Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 418: Door tiger

Chapter 7: The Gatekeeper

The so-called Guo Lao is an official with the highest status and prestige in the past, similar to the prime minister, with a high status. In the Tianchen Kingdom, there are only two countrymen, each of whom has extraordinary abilities, and has the ability to turn the tide into a slump, and help the building to be a gentleman.

The two elders were all loyal to the Emperor Tianchen, one named Yuan Dinggong and the other named Sima Zhou. The person in front of him is Yuan Dinggong.

Yuan Dinggong stood up and yelled, "I've seen Shaomen."

Bei Chenji hurriedly reciprocated: "Why are you too kind, please sit down."

After the Beichen family gave up the title of emperor, the two elders became the elders of the Star Gate, and their status is still very important. Even the young master Bei Chenji met with him and treated him with courtesy.

Yuan Dinggong smiled and sat down. Bei Chenhao took a look at Li Xing and turned his head and asked, "What is the command of the young master?"

Bei Chenji smiled and pointed at Li Xing and said, "He is Zhen Wuhou Li Xing. I am here to ask for elders on his behalf."

Bei Chenhao smiled "Hehe": "Shaomen's main words are heavy, but if ordered, old age will definitely cooperate fully."

Bei Chenji's face was completely straight, and he said, "There is already a white-headed appointment between Li Xing and Bei Shibing, so, I hope he can go to marry Bei Shibing on your behalf, how?"

Bei Chenhao laughed: "The master of the door ordered that old age should be obeyed. However, if this matter spreads out, others must say that Bei Chenhao is old and useless. Even a little prince can't compete and is taken away by a woman. The host said, "Where is the old face?"

His tone was very light, but he had undoubtedly rejected Bei Chenji's request, only looking at Sen Leng's eyes to Li Xing.

When these words came out, Bei Chenji's expression was awkward, and I didn't know how to get better. He looked at Li Xing, which meant: I did my best, it depends on you.

Li Xing stepped forward, one step, and said lightly, "The elder seems to despise Ben Hou very much!"

Bei Chenhao stared at Lengmang and said lightly, "What are you, little prince, dare to talk to the elder like this and go out!"

As soon as he drank, two powerful divine thoughts swept across. If the ordinary quadruple gods are attacked by this attack, they will be ugly on the spot and even injured. Li Xing didn't change his face, but didn't move.

Behind the hall, two young men came out, staring at Li Xing coldly, seemingly to shoot at any time. These two men are both strong and powerful gods, who condensed the existence of true form.

They were surprised that Li Xing could be unscathed under the attack of their minds.

Bei Chenji's face was slightly angry, and Bei Chenhao did not sell his face. You know, Li Xing is his man. His men are bullied, and his face is dull.

"Beichen Yide, Beichen Yiren, what are you going to do?" Beichenji asked.

Beichen Yide and Beichen Yiren are both the sons of Beichen Hao. Although Beichen Hao is a six-strength practitioner of Shenshen, he has two sons.

Beichen Yide said lightly: "Long master door, I don't know what the true martial arts are, and offend my father Huwei, of course, I must teach him."

Beichenji's face was cold: "Beichen Yide, don't you know that he is my person? Give me face, today's business is all right, just as if I had never been here."

"That's not possible!" Beichen Yiren said, with a proud look, and he didn't seem to put Beichenji in his eyes at all. "This man is so arrogant, I must teach him. Young master, sorry!"

He strode out and approached Li Xing.

Bei Chenji was finally angry, but he heard Li Xing said: "Young master, these two **** things lack discipline, so let their subordinates discipline them for their parents."

All this heard everyone was in a daze, Bei Chenji was stiff, and he said to him, isn't that you looking for death?

Beichen Yide and Beichen Yiren are even more murderous. Beichen Yiren said angrily: "I wanted to teach you a little, but you dare not speak badly, then die!"

Bei Chenhao was so angry that Li Xing said that his son was "not disciplined" and that he would discipline him, which was an insult. He stared and said, "Get this thing!"

Bei Chenhao's family, arrogant and arrogant, completely disregarding Bei Chenji's feelings, they will kill.

Li Xing suddenly said, "Slow!"

"What? You want to beg for mercy? It's too late!" Beichen Yide said in a deep, dark voice.

"You can let me ask for forgiveness, but if you want to fight, then you have to be a famous person." He yelled to Yuan Dinggong, "please the elder as a notary."

Yuan Dinggong always looked calm, and asked gently: "Oh, what notarization do you want my husband to do?"

Li Xing looked at Bei Chenhao obliquely: "Bei Chenhao, I must marry Bei Shibing. Today, I will fight with your two sons and lose. It is up to you to deal with life and death. If you win, I will marry Bei in your place. Shi Bing, what? Do you dare? "

"Oh! You're a hair!" Beichen Yide scolded, "Dare to talk to my father about the conditions and die!"

"Xian nephew distressed." As soon as Yuan Dinggong waved his hand, there was a soft and incomparable divine power in the middle of the two, making Beichen Yide unable to take a step forward.

