Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 419: Heavy bric

Chapter 8: Heavy BRICS

The BRICS slammed in a sudden, heavy breath and oppressed. Li Xing's look changed, he looked at the light, stepped out, performed the chaos and punched.

The fist wind was violent, the fist and the BRICS hit each other fiercely, a "ding" sounded, and the fire was splashing. With this brick, Li Xing was shaken back and forth, and half of his body was numb.

Beichen Yiren held the gold brick and was shaken, but his eyes lit up, and he shouted, "Eat one more brick!" He waved the brick and hit it twice.

Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared. He performed invisible killing and lurked. This lurking, silent, no one knows where he is.

The BRICS lost their goal and could only hit the air. That heavy force dragged Beichen Yiren forward. At this moment, Li Xing suddenly appeared behind him, pressing his palm against his back.


The force of terror came in, and Beichen opened his mouth to vomit blood, and the real body actually showed signs of collapse, and his face couldn't help showing a terrifying color.


Beichen Yide made a punch from the back, Li Xing did not fight with him, and when he flashed, he went to the stage and said lightly, "He lost."

Beichen Yiren, who was seriously injured and unable to fight again, Li Xing won.

Yuan Dinggong's eyes flashed a fascination, saying: "Zhenwu Hou won, and my husband testified."

Bei Chenhao couldn't believe it. He flew forward to observe his son's injury, and then stared at Li Xing with cold eyes. Undoubtedly, after today, the two sides have formed a grudge.

Li Xing didn't care, and said coldly, "If it wasn't for my mercy, he would be dead!"

Bei Chen snorted heavily, saying to Bei Chen: "Master of Shaomen, the master's affairs, arrange it with you!" In any case, he still conceded and no longer determined to marry Bei Shibing.

Bei Chenji's face was full of joy, he could not imagine that Li Xing was so strong that it was completely beyond imagination. When Bei Chenhao left, he stepped forward to hold Li Xing and took him away.

On the way, Beichen said: "Li Xing, do you know the origin of the gold brick in Beichen Yiren?"

"I don't know," Li Xing said.

"When Beichenhao was young, he had an adventure, entered a treasure house, and obtained a large number of treasures, one of which is the BRIC. The BRIC, a heavy brick, is a sacred object, carrying heavy power, very It's tyrannical. I didn't expect that you could take it and eventually defeated Beichen Yiren. Good! "

Bei Chenji was very happy for Li Xing's victory, saying: "The old thing Bei Chenhao has always been very proud, and today he was finally crushed, hum!"

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he knew that the Beichen family was not a monolith, and there was an open fight. Between Bei Chenji and Bei Chenhao, I'm afraid there is a gap. If not, Bei Chenhao will not lose the face of Bei Chenji today.

"Thank you very much for your help," said Li Xing. "Before, Bei Chenhao didn't agree with him, but he shouldn't insult his subordinates and his young master."

Bei Chenji sneered, and said, "This old thing represents a force in Bei Chen's family. You think you are right. You must be careful about this old thief in the future."

"Young masters rest assured, their subordinates will pay attention."

Beichen Hao Residence, Beichen Yiren's face was a little pale, sitting angrily in the room. Beside him, Beichen Yide couldn't help but said, "Second brother, how could that man be so powerful, you can't beat him with heavy bricks."

Beichen said with a grudge, "Look at him alive! His divine power is amazing, and in every move, he contains the highest martial arts and is impeccable."

Beichen Yide's face changed: "This person obviously took refuge in Beichenji. If he continues to develop, he will be a generation of masters in the future, which is not good for us." He looked at Beichenhao, "Father, how can you deal with this person? "

Bei Chenhao's expression was very calm and calmly said, "This man has become a climate. Even if we find someone to assassinate, we can't kill him. Right now, we can only kill people with a knife. After a while, it is the time for the alliance of princes. Although the dynasty is gone, the princes still have the heart of comparison. Then Li Xing, as a fang, will also be there. Think of a way to let him fight with the proud sword. "

Beichen Yiren's eyes brightened: "This man of Ao Jian also united the will of martial arts. It is said that within three years, it is possible to break through and become a mage!"

"Ao Jian shot, this man will die." Beichen Hao said, "and let him arrogant for a while."

Back in the East Palace, Bei Chenji prepared Li Xing to marry Bei Shibing Bing. Originally, Li Xing came to Tiancheng City and did not want to stay long. But now when he encounters this, he has to stay.

Of course, the so-called marriage is not really about marrying Bei Shibing, he just wants to help him. After all, the girl in the flower season marries an old man, which makes people regret it.

When Li Xing was busy, Qi Yun sent a guest. This person is Zhuo Xiaowan. Six months ago, Zhuo Xiaowan came to Tianchen Kingdom. It's just that the journey was not smooth.

She once encountered a group of pirates and killed several others, resulting in a mad hunt. The woman died in the South China Sea and hid in Tibet in the east. It took half a year before she avoided the pursuit. Therefore, she came later than Li Xing.

