Chapter 95: Raging

The Zangzhen Pavilion of the Mad Sword Gate, built on a mountain, is heavily guarded and has extremely powerful restrictions. If outsiders want to break into it, even the mage can't succeed for a while.

Moreover, with the noble status of the mage, how can he go to the mad sword gate to plunder the treasure? Even if there is such a cheeky mage, the mad sword mage must be shocked, and eventually it will not be cheap.

The mountain peak, called the Tibetan sword peak, according to the memory of the mad sword gate four gods, there seems to be a treasure in the Tibetan treasure hall. The specific things were not known to the four gods and men, but they were vaguely heard by other teachers and brothers.

Li Xing first went to the Zangzhen Pavilion, observed the terrain, and then found the master of the Mad Sword Gate. Because he knew he would never be able to enter the Tibetan Pavilion, but he could.

The reason the big brother was able to enter was because he had a sign on his body, calling the sword of madness. This mad sword order is a token of the mad sword mage, so that if the mage comes close, everyone must obey.

However, this amulet has always been worn by his elder brother. Li Xing wanted to get him, but it was not easy. Therefore, he must think of a comprehensive approach.

The name of the elder brother is called Zhou Yu. This person has been the elder brother of the Furious Sword Gate for more than 20 years. However, the rise of Jian Xingtian in recent years has made him feel the pressure.

Jian Xing Tian is a cultivating wizard. It is almost impossible for others to cultivate the successful Xing Tian magic. Although he is practicing Jiuzhong, his strength is above Zhou Yu.

So Zhou Yu was very upset. Under the upset, he likes to abuse Ji Ji around him. This week, Yu Yu is a person who knows how to enjoy. She has brought in beautiful beauties from all over the place.

There are thirty-eight aunts in Zhou Yu, one of whom is the most loved and trusted by his name, Hao'er. Haoer is twenty-three years old this year, giving Zhou Yu a wonderful sense of enjoyment.

Almost every night, Zhou Yu had to sleep with her. Therefore, Li Xing decided to start from Hao'er and steal the mad sword order. Of course, all this information was obtained from the memory of the four mad sword gate gods.

The place where Zhou Yu lives is a huge manor, with numerous pavilions and landscapes. Among them, the construction of a small building called "Rouxiang Building" is the place where Haoer lives.

The good name of Hao'er, the disciples of Mad Sword Gate all know that many people covet her and the four gods killed by Li Xing are all such people. Therefore, they are usually attentive to good children and know where she lives.

This was cheaper for Li Xing, and he quickly found Ruanxianglou and sneaked into it.

The nephrite fragrance is indeed very fragrant and sweet. At this moment, in the elegant girl's room, Hao Er is sitting in front of the mirror, dressing herself carefully. She knew that Zhou Yu would definitely come today.

Haoer is very smart, so she has a sense of crisis, knowing that Zhou Yu will one day dislike her, so while she is young, she is going to try to please Zhou Yu as much as possible, and then ask for more benefits to plan for the rest of her life.

Recently, Zhou Yu got several little fairies again, one by one, and he felt that his favored position was threatened. Therefore, she is going to get some new tricks today to please Zhou Yu.

Today, she changed into a special gauze dress, which is the easiest to seduce a man.

In front of the mirror, Hao Er constantly made various sultry gestures, sometimes twisting her waist and gently touching her hips. She is very satisfied with her movements. Recently, she just learned a set of "swing exercises" from her sisters, which can make men ecstatic, ready to try it today, and let Zhou Yu vent all her energy to her. Body.

Hao'er was immersed in his self-reflection, without knowing that a stranger was standing behind her, and disappeared.

"This little lady is pretty windy. Sao." Li Xing couldn't help but take a few more glances, but it was important to do business, but there was no time to appreciate it. He unleashes the inspiration demon, and immediately infects the good heart.

Hao'er's cultivation is nothing but training the sevenfold. How to withstand such a powerful devil as the inspiration demon, he immediately lost his sense of clarity and made it under his control.

The power of inspiration is not his attack, but the means to control the heart. At this time, the inspiration demon implanted a demon named "Inspiration Mind" in his heart.

This kind of thinking can make Haoru the same as a normal person, but she will do things in accordance with the will of the demon of inspiration in the subconscious, and eventually achieve a certain goal. Now, in her heart, she just wanted to do one thing, and that was to find a way to steal the sword sword.

Good thinking, like normal people, she waits for Zhou Yu's arrival as usual. Li Xing was not disappointed, Zhou Yu came here today.

As soon as he came out, a pair of eyes stared at the well-dressed, smiling, "You little slacker, dressed up so handsomely. Sao, do you want to seduce me?"

