Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 403: Manpower Island.

Chapter 92: Manpower Island.

Li Xing plundered three ancient writings and hid them in Yuanshen. The ancient writings are really wonderful. After they entered Yuanshen, they immediately gave Li Xing's Yuanshen three types of meanings, meaning, killing, and detachment.

The deceased, cut everything; the detached, strip everything; the killer, kill everything. Three kinds of allegories make Li Xing's Yuanshen power stronger again. With every move he can now issue three powers: break, leave, and kill at the same time.

Of course, Li Xing is still far from fully understanding these three ancient characters, just by virtue of their power. When he really understands the text, he will exert incredible power.

Taking over the ancient writings, Li Xing handed over the duties of the celestial commander to Yousha. You Sha is gaining this right, with a smug expression of satisfaction, saying to Li Xing: "Zhen Wuhou, I'm really sorry, this is what the master meant."

Li Xing sneered secretly and said, "Where, we are all young masters, this commander is the same, whoever is the same. You commander, you are the most trusted master of young masters, and you will wait until Tianxing Gate becomes fuller in the future. You are the hero. "

You Sha nodded again and again: "You're right, you're the one who saved my life, of course, believe me."

"It turned out to be such a thing, no wonder." Li Xing said to himself, "It seems that you can't stay in this shame. When you are sure, you must remove this person."

After the power was handed over, Li Xing went to the embassy to listen to the tune. On the second day, he received an order for him to go to the South China Sea in the name of the Star Gate and visit various martial arts.

The four directions of Tianyuanzhou are the ice and snow wasteland, the ghostly ghost realm, the mysterious Lingshan, and the vast South China Sea. The South China Sea, located south of the continents, en route through countless countries, large and small.

However, because Tianchen Kingdom is located in the south of Tianyuanzhou, it is not very far from the South China Sea.

This order is in the heart of Li Xing. Thunder ape and dragon turtle both live in the South China Sea. The dragon tortoise lives in the sea; the thunder ape lives on a desert island. He just took the opportunity to catch two spirit beasts.

Originally, this trip had to bring many followers to show the starry gate magnificence. But with these people, Li Xing would not be convenient to start activities, so he simply went there alone.

Of course, Tianxingmen took out a lot of gifts, including things such as exotic treasures, which he carried. So, taking the list and picking up gifts from the treasure house, Li Xing set off and went to the South China Sea.

The South China Sea has been a yearning for hermits since ancient times, and many protagonists of folklore have their origins in the South China Sea. However, there are many schools in the South China Sea. On the vast sea, monsters run rampant. The weak cannot survive.

Li Xing made adequate preparations for the trip.

After flying for a few days, he broke out of Tianchen Kingdom and entered some small countries. Li Xing called out four women, Xueling, Shuiyue, Chen Xue, and Chen Shuang, and released Tiens' wealth.

Fortune has lived in Baiyang Jingtian for nearly five years. He has swallowed a large amount of Baiyang Reiki daily and has grown into an adult Tiens. As soon as it came out, the lion trembled, and its shape immediately increased, with a body length of more than ten meters.

Li Xing and her four daughters all sat on Tiens' back and flew leisurely. The adult Tiens is generally above the Sixth God of Training, so the rich fighting power should not be underestimated.

Five people, looking down at the earth and admiring the magnificent scene, Chen Shuang said, "Xing brother, if Sanyi Garden is still so good, we will become gods and my family will be very happy."

As she said, everyone was sad.

Li Xing softly comforted, but also thought of the previous life. Who would have thought that he would come to this world and become a powerful man of God.

Tiens stepped on a white light, flying fast, and after nine days, the South China Sea was already watching. The four women and Li Xing both saw the South China Sea for the first time and looked down.

Countless islands are dotted with fishes and water birds, and they live in their own places and swim freely.

The group spent a few days on the sea and became addicted. The four women and Tiens still returned to practice in Jingtian. Next, he envoy visited many sects in the South China Sea.

Among many schools, including the South China Sea Sword School. The South China Sea Sword School has some origins with Li Xing. At the time, in the great wilderness, Zhuo Xiaowan of the Nanhai Sword School established a friendship with him. The two parties cooperate and each takes what they need. The South China Sea Sword School got Lingquan, and he also took the opportunity to establish a cult of heaven and attracted thousands of nations.

The South China Sea Sword School is a medium school, close to the edge of the South China Sea, and closer. It will be the first school that Li Xing visited. On this trip, one is to visit as the envoy of the Star Gate, and the other is to take the opportunity to inquire about the Thunder Ape and the Dragon Turtle, and ask, where is it easier to find these two types of spirit beasts.

However, when Li Xing came to the South China Sea at the beginning, he didn't have a chart in his hands. It was not easy to find the South China Sword School. In the past few days, he flew east and west, hoping to meet the monks and ask for directions.

It is a pity that the size of the South China Sea is not easy to meet a monk.

Just when Li Xing felt impatient, he suddenly found out. Not far ahead, there is a huge island with huge buildings on it, and merchant ships are gathered around the island.

