Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 413: See also Lan Ruobing

Chapter 2: Seeing Lan Ruobing again

"We're meeting again." Li Xing laughed, then looked at Bei Shi Qingqing. This woman, Tsing Yi, so elegant and peaceful, is indeed a beauty.

"Beijing Teacher Qingqing and Ao Jianxue have also heard of the deeds, and today I see it, it is well-deserved." Li Xingdao.

At that time, despite the opposition of his family, Bei Shiqing resolutely married Ao Jianxue, and not many people knew about it. Li Xing said at the moment, Bei Qing was very surprised. She looked at Li Xing and said, "Who is your Excellency?"

"I am a martial artist of the Tianchen Kingdom, and I am here with my family, so I don't want to meet a few." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

Bei Shiqing Qing was also a Tianchen nationality. Upon hearing this, she laughed and said, "It turned out to be Zhenwu Hou. Please go to the house and let me do the landlord friendship."

Li Xing didn't postpone, saying, "Okay, then bother you." He didn't have anything to do anyway, and he wanted to know what was going on. He just heard the conversation between the three women of Yunmen and Fencai.

Fire essence is a kind of spirit contained in the ground fire, which can be used for alchemy and also for making artifacts. It is quite precious. Gongye Taixu's Danfang has a medicine called Flame-washing Soul Pill, which is a good medicine for those who practice qi.

Even if the top ten scholars who should not have hoped to become gods and humans, after taking this Dan, they can increase their chances by at least 30%.

However, it is not easy to find flames. Li Xing traveled to Wanbao Island some time ago, but he did not encounter the stores selling flames. So, when he heard the flames, he moved.

Lan Ruo said coldly: "Sister, this person must leave the country when he comes to leave the country. Sister must be careful."

With a smile, Li Xing said lightly, "Here we have a plan."

Bei Shiqing Qing smiled and asked: "Oh? I wonder if Zhenwu Hou can tell?"

Li Xingdao: "Underneath is the envoy of the Star Gate. Here, he is visiting the Gate of God on behalf of the Star Gate."

As soon as his envoy's identity came out, it was really useful. Beishi Qingqing said: "Since Zhen Wuhou came as an envoy, the ceremony is unforgettable, please follow me to the gate of God's Fire and receive the hospitality."

Lan Ruobing has nothing to say. Although the Star Gate was established shortly after, it is still not as strong as the superpowers, but it still has great strength and has the potential to become a superpower. Compared with Yumen Gate, it is also a long way off.

Behind Li Xing, Chen Shuang and the other four women all quietly remained silent, leaving everything to Li Xing to deal with. At this moment, seeing the embarrassment of Lan Ruobing and Li Xing, the four women were unwilling. Chen Shuang sneered: "What kind of person are you? You are soliciting right and wrong here, you have bad intentions. You must be careful when leaving the country."

Chen Xuedao: "I heard that they are here to blackmail the fire spirit of God's fire door. Is this a bad plot?"

Shuiyue laughed: "Of course it is, is the so-called thief calling and catching the thief, does that mean?"

A few women, you say a word to me, but you see the blood, you can hear Bei Shi Qing Qing also frowned, looking at Lan Ruobing. Xiaohui and Xiaoying looked at each other, but did not expect their words were heard by Li Xing.

Lan Ruobing's face changed greatly, this time it broke! I'm afraid the fire essence is not enough. She looked into the eyes of the women and revealed the murder.

Li Xing took a step, sweeping out of shock and anger, forcing Lan Ruobing to "threw back" for three consecutive steps with a look of horror.

"I kill you as easy as eating, so you better love yourself," he said lightly.

Bei Shiqing Qing persuaded at the moment: "Don't hurt your peace, please follow me to Shenhuomen and have met the head."

Immediately, everyone drove up Shenguang, followed behind Bei Shiqing Qing, and went to Shenhuomen. Shenhuomen is the largest faction in the country, and a few minors who leave the country are also vassals of Shenhuomen. They obey their words and dare not disobey their will.

Shenhuomen is not a big faction, or even as powerful as the South China Sea Sword faction, but if it is placed in the country, it is considered a behemoth. No local force can shake its status.

For Xinghuomen, Li Xing didn't really like it. He even killed several disciples of God's Fire Gate, including the scholars and the gods. There was also a fight with the absence of Vulcan Gate.

However, he was not worried about the safety of the trip. No matter how arrogant to leave the country, I dare not touch the envoy of the Star Gate. Otherwise, it would not be impossible to destroy God's Fire Gate when the Sky Gate is angry.

During the flight, Li Xing was accompanied by four beautiful people. In this situation, Lan Ruobing saw in his eyes that he secretly regarded it as a satyr act. I think that Chen Xue's daughters are trapped in the fire pit and have pain inside.

Thinking of this, Lan Ruobing suddenly felt sorry for them, and she didn't take heart for the words that they had only mocked, and said, "I will help them escape the clutches of the opportunity, and introduce me as a disciple. . "

If Li Xing knew what the woman was thinking, she didn't know what to think.

Shenhuomen was built in the mountains, the building is magnificent and quite meteorological. After Bei Shiqing Qing was married to Ao Jianxue, she was a half disciple of Shenhuomen. She brought people to her, and she went straight into the hall of Shenhuomen.

