Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 412: Da Luo shocking

Chapter 1: Da Luo shocked the sky

"What people!" Six gods of Wan Famen looked cold, immediately took two space artifacts from the corpse, and surrounded Li Xing from all sides.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "Passer-by."

"Hum! A passerby? I see, you came to **** the King of Kings, don't you? You don't have to talk nonsense to this person, kill him!" Already.

Regardless of being indiscriminate and killing, this is the style of Wan Famen's behavior. But today, when I met Li Xing, this approach was undoubtedly extremely stupid, and he sought his own way.

Six gods and men, at the same time playing divine magic, wanted to kill Li Xing. At the moment of their shot, Li Xing heard the news, leaving only a cold voice, ringing in the void: "You kill me, I will kill you, presumably a few people have no opinion?"


Suddenly, a big **** hole suddenly appeared on the chest of a god-man, and he looked at the wound with a look of horror, then slowly fell towards the ground.

Five other people were shocked. What kind of magic is this? Why is it invisible and silent?

"Be careful! This person is terrific!" One person warned his companion, but his head was in pain, and then "fluttered" with a blast, his brain splashed, and he was killed.

The remaining four gods finally realized the terribleness of each other, yelled, and fled in four directions. But it was too late. The four strands of the fingers were invisible, silent, silent, and hit the back of the four with incredible angles.


Four beeps, four bodies fell to the ground. Today, Li Xing, even when encountering Jiuzhong Shenren, can still fight each other, not to mention the six people in front of him. This time without phase refers to a small trial of a bullsword, killing six people immediately, showing horrific lethality.

From the corpse, Li Xing searched out all the space implements and immediately left.

After dozens of breaths, a large number of gods of Wan Famen arrived, but unfortunately, all they could find was the broken corpses and bones that had been eaten by fish, and found no clue.

While flying, Li Xing inspected several spacecrafts. The gods and men of Wan Famen have a rich collection. Each person has a sixth-order magic instrument, a number of elixir and magic symbols, but none of them fall into his eyes.

Only three pages of Guanghua's scorching book aroused Li Xing's interest. The pages of that book are large, and on each page, there is a martial arts will. He took a closer look and realized that the three pages of the three verses recorded the three realms of a peerless practice. This method is called Da Luo Jing Tian Gong.

Li Xing only looked at it, and his eyes were shocked, and he wondered: "Master, this big Luo is so amazing, it sounds great. Have you heard of it?"

The Great Emperor of Heaven did not speak for a long time, and after Li Xing asked a second time, he "haha" laughed: "Heaven! Is it really God?"

Li Xing asked puzzledly, "Master, what do your elderly people say?"

Emperor Tianxie did not answer Li Xing's question, but asked, "Apprentice, do you know how the King of Wuwu appeared?"

"Naturally, Master didn't say that when the ancient martial arts was prosperous, was there a peerless strongman who gathered the martial arts masters of the world and made a scripture based on a peerless fetish? Above the king's scripture, there are 800 This martial art is said to have been psychic. "Li Xing said.

"You're right, but this is just the beginning. The artifact that created the Mantra of the King of Wars has the magical power of evolutionary martial arts. After the Master of the King of Wars passes the psychic, it deduces martial arts by itself. In the end, it combines 800 This kind of martial arts has created an extraordinary skill. "

Li Xing's heart moved: "Is this Da Luo shocking?"

"Yes, it's Da Luo's shocking power! Once this power is released, everyone in the world wants it, but unfortunately no one has succeeded. Because the Master of the Martial Arts after the psychic is more powerful than any master of martial arts. "

"Since it is so powerful, how can these three pages of Da Luo shockingly appear here?" Li Xing was very surprised and excited.

"It is said that the name of the Man Wu King Scripture reached the heavens, and the heavens descended on the strong and captured the Man Wu King Scripture. The King Scripture slashed 36 opponents, but was eventually captured by a very powerful man."

"But the King of Martial Arts is extremely proud, how can he be captured? At the last moment, he forcibly disintegrates and scattered 800 kinds of martial arts between heaven and earth, for future generations to practice. This action produced a strong explosion, that powerful force The man was also wounded, and the Wang Jing fell. "

Li Xing said in surprise: "So, the King of Kings is no longer there?"

"Yes, it's still between heaven and earth, but it's just scattered." Emperor Tianxie said excitedly, "This matter is extremely confidential. I'm afraid that the eight people who just contended for the king's scripture did not know the preciousness of this three-page king's scripture. ! "

"On the Emperor's Mantra, each type of martial arts occupies only one page, and only Da Luo's shocking power, occupying as many as nine pages. The three pages in your hand record the first three realms of this extraordinary skill."

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "So, this Da Luo is amazing, can the disciples also practice?"