Zhuo Xiaowan possessed the token given by Li Xing, and once she was identified, You Yuxu immediately accepted it as a core disciple, which made Qi Yunpai add another god.

Just as Zhuo Xiaowan came, Li Xing's East, one of the three princes of Tianchen, Jingdong Hou Zuozun, was in Hou's house and met several important figures.

Hou Zuozu of Jingdong was sitting on the side seat, while sitting on the main seat, he actually sat a mage, beside him, there were dozens of gods.

Master Shen said: "Master Morzun has been reborn and reborn. Zuo Zun, after the birth of Lord Mozun, will appear as your righteous son. If today ’s confusion is the time for me to teach a master plan, you can help Lord Mozun has achieved domination! In the meantime, if there is any need, I will fully support the magic gate. "

Zuo Zun respectfully said: "Disciple obey!"

The mage nodded: "Zuo Zun, you have been lurking for decades, you have worked hard, and Lord Mozun will not treat you badly." He paused, "The land of the West is the first place to be seized. Because in the thunder mountain, There are important secrets of my magic gate that need to be brought into your jurisdiction. "

Jingdong Hou said: "To the east is Zhenwuhou's territory. Some time ago, Pingjianghou was invaded by the mad sword gate, and the whole army was overwhelmed. Then Zhenwuhou, embodying the will of martial arts, holding more than 200,000 troops, is difficult to deal with.

"Hum! Little man, kill it." Master said, "Hanquan!"

A young man, dressed in white, came out. This person is smiling, it seems that humans and animals are harmless. However, he is a master of the nine-strength, true series.

"The elders ordered." Han Quan lowered his head and ordered.

"Go and kill Zhenwu Hou. By the way, go to Tianxingmen to explore the wind. The three immortals should be out of the customs." The mage ordered.

"Hanquan must not let the elders down." He said lightly.

However, he said that Li Xing was planning to marry Bei Shibing. However, the Beijing teacher's family didn't say anything, so he had to wait. After a few days, he couldn't sit still, and was about to go for a walk.

Just after this idea, Bei Chenji called him into the back room, his expression was very serious: "Li Xing, you are quite loyal to the young master, so I am going to give you one thing to do."

Li Xing immediately said: "The young master can only order, and his subordinates must do their best."

Bei Chenji nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You know, I have a blood cloak. The main task of the blood cloak is to assassinate assassinations and do many things for me. However, now that the blood cloak has reached the sun, it can no longer be done. Engaged in such things. "

He looked at Li Xing: "So, I hope you can set up another killer organization for me."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "You need a lot of killer talents to establish a killer organization. You don't have this condition ..."

Bei Chenji laughed: "Since I have spoken, I have already figured out a way. In the very east of my Tianchen Kingdom and in the Eternal Mountains, there is a killer clan that has been passed down through the generations, called the ancient Ninja. The ancient Ninja The ancestor was a powerful man who created too martial arts. People in this family know all kinds of assassination methods. If they can be conquered and used by me, it will be a magic weapon! "

Li Xing: "The young master wants his subordinates to come forward to do this?"

Bei Chenji nodded: "Yes, you are strong enough and people are smart enough. If you go, you have a great chance of success."

Li Xing sneered secretly. Bacheng was testing him. Since the Gu Ren family is a family of killers, there are naturally no shortage of masters. Let him go to Zhao'an, which will inevitably result in a life of nine deaths, which is very dangerous.

If Li Xing was afraid to go, Bei Chenji would not reuse him. If you go, you will be in danger again.

However, just flashing his mind, Li Xing said: "The young masters have a life, and their subordinates go all out!"

Bei Chenji laughed: "Okay, Li Xing, if you succeed, the ancient Ninja clan will be led by you!"

"Why when is the host ready to let his subordinates depart?" Li Xing asked. He actually wanted to go out long ago, and stayed there without gaining anything. However, he lacked a large amount of heavenly elixir, and if he did not find it, he would not be able to continue to practice great divine magic quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~ cannot meet the requirements of heavenly evil.

"After three days, you set off. As for Bei Shibing, don't worry, if you don't come back in time, I will pick her up for you and settle down." Beichen Jidao.

In this way, Li Xing set off three days later and headed for the Eternal Mountain to the east of Tianchen. Just after his forefoot left, his hind foot was followed

There was only one person in Li Xing's trip, and he did not bring his followers, so he flew very fast. At the time of flying, Li Xing secretly sneered, he already felt someone was following him. He thought that the coming person might be Beichenhao.

A moment's flight, there was a barren mountain ahead, no one was there. He stopped flying, turned around, and quietly waited for the other party.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a ray of light to come and stop at a distance of 100 meters in front of Li Xing. In the light of God, a man in white appeared. He smiled at Li Xing and asked, "Are you Li Xing?"

"Yes, it's me." Li Xing stared at each other. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hanquan, come here to kill you." Hanquan said, his tone was almost like greeting a good friend, his affection was extremely intimate.

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