Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 409: 5-line print

Chapter 98: The Five Elements Seal

As soon as the dragon and tortoise came out, the thunder and lightning engulfed the sky, and a huge cloud of calamity appeared. The might of heaven and earth was so overwhelming that everyone could breathe, and the light of the Five Elements Seal also dimmed.

"No! This beast has to use the catastrophe to fight the Five Elements Seal!" Xiao Fangming was serious and alert. Chu Lengqiu and Shen Wushui had dignified expressions on their faces.

"You must not let him survive the catastrophe, or the strength of this beast surges, and the mage cannot fight it!" Chu Lengqiu cried loudly.

Three people, transformed into three divine lights, surround the Five Elements Seal, urge them with all their strength, and strengthen the power of the Five Elements Seal. Although they are illegal teachers, they cannot be combined with the Five Elements Seal, but they can increase the power of this Seal within a limited range.

"Mori edge!"

The five-colored strange light repeatedly strangled and wrapped the dragon turtle. That dragon turtle, a pair of blood-red giant eyes, exposed the supreme anger, it roared to the sky, and uttered a word: "Shameless man, I am here to repair, where did I offend you and come to hunt? I am going to cause a calamity and let you die! "


In the dark clouds, suddenly there were countless red lightnings, which fell down and turned into electric whip, constantly pounding everything below. Several people from Xiao Fangming resisted with all their strength, but this robbery is a great robbery that the spirit beast has cultivated. It is so powerful that it can be compared to the robbery when humans become mages. How can it be stopped?

After a while, Chu Fangqiu was injured first, and his right arm was drawn by an electric whip, which exploded directly. He screamed.

Xiao Fangming immediately took the initiative and yelled, "Hurry up! He knows that I am afraid I can't catch the dragon and turtle today, so it's important to save my life.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The dragon turtle opened its mouth and vomited, and a group of purple dragons rose into the sky, covering a circle of 800 miles. Among the dragon's breath, there were countless ghosts of dragon and tortoise, and they continued to besiege the three people so that they could not escape.

Dragon Breath, this disaster is more intensified, and the number of magical calamities has come down. Thunder ball, thunder arrow, thunder whip, and so on. Xiao Fangming was extremely embarrassed, but could not escape the dragon's breath, and the situation immediately became critical.

"With my blood! Full outbreak!" The three were anxious, and then go on like this, there is only one way to go. So they bit the tip of their tongues, and at the same time sprayed a bite of blood towards the Five Elements Seal.


The Five Elements Seal shook, Guanghua surged, and the dragon's breath was spread out. The three people surrounded the Five Elements Seal, and they were about to run away.

"Humans, look up!" The mocking voice of Dragon Turtle sounded. "I failed today, and you don't even want to survive!"

The three men looked up and saw a Thunder Cannon appearing in the robbery. The thunder actually condensed a cannon and bombarded below.

"Fully resist!" Xiao Fangming's face turned pale for a moment. He knew that the power of this gun was the strongest attack in the robbery. The three did not hesitate to hide in the glory of the Five Elements Seal.


An extremely bright light flashed, as if the sky was cracking, and then a fierce explosion. The Five Elements Seal was the first to be blown away. The big seal suddenly made a loud noise, suddenly turned into a colorful streamer, and then flew away by itself.

Below, Dragon Turtle's head was black and suffocated, and his life was about to end under the thunder cannon.

From the beginning, Li Xing watched from a distance. He saw the terrible horror and was horrified. If it were in this disaster, he would probably be killed. As soon as the five elements were printed, Xiao Fangming was naturally taken away.

Li Xing carefully approached the dragon tortoise and found that it had only one last breath.

"Human, are you here to catch me too?" The tortoise of Dragon Turtle sounded.

Li Xing looked like an honest man and sighed, and replied, "Senior Dragon Turtle, I came here to borrow a few scales, and never offended. The three people who just didn't make sense, actually wanted to capture them. senior."

Before he died, he was also called a senior. With such respect, Dragon Turtle felt a little more comfortable in his heart and said, "You human being is not bad. If you help me to do one thing, after I die, the scales on my body , It's all yours. "

Li Xingdao: "Predecessors, please do your best."

"Behind me, there is a younger relative who has followed me since childhood, but after all, he is very young. After I die, no one will take care of him, please take care of it for me, do you agree?" As long as Li Xing promised, they believed.

Li Xing looked serious, and said in a deep voice, "Never break his word!" This old tortoise can be protected by a young child, and he can't relax before he dies. How is it different from humans? Worthy of his respect.

The dragon turtle sighed with relief: "That's all right, Xiaojin, come out."

A golden dragon was drilled out of its nostril. Only the human arm was thick and looked very young. However, at the sight of this object, Li Xing's eyes almost glared: "True Dragon!"

Dragons are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. The lower level is the dragon, and the top is the true dragon. True dragons practice to a certain degree, can break through the sky and rise, become a dragon, and cross the world. Once the Dragon has cultivated again, he can finally break the void like a mage, enter the realm of heaven, and become a dragon.

There are very few true dragons in the world, not more than the number of mages. The number of Shenlongs is even smaller. They are all equal to or above the six levels of Fatian and are difficult to see.

