Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 411: Jade wall without words.

Chapter 100: Wordless Jade Wall. No Phase Robbery

This time, the place he was going to was no longer a giant whale gate, but went to the Yuchan School nearby. The size of the Yuchan School is similar to that of the Giant Whale Gate, but it is not as good as that of the Mad Sword Gate, but it is larger than the Nanhai Sword School.

The Yuchan School, also built on the island, is located more than 30,000 miles from Wanbao Island. If there is no chart, Li Xing will not find this school easily.

A divine light descended on the island, and Yuchan sent a resident. A divine light greeted and a middle-aged man appeared. He practiced the triple practice of the god. He looked at Li Xing and said, "What's the matter when a friend comes?"

Li Xing politely said, "At the Xingtian envoy, in the order of my master, come to visit the Yuchan School."

The man said, "It turned out to be a friend of the Star Gate. The guest came, and the Yuchan Gate was alive. Please go down and see the master."

Immediately, the middle-aged man took Li Xing to meet the host of Yuchan. Passing through the important hall, I came to a spacious living room. In the living room, sits a ten-strong man who practiced God. His surroundings are surrounded by more than a dozen gods.

The tenfold **** man wore a white robe, a tie, a face like a crown jade, thirty years old, he nodded slightly to Li Xing, and smiled: "The guest is coming, please sit up."

Some disciples offered their seats and tea, Li Xing sat down politely, then talked about the purpose of the trip, and presented the gift list and gifts.

"Tianxingmen is polite." Then to the **** that brought Li Xing, "Yuhui, go and pick ten golden jade spiritual fruits as a gift for us."

Jin Yu Ling Guo is the main medicine for refining the heavenly elixir Jin Yu Shen Dan. It is very precious and Li Xing readily accepts it. He was a visitor from afar. After talking with the host of Yuchanmen, he was led by the god-man named Yuhui to walk around the island and enjoy the scenery here.

After staying for three days, Li Xing found that Yuchanmen secretly covered a place in Houshan and would not let him, an outsider, approach. He even made a direct request to Yuhui to go to Houshan, but was rejected under various excuses.

Li Xing is a very curious person. The other party refused to let him go. He wanted to go. So, three days later, he said goodbye to the host, and after flying thousands of miles, he performed invisible steps, returned to the island, and went directly into the back mountain.

In the mountains behind, there are few people, mountains and mountains, water and water, and the scenery is unique. Li Xingyou walked again, and finally he found a very interesting thing, one side of the wall.

Above the cliff, there was a huge jade with a height of 1,000 kilometers. The jade seemed to be cut straight by some terrible force, exposing a jade wall. The jade wall is as smooth as a mirror and looks nothing strange.

Suddenly, ten god-men descended, including those in the host of Yuchanmen. After they landed, they all sat in front of Yubi, staring blankly at Yuyu, as if there were important things on it.

After a while, a god-man couldn't help but said, "Master, we have to come here every seven days for enlightenment, but after a thousand times of enlightenment, we haven't found anything. Is there really a mystery in this jade wall? ? "

The master of Yuchan's door looked calm and slowly said, "In my year as a teacher, I saw a jade toad with my own eyes, and I realized it before Yubi, and it was certainly not wrong to break through and soar."

As soon as Li Xing stayed, was this jade wall still a treasure? So, he also looked up at Yubi, but his eyes were dry and there was nothing unusual. Just sitting there for a long time, he was a little impatient, and shouted, "Staying is just a waste of time, it is better to leave."

As soon as this idea came out, he was going to leave, thinking that the legend of Jade Chan's epiphany was simply unbelievable.

The moment he walked around, the light in the corner of his eyes suddenly found a layer of mist on the jade wall, very thin and very light. If he didn't look closely, he would hardly see it.

"Oh!" He paused and watched closely. The more you look, the thicker the fog is on the surface of the jade, and the dozen or so godheads still look up dumbly, seemingly unaware of it.

"Strange!" Li Xing secretly wondered.

"This jade wall seems to be really famous." Tianxie said, "It doesn't matter anyway, you will be here for a few days."

The Master opened his mouth, and Li Xing decided to give it a try, and then he was fully absorbed and stared at Yubi for observation. Unconsciously, three days have passed, and in his eyes, all kinds of magical changes have occurred in the thick fog outside the jade jade, condensing a rune.

Observing these mysterious runes, Li Xing's Zhen Wu Shen Zhen quickly deduced. His most proficient Wu Xiang Gong has been deduced constantly, Wu Xiang Gong is 15th, 16th, and 17th.

After almost having a meal, Wu Xianggong was deduced to the twenty-fourth weight, and then came to an abrupt halt. In other words, Li Xing is now practicing no phase, and in a short period of time, he can reach the 24th perfection.

"How is this possible?" After discovering this change, Li Xing opened his mouth in shock. With such a dizzying effort, all the runes disappeared, and when he stared and observed again, he could see nothing.

"Strange! Strange! Master, do you know what this is?" Li Xing asked quickly.

