even worship the Star Gate. A few days ago, there were three very strong figures who came to take refuge. This made Bei Chenji very happy. He has hosted three banquets for three consecutive times.

In a large hall, there are two rows of short rows on both sides, and a few woolen blankets are laid on the floor behind them. Those present here all have a certain status in the Zhaoxian Museum, otherwise they are not eligible to sit here.

Bei Chenji sat in the farthest position near his right head, and there were three young doormen. These three people are actually the masters who embody the **** babies, each with a proud expression, giving everyone a sense of emptiness.

Everyone was banqueting and talking, and suddenly a house slave walked behind Bei Chenji and whispered: "Master, Zhen Wuhou Li Xing is back."

Bei Chenji's eyes lit up: "Please!"

The three new arrivals saw Bei Chenji look happy because of the arrival of one person, and said, "Who is the one who came to pay attention to Bei Chenji. Is he stronger than us?"

They were thinking that Li Xinglong took a long walk and walked into the hall.

Bei Chenji laughed and said, "Li Xing, sit down!" Actually, Li Xing was sitting in the first position on the left of his head. This position, however, was always empty, and even the three new guests were unable to sit. The left-first position is, according to Tianchen etiquette, the VIP seat, second only to the host seat. It can be seen that Bei Chenji attaches great importance to him.

Li Xing thanked him, sat down generously, and then took out ten gourd Baiyang wine and offered it to Bei Chenji, and laughed: "The master of the Shaomen is the body of thousands of gold, how can you drink such inferior wine, please drink Baiyang liqueur."

Beichenji took a scent, and the fragrance was fragrant. He immediately rejoiced and laughed: "I have heard of Baiyang Liquor! Li Xing, you know how much Xuanjing can buy a glass of Baiyang Liquor on the outside market now. ?"

Li Xing smiled. He was in the Ethereal Palace and was once sold to a few people at the price of a drop of wine and ten mysterious crystals. Is this wine already on the market? Turning his thoughts, he deliberately asked, "What value is Baiyang wine?"

Bei Chenji smiled "Hey", he poured a glass for himself, smelled it for a while, then reluctantly drank it, and said slowly: "This white wine, now a glass has sold to 10,000 Crystal! In other words, your gourd Baiyang wine can reach half a million mysterious crystals! Ten gourds is five million mysterious crystals! "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Since the wine is for the young master, it's worth 50 million if it's a drink."

This flatter, the shooting level is extremely high, Bei Chenji is extremely useful, "hehe" laughed, gave him a thumbs up, and said: "Li Xing, you mean enough!"


The three new enthusiasts couldn't see it anymore, with a cold snort in their noses, squinting at Li Xing, his eyes were not good. In the past few days, they have shown all the limelight in front of Bei Chenji and become the focus of everyone's attention.

But the appearance of this Li Xing immediately suppressed their limelight, which made the three hearts extremely uncomfortable. There was resentment in their hearts, and they were manifested.

Li Xing noticed these three people early, but was too lazy to take care of himself and drink with Bei Chenji. In Bei Chenji's heart, he has been listed as a trustworthy person and has a solid position. Of course, Li Xing did this for his own purpose. First, he must fulfill his promise to Bei Chenluo; second, he must temporarily borrow the power of Bei Chenji to protect the security of Qi Yunpai.

Bei Chenji, while tasting wine, pointed at Li Xing and asked the guests: "Do you know who he is?"

"But it's just a small person who practiced triple spirits!" Among the three guests, a cold road in the north, disdainful.

Bei Chenji smiled "Hey": "He's not a small person! If you go and inquire about Zhen Wuhou's name, you will know that he once pulled up the mountain and killed the hero of 150,000 troops in one fell swoop!"

Although all the people in the audience did not see the momentum of Li Xingba Mountain in person, after hearing about it, they were still shocked, and some of them took off their breath.

"Guy! Isn't he practicing the triple of God? How could it be possible to unplug the mountain?"

"I know one or two about this person's affairs. He has gathered the will to martial arts, and his strength is certainly overbearing! However, it is really amazing to be able to stand up. After all, he is only a triple god!"

The three doormen were also shocked. But after a second glance, maybe the person's peak was just a very small peak. If the peak weight is within one million buckets, they can barely lift it.

Therefore, after being surprised, all three sneered again and looked dismissive.

Bei Chenji squinted at the three and said, "Three seem to be dissatisfied with Zhen Wuhou?" He just called Li Xing to come, just to make the three compare with Li Xing. After hearing about Li Xingli pulling up the mountain last time, Bei Chenji wanted to know how Li Xing's strength really was.

"None of our brothers believe that this person can pull up the mountain!" The middle man said.

Li Xing's mind was like a mirror, and Bei Chenji wanted to show him both hands and give him a long face. The three in front of him had the desire to compete with others and wanted to suppress his limelight.

He sneered in his heart, immediately stood up, and said lightly, "No word of mouth. The young master, his subordinates are willing to compete with these three, so that they know that there is no idle generation among the young masters. "

Bei Chenji was intent on this, and nodded: "Okay, you can discuss it, but don't hurt anyone until you click it."

Li Xing came forward to challenge, the three of them were pregnant, and they stood up at the same time. The man on the south is the oldest. He has a peculiar shape, eyes with purple beard, and screams: "Okay! Let's go outside please!"

Li Xing was sitting still, and said lightly, "Why go outside when you hit the bull?" Let's go there twice. What about?

The three of them looked at each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ Southern Humane: "Okay, follow you!"

Immediately, the person from the north headed out and reached the center of the hall. The surrounding guests moved the short ones back to make room for the two. Bei Chenji looked funny while drinking and observing the scene.

Li Xing also came out, diluting, "Please!"

The opponent of Li Xing was one head shorter than him, five short stature, slightly fatter, and suffocated, apparently killed many people, and was a ferocious character. As soon as he got close to this person, Li Xing felt the extinction knife in his waist suddenly shake.

When he moved in his heart, this extinct knife would only respond when it was stimulated by killing gas. How could it shake for nothing?

Just wondering, suddenly there was a shock of horror and he rushed to his face.

Li Xing was suddenly surprised. This murderous spirit seemed to be stronger than his heavenly murderous energy. What magic is this?

In the eyes of the other party, he revealed the supreme murderousness and said coldly: "You think it is great to condense the will of martial arts? Tell you! Your martial arts are far from perfect!"

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