Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 417: 3000 Divine

Chapter 6: Three Thousand Gods

Emperor Tianxie was unwilling, and said, "Why, you have no confidence in yourself?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, the problem is that even if the disciples have the ability to grab, there may not be 30,000 pantheons in this world!"

"Some things, once done, don't feel difficult." Tianxie disapproved. "If you can enter the Tianxue Mansion, and say 30,000 panthenes, it's 100,000."

"But the disciples can't enter the Treasure House Treasury now." Li Xing rolled his eyes.

"In short, the goal of the three thousand magical arts must be achieved." Emperor Tianxie did not make sense at all, and insisted, "If you can't do it, you can't shock the fivefold."

He began to sigh again: "I wanted you to have such luck at the beginning, it has broken the void long ago, so you must cherish it and make full use of all your resources! You have to practice three thousand divine skills based on your super physique, No problem. "

Li Xing's mind also lived up and said, "When the apprentice first learns some of the great divine magic in his hand, go out for a walk, maybe there is hope. Since it can't be reached, the three hundred divine magic is still fine."

With his calculations, he then took away the remaining thirty Tianjie Dan medicines, and then completed the eight-pole sword technique, traction divine power, invisible magic power, and completed them to perfection. They are the Eight-pole Fragmentation, Wanliuizong, and Invisible Killing.

Of course, the extinction of the gods, there are three types of great divine magic, namely, the great soul extermination, the great extinction, and the extinct three powerful magical arts.

After practicing six types of great magic skills in succession, his strength has nearly doubled again! You should know that for each type of divinity added to the god-man's primitive god, the power of the god-man is increased by one point, and there is no upper limit.

At this point, Li Xing has learned nine types of great divine magic, and has become a peerless figure among the gods and human beings. Knowing that ordinary gods cannot even practice great divine magic, let alone practice nine types.

With this achievement, once he releases the Yuanshen, there are nine radiances around him. Each radiance is a kind of divine art, which represents a terrible lethality.

After practicing nine great divine skills, Li Xing began to ponder that the self-made nine-nine-thousand-nine-killing vajra is not bad. This skill can be said to be an alchemy, and it can also be said to be a gongfa. In short, everything has a touch and is a freak.

Nowadays, although Li Xing is the third most important one of King Kong's indestructible powers, he has not yet developed a complete system of King Kong's indestructible powers. Every step he takes has to create a step.

He looked at it, and there were twelve heavenly sedans in his hand. As soon as he bit his teeth, he was thrown into the spirit array and screamed: "Just calculate, King Kong is not bad!"

Suddenly, Zhenwu Shen Zhen and Armillary Sphere were running at the same time, and deduced with all their strengths. It was mixed with Li Xing's ideas and ideas. Gradually, a new set of abnormal exercises appeared, and that was the nine lives and nine destroyers.

This exercise is officially released today. It includes Jiuzhong, and each experience is equivalent to Nirvana's rebirth, and its strength is qualitatively improved.

Although the magic has been deduced, there is no elixir to transform it into great magic, and it has to stop.

Until now, Li Xing had to go out and look for the god.

In this retreat, Li Xing learned a lot, got armillary spheres, practiced great magic skills, and his magic power increased dramatically. Now, when he meets the true-looking **** again, he can run around the other side of the street, beat them and urinate, crying and crying.

Of course, if he meets the most powerful figures in practice, Li Xing still has to converge. He is not sure that he will win. There are people outside, there is a sky outside, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no arrogant god-man in the world, even he can not fight.

After Li Xing was out of the gate, he asked about his affairs and flew to the Star Gate. It has been more than a year since I left the Star Gate as an envoy, and it is time to go back and look at the situation.

The strength was overwhelming, and Feiyu was fast. On the same day, he arrived at Tiancheng and reached the Star Gate.

As soon as people returned, Li Xing went back to the embassy and explained his official affairs before visiting Bei Chenji. When he saw Bei Chenji again, he was surprised to find that he was already practicing Yae!

One year, Xiu has been promoted again and again. What is going on?

At this moment, Bei Chenji burst into anger, and when he saw that Li Xing was back, he was smiling when he was in the office: "Li Xing, are you back? Yes, it is already the quadruple of God."

Li Xing said with a smile: "How can your subordinates be less than the masters? They are already Yae gods."

"Li Xing, you do n’t know. After you left, a big event happened in my Tianxingmen. The three ancestors finally went out and sat in the Tianxingmen! Today ’s ending, they have already figured out, there are long-term countermeasures. And, three My ancestors have forcibly promoted my cultivation. "

Li Xing listened secretly, OK! This Beichen family is really not simple! There are actually three old things, they should all be master-level existence!

After turning his mind, he laughed: "Congratulations to the young masters! The three ancestors must be powerful and step into Fatian. My Tianxingmen will be able to raise the sky and revive the glory!"

