Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 407: King Kong Sword

Chapter 96: King Kong's Sword

But he said that as soon as Kuang Jianling touched the gate of Zangzhen Pavilion, Zhou Yu was shocked. He stopped moving and wondered: "Kang Jianling is clearly here, how can anyone move it?" Suddenly changed.

"Not good! The Mad Sword Order is gone!" He kicked it open, pulled out the wet thing, and couldn't even wear the clothes, turned into a glorious light, and hurried toward the Tibetan sword peak.

It turned out that there was a mental connection between Zhou Yu and Mad Sword Order, and once it was used, he would know immediately.

Shenguang flew fast, pierced the air, and made a sharp sound.

"Foreign enemies invaded, all greeted the enemy!" During the flight, Zhou Yu shouted and shocked the entire Sword Sect. Hundreds of gods of light rose to the sky and rushed towards the Tibetan sword peak.

At this moment, Li Xing took it all in and took away the entire Yuchi. In Yuchi, there is not only a small hill, but also a spiritual spring, which nourishes the mountain peak and the crystal sword.

After collecting the mountain peaks, Li Xing never stopped, and immediately turned around and set the mad sword order into the groove. Suddenly, the door opened, and as soon as I saw it across the street, hundreds of thoughts came in.

"I hide!"

Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared, invisible.

At almost the same moment, the divine mind filled the entire treasure house.

"Ah! Why is there nothing in the Tibetan Pavilion? Brother, what's going on?" These people didn't even see Li Xing's face.

Zhou Yu flew into Zangzhen Pavilion the first time and saw the mad sword order, which was also inlaid inside the door. Originally full of treasure trove, now Mao has not left one. Even the King Kong Sword, which the Master cherished so much, disappeared.

Zhou Yu paused for a long time, he spit out a blood, "wow", yelled at the flames, and roared: "hunt down immediately! We must catch this person, otherwise we will not be able to bear the anger of Master!"

Suddenly, hundreds of gods thought, searching across the mountains. Li Xing, before he knew it, left the Sword Gate and flew south. He picked up the bargain this time, and naturally patted his **** and left, he won't stay for people to find.

"Hey, with these things, the Qi Yunpai has the knowledge and can cultivate more gods! Even many of these things are also very useful to me. Mad sword gate, is indeed a big school, so many baby."

While flying, Li Xing said with emotion, he heard Tian Xie disdainfully said: "Look at you for this, a bunch of tattered things, what is rare, you will see what treasures are when you open the Tian Xie House."

Li Xing pouted his lips: "Your old man has as many babies as I can't catch a single apprentice now, it's useless. It's really something I grabbed."

Tian Xie reluctantly said, "Well, you practice too slowly and you can't be impatient."

Li Xing rolled his eyes. If his practice speed is slow, the Wizards of that day are all idiots.

Under the guilty conscience of a thief, he escaped tens of thousands of miles at a stretch, and finally landed on a deserted island where birds did not **** and dogs did not bark.

"Hoo!" Li Xingshu breathed a sigh of relief. "Zhou Yu must be vomiting blood, and Mad Sword Master will also vomit blood. Haha, these gangsters, dare to collude with Pingjiang Hou to count me, and they are the ones who grab them!"

For a while, Li Xing remembered the crystal sword in Yuchi, and asked, "Master, is your old man so excited? Is there a sword?"

"Of course there is something to come." Tianxiedao said, "Even if it was encountered as a division, it must be grabbed."

"What the **** is it?" Li Xing felt itchy and wanted to know.

"In the heavens and the earth, many spiritual things are born. They inherit the air and the air from the heaven and earth. For example, the evil land will produce the evil world; the masculine land will give birth to the masculine. Not sure. It could be a sword, or a sword, or even a beast, a book, a plant, etc. "

"Among many spirits, there is a kind of spirit called King Kong's sword. This thing is born of a hard and sharp spirit between heaven and earth. After King Kong's sword is completed, everything can be cut off."

Li Xing screamed, "Good thing! But, how can this sword be used? Can it be sacrificed?"

"King Kong King Sword is a sacred artifact generated in the heavens and the earth, and an illegal weapon. However, it is a good thing for sacrificial magic. Even if you have the ability in the future, you can directly consume it and refine it. Divine power. "Tianxie Dadao said," However, with your current strength, you can't use this thing for the time being, let it be cultivated in Baiyang aura and continue to cultivate. "

That Yuchi entered Baiyang Realm, and immediately devoured the surrounding Baiyang aura, causing King Kong ’s sword to emit more intense luster.

"This King Kong sword has not yet been fulfilled, or it has already been refined into a magic weapon by the Mad Sword Master. However, with Bai Yang Reiki cultivation, it can be completed for a maximum of ten years, and it can be used at that time."

Li Xing said with a smile: "After ten years, the disciples will probably be able to cast this sword." Next, he ignored the King Kong sword and entered Baiyang Jingtian, and began to count the benefits of this trip.

Xueling, Shuiyue, and Chen Xuechen Shuang all rushed over to appreciate the treasure that Li Xing grabbed.