The Emperor Tianxie sneered: "The people in Yuchanmen are stupid. There must be a treasure hidden in this jade wall. Apprentice, when they leave, you break the wall and search carefully."

"Isn't it good to break other people's things?" Li Xingdao said, "Let's take this bad jade wall into Baiyang Jingtian. Although it is very big, it can hold it."

God: ...

After four days of enlightenment, more than a dozen divine talents left and lost, apparently they didn't find it.

As soon as these people left, Li Xing immediately started to act. He released Yuan Shen, fully motivated the divine thoughts, and inspired Bai Yangjing Tian's ingestion power. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of "Boom", and the entire Yushan was ingested after Jingtian.

The next moment, he immediately disappeared, patted his **** and left.

The people at Yuchanmen were shocked, and came one after the other, and saw that Yubi was gone. One after another, Qi Qiqi smoked, and immediately began searching around. But how to find the jade thief without a target? At this point, Li Xing had gone thousands of miles away.

Zhen Wu Shen Zhen immediately deduced Wu Xiang Gong to the 24th weight. After Li Xing was away from the Yuchan Gate, he decided to repair Wu Xiang Gong to completeness, and then deduced great magic to enhance his strength.

In Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing was sitting peacefully, as expected, and after being fully deduced, his speedless training practice was extremely fast. In just ten days, the phaseless training rose from fourteen to two. Fourteenth, to reach the perfect state.

As soon as there is no phase power, the runes that have no phase power condensed in the True Martial Arts Formation, they will hold themselves into a danmaru, round and bright, and the power is highly concentrated. Immediately, outside this Danmaru, blossoming smallpox appeared out of thin air, seeming to praise its completeness.

Between thoughts, three divine seeds appeared around Danmaru. One of the seeds suddenly broke apart, turned into a mysterious air, and merged into his Yuan Shen. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that his divine power suddenly increased by a third.

Opening his eyes, he suddenly gave a flick of his fingers, an invisible finger force, lasing out. A moment later, a hundred miles away, there was a loud noise.

"This great divine art, the name is called no phase finger!" Li Xing smiled slightly, and took a familiar name for the newly created divine art.

There is no such thing as a robbery finger, one point out, unpredictable, and inferior strength to Li Xing's opponent, which will hurt, so it is called "robber finger".

As soon as the non-phase robbery finger was out, Li Xing felt that Zhenwu Shenzhen was operating at a significantly slower speed. It seemed that the estimated power was being consumed too much.

In fact, the birth of the great divine magic, its source of power is Zhenwu God array. Zhenwu Shenzhen is like a mother, while great divine magic is its child. After the mother gives birth, her body becomes weak.

Therefore, Li Xing now needs to "replenish his body" for Zhenwu's killings and recuperate for some time.

Although the birth of the Great Divine Spell consumes power, the Great Divine Spell produced can greatly enhance its strength. The non-phase robbers themselves are part of Li Xing's power. Therefore, the more great divine skills he cultivates in the future, the stronger his strength will be.

After seven days of rest, Li Xing woke up from the set. Now, it's been half a year since he left Tianchen Kingdom, and now it's time to go back. As for the ambassador's responsibility, it doesn't have to be serious.

Originally, Tian Chenguo asked Li Xing to come just to try his luck and see if he could make friends. When Tianxingmen was first established in the world, it naturally wanted to attract more friends and grow its reputation. After returning, Li Xing said that he had visited more than ten martial arts, and even if the Star Gate was in doubt, it would not be possible to investigate.

He walked as soon as he said, Li Xing drove Shenguang and flew all the way to the north. However, God seemed to be fighting him, and flew on the way, encountering two groups of people fighting. Both sides are god-man, rising and going, each performing their own magic and bombarding each other.

There are six people on one side, all of them are four or five, and there are two people on one side, all of them are five. Only one of them had a weak power and was in a disadvantaged position. He was chased and looked embarrassed.

The other six were pressing hard, and one sneered, "I don't know what lives and lives ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you dare to offend Wan Famen? Give up those three pages of the King of Martial Arts!"

King of Kings?

Li Xing originally wanted to detour, and when he heard the King of Kings, he could not move. The inanimate martial art he obtained at the beginning was flowing down from the Wanwu King's Scriptures. Unexpectedly, there were actually three pages on the Wanwu King's Scriptures.

Is n’t the Scriptures of the Emperor Wu Wu psychic? How come three pages were torn off?

On the Martial Arts King Scripture, there are many martial arts methods recorded. The power is unpredictable. Everyone wants to practice, and Li Xing is no exception.

The two people who were hunted down were also fierce generations, and said sternly: "Don't think! It's just you, you want to kill me, it's a long way away! Five-finger thunder, blow me up!" With each finger, a thunderbolt was hit and six people in Wanfamen were bombarded.

"I don't know what to do!" The six of them were furious and shot at the same time.

The two sides fought for a while, and accidentally, one of them was blown up with a scream, and the two were beheaded by six people in succession, and they were preparing to plunder three pages of the King of Martial Arts. Li Xing appeared.

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