Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 414: Challenge arrogant snow

Chapter 3: Challenge Snow

Proud to see Xue completely angry, since he entered the God-Man, he has been highly admired within the country of departure, and after practicing the Sixth God, he is known as the No. 1 master of leaving the country, and even the doorkeeper does not have his strength. When he was young, he married Bei Shi Qingqing of the North Chen family of the Tianchen family.

After becoming a family, his cultivation has also continued to improve, and now he is practicing the gods. Covering the power of the sky, the power is infinite, and rarely meets rivals. A proud sight of snow, which has been surrounded by aura, is now provoked by a quadruple god-man.

The self-esteem of the god-man made Aoxue Xue's eyes flash with murder, and he said coldly: "Very good! Since you want to die, I will complete you!"

Li Xing smiled: "You can rest assured, I will never kill you." At the beginning, he promised Bei Chen Luo, and in the future, he would learn from the pride of snow. Today is the time when he fulfills his promise.

This self-confidence made Aomi Xue's anger grow stronger. He was about to step forward, but Bei Shiqing said, "See Xue, be careful, don't underestimate him."

Bei Shiqing Qing is a clever woman. From Li Xing's words and manners, and the momentum she just showed, she judges that Li Xing must rely on her, not the weak.

Proud to see Xue's heart move, her anger drew a little, and she cried, "You can rest assured that such little people are not my enemy!"

With a long laugh, Li Xing turned into Changhong and flew high. Proud to see Xue followed, and also rose into the sky. The two confronted each other in the air.

Below, tens of thousands of people gathered from the disciples, elders, and so on. These people are looking up at the sky, looking at this shocking battle. They found that the person who dared to fight with the deputy commander seemed to be more powerful than others. Is this an illusion?

But some people worshiped Aoxian Xue unconditionally and said, "Within the three tricks of the deputy leader, he will kill this person!"

"I can't use three tricks. In one stroke, I can get rid of this unknown guy!"

Similarly, Chen Shuang's four daughters also have absolute trust in Li Xing.

Shuiyue said: "Xing brother's martial arts are very powerful, wouldn't he kill Ao Jianxue?" She was worried that Li Xing would be in trouble if she killed the deputy head teacher of Shenhuomen.

Chen Shuang hummed, "Kill and kill. What's so great."

The conversation between the two people heard the crooked nose around them, but it was not easy to refute. I just hoped that Xue Xuan would do it early and teach Li Xing hard.

At this moment, one of the crowd suddenly called out, "Aunt, don't kill him, he is my friend."

Li Xing looked down, and couldn't help but scream, the yelling man was actually Bei Shibing. At first, he took Beibing Bing to the barracks. It didn't take a few days before she left without saying goodbye. I didn't know where to go, but she ran away.

If Chen Guo falls apart today, naturally she no longer needs to be afraid of marrying.

Li Xing laughed: "Why don't you plead for your aunt and let me spare him?"

Bei Shibing narrowed his eyes and called, "Li Xing, you must be careful."

Li Xing smiled bitterly. It seemed that Bei Shibing had no confidence in him at all. The four women all frowned. Where did this chick emerge? Seems familiar with Xingge, there is a problem!

"Li Xing, you are too arrogant, so I will teach you fiercely and let you know that you respect the strong!" Proudly seeing Xue ignores Bei Shibing, he said coldly.

"Really? You are really arrogant, then see my strength!" He suddenly moved, stepped out, and then popped up with a finger. This finger is invisible, but powerful.

Proud to see Xue is worthy of the Yae-Gods. He grabbed his big hand forward, the powerful divine power came out, and a giant palm was released.

The big hand collided with the force of the fingers without phase robbery, and it made a loud noise, the air flow rolled like a thunder and blasted, and a rumbling sound was issued.

Although Aoxian Xue could not see Li Xing's finger strength, he could infer the direction of Li Xing's strike, so he resisted in advance. The two collided, the air of anger was completely smashed, and the power of the non-phase robbery was also dispersed.

The moment the giant hand broke up, Li Xing started, and his spirit in his body was running at a terrible speed of 10,000 cycles per day. The immensely strong triple King Kong is not bad, providing him with great potential for explosion.

"Momentary fist!"

"Boom boom!"

Almost in a blink of an eye, Li Xing went across from Ao Jianxue, throwing a hundred punches in succession, and all the fists punched at Ao Jianxue. He had never seen such a quick punch in his whole life, so he could only use his cover to keep fighting.

A continuous and dense explosion sounded, the sky was dark, proud to see Xue being beaten back and forth, and his face was astonished.

After a hundred punches, the baby in his body was almost paralyzed, and then he roared, "Cover the sky with one hand and let me die!"

The full-fledged infant child of Lian Shen Ba Ya was released, covering the giant hands of the sky, and swept over for the second time. Pride saw Xue was completely angry, and issued the most powerful blow.

Li Xing smiled coldly, Shen said, "I have a real meaning in the void!"

The giant palm was shrouded, but he couldn't feel his position, but felt that there was a void around him. It seemed that Li Xing's shadow was just a mass of air.

