Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 416: armillary sphere

Chapter 5: Armillary Sphere

Seventy-two types of divine magic, seventy-two types of divine magic, seventy-two types of ancient magic, add up to 216 types of magic. I am afraid that there have been no such abnormal gods in ancient and modern times!

Li Xing was stupid on the spot and was frightened by the abnormal request of Emperor Tianxie.

"When did you joke with you as a teacher?" Tian Xie said, "Da Luo is shocking and all-encompassing. How can you cultivate if you do n’t have such an ambitious foundation? Moreover, do n’t worry about learning too much, no matter how you cultivate How many magical skills will increase the power of Da Luo's amazing skills in the future. This principle is the same as the more martial arts you know, the stronger the chaotic martial arts. "

Li Xing still had something he didn't understand, and asked: "Master, you can understand the great divine magic and the ancient divine magic. These two divine magics are very powerful. But what about the little divine magics to practice? It's a waste. time."

Emperor Tianxie: "I am born to be useful. Even ordinary people have their existence value. Divine magic is the same. Although the power of little divine magic is not great, it also has subtleties. But you are a person who has cultivated nothing. What's the difference between small divine magic and big divine magic for you? As long as you are clever enough, you can still dominate the world even if you perform small divine magic! "

These words made Li Xing feel like a gimmick, and immediately became enlightened. He said, "Thank you for your guidance, I understand!"

"When you practice as many skills as you can, Da Luo is shocked by the skill of heaven; you must keep in mind that you have more martial arts and chaotic martial arts as the foundation!" Tian Xie, the great emperor, taught that he is not a talented man, and Fa Tian is tenfold The peerless powerhouse has a unique vision and points the way for Li Xing.

Without such a thorough and enlightened guidance, he may end up going astray due to small mistakes, and spend a lot of luck on his good fortune.

In the rest of the time, Li Xing practiced solidly, and put forward the two great magical tricks, which are magical real killing and no shadow flying.

Imaginary real kills were exhibited, and Li Xing was one, two, two, and four. In the end, he was able to transform his body into a thousand. He is everywhere, and every body can kill the enemy. These shadows are between reality and reality.

He was able to comprehend this great divine art, because of the true meaning of Void Martial Arts, so the power is very powerful, and he can absolutely practise the **** Yae, and when it comes to it, he will have a headache.

Wuying Fei is a kind of cricket technique. At the time of the show, Li Xing turned into an intangible material, and instantly burst out a hundred miles away, making the enemy unable to capture it. When this divine spell is released, if an unlawful teacher can't stop him from escaping, it is a kind of life-saving mastery.

This puppet technique is derived from the fusion of intangible magic with non-phase power.

At this point, Wuxiangong has introduced three great magical techniques, namely, phasic fingerlessness, magical killing, and shadowless flying magpie. Each great magical skill has earth-shaking power.

Each time a great divine skill is added to the body, the divine power increases, and the mental power increases. He has now more than doubled his strength compared to before he had trained in magic.

After demonstrating three great gods of phaselessness, Li Xing continued to practice extinction. The extinction skill is a kind of heavenly order that he learned from the extinction knife.

Extinction Gong has a total of ten majors. For each major practice, you can perform a trick to exterminate the Big Ten. Now Li Xing has only practiced the first major.

Like Wukong Gong, the extinction power is divided into three stages: complete, complete, and complete. The third weight of extinction power is small perfection, the sixth weight is small perfection, and the ninth weight is large perfection.

The tenth one other than the extinction of the ninth is more esoteric, and Li Xing has not yet been able to fully perform it. Right now, his task is to practice extinction to the sixth level and reach a perfect state before he can enlighten on the magic.

Once Li Xing cultivates with peace of mind, everything will be ignored. The army has Jiu Lixiong, the martial arts has Yu Yuxu, and the Hou government has Murong Jiaojiao. He has become a leisurely man. When he is practicing every day, he enjoys the blessings of women with the women.

In a blink of an eye again in March, the extinction did not even break through the first, which made Li Xing very impatient. He also has eight-pole swordsmanship, traction magic skills, invisible magic skills, nine lives and nine destroyers.

At this speed, even if he grows a white beard, he may not be able to practice successfully. So anxious, I suddenly thought of the wordless jade wall.

At that time, he sat in front of the wall without words for three days, and soon practiced Wu Xianggong to the level of twenty-fourth perfection. In this regard, he has always been puzzled, do not understand what is going on.

At that time, he knew that this jade wall was a treasure, and together with greed, he moved the entire jade wall into Baiyang Jingtian as his own. Afterwards, more than one study was conducted with no results.

Li Xing, who is slow in practice and irritated, stands in front of the wall without words, hoping that another miracle will happen.

Emperor Tianxie did not care about this apprentice anymore, it seemed that he had gone deep into cultivation. Every now and then, Emperor Tianxie took away some natural **** sources from Li's body for devouring and absorbing.

No one asked, this station was seven days, but nothing was gained.

On the eighth day, Li Xing was annoyed, and scolded: "Exam, I have been here for seven days. How can you give me some pride and show that I am not successful?"

