Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 415: Forcibly promote

Chapter 4: Forced Promotion

A while ago, Li Xing swept away a large number of treasures from the mad sword gate, including 54 heavenly elixir. As long as the elixir is used reasonably, the cultivation of the four gods can definitely be improved.

In the Dan room, You Yuxu's expression was dignified, and his eyes looked at Li Xing momentarily. Just now, he was called here suddenly as a teacher, and he knew that Li Xing had important things to tell him.

Vaguely, You Yuxu thought of something, so he was very excited, waiting for Li Xing to speak.

"After teaching, I decided to use Tianjie Pill to forcibly improve the strength and qualification of palm teaching, so that palm teaching will break through to the eighth level of training in March." Li Xing said.

You Yuxu took a deep breath, and he finally saw how right his choice was, betting on Bao. The boy who used to practice qi in front of him now has an extraordinary stature and can forcibly improve his strength.

"Li Xing, I have absolute trust in you. What plans do you have, and I fully cooperate!" Nothing was said, You Yuxu sincerely said.

With a slight smile, Li Xingdao said, "Under normal circumstances, the qualifications for teaching can reach the sixth level of training. It is extremely extreme. Therefore, the process of forcibly improving is quite complicated."

"In the first step, Bai Yang Shen Dan will be used to improve qualifications; in the second step, taking Tian Wang Lian Xing Dan to improve physical fitness. After that, after training and consolidation, the teaching should be able to condense the **** babies. Shenbae is relatively easy to achieve. As long as you take a dragon and tiger, and reconcile yin and yang, the baby can be completed successfully. "

You Yuxu was overjoyed. He thought that in this life, he would stop at practicing the Sixth God. However, Li Xing had such a countermeasure to force him to make a breakthrough, and his inner gratitude could hardly be described in words.

"Li Xing, I have been travelling to Yuxu all my life, and I have to thank you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I have seen the outside world with my hands."

Immediately, he helped Yu Yuxu break through, observing the timing of serving Dan, and directing his repair.

At the same time, Li Xing summoned three gods and men, such as Gu Yeqi, using Yuan Ling Dan, Bai Yang Shen Dan, and Heavenly King Refining Dan.

The four gods and men are the veterans of the Qi Yun faction and have rich management experience. Their strength must be improved.

When the four gods and men were all retreating, Li Xing finally called the wind to silence. At the beginning, he promised that the wind wouldn't say a word and made him a bone-changing god. However, Li Xing's refining is currently not fully confident and cannot be refined.

However, in the Mad Sword Gate, there is a bone-changing **** of nature, which can help Feng Wuyu break through.

Feng Wuyu now looked at the bone-changing **** of Li Xing, his eyes were wet: "Is there finally today? I have been conceited in my life, but I can't break through the practice of Qi. Thank you for your gift today, Feng Wuyu will be grateful for life!"

Li Xingdao: "Master is very polite. This is what the disciples should do. Please serve Dan. I protect the law for the master."

The wind said nothing: "After today, you and I are the same generation. Although you and I have the name of master and apprentice, I haven't taught you anything."

Li Xing was not reluctant, knowing that he had received this great favor, and he could not bear it, so he said, "Okay, everything is up to you."

In this way, the wind did not say anything but swallowed the bone replacement, impacting the god-man.

Li Xing lived in the Dan room and guarded the five people in the practice. Unconsciously, a month passed and several people broke through. Feng Wuyu was the first to become a god-man and spend divine punishment.

When the divine punishment landed, the disciples of the entire martial arts went to watch the robberies, everyone was happy, knowing that the martial arts were getting stronger and stronger.

"Finally became a god-man!" After the wind didn't say a word, the old face changed into a middle-aged man in his thirties, full of spirits. After being trained as a Yuanshen, the life span can reach 500 years, and the wind doesn't speak for more than 100 years. Therefore, it is equivalent to the average person in his 30s and still young.

Another month, Yu Yuxu stepped into the training of the Seventh God, condensing the **** babies; Gu Yeqi, the three gods, stepped forward and backward into the training of the Sixth God, condensing the fetus.

At the end of the third month, the four god-men all achieved the god-man. For a time, Qi Yun sent screams. At this point, the Qi Yun faction has a total of 16 gods and men, in addition to Li Xing, one of the eight gods, three seven gods and ten ten gods.

Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Xue Ling, and Shuiyue, four daughters, have helped Murong Jiaojiao take care of Hou's house in the past few months and no longer stay in Baiyang Jingtian every day.

In these days, thanks to Murong Jiaojiao's overall situation, the Hou government has been organized in an orderly manner. Within the fiefdom, the people are happy and peaceful.

Li Xing was very grateful for this, so after he helped You Yuxu and others to improve their strength, he decided to let Murong Jiaojiao become a god. However, Murong Jiaojiao's own qualifications are good, he does not intend to forcibly improve, but gradually.

On this day, Li Xing found Murong Jiaojiao, the woman, who now has the demeanor of power. You know, Houfu manages an area of ​​thousands of miles, 13 large counties, and tens of millions of people.

Seeing Li Xing finally go out, Murong Jiaojiao said, "Have my family Houye finally have time to see the little girl?"