Hao'er slammed into Zhou Yuhuai's arms and used his man's tricks. After a while, Zhou Yu couldn't take it anymore and pushed her down on the bed.

"Good guy, people want to see this brand on your waist, it's so beautiful." Hao Er's eyes are silky, his small **** is shaking with joy, making Zhou Yu's scream refreshing, he laughed, "This is the mad sword order , Outsiders cannot touch. "

Hao'er pursed his lips: "I can't do it either, hum!"

"My careful liver, of course you can." When the man was doing this, his mind was the weakest, and Zhou Yu immediately released the mad sword order and put it into the hands of good children.

Hao'er took a look, then dropped under the bed, "hee hee" smiled: "People don't want that rotten thing, as long as you, as long as you ... force, force ..."

Zhou Yu felt a tightness in his waist. He took a sigh of air conditioning and laughed: "Today, see if I will kill you for a wave of goods ..." At this moment, it's so cool, how can there be a crazy sword order under the bed? ?

Li Xing's strategy is really clever. If he changed his place and time, Zhou Yu would never let the crazy sword leave. But at this moment, he was negligent, thinking only about his lower body, and his head was completely gone.

Li Xing reached out under the bed, picked up the sword sword, and ran out silently. Zhou Yu didn't know it, he still moved hard ...

With the sword in hand, Li Xing rushed to Zangzhen Pavilion immediately.

On the Tibetan sword peak, four gods and practising gods are guarding each other. The four were impatient with such a dull job of guarding, so most of the time they meditated quietly.

For almost a hundred years, the Jianjianmen School has never dared break into this place, so they are actually very relaxed, and they don't take the protection of the Tibetan Pavilion as a matter of routine.

Li Xing quietly arrived at the entrance of Zangzhen Pavilion. The entrance was a jade gate, five meters wide and ten meters high, with two crossed swords carved on it, very solemn.

Above Yumen, there is a depression, exactly the same as the mad sword commander. Li Xing said nothing and printed the mad sword order directly. Suddenly, Guanghua flashed, the door opened with a click, and he entered in a flash.

The sound of opening the door shocked the four god-men, and when they swept away, they saw the door open.

"Well? What did the Master do when he went to Tibet Zhenge?" A god-man thought that Zhou Yu had entered, and asked other people strangely.

"Who knows, huh! The mad sword order is in his hands. Doesn't he want to enter whenever he wants, the treasure inside must have been swallowed a lot by him."

"This is not the case. Master has always been harsh. Master has never dared. However, he has the opportunity to ask Master for a treasure, and it can also take advantage. Alas, who makes him a master, we Jealousy is useless. Only full-time cultivation will replace him one day! "

Almost all of the disciples of Kuangjianmen had ambitions and communicated secretly with divine thoughts. They did not even ask about the Tibetan Pavilion, they thought it was only Zhou Yu who came to take the treasure.

As soon as Li Xing entered the Tibetan Pavilion, the gate closed automatically. Amidst the faint white light, there is a huge palace, with jade pillars on display. Above each jade pillar, it is divided into jade lattices, and in each jade lattice, there are magic charms, artifacts, elixir, elixir, materials, Lingquan, etc. Hundreds and thousands, this is the treasure house of the mad sword gate!

Li Xing's eyes widened immediately: "A lot of magic! Ninth-order magic weapon! Yipin Lingquan! True charm! There are even magical seeds, developed!"

After a moment of shock, he immediately stepped on the foot, thousands of phantoms appeared, and began to collect these things frantically ~ ~ Kuang Jianmen is a big faction, and the collection is naturally rich, and it is cheap today. Li Xing !!

He doesn't even have time to carefully check what is being collected now. He only has one thought in his mind, which is to take it all, leaving nothing behind!

When it comes to grabbing things, Li Xing's movements are really fast. Almost everything he blinks into his pockets, and then he shakes to the most central position of the palace.

Here, there is a huge round jade pond, which is 100 meters wide. In the pool, a lingering spirit spring emerged, filling the pool. In the middle of the pond, there is a crystal hill, about forty to fifty meters high.

Above the small mountain peak, a crystal-like sword was inserted, revealing the spirit of slaying and majesty, it seemed that it was the king of swords, and the world was king. Colorful light, flowing around the mountain peak, is not ordinary at first glance.

"Eh? What is it?" Li Xing was curious and was about to ask, but he heard the exorbitation of the Emperor Tianxie yelling, "Li Xing, collect this thing immediately!"

As soon as Li Xing heard Tian Xie's tone, he knew that he had picked up the treasure, and said fiercely, "Okay! Collect it immediately!"

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