He observed for a while before discovering that the island was actually an open trading place. Most of the people who come to trade are gods, of course, there are also Guoshi and Mengshi. Those who came by boat were mostly blood warriors. They could not break through the air and only came by boat.

This type of trading place, Li Xing has also been to a house called Sunset Set, located in the territory of Tianchen. There are more than a thousand shops in the sunset set, in his opinion, the scale is already very large. But once it is compared with this market, it is a little witch.

There are tens of thousands of shops on this island. People come and go, and there is a continuous stream of transactions.

"Remember there is a market for people trading on the South China Sea, named Wanbao Bird, it must be it!" Li Xing was so happy that he landed on the island. He is refining King Kong's panacea, and he has seven millennia of elixir, which is exactly what he bought here.

Even the claws of the Thunder Ape and the scales of the dragon and tortoise may be bought here.

Flying over the island, Li Xing found that all around were gods and men flying around. Most of these god-man are those who practice God from one to five, but not many people with more than six. They came, some were shopping, some were selling, one by one.

Li Xing landed on a wide street. There were not many people on the street. It was a big street with only a dozen people coming and going. His eyes turned to a huge shop next to him. The shop has a nine-story gate building, which is very tall, with the words "Tianyizhai" written on the facade, and it is very ambitious.

"Just take a look, maybe there is something you like." He stepped into the store door, and at the moment when he entered the threshold, he felt a force to shoot him out. This strength was strong, but Li Xing could not be blocked. He was immobile and broke into it easily.

It turned out that Tianyizhai is a large-scale and very strong business. Generally, it only accepts strong customers, and sets the standard to be more than God baby. Often, a god-man who has been trained as a babies, will be ejected by that force as soon as he enters the door.

However, Li Xing's strength is still above the Divine Infant, and naturally enters easily.

Entering the shop door is the first floor of the shop. A middle-aged man in a Tsing Yi greeted with a smile. Regardless of whether Li Xing is practicing the seventh level or more, as long as he can break through the restrictions and enter the shops, he is a guest, so the owner welcomes him warmly.

"Guest, what do you want?" The middle-aged man asked with a smirk, like other guests. It didn't seem strange to Li Xing, a triple-minded man who could break into the ban.

Li Xing met Li and said, "I want to buy a few elixir, and some other things."

The owner said: "This store has a large stock of elixir. What flavors do the guest officers need?"

Li Xing immediately said the lack of seven flavors of elixir.

The owner took out a thin book from his body, and the pages of the book uploaded mana fluctuations. He took out a pen and wrote on the book. When the book flashed, he laughed: "These seven elixir medicines all have , Including the 300-year-old elixir, the 500-year-old elixir, the 800-year-old elixir, the 1,000-year elixir, the 3,000-year elixir, I do not know which grade the guest officer wants? "

Li Xing was so happy that I did not expect this Tianyizhai to be so powerful. What it wanted was: "Eight hundred years of elixir."

The reason why he did n’t want five hundred years of elixir or one thousand years of elixir. It is because the 800-year-old elixir can be turned into a millennium elixir as long as it is grown for half a year in Baiyang Jingtian. There is no need to buy the millennial elixir.

The owner said: "The seven flavors and eight hundred years of elixir, the guest officials need a total of twenty-three. The price of each elixir is different ..." He calculated the price, "Total guest officials pay 80 million Xuanjing. Without Xuanjing, The guest officer can also use elixir to calculate. "

Li Xing secretly surprised, is the 800-year elixir so expensive? Although he has hundreds of millions of mysterious crystals, he ca n’t spend it like this, so he needs to reserve some spares ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing that Li Xing is thinking, the owner said: "The price of the goods sold in this store is higher than other stores , But the quality is guaranteed. All elixir has enough years and will not deceive the guest officer. "

Li Xing smiled: "Okay, I'll take it." He paused. "I need two more things, one is the claw of the thunder ape, and the other is the scale of the dragon and tortoise. Is there any available in your shop?"

The owner turned the book in his hand again and said, "Three pairs of Thunder Claw's Claws, and the scales of Dragon and Turtle are temporarily out of stock. If the guest officer is not in a hurry, they can leave a deposit, and Tianyizhai can buy this for them."

Although there is only one claw of Thunder Ape, Li Xing is already very satisfied. This Thunder Ape's Claw, also known as Thunder's Claw, collects the air of Thunder and tempers it for at least 1,000 years before it can condense successfully.

At the beginning, in the secret realm of the great wilderness, Li Xing also encountered the thunder ape. However, the thunder ape saw extremely light, only at the level of the jade spirit beast, it is impossible to condense the claws of lightning. A thunder ape that can consolidate the claws of thunder and lightning is less likely to have a chance to live for three thousand years.

The thunderclaw contains the air of thunder, which is extremely beneficial for tempering the flesh, so it is very precious. According to Li Xing's knowledge, Thunder King, one of the gods of refining, is made with the claws of lightning.

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