Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 408: Wanfamen's hunting ship

Chapter 97: The Hunting Ship of Wan Fa Men

"Various ways!"

Li Xing was taken aback. Wan Famen claims to be Tian Yuanzhou's No. 1 superpower. He is powerful and dominates the world. He has heard of it more than once.

On the occasion of surprise, on the giant ship, three ray of light rose up and greeted Li Xing. His expression remained unchanged, he held down the light, waiting for the other party to approach.

The three god-men who came here, one by one, were arrogant and exuberant. They all practiced the gods and gathered the true-world peerless figures. Once the truth comes out, who is fighting? True shape represents strength, and it represents a step closer to the mage.

Therefore, Li Xing was very careful and never showed hostility.

The three nine-strong gods all stared at Li Xing with extremely disdainful eyes.

One person said: "Who are you, what school, and why do you run to the sea?"

"To be honest, otherwise you will be locked in a hunting ship, and you will be slaves forever!" The other said coldly.

"I don't need to ask, the ship is short of manpower, that's him." The third person was even more arrogant. A big hand grabbed, a big hand full of runes, grabbed at Lixing.

At this moment, Li Xing turned countless thoughts. He forcibly pressed the idea of ​​resistance and called out deliberately, "Raise your life!"

The man "haha" smiled and drank, "Speak, who are you?"

Li Xing said pitifully: "On the lower reaches of Shaolong, a disciple of Kuangjianmen."

"Oh? Crazy Sword Gate, as if heard of it, is a small martial art in the South China Sea." The disciple thought for a while and said that the dazzling Crazy Sword Gate actually became a small martial art in his mouth. Li Xing was surprised to hear this. Wanfamen, it seems really powerful!

"Brother, Mad Sword Gate seems to have a little friendship with Wan Famen, let him go." Another person's eyes flashed and said.

The god-man who seized Li Xing said coldly, "Which is so easy, let's do one month of labor on the ship before talking!" Then he didn't ask Li Xing if he didn't agree, and threw him on the ship.

Three gods of light also landed on the ship. The god-man who said that Li Xing had been let go. Although he was arrogant, there was still a bit of righteousness in his eyebrows. He said, "After one month of labor, let you go. . "

Li Xing looked around and found that there were dozens of gods on the big ship. Among them, the most powerful are these three characters who practice the gods, and the rest of them are trained from the first **** to the eight.

Hearing the other party's orders, Li Xing deliberately pretended to be afraid, and said, "Yes, follow the orders."

The man nodded with satisfaction and preached: "Lao Xu, come and teach him how to work."

Behind the three, a bald old man flashed out. He was dressed as a servant, but was a master of practicing the Seventh God. He looked calm and said to Li Xing lightly, "Come with me."

Li Xing lowered his head and followed the opponent Lao Xu into a row of square board houses on the ship. After entering, there is a ladder that leads directly to the interior of the large ship.

Stepping down the stairs, Li Xing saw that there was simply a huge Hai slaughterhouse in front of him. The bodies of giant whales, thunder apes, ice crocodile, thunderbirds, etc. are filled with huge cabins.

Thousands of patriots and more than ten gods and men are using tools to kill the corpses, taking out beasts and orbs from them, and sharing valuable things and placing them in different categories.

"It seems that this big ship is used for fishing by Wan Fa Men. These things are strange beasts, and the things on them are of great value. Wan Fa Men, really a big deal, going out to sea, I don't know how many treasures to get." Li Xing Secretly surprised.

"Seeing that, you, like them, stripped off the valuable things from these bodies. If you don't understand, you can ask the co-workers next to me. I am the leader of all co-workers, you can call me Lao Xu."

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you for your guidance." He was not like a newcomer. He walked directly to the body of an ice crocodile, took out a third-order flying sword, and began to dissect.

Dissecting the corpse could not be easier for him as a martial arts master. His shot was accurate and his strength was just right. When the sword light flickered, for a moment, the teeth, beasts, alligator skin, and other desirable parts of the ice crocodile were separated and set aside.

Everyone around them cried when they saw such a magical means as Li Xing.

"What noisy?" Suddenly, a god-man in a crocodile clothes slammed and waved an electric whip, "snap", electric light blew, and dozens of applauding scholars in one fell swoop. Knocked to the ground, jerking endlessly, expression extremely distressed.

Li Xing sneered, he could see that these seven or eight thousand scholars were slaves. And a dozen fierce gods are in charge of supervision.

He stopped talking and concentrated on his work. One body after another was solved by him. The speed of work was ten times as fast as the rest. Lao Xu was very satisfied with his work and nodded and left.

"Senior man, don't work too fast, or they will let you do more work." Suddenly, a small voice sounded in Li Xing's eyes. With a look on his face, he saw a teenager, fourteen and five years old, with triple qi, and was working hard with his head down. However, apparently the voice came from him.

"Thank you," Li Xing said. "What's your name?"