"This old Yuan Guo, his strength is unfathomable! There is already a bit of Master's breath." Li Xing secretly thought, and then coldly to Beichen Yide, "You want to kill me, it is easy to defeat me."

The anger on Bei Chenhao's face faded, Yuan Dinggong's face, he still wanted to give, and said: "Okay, my two sons, you can beat any one, you will win, Bei Shibing also belongs to you. , If you lose, then leave your life! "

Li Xing once again gave a courtesy to Yuan Dinggong: "Thank you for your notarization." Then she flashed out of the living room and went over to the viewing platform.

The observatory is large in area. It is the place where the emperor Tianchen admires the generals, which is just right for battle. Flying into the air, Li Xing released the surging warfare all over his body. This momentum shocked the entire Star Gate, and numerous disciples gathered to wonder what happened.

Beichen Yide and Beichen Yenren rushed out of the living room and flew over the viewing platform with cruel smiles on their faces. They decided to make this bold person not able to survive or die!

Bei Chenji, Bei Chenhao, and Yuan Dinggong also all stepped out to observe the battle. As soon as this scene came out, many people gathered quickly.

"Today I watched a show. Someone challenged the Beichen Yide brothers. Alas, they are really bold. They don't know that the Beichen Yide brothers are cruel and killing, and they are powerful?"

"That person seems to be Zhen Wuhou. I have seen him. This person is also very famous. He once carried a mountain peak and killed 200,000 troops. It is amazing."

"The realm is too far apart. Zhenwu Hou has no chance. It is good that he can survive. Strangely, how can he challenge the brothers Beichen Yide?"

Among the crowd, Beichen Lanhuang was also there. She frowned, and said, "What does Li Xing want to do?" Compared with other people, she knew Li Xing better and knew what she was doing. It was often unexpected and she would succeed in the end.

Li Xing chanted: "You, the elders of Beichen Hao, Beichen Yide, Beichen Yiren, and my true martial arts Li Xing, duel here. If I win this battle, Bei Chenhao will give up Bei Shibing. If I lose, I stay Fate here, please testify! Elder Elder, testify! "

Yuan Dinggong said lightly: "Bei Chenhao will not regret it, you can fight it yourself."

Li Xing nodded, turned and looked at Beichen Yide Brothers, and said lightly, "Are you going up together or one by one?"

Beichen said angrily: "I'm enough to deal with your reptile!" He suddenly moved, turned into a purple light, and slammed into Li Xing.

Practicing God's Nine Gods and Humans, uniting the form and the god, turning them into true form. To this step, the god-man can release all the divine skills in one thought. The performance of the divine skills is hidden in one move and one style.

Beichen hit each other with at least six types of divine magic, including two great divine magics, which are extremely lethal. They are masters of infantile babies and they must be smashed by being hit at once.

A purple light, fast and unstoppable, came to the scene in an instant.

In the face of these nine gods and real masters, Li Xing didn't have any fear. Instead, he shouted, "Give me back!" A fancy force was generated when the big sleeves were flung.

Invisibly, he casts the great divine magic "Wanliuguizong". Once this divine magic comes out, he can change his strength and use his strength to fight.

The purple Guanghua hit by Beichen Yiren suddenly rushed uncontrollably.

The true form was beheaded and killed, and he returned without power. Beichen had no faith in evil, and his chest was full of anger, and he rushed towards Li Xing twice. The purple brilliance, carrying unmatched power, seems to destroy everything.

This time, Li Xing, who has already tested the strength of the other party, is no longer polite, stretches his finger forward, and yells: "Great shapeless, give me back!"


Nine days exploded the thunder, all directions were blasted, and the violent air rushed out. A peerless force that would kill everything came head-on. This strength, overwhelming, slammed hard.

Beichen Yiren turned into a light, like a ball, and was shot out fiercely. Mid-air didn't forget to scream.

At that time, when Li Xing practiced the triple of the gods ~ www.readwn.com ~, he could pull up the mountain peaks. Today, he practiced the quadruple of the gods and practiced nine kinds of great magic skills. His divine power has even doubled. How can Beichen Yiren fight?

Both attacks were extremely fast. At this moment, the talents on the stage had no time to exclaim.

"I'm not dazzled, right?" Someone rubbed his eyes hard. "Beichen Yiren was actually beaten back, my God! What kind of freak is this Zhenwuhou?"

"It ’s only four times to practice God, and obviously it hasn't achieved perfection. It actually has this strength. Talents are really talents! The martial arts will be condensed, and it really is not a trivial matter. Zhen Wuhou's future achievements are limitless!"

"You see, Beichen Yiren has become embarrassed and angry. He was repelled by a quadruple god-man, and his face couldn't hold up, and he was desperate." Someone cried.

Sure enough, Beichen Yiren returned after being repelled by Li Xing. At this moment he was panting, his expression was a little embarrassed, and his shirt was broken. The Tianchen Wizard, staring at Li Xing, was shocked inside.

"It's so powerful now, will you be fine in the future? You must get rid of this person today!" In flashes, a golden square brick suddenly appeared in his right hand, and the heavy golden purple awns flowed on it. Severely shot at Li Xing.

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