Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 404: South China Sea Sword

Chapter 93: Nanhai Sword School

"The three lightning claws of my God of Zhai, all have the quality of more than three thousand years." The owner said, "At first, there were three thunder apes angered Perak Mage. These three pairs of lightning claws are obtained. Therefore, a pair of lightning claws sells for 90 million yuan. "

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, three Thunderclaw claws, I want them all. I don't know the scale of the dragon and turtle, how much deposit is needed?"

"Thirty million mysterious crystals."

Li Xing calculated that he had about 350 million xuanjings on hand, a difference of 40 million, so he took out a little Baiyangdan and asked, "How many xuanjings can this Dan reach?"

The owner took a look at it for a while, and laughed, "Pure Baiyang Aura is condensed. Good things, one can reach a thousand Xuanjing."

Li Xing had a million little Baiyangdans left, and took out 40,000 pieces, rushed against 40 million mysterious crystals, and handed them along with 350 million mysterious crystals. At this moment, he almost became poor.

The owner checked Xuan Jing and Xiao Baiyang Dan and smiled, "Please ask the guest officer to pick up the goods with me."

Next, Li Xing entered the warehouse with the owner and took the elixir and thunderbolt. By the way, he spent another 10,000 Baiyangdan and bought a chart.

After buying what he needed, Li Xing left the chart. This chart is a magic weapon. When it is unfolded, it has a half-meter square, and vivid images appear directly on it, and it can zoom in and out of a certain sea area.

What's even more amazing is that as long as you say a certain area name to the chart, the chart will immediately indicate the walking route and go straight to the destination.

Li Xing played for a while and said to the chart: "The South China Sea Sword School."

Suddenly, the smoke wave flickered on the chart. After a while, the position of the South China Sword School was displayed, indicating the direction. Li Xing secretly was surprised, and said that the chart was originally a living guide. No wonder he had to sell 10 million Xuanjing, but it was worth the money.

Now that everything is ready, there is only one dragon and tortoise scale left, and when out of Tianyizhai, he follows the chart instructions and goes to the South China Sea Sword School.

After flying for seven days, they finally reached the sphere of influence of the South China Sea Sword School. Li Xing slowed down and saw a twin island ahead. Between the two huge islands, a narrow mountain road connects them, like a long bridge.

He flew over to the island and immediately alarmed the people on the island, and a ray of light rose into the sky, stopping Li Xing. In the divine light, a double-minded man appeared. He looked at Li Xing and asked politely, "Hello, come to my Nanhai sword school, what can you tell me?"

Li Xing held a fist and laughed, "Liu Xing, the envoy of the Star Gate, was ordered to come to pay a visit to your school. I and the girl Zhuo Xiaowan of your school met in the wilderness."

When the man heard Zhuo Xiaowan's name, the expression on his face was a bit unnatural, and he said, "It was a friend of the Star Gate, please go down to welcome the guesthouse."

Immediately, Li Xing landed on the island with the man.

This is a small wooden building, elegantly furnished. The man sat down with Li Xing, and someone offered tea. The two chatted a few words, Li Xing felt that there was something squeaking in this man's words, so he left a mind.

Before a cup of tea was finished, two elders from the Nanhai Sword School came to greet him. The two elders, both middle-aged and forty-five years old, practiced five gods and were very polite to Li Xing: "A friend from the Star Gate arrived and was welcomed far away."

"Where and where, we have long heard of the prestige of the South China Sea Sword School, and came to pay special attention to it." As he said, he presented a ceremony and a gift list, including the seventh-order flying sword and four handles, and the jade-grade top-grade elixir, etc. .

Seeing that Tianxingmen was so generous, the elders blossomed on their faces, and they were more polite to Li Xing. During the conversation, Li Xing learned that the South China Sea Sword School is only a middle school in the South China Sea and has more than 70,000 disciples.

Among the entire martial arts, there were only 26 gods and men. Among the 26 gods and men, the strongest is the gatekeeper and two elders. The master of the gate practiced the eighth god, the elders practiced the **** seven, all of them were master infant masters.

Below the three masters, there are one to five gods and men, including six core disciples of gods and men.

In the meantime, Li Xing talked about Zhuo Xiaowan and the things in the great wilderness. In this case, the two elders were taken aback: "It turns out that the person is your lord, disrespectful! Disrespectful! Since I got the Lingquan, it is easier to train disciples."

Li Xing took the opportunity to ask about Zhuo Xiaowan. The two elders looked at each other, then sighed, and one smiled bitterly: "It's hard to tell anyone about this matter."

Another elder said, "Brother Li is our friend of the South China Sea Sword School, and it is okay to say it." Immediately, he told Li Xing about a recent incident in the South China Sea Sword School.

Zhuo Xiaowan brought a Lingquan back to the sword school, and made great achievements, greatly appreciated by the school. And she also fought. After six months, she condensed her babies, and after more than a year, she passed through the punishment and became a god-man.

Unexpectedly, when Zhuo Xiaowan went out for a training, she clashed with You Shaolong, a disciple of the mad sword gate of the South China Sea. You Shaolong was wounded under Zhuo Xiaowan's sword, and when he was angry, he went back to the mad sword gate, called a helper, and caught Zhuo Xiaowan.