"Xing Brother, this bead is so beautiful. It is warm and smooth in my hand, and it is smooth and smooth, and there are six of them!" , Very precious and good at defense.

"Yeah! This magic weapon is so good!" Shuiyue picked a set of nine hundred and ninety-one magic needles, called ninety-nine magic needles. It is also a set of nine-level magic instruments, which are killing things. Power Still above Ruyi Zhu.

Chen Xue and Xue Ling each picked a Qibao Umbrella and a Cirrus Crest, all of which were Ninth-order instruments. On that seven treasure umbrella, there are seven treasures, namely fire-avoiding beads, water-avoiding beads, lightning-avoiding beads, poison-avoiding beads, dust-avoiding beads, light-avoiding beads, and magic-avoiding beads.

Qibao avoids evil once the umbrella is opened, it is almost impossible to invade. Of course, if the enemy is too strong, this instrument can also be destroyed. However, this object is the ultimate in the ninth-order instrument.

Xueling's cirrus cloud is a white cloud, capable of transmuting infinite clouds, and can be attacked and defended, which is also a good thing. The four ninth-order instruments selected by the four women are all the best in the ninth-order instruments.

There are nine levels of instruments, one of which is third-order instruments, which are suitable for training blood warriors; four-to-sixth-order instruments, which are suitable for practicing qi nationals; and seventh-ninth-order instruments, gods can only exert their power.

Of course, if the user is a mage, the power will be maximized. It's just that the mage's means are tyrannical, and there is no need to use magic instruments at all. The first to ninth-order magic instruments are originally made for the above three types of people, and are not intended for use by mages.

In addition to the four artifacts chosen by the four women, there are twenty other nine-stage artifacts, each with its own magic. That is to say, he got twenty-four pieces of ninth-order instruments at once, and most of them were fine.

What is worthy of the collection of the Mad Sword Master is naturally not everything, and everything is valuable.

In addition to twenty-four pieces of ninth-order magic instruments, there are also eighteen kinds of gods such as Dragon Tiger God Pill, Golden Dragon Refining Pill, Xiaoyao God Pill, etc. In addition, there are heavenly drugs and Chinese medicines , A total of thirty-six.

With fifty-four heavenly elixir, Li Xing became more and more happy, and could not help but "haha" straight.

Tian Xie couldn't stand it anymore, and always felt that the apprentice was dying, and he said, "Although the elixir and the magic weapon are a little interesting, those spells are more useful to you."

Speaking of magic symbols, Li Xing plundered a large number of magic symbols this time, of which one or two magic symbols attracted his most attention. All of these twelve spells have condensed twelve laws.

There are also classifications of magic symbols, and those with more than twelve magic symbols are called true symbols. True Charm not only has great power and magical effect, but also can be used repeatedly after supplementing mana. The talismanes below the twelve-fold law can only be used once.

Thirty-six heavy spells above the ban are called king charms. Wang Fu can absorb the power of heaven and earth on his own, and does not need to add mana, as long as it can be performed after a period of time, the power is not reduced.

Those who are more than seventy-two banned from above are called treasure charms. For example, Li Xing's fighting amulet is as heavy as 981, which is already the best in the amulet, called the supreme amulet.

The power and magical power of Baofu are even more than ordinary magic weapons.

Li Xing got twelve true charms and sighed: "This true charm is so powerful, I can't find the mage to add mana, but it's just a chicken rib."

Heavenly evil said: "Although you can only use these twelve true charms once, each one can withstand the ten-strong god-man strike. Compared with the eight white tiger runes on your body, they are much more powerful."

Li Xing nodded: "Master said so."

Continue to count, there are many elixir and so on. The items listed above are all the treasures in the treasure house. As for some jade-like elixir, seven-eighth-order magic instruments that do not enter Li Xing's eyes, they are numerous. If he wants to develop Qi Yun faction, he will use these inconspicuous things.

However, at present, Li Xing can only experience eye addiction, and dare not really take these things out for use. After all, in case the Mad Sword Master knew it, it would be strange not to break him into pieces.

"Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a pity, so many good things are temporarily unavailable." Li Xingzhen sighed.

"Xing Brother is really greedy, and said what he stole from others." Shuiyue smiled and laughed at Li Xing.

Li Xing stared: "I'm just greedy. Today you are very unkind, and you need to be at home!" He struck Xueling on the ground, causing the chick to scream. The woman's face blushed.

After a night of rest, the morning sun rose, and Li Xingyu went out of the Baiyangjingtian, then took out the chart, continued to search for the South China Sea factions, and visited each one selectively. You know, another identity of his trip is the envoy of the Star Gate.

After looking on the chart for a while, he finally decided to go to the "Whale Gate". The giant whale gate is not as big as the mad sword gate, but it is much stronger than the South China Sea sword school. It is appropriate to go to such a small school.

Immediately, he flew into the sky and flew into the sky. I flew for a little while in this way, and suddenly saw strong mana fluctuations coming from the front. Taking a closer look, I saw a huge battleship moving forward.

The giant ship is thousands of meters long, and on the long sail, the book has the three characters "Wanfamen" and is full of arrogance.

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