Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 402: Ancient legend

Chapter 91: Ancient Legend

Because of the three brothers of Yuwen, Bei Chenji was in no mood to feast. He waved and let the guests disperse, and then asked Li Xing: "You have been in the fiefdom for more than half a year, how are you doing?

Li Xingdao: "In the fiefdom, there must be no force, otherwise it is easy to be oppressed. The subordinates have established an army privately in order not to distract young masters and masters. At present, there is a certain scale.

Bei Chenji nodded: "It's right to do this, but you will be delayed for a long time."

Obediently, Li Xing knew immediately that this Beichenji did not want him to continue to serve as the star guard. Why did he do this? Do you doubt yourself?

In his mind, Li Xing said: "The subordinates also think so, and today resigned from the position of commander of the Star Guardian, and concentrated on doing things next to the young master."

Bei Chen is overjoyed. If he knows that the commander has great power, Li Xing said that letting go, letting go of corruption is commendable. This made him very happy and laughed: "Okay, I think you are also a person who loves freedom. The commander's post will be temporarily held by Yousha. "

When I heard of Yousha, Li Xing's heart was stunned: So it is! Bei Chenji now wants to show the Bloody Guardian outright and upright, so he wants to give Yousha an identity. And that evil spirit, I am afraid that I want to have more power.

After thinking about it, Li Xing was no doubt confused again, and laughed: "Thank you for your understanding!"

But Beichenji felt unhappy, he thought for a while, and said, "Although the Beichen family is not the emperor, they are still the overlords of Tianchen. Now the princes join together, and there is a lot of exchanges between them. Tianxingmen now lacks an envoy, but it is a Fat, would you like to do it? "

In fact, Li Xing didn't care much about the position of Tianxingwei, but the envoy officer could take the opportunity to go north and south, just to meet his appetite, and said at the moment: "The recommendation of the young master is naturally good, and his subordinates are willing to serve."

Bei Chenji could not help but be moved, thinking: "This Li Xing is really loyal. Even the most loyal wicked, it is impossible to speak like him." He nodded immediately, "Okay, I will report to the host tomorrow, please allow Let you act as an envoy. "

"No wonder!" Bei Chenji looked ugly, and said, "These three have been handed to you Star Guard, give me a good question!"

"Yes, my subordinates obey." Li Xing said.

Because of the three brothers of Yuwen, Bei Chenji was in no mood to feast. He waved and let the guests disperse, and then asked Li Xing: "You have been in the fiefdom for more than half a year, how are you doing?"

Li Xingdao: "In the fiefdom, there must be no force, otherwise it is easy to be oppressed. The subordinates have established an army privately in order not to distract the young master and the master. At present, there is a certain scale."

Bei Chenji nodded: "It's right to do this, but you will be delayed for a long time."

Obediently, Li Xing knew immediately that this Beichenji did not want him to continue to serve as the star guard. Why did he do this? Do you doubt yourself?

In his mind, Li Xing said: "The subordinates also think so, and today resigned from the position of commander of the Star Guardian, and concentrated on doing things next to the young master."

Bei Chen is overjoyed. If he knows that the commander has great power, Li Xing said that letting go, letting go of corruption is commendable. This made him very happy and laughed: "Okay, I think you are also a person who loves freedom. The commander's post will be temporarily held by Yousha. "

When I heard of Yousha, Li Xing's heart was stunned: So it is! Bei Chenji now wants to show the Bloody Guardian outright and upright, so he wants to give Yousha an identity. And that evil spirit, I am afraid that I want to have more power.

After thinking about it, Li Xing was no doubt confused again, and laughed: "Thank you for your understanding!"

But Beichenji felt unhappy, he thought for a while, and said, "Although the Beichen family is not the emperor, they are still the overlords of Tianchen. Now the princes join together, and there is a lot of interaction between them. Tianxingmen lacks an envoy, but it is a Fat, would you like to do it? "

In fact, Li Xing didn't care much about the position of Tianxingwei, but the envoy officer could take the opportunity to go north and south, just to meet his appetite, and said at the moment: "The recommendation of the young master is naturally good, and his subordinates are willing to serve."

Bei Chenji could not help but be moved, thinking: "This Li Xing is really loyal. Even the most loyal wicked, it is impossible to speak like him." He nodded immediately, "Okay, I will report to the host tomorrow, please allow Let you act as an envoy. "

So things settled down, Li Xing became the envoy officer and will take office in seven days. During this time, he will hand over the Star Guardian to Yousha.

Therefore, before this, Li Xing has to quickly deal with the three **** babies. According to Emperor Tianxie, all three have ancient writings. As for what is the ancient script, Li Xing has no idea, so he has to ask clearly before starting.

"Master, you want me to catch these three people, I have already done it for the apprentice." Li Xing laughed, "What is the ancient script?"

Emperor Tianxie was very satisfied and asked with a smile, "Apprentice, do you know where people come from?"

Li Xing froze. Where did people come from? In the world he lived in previous lives, scientists say that humans evolved from apes. Obviously this statement does not apply to this world.

Li Xing couldn't answer, Tian Xie said: "In the rumors, in ancient times, there were no humans between the heavens and the earth, only various beasts and animals. Then one day, humans suddenly appeared. At that time, humans had a long life span and great power Infinite, when all beasts see it, they must retreat from it and dare not fight with it. "

"However, although these human beings are extraordinary, they lack indoctrination, brutal behavior, and are no different from beasts. So, a wise man with great wisdom appeared, and he created words, called ancient words."

"Each of those ancient texts contains the mystery of the highest, direct way, so it is also called divination, Taoism."

Li Xing listened, blinked, and asked, "Since the ancients were so arrogant and sage-educated, why aren't people today like ancestors?"

"I have no way of knowing this as a teacher. What may have happened." Tianxiedao said, "The answers to these questions will be searched by yourself after you have the patience. Now, find out the ancient text first."

"Easy." Li Xing said, Yuanshen shocked, and continued to exert the strength of the sky, and the babies of Yu Wenyu suddenly screamed, eventually disintegrating, a ray of spirits escaped, and reincarnation was born. In the billowing spirit, there was a murderous text.

This text, composed of countless complex runes, is supreme in breath and seems to represent a kind of truth. Li Xing glanced and said suddenly: "This is a 'kill' character!"

The magic of ancient writing is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if you do n’t know it, you can know its meaning. The meaning of this text is "kill"!

"No wonder Yu Wen kills him, full of murderous energy. This waste, which has obtained such supreme treasure, will not use it. It can only use the murderous gas released by it." Li Xing was overjoyed, and this text was included in the volume of Yuanshen. Among the gods.

"Li Xing! You must not die! You are a beast! You dare to kill us, the Yuwen family will not let you go!" Both Yu Wenguang and Yu Wenli woke up and scolded Li Xing.

Li Xing sneered: "It was you who killed me first. If you end up here, you blame yourself. Let's die!" In the same way, he successively killed both Yu Wenguang and Yu Wenli.

In Yuwen Li Yuanshen, there is a word "broken"; in Yu Wen Guang Yuanshen, there is a word "li", which is an ancient sacred text and contains the supreme mystery.

Li Xingzhen dispersed the three babies, seized the ancient writings, and deprived them of their memory, knowing the origin of these three writings. His eyes were brilliant: "The Yuwen family actually mastered nine ancient authentic texts! Well! If I have a chance in the future, I must grab all of them!"

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