Beichenji smiled slightly and nodded: "You're right! The three ancestors of my Beichen family are all powerful men of Fatian. They have been in retreat for 30 years, and they have refined a powerful magic weapon. This magic weapon is the star school! "

"Fatian's triple mage suddenly turned Bei Chenji into an eight-man god-man, and it was amazing!" Li Xing secretly sighed.

Tianxingmen, originally rich in strength and huge in power, now has three mages sitting on the town, soaring in strength, although it is not as powerful as the super-sect, but also more powerful than the mad sword gate, has the potential to become a super-sect.

At this point, Li Xing suddenly realized that today's result, Beichen's family had long anticipated it, and it was the so-called break and stand, and it would be this truth.

The original kingdom of Tianchen was in chaos, and the vassals and big surnames were divided. Tianchen Kingdom is like a patient with a tumor full of tumors. If you want to survive, you must remove all the tumors and then slowly recover your strength.

Once the Beichen family grows, it will still be able to eat back the lost forces.

However, Li Xing also saw that the remaining nine surnames were behind. I am afraid that there are also mages sitting in the town. It is not easy to calm them down and it takes time to plan.

"Li Xing, you came back just right. The old thing in the Bei Shi family was capricious. He hesitated about joining the Star Gate. After a few days, Bei Chenhao agreed to marry the Bei Shi Bing Gate, and you accompanied him if they went there. If you do n’t know anything, give Bei teacher a lesson! "

As soon as Li Xing stayed, would Bei Chenhao still marry Bei Shibing?

Seeing Li Xing's expression was intentional, Beichen Jiqi said: "Why, you don't want to?"

Li Xing quickly said: "Of course my subordinates are willing, but I don't understand why they have to marry Bei Shibing?"

"Bei Shijia has always been a vassal of my Beichen family, but after the princes merged, their minds became active, and they seemed to want to stand on their own. Beichenhao's trip is to test the wishes of the Bei teacher. Willing to be completely attached will definitely allow Bei Shibing to marry. If he wants to be independent, he will also take the opportunity to clear the relationship with the Beichen family and refuse to marry. "

In this case, Li Xing could be embarrassed. That Bei Shibing is his friend. No matter what the outcome of this trip, Bei Shibing did not like it.

With some calculations in his mind, he secretly said, "Well, if you don't help her, Bei Shibing will die. If you have a friend, I will help her once!"

Thinking of this, Li Xing suddenly said: "Young master, there is something to ask for!"

Bei Chenji was surprised and nodded slightly, "You said."

"The Bei Shibing already has a relationship with his subordinates. If the young master sees it, can he replace Bei Chenhao with a villain and marry her?" Li Xing asked.

Bei Chenji was startled. He looked at Li Xing, and suddenly laughed, and said, "It turned out that you already knew Bei Shibing and had a close relationship with her, right?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly, which is the default.

Bei Chenji groaned: "Bei Chenhao is one of the six generals in Tianchen. He was in charge of the embargo, but now he has become a real figure among the elders on Tianxingmen. I will give him three points of face."

Li Xingdao: "Bei Chenhao is just an old man. If the red sun is about to fall, there will be no fighting heart, and he will sell a little face."

Beichen Jiji trusted Li Xing and didn't want to refute his face. He thought about it: "If you insist, I will take you to Beichenhao for a while. If he doesn't agree, I can't force him, do you understand?"

Li Xing nodded: "The young master is willing to speak, and his subordinates are grateful."

"You are my person, and I will naturally help you." Beichenji laughed. "Even if Beichenhao doesn't give up, then it doesn't matter. There are so many beauties in the world. Which one do you like? It's up to you."

Li Xing said without a smile, but said in his heart: "Bei Chenhao is old and cannot grow up. He is still practicing the Sixth God. I will kill him easily. If he doesn't know anything, I will quietly kill him."

Unconsciously ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has developed a decisive and resolute style.

Li Xing stayed for a day and went to visit Bei Chenhao with Bei Chenji the next day. The six generals of Beichen are the core of the Beichen family. They have military power and won the trust of the emperor. Among the six generals of Beichen, Beichenhao is the oldest and the oldest, but he is also the weakest. Beichen Six Generals, with the exception of him, are all practising gods.

The Star Gate is actually a remodeling of the original imperial palace. Bei Chenhao is the elder in power. He lives in the elders' upper house and has an independent courtyard.

When Beichenji arrived in the hospital, he heard a loud voice: "Xiaoji, why do you think of me as an immortal?"

Bei Chenji took two steps hurriedly and said with a smile: "The elders are highly respected, and of course I have to come and visit."

Talking, Li Xing and he entered the small hall in the courtyard. A spirited old man sat in the middle and was playing tea with another. The person who played against him was about fifty years old, with a magnificent momentum, like a mountain.

At the sight of this person, Li Xing was shocked. He was actually a great figure in God training, and he was very strong! Seeing this person, Bei Chenji was very surprised and said: "It turned out to be the old man!"

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