Therefore, when he saw this true dragon, Li Xing was surprised.

Xiaojin is a young true dragon. It swims sadly beside the dragon tortoise, tears falling down, a pitiful look.

Dragon and Turtle said: "Friend, thank you, I have cultivated for 3,000 years, and I have treasured a lot of things. Let me treat you, I hope you will treat Xiao Jin well and protect it from growing up." Software.

Li Xing took the breath, only felt that the start was very heavy, and he was admitted to Baiyang Jingtian, saying, "Relax, as long as I live, Xiao Jin will be fine."

The giant tortoise nodded slightly, then slowly closed his eyes. This dragon tortoise, which had survived for three thousand, was finally killed.

Xiao Jin seemed to understand the conversation between the two. It was intimately placed on Li Xing's neck and licked his big tongue on Li Xing's face.

Li Xing sighed: "The turtle is still like this, how can a person be worthy." Immediately ingest Xiaojin into Baiyang Jingtian.

In Jingtian, there was plenty of aura, and Xiao Jin immediately swam up Yunyan and greedily swallowed Baiyang aura. Li Xing took out the extermination knife and took off all the scales on the dragon turtle.

It was not offensive that he did this, but he won the approval of the Dragon Turtle. Moreover, if this turtle body is not dealt with, it will also be swallowed up by other sea clan, and the end is even worse.

The dragon tortoise is very large, and Li Xing has been busy for half a day, and that's it. Then a ray of real fire was dropped, and the flames were soaring that the corpse was burning. This real fire was originally in Beichen's treasure trove, and it was contained in a lamp. The alchemy can be used dozens of times.

After the tortoise was burned, Li Xing was done. After preparing the materials, he found a place to hide, first practice the threefold ninefold and ninethfold destroy the diamond, and then impact the fourfold gods! However, before that, he had to go to the Wanfa Great Ship first to find a way to rescue Xiaoyi away.

After Li Xing stealthily returned to the ship, it was discovered that the Five Elements Seal did not fly back, and it seemed to go directly to Wan Famen. The ship was still advancing, and was now chaired by three practising gods.

Xiaoyi was cutting a green hair turtle, and suddenly heard Li Xing's voice: "Xiaoyi, do you want to leave here?"

Xiaoyi's eyes brightened, he glanced left and right, and whispered, "Senior?"

"Don't talk, just nod if you want, I can take you away."

Xiaoyi nodded immediately, then, he felt someone lifted his collar, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared. The next moment, the two left the ship. When Xiaoyi disappeared, Lao Xu glanced over here, he seemed to see something, but did not speak up.

Li Xing wanted to take Xiaoyi because Xiaoyi had kindly reminded him at the beginning that he was very willing to help such a kind boy. The two flew for a while, away from the Wanfamen ship, and headed north for Wanbao Island.

Today, the lightning claws, dragon and tortoise scales, and thirty-six millennia elixir he has used for his cultivation are all in place. Originally, he planned to ask Mr. Feng, but now the plan has changed, he decided to buy directly.

Moreover, the seven-potential elixir originally purchased is an eight hundred-year elixir, not a millennium elixir, and it must be replaced with a millennium elixir. Li Xing wasn't going to delay it. He wanted to immediately practice the third-level King Kong's magic.

Coming to Manpower Island again, he knew the road well, and soon found Tianyizhai. The owner saw a familiar customer and warmly received. Last time, Li Xingke made a big voice, costing more than 300 million Xuanjing, and was considered a VIP.

"What do you want to buy when the guest officer is here? The dragon and tortoise scales have not arrived yet," said the owner.

Li Xing smiled: "Can you have the blood of the thousand years of phoenix here?"

The owner still took out the booklet and checked it, shaking his head and saying, "There is no thousand years of fire and blood, but there are nine drops of fire and blood."

Li Xingyi stayed: "A thousand years of fire?"

"That's right, the blood of Wannian Fire Phoenix is ​​more expensive ~ www.readwn.com ~ One drop is worth 100 million Xuanjing." The owner asked with a smile, "Can the guest official intend to buy?"

For thousands of years of fire and blood, for the triple practice of King Kong, the natural benefits are even greater. He thought about it and said, "Okay, I bought all nine drops, but all of them should be used to offset the cost."

"No problem," said the owner. "This business is completed. The accumulated sales of the guest officer has exceeded one billion yuan. You can apply for a one-star VIP sign. Come back later and enjoy 20% discount."

Li Xing laughed: "That would be good."

Immediately, in addition to the deposit of 30 million xuanjing in advance, Li Xing paid 870,000 little white Yangdan. In this way, there are only about 80,000 little white Yangdans on his body, which are used for the easy-to-change millennium elixir.

"It seems that in the future, some more Baiyangdan will be refined." He thought in his mind, and quickly carried out the transaction, taking nine drops of 10,000 years of phoenix blood.

In the blood of the fire and phoenix for 10,000 years, every drop is crystal clear, like a burning flame, which is extremely precious.

At this point, Li Xing has prepared everything he needs, and finally he can impact the triple King Kong's magic.

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