The three male disciples hurriedly greeted him, respectfully saying, "Mrs. is here? Who are they?"

Bei Shiqing said indifferently: "Hurry up and inform the head, and say that the envoy of the Star Gate is here to visit."

The three disciples were shocked, and responded in a hurry. A few moments later, the five magical lights landed. The first person, with red hair and eyes, a wide lion nose, and a mighty form, laughed, "The envoy of the Star Gate is not far away. We are far away, please sit in the hall!"

Li Xing salutes everyone and laughs: "Ling Xing, the gate of the sky, see the master."

The master of the fire door, named Lihuo Sheng, led Li Xing and others to sit. Behind Huo Sheng, there was a person staring at Li Xing, with poor eyes. This person, it is the elders of the **** Vulcan who are free from worry.

At that time, a large number of gods and men entered Pingguo and robbed the next generation of heavenly people. Li Xing beheaded and killed two disciples of God's Fire Gate, and they conflicted with Liyou Wuyou. Later, that proudly seeing Xue Yao attacked with divine thoughts, he surprised him and was spared from worry.

At that time, Li Xing not only failed to consolidate martial arts will, but also only practiced the triple of God, far less powerful than today.

The people sat down, Li Xing took out a gift list and presented the right dry gift, and the master of the God of Fire accepted it with a smile: "The Star Gate is too kind. Your gate inherits the core strength of the Tianchen Empire. Can become a superpower. "

Li Xingdao: "I started the Star Gate and need support from all parties. At the same time, Star Gate takes peace as a matter of value and is willing to make friends. Shenhuo Gate is the largest faction in China. . "

After speaking kindly, Li Xing looked at Li Wuyou and smiled: "We seem to have met?"

Li Wuyou sneered: "Your memory is really good. You still remember killing two core disciples of Shenhuomen!"

All the people of Shenhuomen's face changed. The disciples of Shenhuomen were actually killed by this person! Many people's faces showed anger, but the doorkeepers didn't express their opinions and they couldn't say anything.

Li Huosheng said indifferently: "It turned out that the messenger had a conflict with the disciples in my door. I don't know why he wanted to kill?"

Li Xing calmly said, "In fact, it's simple. Some people want to kill me, but they are killed by me. Hugh said that the two were from God's Fire Gate, and they were shot by Wan Famen. In order to defend themselves, they still have to fight back."

In a word, it was impossible to refute, and Wuyou said, "So, are the people of God's Fire Gate dead?"

Li Xing smiled: "If you are not convinced, you can come up and fight with me, I'm afraid you won't dare."

He was so furious that he was so speechless that he did not dare. Last time, he was almost killed by this person, but he could not be beaten at all. Moreover, this person seems to have greatly improved his strength.


A ray of light landed in the hall, showing a man with a dazzling head and extraordinary momentum. As soon as he appeared, the people at Shenhuomen whispered: "The deputy head is here, this man is miserable!"

The visitor was proud to see Xue. He stared at Li Xing coldly, and said lightly, "Last time, the one who scared me was you?"

Li Xing said coldly: "I think the arrogant person should be a lord, and you can scare me away? You see snow, what are you the best master of leaving the country, not the best master of Tianyuan? Reject me. "

"It's so bold and dare to speak with the deputy head!"

"He doesn't know the strength of the deputy head. If he knew, he would scare his pants."

"Look right now, as soon as the deputy head shots, he can kill them immediately!"

Seeing Xue Han's eyes proudly, stepping out, there was an overwhelming pressure on him. Li Xing also stepped forward, sweeping across the sky with murderous spirit. The two momentums clashed halfway, blasting countless thunderous sounds, and the dense flash of lightning kept raging.

If half a year ago, Li Xing really had to retreat. But now, he has martial arts will and practiced great divine magic, his constitution has been greatly improved, and he is fully capable of fighting Yae-jinn.

The imposing confrontation is actually a confrontation between the two gods. In one blow, he was proud that Xue had not taken advantage. His complexion could not be changed. How could he be so strong?

"Even if he doesn't kill this person today ~ www.readwn.com ~, he will have to abolish his cultivation!" Ao Jianxue secretly, he is still confident that he can defeat Li Xing. After all, an eight-fold god-man and a four-fold god-man are four levels worse.

"Li Xing, I know you, Tianchen Guozheng Wuhou, has a great reputation." Proud of Xue Road, "But if you kill the disciples of Shenhuomen, you will pay the price!"

The Lord of the Firemen did not comment on the victory from the fire. It seemed that he had completely left the matter to the deputy master and looked down.

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "Oh? You want to stay with me?"

"I was going to kill you, but you are from the Star Gate, so I will give you a chance!" Proudly see Xuelan coldly, "As long as you can catch the two great divine magics I sent, let you die! If No, just keep this body up! "

Li Xing laughed, "Haha, you do n’t come here so much. You are a good person in front of me. You do n’t deserve it! What do you think you are? You do n’t need two kinds of great magic skills. What methods do you have? But you can show it! I won, and I won't kill you. After all, I'm here to make friends, so I just break your arm. "

Li Xing's remarks, everyone heard that he was crazy? Otherwise, how dare you and the deputy head to do so?

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