Li Xinggan laughed and said, "Jiaojiao, I'm here to give you something."

"What?" Murong Jiaojiao asked strangely.

"After you get the same thing, you will always like me and love me unconditionally. If you get something like this, your cultivation will also advance by leaps and bounds, will you?" Li Xing asked with a smile.

Murong Jiaojiao flushed and stunned him: "I don't believe it."

"Don't believe it?" Li Xing blinked, and suddenly a big wave of her hand hit a ray of light into her head. When Emmanuel enters the body, Murong Jiaojiao relaxes physically and mentally, and laughs: "What is a panacea?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey," "I didn't say it, let you like my life forever." In fact, what he broke into is the seed of Lingyin. The first five types of Jiu Yin Qi, namely Su Yin, Lie Yin, Yin Yin, Jue Yin, and Ling Yin, have now penetrated into the bodies of women.

Next, with a wave of Li Xing's big sleeve, Murong Jiaojiao entered Baiyangjingtian, and the Emperor Tianxie appeared in time to teach her Lingyin and Tiangong techniques.

Murong Jiaojiao is happy and joyful. Today, Li Xing is officially accepted, and she has become a woman of Li Xing. When the spirit is in the body, her love for Li Xing has reached an extreme, never betrayed and loved forever.

After the transfer of power, the other four women also entered here. Among the girls, there was a Yin spiritual aura, so the relationship was very harmonious, and there would not be an aversion to fighting, but a kind of harmony.

At this point, the five women of Li Xing have all practiced Jiuyin Gong, and he also realized that it was time for Bai Yanggong to break through.

He reached the Nineth Level of Baiyang Gong, and for some time, he has already reached the edge of breakthrough. Later, King Kong made three breakthroughs in strength, nine in battle, and four in training the gods, making breakthroughs come quickly.

At this moment, Li Xingpan is sitting in Baiyang Jingtian, operating a piece of Baiyang Reiki in his body, trying to find breakthrough opportunities. For more than a month, Li Xingdu hovered on the edge of the breakthrough. Until the last day, the Baiyang Reiki all over his body completely condensed into a fist-sized Danmaru.

With 10% of Danmaru, Li Xing's head banged loudly. He suddenly found that the perception and control of Baiyang Jingtian reached a whole new level. Between thoughts and movements, in the sky of Baiyang, the mountains and rivers, hundreds of beasts and animals, countless plants and trees, and various landscapes have evolved.

At this moment, he finally took complete control of Baiyang Jingtian, and even the ritual array that suppressed the celestial fetus could echo him. As long as he is willing, the array can be stopped or operated to suppress the invading enemy.

This feeling of controlling everything is very wonderful, but Li Xing still hasn't broken through to Chiyang Gong, because at the last moment, he felt that his spiritual strength was not enough to start Chiyang Realm.

If you want to practice Chiyang Gong in Jiuyang Gong, you must first start Chiyang Jingtian.

"It's a pity!" Li Xing opened his eyes and looked regretful.

"It's no pity, although you didn't break through, but you have completely controlled Baiyang Jingtian, and it will be more convenient to use in the future. Even, you can ingest more powerful enemies than you, and use them to suppress them." "However, if you are not absolutely sure, it is best not to use this trick lightly."

Li Xing nodded: "Master, disciples should continue to cultivate the fiendish fierce Zen, and continue to strengthen the spiritual power. Or wait until the six divine gods to consolidate the fetus, and then borrow the material to practice the god, then start.

The fiendish fierce Zen has 13 levels, Li Xing has surrendered to Phantom, Poor, Chaotic, Inspirational, Invisible. The five major demon heads have been cultivated to the fifth level. In the next level, the demon will be conceived, calling on all beings.

The demon of all beings can collect the demon thoughts in the minds of all beings in the world, and transform the demon thoughts of greed, jealousy, and ferocity into their own power. The demon of all beings can accept the support of all beings in the heavens and the earth.

The more people there are, the greater its power. Of course, this devil is also extremely difficult to visualize. A bad one ~ www.readwn.com ~ will be backstabbed by it. When Mayer and cultivation reached the sixth level, they paused for a long time before breaking through.

"Master, the devil of all beings, too many dangers, the disciples cannot yet visualize it." Li Xing smiled bitterly. "It seems that only after successfully practicing all kinds of divine magic, then talk about the other."

The Emperor Tianxie was not in a hurry, saying leisurely: "The more difficult the cultivation, the greater the power after successful cultivation. Don't worry, take your time, you first successfully cultivate several kinds of Heavenly Orders to consolidate great divine magic. . "

"To condense great magic, you need to consume your original power in Zhenwu Shenzhen, which can be supplemented by gods. These gods have little effect on your breakthrough, but they can supplement the power of the source."

Li Xing thought that way, nodded: "Master said that practicing great divine magic is also a kind of accumulation of strength. There are many benefits, so I will practice with all my strength!"

"I will give you a goal for the teacher now." Tianxie Emperor blinked in the eyes, "I want you to condense 72 small divine magic, 72 large divine magic! Seventy-two ancient divine magic! Then all return First, practicing Da Luo is amazing! "

When Li Xing heard it, his eyes were straight and he ate, "Master, are you kidding me?"

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