"God's will!" Tian Xie came again, and Dafa sighed, "Your self-made chaotic martial arts coincided with Da Luo's shocking heavenly power. But if you want to practice Da Luo's shocking heavenly power, the non-wushu master cannot, It must be able to accept everything and tolerate everything. The meaning of the word 'Daluo' is meant to embrace all advantages. "

"That is to say, it is difficult to practice Da Luo's amazing skills for another person, but you, my good apprentice, can easily make progress!"

Li Xing finally understood why Emperor Tianxie was emotional. Chaos martial arts, Da Luo shocking the sky, he has both of the necessary conditions for cultivation, this is simply a miracle.

Li Xing's heart jumped "Tongtong" to see Master's expression. If the practice is successful, in the future, 80% will be able to cross the Quartet, Tianyuan!

"Li Xing, didn't you want to practice the Xuanjie Gongfa? That teacher told you that, except for the twelve-level Heavenly Sword Technique, this Da Luo shocking Tiangong is the real Xuanjie Gongfa!" After practicing this skill, your good qualifications can be regarded as complete, and the day you rise will make the whole world tremble! "

Li Xing "coughed", some could not stand the incitement of the evil, and asked: "Master, last time the King of the Phoenix King sent me the deadly martial arts in the King of Martial Arts, that martial art scripture is quite spiritual. Why is this Da Luo? Shocking, nothing spiritual, just three pages? "

"When the King of Wuwu sued, the most powerful force was operated, that is, this great Luo Gonggong was divided into several parts, and all his spirituality was lost. However, with three pages of scripture, you can still practice, just one step The steps start from the beginning. It is not martial arts, but an extraordinary skill, Da Luo is amazing. "

Picking up a bargain halfway, Li Xing was in a good mood and flew a lot faster, and gradually he could see the continent ahead. Finally he had to leave the South China Sea and return to the ground. When it comes to land, it is not far from Tianchen Kingdom.

Flying all the way, when he left the country, Li Xing called out all four women, ready to play some fun. As a result, a man and five women descended upon the departing capital, Chiyancheng.

Red Flame City is a big city with prosperous business and numerous restaurants and shops. Five people picked one of the most luxurious restaurants in preparation for a meal. Normally, I practice with all my heart. I haven't known the flavour for several years.

This restaurant is called Deyuelou, and the people who can come to spend here are mostly dignitaries or disciples who have left the country.

In the deluxe room on the sixth floor, five people from Li Xing ordered a table of dishes, and they were very happy. The women sipped while enjoying the scenery outside the building. Through the window, you can stand high and see the street below.

People came and went on the street. Suddenly, there were three women, pretending to be schoolboys, who came from the west, and then entered the Deyuelou. At the sight of the three, Li Xing recognized it. Isn't that the blue girl Ruo Bingbing of the Jade Girl's Gate? The world is so small, you can run into it during a meal!

The people who came were indeed three of Ruo Bingbing, and the other two were Xiaohui and Xiaoying. Last time, they were unable to win Li Xing, but they were teased. Lan Ruobing left with anger.

The three Ruo Bingbing also asked for a luxurious room, ordered a large table, and ate it.

As Xiaohui stuffed her mouth, she said, "Sister Ruo Bing, Bei Shi Qingqing was a disciple of Yunvmen, but she has been expelled from the school. Will she really help us?"

Lan Ruobing said: "Beijing Teacher Qingqing will certainly help us. She was not embarrassed by the teacher at the beginning, but she was expelled from the teacher. Thinking of that proud snow, known as a cultivating wizard, she is the first master to leave the country. "

"Even if Xueken speaks for us proudly, Shenhuomen may not be willing to cooperate with us to sell fire essence. Last time we went to Tianchen Kingdom, we messed things up. This time we can't do it again. It's not good to go back." Xiaoying Worried.

"Anyway, be sure to get the fire essence. Within a few years, the evil spirits will invade the Jade Girl's gate. If you don't step up the refining array, you won't be able to stop the devil, and my Jade Girl goalkeeper will lose a lot of money!"

When the three women ate below ~ www.readwn.com ~ a ray of light burst into the room and revealed a woman. This woman, with a noble temperament and a beautiful appearance, smiled slightly: "Three little girls, you are here, why not tell your sister?"

Lan Ruobing quickly stood up: "Sister."

The person who came here was the wife of proudly seeing snow, Bei Qing Qingqing, she was also a six-character figure.

Bei Shiqing Qing sighed, "I am no longer a Yunmen Gate. How dare I be called a" Sister ". However, we still have the same friendship with you. I do n’t know why you are here?"

When talking, Bei Qing Qingqing searched around, and immediately found several gods upstairs. She looked expressionless and exclaimed, "Friends upstairs, can you talk down?"

Although Li Xing was eating, he actually secretly noticed what happened below. As soon as Bei Shi Qing Qing spoke, he stood up and smiled at the four women: "Let's go and see the wife of the first master of leaving the country."

Immediately, the five went downstairs and pushed the door into Lan Ruobing's room.

"It's you!" At the first sight of Li Xing, Lan Ruobing's face was suddenly covered with frost.

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