Under one blow, Li Xing evaded in the void martial arts, and proudly saw that Xue was about to send a second blow. Li Xing moved again and yelled, "Tear God Fist!"


The same one hundred punches came over, and each punch contained a horrible tearing force, tearing everything and crushing everything. Proud to see Xue's clothes shattered and exploded, and a trace of blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.

"Covering the heavens and the earth!" He roared again, the heavens and the earth suddenly darkened, and they were covered by the heaven and the sky. Within this range, arrogant snow seems to become the master.

"It's useless." Li Xing's eyes flashed like a star, "My Wukonggong is your nemesis for covering the heavens!"

His body flashed, and he was completely unaffected by the Qi in the field, and shot again: "Tian Bang Shen Quan!"

The horrible force of collapse continued to strike, and proudly Xue only felt that his whole body was broken, and the meridians seemed to collapse. His eyes were scattered, and the baby was completely numb.

"No fist!" Li Xing showed no mercy and continued to shoot.


With a scream, Bei Shiqing Qing stood in front of him, with a firm expression, preventing Li Xing from shooting.

Li Xing made a fist and stopped halfway, coldly: "Men fight, women go away."

"Li Xing! Let go of my aunt!" Bei Shi also flew up and stood behind Bei Shi Qing Qing.

Li Xing sighed, he could not shoot at the woman, what was going to say, proudly seeing Xue Shen said: "I lost, you are better than me, you have to kill and shave, I will listen to respect!"

Bei Shiqing Qing turned around, tears in her eyes: "See Xue ..."

Proud to see Xue waved his hand: "He was right, I was too arrogant. I looked down on the world, and today it is deserved to die." Then stared directly at Li Xing, "Go!"

His body was wounded. At this moment, Li Xing shot and killed him. No one present could save him.

"To kill him, kill me first!" Qingshi Beiqing looked determined.

"To kill my aunt, kill me first." Bei Shibing was also fearless.

Li Xing sighed: "When did I say that I was going to kill someone? It was just a fight, and you're fussed." The people let out a sigh of relief, suddenly seeing a flash of sword light, proudly seeing Snow humming, and released the baby in vitro, Was cut off by Li Xing.

The figure was blurred for a moment, and he returned to where he was, with an extermination knife in his hand, and said lightly, "I said, I will cut him off."

The infantile arm was chopped, and it can be recovered after only a few years of practice. Although it is damaged, it is acceptable.

Aojian Xue narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why didn't you kill me?"

Li Xing laughed: "I am an envoy, why did you kill you? Even if I cut you, I shot it for one person."

"A person?" Pride saw Xue puzzled.

"For whom, you don't need to know." Li Xing said, then glanced at Bei Shibing and landed.

Li Huosheng stepped forward and laughed: "Li Zongshi martial art is deified, deserves to be a master of the Star Gate, admire."

Li Xing said indifferently: "It's fair to say, presumably, there is no resentment between us, right?"

"Naturally, Shenhuomen is willing to be friends with Tianxingmen." Lihuo Sheng is a smart person. With Li Xing alone, he can almost slay Shenhuomen. Such a character must not offend.

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction: "The host really knows the big picture."

Next, everyone re-entered the hall, proudly seeing Xue and Bei Shiqing entering the hall, but their expressions were quite unnatural. Meanwhile, Li Xing said euphemistically that he needed three fire spirits.

Li Huosheng generously presented Li Xing five fire spirits. Li Xing also voted for Li, sending three magnificent gods. Three gods, but extremely precious, the value is still above the king's fire essence, it is very unexpected to win from the fire.

At this point, no one despised Li Xing inside the gate of God's Fire. After staying for three days, Li Xing left and left. Before leaving, Bei Shibing asked Li Xing to give a message to the Bei Shi family, saying that she was very good at leaving the country, Li Xing agreed.

Leaving the country to Tianchen Kingdom, less than a day away, soon arrived.

At the first stop, Li Xing first returned to Qi Yunpai ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiu Lixiong and others came to meet from a distance. After a lapse of six months, many changes have taken place in Qi Yunpai. For example, there are five people consolidating their babies, and three people become gods.

The biggest change was that Jiulixiong spent half a year training soldiers to become divisions of iron and steel, so that no one did not follow everywhere. Qi Yunpai officially entered the development path and grew rapidly.

The first thing Li Xing did after returning was to hand over the gains from this trip to You Yuxu to increase the strength of the martial arts. The second thing is to select all the disciples with good qualifications and focus on training.

You Yu Yuxu, Gu Yeqi and others have come forward to do these things.

The third thing Li Xing has to do is to improve the realm of several elderly people such as You Yuxu. Gu Yeqi and others are all practicing quadruple and triple, and Yu Yuxu is only practicing the sixfold.

Such a team is not enough to support a big faction. In Li Xing's plan, Gu Yeqi and three other gods must reach the seventh level of practicing God. You Yuxu, at least you must reach the eighth level of training before you can sit in the martial arts.

The qualifications of the four god-men have already been used up, and no progress can be made anymore. However, Li Xing, the Dan division, has a way. He wants to use Dan medicine to forcibly enhance the strength of the four people.

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