Yubi naturally didn't respond, Li Xing stared, it seemed that he was really angry with Yubi, and punched out with a punch. This fist is a horrible fist with the power of heaven. Just listening to "Boom", there was a loud noise, the jade debris was flying, and the jade wall was turned into powder.

"Well? It's so stubborn!"

I thought it was a baby, with a strong structure, but I didn't expect it to be broken with a punch. Li Xing was very surprised.

However, he found that among the flying jade dust, something had landed. That thing is spherical, constantly rotating, and there is a base support underneath. With each rotation, it emits a mysterious light.

As soon as this light shines, Li Xing feels that Zhenwu's killing team immediately deduced crazy, extinct magic, was deduced at a horrible speed to various changes and mysteries, and quickly broke through and entered the second level.

"Good baby!" As soon as Li Xing's eyes brightened, he stepped in front of the thing and observed carefully.

About this person, about one person came tall, and it was natural, similar to the globes he had seen in previous lives, and muttered, "Is this the globe of this world?"

As soon as this idea came up, he was denied, and he shouted, "Master, the disciples picked up the baby!"

The Emperor Tianxie was resting, but Li Xing couldn't help but showed the image. When he saw the thing, he yelled, "Hun Tianyi!"

Li Xing blinked and asked with a smile: "Master, what is armillary sphere?"

"The teacher told you that the King of Thousands of Martial Arts was created with an innate fetish, and that fetish is the armillary sphere! The armillary sphere can deduct the truth between heaven and earth by itself, and naturally it can also deduct martial arts. This Da Luo Shocking Heavenly Gong is the deduction of this thing! "Said the Emperor Tianxie, staring.

Li Xing was taken aback. Someone really wanted to sleep and someone sent a pillow. With this thing, wouldn't it be easier to practice exercises in the future?

Emperor Tianxie sneered suddenly: "Very good! Very good! The Wanwu King Sutra is broken, which means that it does not exist anymore. You use this armour ritual, combined with Zhenwu God Array, and refining a Wanwu King Sutra. At that time, the apprentice You are the King of Thousands of Martial Arts! "

Li Xing was also surging, and immediately released the Yuanshen. When the "hum" shook, he wrapped the armillary sphere and prepared for refining and absorption.

Armillary sphere, was taken into Zhenwu Shenzhen by Yuan Shen. Both have deduction methods, but the former is more mysterious, and it can deduct not only martial arts, but also the world road.

As soon as he came into contact with the armillary sphere, Zhen Wu Shen Zhen radiated thousands of glory, like a magnet attracting iron, tightly covering the armillary sphere. The armillary sky also emits tens of rays of light, blending with the glorious water released by Shen Zhen, regardless of each other.

In the end, Zhen Wu Shen Zhen was outside, and the armillary sphere was connected together into one body, but not completely integrated.


After the integration, the armillary sphere started to operate, and the Zhenwu God Array quickly deduced. The second, third, and fourth to the sixth of extinction power were all deduced.

When the divine array calculates, the source is extremely consumed. The source is lost, and the absorption of Chiyang Reiki is not very effective. Li Xing had to swallow the heavenly elixir, and even the **** elixir. When deduced to the third weight, he swallowed a Yuanling Dan, swallowed a Dragon Tiger God Dan at the fifth weight, and swallowed two Bai Yang Shen Dan at the sixth weight.

At this point, he didn't dare to defer to the bottom. This armillary sphere is just burning money. In the blink of an eye, it consumes three elixir and one heavenly elixir. Is this ok?

Emperor Tianxie shouted in excitement: "Li Xing! From now on, you don't need to meditate any more, you go out, plunder the Quartet, and rob God!" His tone was extremely arrogant and quite the style of the emperor.

Li Xing smiled: "Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ grabbing people's things, after all, it's not good." Then sighed, "It's more convenient to steal."

"Huh! This horrible horoscope is so tight that you must use the heavenly elixir to make him run and deduct the exercises. If you have enough elixir, you can practice all the exercises in one day! By that time , Let alone seventy-two great divine arts, there are seven hundred and twenty kinds, no problem! "

Having said that, the Emperor Tianxie laughed at the sky: "Li Xing, the requirements for the teacher have increased, you must practice 3,000 kinds of divine skills, 3,000 kinds! Be the first person in ancient and modern times, and surpass the ancestor of pure Yang! The first person on the list! "

Li Xing's skeptical, three thousand kinds of divine magic, how many gods have to burn? At least 30,000! Thirty thousand gods, I am afraid that even the super big school like Wan Famen, digging out the bottom, can not provide so much!

You need to know that refining a masterpiece by Danshi takes a lot of time to collect elixir, find medicine, and bear the risk of failure. Each of the gods has a special magical effect, including several kinds of auras, which is the crystallization of the experience accumulated by countless generations of masters.

It is not surprising that a goddam can be sold for two or three billion yuan, even one billion yuan. Thirty thousand, what concept is that, it is impossible to achieve at all, so Li Xing only has to skew.

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