You Shaolong is the son of an elder of Kuang Jianmen. He is used to arrogant behavior and catches Zhuo Xiaowan. How can he spare her? The South China Sea Sword School was beaten back several times, and even the messengers who wanted to be beheaded were cut off.

The mad sword gate is a big faction in the South China Sea. There is a master of the mad sword who sits on the town and no one dares to mess with it. In contrast, the South China Sea Sword School is not worth mentioning at all, and naturally dare not provoke it, only Ren Zhuo Xiaowan can survive on her own.

After hearing about it, Li Xing kept calm, but just inquired about the situation of the mad sword gate.

Crazy Sword Gate is located three thousand miles south of the South China Sea Sword School. There are 300,000 disciples, hundreds of gods and men, and there are only six people who practice the gods alone. The gatekeeper's mad sword is a peerless power at the level of law and heaven.

The mad sword master acts as his name, arrogant, the people under the door are all characters walking sideways. Many nearby martial arts have been destroyed by the mad sword gate. The Nanhai Sword School is very worried that the Mad Sword Gate will take the opportunity to destroy it.

While speaking, Nanhai Jian sent a disciple to come, and when he met with Li Xing, both were stunned. This person is the one who has had conflict with Li Xing. After such a long time, Feng Yang is still practicing Qiqi, but Li Xing is already a strong player in training the triple gods.

Feng Yang's heart and emotions are extremely complicated, and his mood described by jealousy, envy, and hatred is perfect. He stared at Li Xing severely and said to an elder: "The elder, the mad sword martial messenger has come, and the host invites you to discuss it."

Upon hearing the messenger from the Mad Sword Gate, the two elders looked worried and said to Li Xing: "Unaccompanied, Brother Li must live a few more days and enjoy the scenery of the South China Sea."

Li Xing promised, sending the two elders away. When Feng Yang was leaving, he glanced at Li Xing with vicious eyes. For these little people, Li Xing ignored them and ignored him.

"Zhuo Xiaowan is my friend. Now that she has been arrested by Kuang Jianmen, how can I just sit by and ignore it? Besides, this Kuang Jianmen is also one of the martial arts I want to visit. I won't go there today.

Li Xing knew that the South China Sea Sword School was too busy taking care of itself, so he didn't even say hello, flew directly from Twin Island, and flew south to the Jianmen Gate.

Three thousand miles away for him, a moment away. The location of Mad Sword Gate is also an island. However, this island is much larger than Gemini Island, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles. The island is full of aura and seems to contain a lot of spiritual springs.

Before flying over the giant island, there were four Shenguangs splitting their heads to meet them. Four gods who practiced six gods surrounded Li Xing, all of them were arrogant and lawless.

One of them shouted sharply, "Who are you, broke into our mad sword gate, and wanted to die?"

The speech of the other party was not as polite and friendly as those in the South China Sea Sword School. They came up with interrogative tone. It seemed that they didn't agree with each other and wanted to kill.

Li Xing had gas in his belly, but could only hold it back. There was a mage sitting in the mad sword gate. He could not be arrogant even if he was arrogant.

"Here is Li Xing, the ambassador of Star Gate, at the command of the gate master, came to visit." He was very polite, but the other side did not appreciate it.

One person deliberately asked his companion: "Star Gate? Have you heard of it?"

Another said coldly: "What **** is the Star Gate, I haven't heard of it!" Then he waved at Li Xing, "Get out of the way! Who should we come from?"

The killings in Li Xing's eyes emerged, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly said, "Four of you, follow me!"

He was so fast that he was gone in a moment. The four god-men reacted, and at the same time they were furious and roared, "What a dog thing actually provokes us, catches up and kills him!"

All four were ferocious, and immediately spurred Shenguang to pursue Li Xing.

As a god-man, he would never accept such insults, and Li Xing's murderous heart could no longer be restrained. So he had to draw four people out and kill them all at once!

"Huh! Those who talk about the mad sword gate must die today, even if it is Wanfamen!" Li Xing thought fiercely, flying faster and faster.

Although the four are six-fold gods, but the speed is not as fast as Li Xing, they can never catch up. Seeing that, as they flew farther and farther, all four thundered wildly, cursing loudly in the back.

Seeing that it has been flying thousands of miles away from the crazy sword gate ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing gradually slowed down and let the four of them catch up.


The four bodies moved around and suddenly surrounded Li Xing in the center. They thought that Li Xing couldn't fly fast because of exhaustion of strength.

"Huh! The three ants who practice God are dare to anger us, you have to pay the price!" One person said coldly.

"Yes, I'm going to split him up and make him regret living in this world!"

Li Xing laughed at this moment. Some people laughed inexplicably. One asked angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

Li Xing sighed: "I laughed you are all idiots, and you don't know if you are going to die." He slowly took out the extermination knife, and said lightly, "In front of me, you have no arrogant capital. Practicing God six, in me Shit in your eyes! "


Li Xing displayed his true meaning at once, stepped on the step without phase, and waved the sword of heavenly death, which contained the true meaning of the word "kill".

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