"Senior, my name is Xiaoyi." Xiaoyi seemed happy when he found someone who could talk. "What's the name of the senior?"

"Li Xing."

"Senior Li, why did you get them?" Xiao Yi sighed. "It's easy to get in, it's hard to get out."

Li Xing smiled: "Oh? Then how did you get in?"

"My parents, originally a disciple of a small school, were killed because of a conflict with a disciple of Wan Famen. My parents were killed, and everyone in the school became a slave here. "In his tone, there was an unspoken hatred," I must avenge my parents! "

Li Xing sighed, if this poor child had no one to help him, I would have no hope of revenge in this life.

Although Xiaoyi is young, he has lived on a large ship for more than two years and knows a lot. In the process of talking with him, Li Xing has learned a lot about hunting.

"Xiaoyi, do you know Dragon Turtle?" Li Xing asked suddenly.

"Dragon and tortoise, of course I know that it has been caught some time ago, but it is just a small dragon with no scales. However, the godman of the overseer said that the main purpose of Wanfamen going to sea this time is to fight the dragon and turtle And dragon whale. "

When Li Xing's heart moved, he needed the scales of the dragon and tortoise. However, since Wan Famen also wants to catch dragon and tortoise, isn't it just right?

The dragon and tortoise is a heavenly order spirit beast, which initiated Weilai, and the tenfold god-man may not be able to control it. At that time, the action of the machine was visible, and the scales of the dragon and turtle were in their hands. Dragon turtles have no beasts, and the essence of them is above the scales.

The scales of the dragon tortoise are extremely hard, and the flying sword is hard to damage them. Among them, the dragon turtle has its essence, which can be said to be more precious than the beast. However, the dragon tortoise is very powerful, and Li Xing was not sure to kill alone. Just by leveraging the power of Wanfamen, the mantis catches cicadas, and the yellow bird is behind.

With typing ideas in his mind, Li Xing worked more "seriously", and within a few days, he understood the structure of the entire ship and the personnel situation. The three heads of the big ship were the three that captured Li Xing that day. They are Shen Wujie, Chu Lengqiu, and Xiao Fangming.

Unconsciously, more than ten days have passed and Li Xing has no chance to rest and has been working. At all times, fresh corpses are thrown into the cabin for their separation.

On this day, the large ship suddenly stopped and stood still. The two supervisors met together, and one said, "I arrived in Baolong Bay. There are dragon turtles here and there, and the three brothers are going to kill them."

"The dragon turtle is very strong, I'm afraid it won't be easy this time." Another person said, "I heard that the adult dragon turtle is comparable in strength to the tenfold god. . "

Li Xing's eyes flashed, and his body suddenly disappeared. Others didn't find it, but Xiaoyi's eyes widened and an egg could be swallowed in his mouth. Where did the senior man go? Escaped?

Three thousand miles away from the large ship, there is a large island with the eastern edge of the island facing inward to form a bay. This bay, called Yaolong Bay, is often visited by dragon turtles.

At this moment, three ninefold gods of ten thousand methods were suspended in the air, with serious expressions, over Yaolong Bay.

"This lurking dragon and tortoise has far more strength than the three of us. If you don't use magic weapons, you can't win." Shen Wujie, who was the one who said he had let Li Xing go.

"No matter how powerful the dragon turtle is, it can't be a magic weapon. Let's urge the Five Elements Seal and seal it directly." Chu Lengqiu was the one who grasped Li Xing.

"It's not that simple. We are not illegal divisions. We can't combine human and treasure, so we can't use the full power of the Five Elements Seal. There is a certain risk in fighting. However, since we are here, we can only take risks. We are prepared!" Ming seems to be the leader of the three, and at the moment sacrifices the magic five-element seal.

The Five Elements Seal belongs to the first class of the Golden Order Magic. Magic Talisman, as long as he knows his mind, he can command his hands. However, if you want to use the true power of the magic weapon, you need the mage to get the magic weapon together.

If only the magic weapon is sacrificed, only about one-tenth of its power can be exerted ~ www.readwn.com ~ Please print! "

Xiao Fangming held up a bunch of colorful and strange light with his hands. Among the strange light, there was a big seal on one side.

"Five Elements Great Seal, suppress all directions!"

Three gods and men worshiped at the same time as the Five Elements. The Five Elements Seal was "shocked" and shouted brilliantly, releasing supreme majesty. It rose into the air, dripped with a light of five colors, and immediately enveloped the sea area of ​​a hundred miles.

"Ang ~"

The deep sea bottom of Long Bay was conveyed by an angry and dull roar, and then the waves rolled, the wind rose at a sudden, and the sea surface of thousands of miles suddenly became unstable.

First, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, getting bigger and bigger, and there seemed to be something terrible to come out. Then the sky was overcast with clouds, the wind was violent, and the thunder blew.

With a roar, a huge monster, the dragon's head and the turtle's shell, are as huge as an island, rising from the bottom of the sea. It roared for nine days, down to Jiuyou, all kinds of thrillers.

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